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private University of Canterlot


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Jazz watched, completely unamused, as he made a dramatic act of turning around.


"Eugh, what? It speaks?"


She felt literal steam rise out of her ears, fuming silently as her face turned red from sheer anger. Oh my god I’ve never met anypony with more of a disregard for others. She opened her mouth to retort before he spoke up again, cutting her off.


“What even are you? Some kind of unfortunate disaster..."


Jazz’s eyes narrowed, lifting her head so her gaze was boring straight into his. Oh, he went there. “Well, if I’m a disaster, then you have to be a walking catastrophe, trotting around like you own this place.” She muttered. Remix oooh-ed a bit in the background, before the gray Pegasus turned on her heel. “Come on Remix. Someone this wrapped up in themselves,” she paused, glancing at him over her shoulder , “Isn’t worth our time.” 

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he would raise a brow at the others words as if he was thoroughly confused. Where they blind, he was clearly the most superior creature to ever set foot in such a building. Him with his inferno glazed eyes and pigmentless fur. He was a rarity in his own views, if only he could impose such an opinion on others. Upon her retort he kept a fairly emotionless expression, looking upon the other as if his offender was merely just another peasant. "Takes one to know one" He would hiss, his vocals unusually harsh for one who prided himself on such a youthful tone. Upon the leaving of the two femme he seemed to look almost worried. "y-you cant just leave!" He would draw his wings close to him in a blatant display of his discomfort. Nobody had ever just 'left' him before, he was simply too 'important' to ignore. "I don't know what im doing. I lost three sequins from my silks, my shoes are beginning to scuff, I think my tail is getting dusty and my feathers are starting to split." He would whine in absolute panic, it was almost as if he didn't understand something as simple as an everyday environment. 'who would not take mercy upon such a delicate flower thrown into such a destructive place...I shall be ruined by the end of the day if I am not careful.' His thoughts would utter. He would pause for a moment before furrowing his brow, looking at his hooves in distaste "this environment is out to kill me. Surely you, as a 'native' must understand." He would add.  

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Why Yes! Many a moon t'was

When on graduation march I sought

At the Music Academy of Canterlot

The fair Empress of Stone.


Favor we asked

And favour did grant

To fill her halls

With sound for all


Now at dinner we play

And at dance we sway

the souls of all who

have ear that might hear.


On leave are we,

For new sound you see.

To turn new the leaf of love

from dead, to red, and gree-n.

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Jazz made a point of ignoring his comment, not even throwing him another glance as she began to trot off. Remix cast him a somewhat regretfully forlorn look – he seemed interesting, and she would’ve liked to be friends, but he crossed her best friend in about 2 minutes. With a sigh, she turned to follow Jazz when he began to desperately plead with them. It seemed Jazz heard him too, pausing and turning dramatically as he feathers fluffed a little.
“Oh~, what’s that I hear? A lost little pony crying for help?” she sang, smirking before she faced him properly. However, as soon as she saw his discomfort and panic, she began to feel a little guilty. Just a little. Watching him flounder in the social backdrop reminded her a little bit of herself. More dramatic and whiney and annoying of course, but… To a certain degree.
With a sigh, she walked over and stood in front of him again. “Since you seem truly lost, and because I am a kind soul, then I’ll help you. Let’s start a fresh slate, shall we? Jazz Sonata.” She said, sticking out a hoof for him to shake. “Trust me, this environment might seem like it’ll bite, but normally it just nibbles.” 
Remix bounded up also, done with watching from afar now that actual social interaction was happening. “And I’m Remix Blitz! Nice to meetcha!”
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Professor Mirror eyed him warilyly.  "Headmaster," he greeted him with a cordial nod.  "How may I help you?"


Greyhoof sidestepped inside the professors quarters, and quietly shutting the door behind him. "I come to you because, there is something wrong. Something that is going to happen, but I do not know what it will be or when. I just know that something is coming." He slowly walked over to a chair that was against one of the walls and sat down.


