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@@HackTune@@Terra woodsland@@@Stardust*@@Summer Breeze@@reader8363@@SugarfootWillie




"Well, I've read about dragons before, the book said that dragons are about as big as a house, they breathe fire, and they hoard dimes, gems, and other stuff to their home, or cave. But I've never seen one before"



"About tree years ago where the Great Dragon migration, there where thousands of dragons flying in the sky heading east. It could be seen from Canterlot, just barly as they flew really far away. Still it was visible!"




'i don't think i'll ever look into her eyes again' whispered summer to flearia. it was ment as a joke but she was also quiet serious about it.


She nodded quietly to Summers comment, "I know what you meen Summer, But I doubt that Emerald Bolt will do us any harm, altough there is a few ways to avoid it, and non magic as magic don't work on that tecnike." She whispered while noting some of them down on a paper she held in her magic.

Edited by Flearia


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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 @HackTune@Summer Breeze,@Stardust*@SugarfootWillie@Flearia@Terra woodsland,


"I can see I have frightened some of you, I can tell." Emerald smiled nervously to the class then turned to Terra "thanks for volunteering you can sit down now." She looked back at the class "now know that I would never do this to anyone here, but others of my kind may that is why I will teach you in defence class. Now I'm a fly again." Emerald flew back to the of the classroom and sat and watched the others.

  • Brohoof 2

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Know ye now Emerald

our fright is merely ostensible.

Oft the unknown power

Is received as dour


Pride in yourself,

else who will?

Royalty commands respect,

Hesitation dejects.




Of one we wish to know,

Yet fearful to say so:

Her Serenity, Lady of Pain,

Know ye of her mien?

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Autumn was still amazed at what Emerald had done with her magic. She noticed that some of the students were just as shocked as she was. As Emerald flew off Autumn shook her head to come back to reality. 


"These are all wondrous and amazing creatures and we witnessed some of the magic that Emerald, a Vampire pony, could do just with a glimpse of her eyes. 


Now, out time is nearly done, but I do have some homework for you all. Please research dragons, any type, there are many different species of dragons just as there are many different types of ponies. You can find quite a lot of information in your books from chapter 5-9. It covers a wide variety of the dragons. 


I will see you all, not tomorrow, but the day after. Enjoy your day class!"


Autumn played with her scarf as the students gathered their books and scrolls. She waved goodbye as they started to head back to the castle. She turned to head back into her cottage, but she heard something quite odd coming from the woods. She turned, trying to look as deep as she could. Then like a flash something flew from one side of the forest to another part. She would have missed it if she had blinked. She looked towards her students, making sure that none of them were still waiting for her or trying to play a trick. But she counted them all and they were all on their way to the castle. 


She quickly and quietly made her way into the woods. She was too curious not to check it out. 



The bell rang and the halls were quickly filled with students rushing to their next classes. 

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Shadow noticed the professor heading into the woods and decided to follow and ask what the professor know. The scorpion on his back started moving nervously. he calmed it down and said as he followed the professor, 
"Hey, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

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Autumn jumped a bit when she heard the deep voice of the grounds keeper. She turned just before she entered the wood and started to walk towards Shadow. 


"Sure, uhm, yeah, I can try and answer any of your questions."


She was a bit disappointed that she couldn't see what might have been hiding in the woods, but maybe that was meant for another day.

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Shadow said, as he walked closer, 

 Sorry to scare ya. It's fine if we walk into the woods, it's up to ya. there are just some questions about what ya know of mythical creature."

The scorpion climbed off and hid behind Shadow's leg. Shadow said, as he opened a portal under the scorpion,

"Fine, you can go back"

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"No need, we can discuss everything out here without any distraction." She noticed the metal scorpion crawling around on him. She recalled the other day when she saw the creature in a cage outside in the corridor. 


She walked back to where she holds her class. She takes a seat and waits for Shadow to ask his questions. 

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Shadow sits down and said, 

"Well, how much do ya know about dragons, and/or hybrids?"



Madness entered Feeder's room and headed to the back room, he summoned a mirror and started testing out the skins he collected/viewed, but in the end, he preferred the draconequus of himself

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Emerald walked out the classroom slowly, she little to do in ways of prep for her own class, so was going to explore the school until it was time for that. Gonna see how good those seniors were with their directions. It was a beautiful day outside and through the windows the sun was lovely today. Celestia has made more effort than usual today.