"My mind is not as sharp as it used to be, and these old bones are not nearly as strong as they once were. But I do know that the students and everyone here at the castle are in danger. I was hoping that you would be able to help me figure out what it may be. That way we may have a fighting chance to stop it. I do not want to have to send the students home. I knew you were a brilliant stallion and you have learned so much on your travels. Your knowledge of magic greatly exceeds my own."


He began to dig in his cloak for a pocket holding a rather unusual item wrapped in cloth. He pulled it out and gently sat it on the table, he unwrapped it and a dim glow was casting off of it, a blueish green color.


"This showed up just two days ago, as the staff and professors were starting to show up and getting settled. It just seemed to plop down in my path, I have looked everywhere to see where it might have possibly come from but there are no places on campus that is missing a large chunk of granite such as this." He stood once again, a pained look grazed his muzzle. 


"I am going to leave it here with you, please if you find anything, let me know immediately. I want to keep this quiet, I don't want to scare the students or the other staff. I know you are good at keeping things close to the chest." He looked back at professor Mirror peaking just above the rims of his glasses and a tiny hook of a grin. A quick wink gave his eyes just enough light to sparkle, almost like he knew of some secret that Professor Mirror might be hiding. 

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@@Bojo, @@SugarfootWillie, @,

'hey freeze and capri...capro...capr... ow well, i'll just call you cap it thats okay for you' summer said smiling to the new ponies 'i am summer breeze, nice to meet you, which houses are you?' and she walked to the next class with them, she was really exited to meet some new ponies, and they looked really kind, if not a bit strange because one just kept talking in riddels. but everyone was a bit strange in his or hers own way.

summer was so exited by meeting the new ponies that she had allmost forgotten that irra was still sleaping on her head. but suddenly she remembered and stoped dancing through the hallways but kept her head as still as possible, she wanted to know if irra was awake, but she didn't want to touch her so she just whispered 'sorry irra, if i woke you up' in case irra was awake.

  • Brohoof 2


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,@@SugarfootWillie, @@Bojo,


Flearia tryed to figure out what this earth pony named Capriccio was saying but as what the other two had said she guessed that he had tryed to introduce himself... "Umm Hi to you too... Freeze and Capriccio was it? Nice to meet you. My own  name is Flearia Dragondanser. Spellcasting and creation is what I live for.  I'm in the Changeling house at this university and are hoping to get controll of some leaking magic of mine."



summer was so exited by meeting the new ponies that she had allmost forgotten that irra was still sleaping on her head. but suddenly she remembered and stoped dancing through the hallways but kept her head as still as possible, she wanted to know if irra was awake, but she didn't want to touch her so she just whispered 'sorry irra, if i woke you up' in case irra was awake.

Flearia catched Summer trying to look up at her head and talking to herself and realized. "Yes Summer... It does look kinda odd and funny to try look at once head" Flearia said and giggled at bit at her friend. "But you don't have to worry about Irra. I already picked her up back at the dinning hall. Even tough her presence might still fell like she still is there."


Flearia once again conjured up her spectral map and started to mark out there location of the English/Litterature class as she had gotten confirmed by professor Autumn that she had placed it right. "Shall we go to the class then? We've just got a few minutes untill it starts!"

  • Brohoof 2


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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@@Summer Breeze, @,@@Bojo,


Summer Breeze,

Like Spring to be

your presence we breathe

To full entice Esprit



Aria you are not, though

Just as highly you are thought.

Like the Queen of the Night by Mozart.


The House of High History

is the House from which we Hail.

The Hall atop the Hill,

As per John Winthrop's Will.


The Hall so rightly ordained!

Where on trophies claimed

and grades maintained,

the name Alicorn rings famed.


Further we must march!

otherwise late to start

Will we be

for the class, of word art.

Edited by SugarfootWillie
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@@SugarfootWillie, @@Summer Breeze,@@Bojo,  

Flearia's mind puzzled and made turns to all ends of her mind as she listen and tryes to decifer the riddles that would be Cpariccio's way of talking and soon she tought herself have cracked the code! "Aha... aha... No. I'm not air... The musichalls?  And your enrolled in the Alicorn house." She mumbled to herself as she listened to Capriccio's poemic voice and tryed to make out what it all ment.