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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@, @@HackTune,

'well, this was quiet a scary class, wasn't it' summer said to flearia and hack tune. she still felt a bit shakey from what happened, but she was happy it was miss emerald and not professor mirror. miss emerald was a nice pony and summer trusted her, but she couldn't say the same for professor mirror.

'now english/literature, right?' summer said, she liked english, at least that was something without magic. but summer wasn't as scared for it as she was yesterday. maybe one day i'll learn it she though. then she looked up to the sky, it was a beautifull day today. the sun was shining bright and it made her want to go outside. maybe they could have lunch outside today?

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@Flearia@Summer Breeze,

'well, this was quiet a scary class, wasn't it'


Hacktune replied "It's actually quiet interesting and awesome" He said with a smirk. "Anything new for me always drives my curiosity to learn it".

'now english/literature, right?'

Hacktune nodded "We should hurry up".

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@@Summer Breeze,@@HackTune,  @@SugarfootWillie@@Script Dangles




The bell rang and the halls were quickly filled with students rushing to their next classes. 


Hearing the bell ring that signaled the next class made Flearia want to stick around to get to know what Professor Autumn had reserched about her own companion and the words Autumn had said before made her both worried and confused... looking to Irra who still where sleeping on her head behind her horn.


Almost on automatic she followed Summer and Hacktune towards the next class, still with her head full.



They need to be given the room to grow and the structure to listen to the ponies that they bond with. They cannot be allowed to run free or without direction.


'well, this was quiet a scary class, wasn't it'


Summers words broke Flearia out of her own toughts, "A-ay. Scary class." she uttered while Summer and HackTune talked about what next class would be. "I think we will have english, it's not far from here." 

Soon the tree of them where in the classroom tough Flearia was once again lost in her toughts while placing herself down on the seats and levitated out some papers and fevirishly wrote down a mindstorm session about her toughts, quickly filling up two papers.

Edited by Flearia


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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@, @@HackTune,

summer sat down next to flearia, when she had answered her she didn't look like she was paying much attention. and now they sat down flearia started writing things down, summer had no idea what it was about. when flearia had written two papers full summer dared to distract her strain of thought by asking her: 'hey, fle. what are you thinking about? worried about something?' and summer smiled to her friend. then summer remembered what hacktune said after the last class. summer turned her face to him 'you said you find that hypnosis is interesting and awesome, but what's so awesome about losing controle of yourself?' she said and she shivered by the thought of it.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@Summer Breeze,@Flearia,


Hacktune walked to the class and sat down beside Summer, He looked at Flearia writing down something "Preparing for the English Class?"


 'you said you find that hypnosis is interesting and awesome, but what's so awesome about losing control of yourself?' she said and she shivered by the thought of it.


"Well, It's just made me curious, what's happening inside the pony brain who's being controlled or hypnotized. It's just  Awesome that somepony could manipulate other pony mind to do what they want. So Yeah.." He gave a smile to Summer.

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@@Summer Breeze,@@HackTune,  

After finishing a second paper and stil not getting any closer to what Professor Autumn had said, she let out a sigh. "I'll just have to ask her later" Flearia mumbled to herself before Summer stole her toughts again. 
 'hey, fle. what are you thinking about? worried about something?'  summer smiled 
"Preparing for the English Class?" HackTune commented
"I'm thinking about what Professor Autumn said in class about Irra, and i'v figured I don't get what she meen by it." Flearia said as she sunk down on the bench while listening to Summer talk to Hacktune about hypnosis not being awsome, What's asome about being unable to controll yourself... 
"What happens if you get a mindcontroll spell on you? your mind is activ and you are councious about everything you do. unable to do anything about it. It isn't a plesant experience, Hypnosis is a form of sleep walking where you are blissfully unaware of what you do or what happens." Flearia commented to HackTune's toughts, She also decided to continue her cleaning of her bag from this morning while waiting for Professor Dangles to arive
Edited by Flearia


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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"I do know quite a bit about dragons, I have come across a few studies on the hybrid, but not a whole lot. Do you not know a lot about your kind?" Autumn grabbed a book from her saddle bag and started to flip through some of the pages. 


"Do  you have any specific questions?"


There was an announcement that came across the campus. "Students, please if you could make your way to the dining hall. We have some important announcements that need to be made. We do apologize for the inconvenience but you will be able to attend your next class as soon as this is over. Thank you, that is all."

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Shadow slightly lowered his and said,

"No, to both of your question. I never took the time to check about my past or abilities. I've been busy with my life to ever consider looking at it. I just remembered one question in the back of my mind. Is it possible to transfer abilities through genes, and does it matter what type of dragon the mother or father is"

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@@HackTune, @,


"Students, please if you could make your way to the dining hall. We have some important announcements that need to be made. We do apologize for the inconvenience but you will be able to attend your next class as soon as this is over. Thank you, that is all."
' importand anouncements? what could that be about?' summer said when she stood up 'do we take our bags with us or leave them here?' summer asked her friends, but assuming they would come back after the announcements she left her bag in the classroom. she walked into the hallway, wondering what was so importand that they could be called out of the class?


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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The professor stopped halfway in through the doorway.  He'd been furious with himself for being late.  All he'd wanted was a quick drink of water...and being so new to the University, he'd managed to get himself lost along the way.  Now, everything was a mess.  Class was starting, the Headmaster was talking over the intercom....


He hated being late.  It wasn't like him at all.  He expected his students to be on time; it was a terrible example to set for them.  If he was only better with magic, he could have just whisked himself away, popped in right next to his desk with a sly smile.


But no.  He was going to be late.


All the students were standing up from their chairs, getting ready to go down to the dining hall.  Script just sighed.


He followed them on their way.

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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After the students took their seats Headmaster Greyhoof stood and walked to the podium. 


"I thank you all for making your way here in a rather quick manner. There is a rather urgent matter at hand that we must discuss. I am hoping that you all will be able to help or at least have some type of information." Greyhoof took a deep breath, to calm his nerves. 


"It has come to my attention that a student has gone missing, a third year mare, an earth pony. She never made it to her house last night and she did not attend her first class of the day. I am bringing this to everyponies attention simply because I hope that this is just a misunderstanding and maybe she got lost and didn't manage to get to her own house on time and therefore stayed with another house. I am also hoping that her absence is due to oversleeping, or the case of the horse flu." He waited just a moment for that to sink in. He heard the flutter of hushed whispers among the students. This was a good thing, they were talking, this could lead to her whereabouts. 


"Please, if you have any information contact myself or any of the staff immediately so we can put this matter to bed. It is my job to make sure that every student is accounted for and taken care of. Now, with that being said, please to be aware of the sign ups for the Horse Hockey Team tryouts, they will be held soon." He looked around the dining hall half hoping that the young mare would be within the ranks of the students. 


"You may all go back to your classes, and please, any information, anything at all, let a teacher, staff, or myself know immediately. That is all." Greyhoof turned and started down the platform and through a side door. 


Students were chattering as they started to leave the dining hall heading back to their classes. 





"Just like every species traits are passed down from their parents. However there are recessive genes, these are such things as if a mother and father both have brown eyes and dark hair, but there was a distant relative that had blue eyes and light hair then it is entirely possible that the child could have blue eyes and light hair even though her parents did not. So, it is entirely possible that some of these abilities that you are experiencing could be a recessive gene that some of your ancestors had and it just wasn't present until you were born." Autumn always loved helping others learn about the things that she was so passionate about. 


"Do you have any other questions?" She asked. 

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Shadow nodded and said,

"What are some abilities of dragons, all together, like what abilities do they all have in common, I know that flight is one, and any other information that might be useful."


Madness walked out of the classroom and thought about what to do now.

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@Summer Breeze,@Flearia,

"We should bring our bags, I always bring them everywhere, got everything for emergencies hehe..."



@@HackTune, @,


' importand anouncements? what could that be about?' summer said when she stood up 'do we take our bags with us or leave them here?' summer asked her friends, but assuming they would come back after the announcements she left her bag in the classroom. she walked into the hallway, wondering what was so importand that they could be called out of the class?


"Welp, I'll bring my bag in case something happened" He gave a confident smile and trotted to the dining hall with Summer and Flearia. 