"So what of I can tell we are one of each houses. Summer being in the Crystal house, Capriccio in the Alicorn house and myself in the Changeling house...What house would you belong to Freeze? I do wonder what the different houses mean in this place more then to put us in rivalery in sports and games... And I do hope there is some sort of common ground here on campus to hang out in exept the corridors and the dinning hall..." Flearia levitated up some papers and quickly scribled something down on them. "Our homework for Magic class. I didn't se you two there so I guess you didn't get it. Also we got a book too but I guess you'll have to get it later..."


Soon the four of them reached the classroom of where they would have English/Litterature.

  • Brohoof 2


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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Greyhoof sidestepped inside the professors quarters, and quietly shutting the door behind him. "I come to you because, there is something wrong. Something that is going to happen, but I do not know what it will be or when. I just know that something is coming." He slowly walked over to a chair that was against one of the walls and sat down.


The Professor's brow furrowed.  At first, he'd been on his guard.  Perhaps the statement was merely a ruse, a method meant to start a conversation geared to drawing the truth from him?  That was ever his way, even now:  Ever suspicious of the motives of others.  Yet the timbre of the old pony's voice was unmistakable.  He was truly concerned.  It was more worrying than if he'd simply tried to dig his secret from him.


He's come to you for help, he reminded himself.  It implied much more than what it seemed upon its surface.  Once again his horn shimmered vaguely.  One of the wooden chairs in the room seemed to gain a life of its own, skittering across the floor before finally coming to a rest at his side.  The Professor sat down across from the Headmaster and nodded.  "That is...worrisome," he said, at last.  "What do you know, thus far?"


"My mind is not as sharp as it used to be, and these old bones are not nearly as strong as they once were. But I do know that the students and everyone here at the castle are in danger. I was hoping that you would be able to help me figure out what it may be. That way we may have a fighting chance to stop it. I do not want to have to send the students home. I knew you were a brilliant stallion and you have learned so much on your travels. Your knowledge of magic greatly exceeds my own."


He almost interrupted him.  He almost chided him for his remarks about his advanced age.  He almost reminded him that a pony with any sense at all would be proud to live as long, to have experienced as much, as Headmaster Greyhoof.  Then, he almost fell into a full blush, stammering as he refused his compliments.  Brilliant?  Hardly.  A magi of his equal?  Hardly, again.


In the end, though, he said nothing.  It was a simple matter of propriety to his opinion; it was not becoming to interrupt a wise and powerful pony such as Greyhoof, many years his elder.  And so, he simply listened as the Headmaster continued.


He began to dig in his cloak for a pocket holding a rather unusual item wrapped in cloth. He pulled it out and gently sat it on the table, he unwrapped it and a dim glow was casting off of it, a blueish green color.


Professor Mirror's eyes slit as he regarded it carefully.  He gazed at his own reflection, just as he'd done in the face of the mirror, before.  He remained silent as Greyhoof spoke further.


"This showed up just two days ago, as the staff and professors were starting to show up and getting settled. It just seemed to plop down in my path, I have looked everywhere to see where it might have possibly come from but there are no places on campus that is missing a large chunk of granite such as this." He stood once again, a pained look grazed his muzzle.


"Indeed," he finally said with a subtle nod.  "And what about it leads you to believe that it bears some malign nature?"


"I am going to leave it here with you, please if you find anything, let me know immediately. I want to keep this quiet, I don't want to scare the students or the other staff. I know you are good at keeping things close to the chest." He looked back at professor Mirror peaking just above the rims of his glasses and a tiny hook of a grin. A quick wink gave his eyes just enough light to sparkle, almost like he knew of some secret that Professor Mirror might be hiding.


The comment startled the Professor.  It was as if he could feel the cold legs of a spider, crawling up the ladderwork of his spine.  "Yes..." he agreed with a gentle nod.  "I have some small bit of skill in such matters."


He accepted the stone from him, deftly floating it to the flat of his desk behind him.  "I will investigate the matter swiftly and thoroughly," he assured him.  "The students will be none the wiser."


He said nothing at all about the matters of secrets and of hiding.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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@@@SugarfootWillie@@Summer Breeze, @@Bojo,

The scorpion was walking through the halls the four students walking into the English/Literature class. He walked up the wall, and watched them from above  their heads 



@@Astrara, @@MiniKirby123,

 Shadow ran through the halls looking for his rouge scorpion, then ran into three students. He said, 

"Excuse me, but any of you have seen a metal scorpion, about the size of a filly, completely black with a red glow coming from underneath it's metal."

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@, @@SugarfootWillie, @@Bojo,

summer lissened to cap's next riddel and giggled 'you do not need english/literature class, do you cap? you are allready really good at it, but why don't you talk normaly. like we do? it's not that i don't like your riddels but isn't it just easier to talk like this?' summer asked 'and you haven't told me yet if you mind that i call you cap' she added quickly behind it as they entered the classroom 'let's sit all together here' summer said and she sat down on a row chair in the middel of the class, she knew flearia wouldn't like sitting completely behind but summer didn't want to sit completely at the front 'what do you think of this class flearia? since it does not have to do anything with magic' summer asked her, because flearia seemd to enjoy everything with magic. 'i hope the teacher is nice, and not like our magic teacher' summer said and giggled again, she really didn't like him at all. but who knows, maybe later...

  • Brohoof 2


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,@@SugarfootWillie, @@Bojo,  

Once they entered the classroom, Flearia was about to place herself in the front row as usualy but then decided that she could join in on summers request and sitt together in the middle row. She would be able to se everything good enough from there. "You really think i'm only about magic?" Flearia giggled while giving a smirk to Summer. "I'll have you know that i'm a good at strategy and math too! I don't know if this class will be any good as i'm  a poor writer... But might be good to learn something?" Flearia said as she started to take out her stuffs from her bag and got herself ready for class to start. "I don't know why you don't like Proessor Mirror... Was there something about him that you feelt? I was to focused on writing down what he said to focus on what he was like... Tough there was a strong magical aura around him."

  • Brohoof 3


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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@@Summer Breeze,


Cap you may call,

but listen hear our dear.

For the knowledge of one who knows all,

yet aught at all.


Of 48 degrees

We part one to thee.

Laws of power I share,

and trust in your care.


Lost in the crowd one must never.

Court attention at all cost.

Larger than the Lion o'er sheep,

What is unseen remains alseep.


Conspicuous at all cost

and by appearance judged

The silent wither.

Whilst Loud like magnets power gather.




A mathematician be ye?

Then please answer me

a riddle of numbers

a poof to tear asunder


Let x be a non-zero number, and set y=x.










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@@Script Dangles@@Stardust*,

Feeder said, as he was turning around,

"I'm sorry but I forgot to get my classroom together. I see you later."

He took of to his class. When he entered he got into his cupboard and grabbed a stack of books. and set them on the table right next to his desk. 



The scorpion landed, outside the door of the English/Literature class, with a loud clank. He ran in, and hid under the table at the front of the class. As he was moving there, he let his tail drag across the ground, letting a scraping noise echo throughout the room

Edited by reader8363
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@@Summer Breeze,@@SugarfootWillie, @@Bojo, @


Once they entered the classroom, Flearia was about to place herself in the front row as usualy but then decided that she could join in on summers request and sitt together in the middle row. She would be able to see everything good enough from there. "You really think i'm only about magic?" Flearia giggled while giving a smirk to Summer. "I'll have you know that i'm a good at strategy and math too! I don't know if this class will be any good as i'm a poor writer... But might be good to learn something?" Flearia said as she started to take out her stuffs from her bag and got herself ready for class to start. "I don't know why you don't like Proessor Mirror... Was there something about him that you felt? I was to focused on writing down what he said to focus on what he was like... Tough there was a strong magical aura around him."