After hearing the announcement he said to Flearia and Summer while walking back to the class, "Ah'm sure she'll be fine, I guess... Anyway any of you joining the hockey team?"

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@@HackTune, @,@@Script Dangles,



"Ah'm sure she'll be fine, I guess... Anyway any of you joining the hockey team?"

'maybe, I'm not sure yet. since we have most afternoons off, we have a lot of spare time. but I'm not a real athlete' summer said to hacktune, then she turned her face to flearia 'how about you, shall we all join the hockey team together?'


then summer saw professor dangles in the hallway 'hello mister dangles, is the class going to start? what are we going to talk about today?' summer said to him. she was happy to have english now, it was her favorite subject and proffessor dangle was her favorite teacher to is that because he gives my favoirte subject or because of an other reason? summer thought by herself.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"Please, if you have any information contact myself or any of the staff immediately so we can put this matter to bed. It is my job to make sure that every student is accounted for and taken care of. Now, with that being said, please to be aware of the sign ups for the Horse Hockey Team tryouts, they will be held soon." He looked around the dining hall half hoping that the young mare would be within the ranks of the students. 


"You may all go back to your classes, and please, any information, anything at all, let a teacher, staff, or myself know immediately. That is all." Greyhoof turned and started down the platform and through a side door. 


Students were chattering as they started to leave the dining hall heading back to their classes.


Professor Mirror stood behind and to the left of the Headmaster.  Cloaked in his shadows, it was difficult to say he was even there at all.  Carefully, he listened to what he had to say.


If you have any information....


He imagined the young mare that had vanished.  In his mind's eye, she swam in the soothing blue and green ocean within the sphere in his desk.  Then he imagined his Queen.  He could almost hear her laughter echoing in his ears.  The sound of it sent a shudder up his spine, like the legs of spiders, crawling up the center of his back.


The Headmaster's words died from the air in the dining hall.  The Professor's horn shimmered gently and he ceased to exist.


...when he stepped from the shadows once more, he was in his room again.  The mirror in the corner was covered with its dust cloth.  The artifact was hidden away in his desk.  Neither was nearly as harmless as they seemed to be.  He needed to speak to his fellow Professor again, Turner.  He needed to know how much he truly understood about the danger at hand.


And for his part, Smoking Mirror needed to decide if he actually intended on stopping it.




@@HackTune, @,@@Summer Breeze,


'maybe, I'm not sure yet. since we have most afternoons off, we have a lot of spare time. but I'm not a real athlete' summer said to hacktune, then she turned her face to flearia 'how about you, shall we all join the hockey team together?'


then summer saw professor dangles in the hallway 'hello mister dangles, is the class going to start? what are we going to talk about today?' summer said to him. she was happy to have english now, it was her favorite subject and proffessor dangle was her favorite teacher to is that because he gives my favoirte subject or because of an other reason? summer thought by herself.


The Professor entered the classroom behind all of the students, closing the door behind him as he did.  He wasn't far enough behind them that he couldn't hear their conversation, though.  And what he heard from the young, pretty pegasus at the front of his class made his smile.  He didn't bother to hide it a bit.  "A real athlete, hm?" he asked her.  "I'm not so sure I've ever met one of those before.  I've just met ponies who like to have fun playing sports."  He gave her a little wink.  "Please...don't let your inexperience or what you think might be a lack of ability hold you back from joining the team.  This will be the first year the University's had a horse hockey team -- and it's much more important that we build a tradition of having fun before we worry about winning.  And as for the experience and ability part...just let your coach handle that," he chuckled.


He took up a position in front of the class, his eyes sweeping across all of them.  "Now, before we get started today, I want to talk a little bit about Headmaster Greyhoof's message," he said, his tone growing serious.  "I want each and every one of you to know that -- even above the classes I teach here at the school -- it's absolutely vital to me that every student in attendance at the University can feel secure in their safety.  I realize that many of you are magically inclined," he looked briefly upon Flearia next to Summer Breeze.  "Many of you are quite powerful and capable.  But I also want you to know that you have my solemn promise that I will protect every single one of you, no matter what it takes.  So if any of you are frightened or worried that something might happen to you...please.  You can come to me at any time and I'll do what's necessary to make sure you're safe."

He sighed slightly.  "Okay," his smile returned.  "Now that that's out of the way, let's begin our lesson..."

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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