Not long after the unicorn had found her seat, a stallion entered the room.  There was little question that he was their teacher:  He looked slightly older than any of them, more mature and accomplished.  He had a dusky brown coat and a mane of jet black, a pair of wire-rimmed glasses that set jauntily on his nose.  Something about his body type didn't exactly connote scholarly pursuits.  He was slender and moved with a practiced kind of grace, like that of a dancer, perhaps.  His legs were powerful, even in spite of their thinness.  If it weren't for his glasses, he might have looked like an athlete more than a teacher, really.  His cutie mark only seemed to reinforce that:  A horse hockey stick crossed over the gentle feather of a writer's quill.


He, too, was a unicorn.  He closed the door behind himself without the use of magic, though.  The class watched in silence as he walked over to the chalkboard that dominated the front of the room.  In a surprisingly lovely, careful cursive, he wrote Script Dangles in a smooth and unbroken white line.  The teacher turned to the group and smiled.  It was a warm and genuine thing.


"When I was a young colt," he told them all.  "I didn't think much of writing at all.  It wasn't something that came very naturally to me.  I struggled with it in school for years...to the point where I came to dread any kind of written assignments my teachers would give us.  I always thought I was a mediocre writer, at best -- and it bothered me terribly.  I think the only thing that used to get me through those assignments is that I loved to read, though.  So I would suffer the trade-off:  As long as I got to read, I'd fumble through whatever I had to do in class to get there."  The teacher smirked at the memory.


"One day, our school was involved in a formalized competition," he went on.  "Every student in my age range from all across Equestria would take a test to determine the top students in the subject of English and Literature.  For some reason I couldn't fathom at the time, my English teacher asked me to be one of the two representatives from our school at the contest.  We took a train for three hours and I sat in an auditorium with seven hundred other students, looking at a standardized test where I was asked questions like:  Compare and contrast the work of Ernest Hoofingway and Leonid Trotstoy with their regard to the use of faulty parallelism and periphrasis.  I stared at the paper with all the little circles you're supposed to fill in with your pencil with a completely blank stare on my face.  You have to remember," he smiled softly, "I was a colt in his first year of High School.  I'd never even read Hoofingway or Trotstoy -- let alone had any idea what the terminology they were using meant.  I just guessed at most of the answers because I was embarrassed enough at how obviously stupid I was and didn't want to suffer the added indignity of leaving my answer sheet blank."

"When we came back to school," he went on, "I walked to the board where they posted the test scores.  I remember that everyone was very excited -- particularly, my English teacher.  As it should turn out, I finished 9th overall in the entire competition.  No one was more shocked than I was.  As I said, I'd guessed at most of the answers.  But as it should turn out, that test changed my life.  Everyone was instantly under the impression that I was some sort of English savant.  All the other ponies at my school were constantly coming to me with questions about the subject or help with their essays and book reports.  My teachers all suddenly had incredibly high expectations of me.  For a short time, it was an utter nightmare.  I felt like the biggest fraud in Equestria."


"But then," he leaned forward on his chair, "something very interesting happened to me.  I felt the crushing weight of all these expectations -- and I had no choice but to live up to them.  I started reading voraciously -- something other than comic books, for once -- and studying like a pony possessed.  I didn't notice it right away, but slowly but surely, I managed to turn myself into the student they expected me to be.  By the time I graduated High School, I could have gone to any of seventeen colleges on a full English scholarship.  A year after I graduated, I published my first novel...which I'm proud to say landed me on Barns & Cowbells Up & Coming Authors list.  Now I'm here," he smiled, "hand-picked by the Headmaster for a prestigious position, teaching some of Equestria's best and most promising students in English and Literature."

He looked down at his hoof.  Something near the bottom of his desk made a skittering noise on the floor, but it stopped before he could see what it was.  He smiled again, unperturbed.  "The point isn't to bring up my personal accomplishments, though," he said.  "The point of the story is:  A lot of you are in different places with regard to what you know about English & Literature.  You've all gone to different schools and have different backgrounds.  You all have different backgrounds and interests.  Some of you are very advanced; some of you might struggle with the two subjects.  But I'm proof that that's okay.  If you study hard and commit yourself the best you can...you might find out that you have a great deal more talent than you ever thought you had -- just like I did."


"I'm going to help you unlock that talent within yourself," he nodded.  "Together, we're going to show you exactly what you're capable of.  I guarantee you," he offered a wide smile, "you're going to be surprised at what you can do if you only try your best."


Outside, through the classroom windows, the sunshine streamed in through a cloudless blue landscape.


In the moment, it appeared that in Script Dangles' classroom, not even the sky was the limit.

Edited by Script Dangles
  • Brohoof 3

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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After listening to Professor Dangles' speech, Freeze got as close as he could to Summer's desk.


@@Summer Breeze, @

"Hey, I'm sorry for not answering your question before, my mind was a bit... busy. I'm in house Crystal too!" Said the young stallion in with a low voice. Freeze Frame knew Flearia had asked the same question as Summer, but she was too far to tell her the answer in that moment. An idea came to him: writing it in a paper and give it to the young mare with magic. However, he had to be careful since Dangles did look like a smart teacher.


As the professor kept talking with inspiration, a levitating piece of paper with a yellow glow got on Flearia's desk. She then could appreciate what it said: "im in house crystal. is changeling fun?" There was also what it seemed like a quick drawn smiley face. As the mare turned to the right, she could see Freeze waving his hoof and giving her a smile.

  • Brohoof 3


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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@@Script Dangles,


 A fine Script by Dangles!

As if Ames did guide

And over time betide

both practical and artistic hands!


. . .


A hidden prodigy did he say?

Perhaps then absent minded

A young Script guided

The hand of Ames.


Thought we English never needed,

Were we Mayhaps a bit conceited?

As Alfonso tamed the Sea-Steed

(Cast in bronze was she), so too were we?

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@@Script Dangles, @@SugarfootWillie, @@Bojo, @,

summer lissened to professor dangles story, he seemd like a cool teacher. summer really enjoyed writing little storys to go with her drawings. and she had allways been good at english. 'nice to meet an other chrystal' summer whispered to freeze. she saw that he passed a note to flearia, and remembered she had to tell her something to, so she grabbed a piece of paper and wrote if you like strategie and stuff, we could play chess together and she drew a little smiling pony behind if with a chess piece in her mouth. she tried to pass it to flearia without professor dangles noticing it. she felt like flearia didn't really like her last command and she didn't want to make her angry, you never knew it with angry unicorns. that was one of the lessons she had to learn the hard way from her father.

suddenly she saw something moving behind professor dangles' desk, she couldn't see it clearly but she kept staring at the point where it dissapeared, hoping it would come out and summer could clearly see it.

  • Brohoof 3


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Bojo,@@Script Dangles, @@Summer Breeze,  @@SugarfootWillie,

Flearia tryed to focus on the class but she had problem doing so. She where baffeled about Professor Dangles built... listening to him talking about how he was made her almost think twice about her own studies... She where soon interupted in her toughts as she had recived a note on her dest that shimmered a bit with yellow light. 


"im in house crystal. is changeling fun?"

She made a quick look to her left side and saw Freeze waving to her. She quickly put the paper beneath the other ones she had on her dest and before she where able to respond any she soon had another note on her desk.


if you like strategie and stuff, we could play chess together
Flearia hid this note too beneath her other papers too. She had read them both but she where clever enough to not be cought with papers in the class that wasn't for the class itself... She started to use her magic to make two spectral papers instead and wrote down something on both and crumbled them up to two small spectral balls and sended them to Freeze and summer both. They just needed to touch the small spectral ball to get the message directly into their mind. To Freeze it said "Ok good to know. I don't know yet as this is the first day and I'm kinda concernd about what rivalery they gonna put is trough being in different houses." And to Summer it said "I'd love to play some chess later!"
Flearia made sure that Professor Dangles didn't se her spectral notes. But who knew? Maybe he could feel the magic from them? She made sure to try write extra hard with her magic holding her quill to leak out some magic to cover the notes presence.
  • Brohoof 3


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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@@Summer Breeze,@@SugarfootWillie, @@Bojo, @


Professor Dangles wasn't unaware that some of the students in his class were passing notes between one another.  It didn't bother him overmuch, however.  After all, he knew that some students were very adept at multitasking.  They'd be able to pay attention to him and discuss whatever they would at the same time with no impact to their studies at all.  The ones that weren't and still passed their notes?  They'd struggle with the class.  But the collected students before him weren't foals anymore, in any case.  They had to make their own decisions for good and bad.  In the end, he'd help them all, no matter what.  Wasn't that what the best teachers did, after all?  He certainly thought so.


He thought he heard that odd skittering again for a moment.  He was now sure it wasn't just his imagination, but he continued to pay it little mind.  He had a class he needed to teach and students that required his full attention.


"As you leave class today," he said, gesturing to a table that ran almost the entire length of the wall, beneath the room's windows, "I want each of you to pick up a copy of the course syllabus and the two books I've stacked up on the stand, there.  The syllabus contains the reading list for the material we'll be discussing for the remainder of the year.  The two books are the Carriage House Five by Colt Vannergut and Halter of Darkness by Jennet Cold-Blood.  I'll expect that you've read the first chapter of each by our Monday class next week and are prepared to discuss them.  During our two remaining classes this week," he explained, "we'll be starting the English components of the course.  That will be the pattern, for those of you who're interested:  English on Wednesdays and Fridays, Literature on Mondays."


Professor Dangles smiled upon the class.  "Does anyone have any questions?"

  • Brohoof 2

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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@@Script Dangles, @@SugarfootWillie, @, @@Bojo,

summer raised her hoof 'i have a question, professor dangles' she said 'are we also going to learn how to write storys?' summer had always loved that part of literature, but she wasn't sure if they would be learning that on the university, all the lessons where so different as she was used to. but professor dangles seemed like a cool teacher, he would teach us some cool stuff summer thought.

suddenly she saw something behind professor dangles desk, the thing she saw before. it was as big as a filly and was made out of metal, but it stood in the shadows and summer couldn't see it clearly. but it looked terrifying 'what's that?' she said quietly, like the creature could hear her, and she pointed at it.

Edited by Summer Breeze
  • Brohoof 3


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze, @@SugarfootWillie, @, @@Bojo,


summer raised her hoof 'i have a question, professor dangles' she said 'are we also going to learn how to write storys?' summer had always loved that part of literature, but she wasn't sure if they would be learning that on the university, all the lessons where so different as she was used to. but professor dangles seemed like a cool teacher, he would teach us some cool stuff summer thought.


The teacher offered Summer a broad smile.  Something in his eye seemed to twinkle at the mere mention of the word story.  "Stories?" he repeated her.  "Do you like stories?"


He nodded gently.  "Yes," he finally assured her.  His tone was warm and gentle, reassuring and kind.  "You're gong to learn all about how to write stories.  Whatever kind you like:  Great or small, simple or epic," he said.  "What kind of stories do you like, miss...?"


suddenly she saw something behind professor dangles desk, the thing she saw before. it was as big as a filly and was made out of metal, but it stood in the shadows and summer couldn't see it clearly. but it looked terrifying 'what's that?' she said quietly, like the creature could hear her, and she pointed at it.

The teacher turned about, following the young filly's eyes behind his desk.  He didn't hesitate for a moment; he simply reacted.  He got himself in between his students and the creature at which she pointed.  His horn began to shimmer with the hint of magic.  He had absolutely no idea what it was...but he'd be damned if he'd let it harm any of his students.  Script was no Starswirl, by any means, but he'd do whatever it took to defend them.


He suddenly wished he had one of his hockey sticks in the classroom.

  • Brohoof 2

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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@@Script Dangles,@@Summer Breeze, @@SugarfootWillie, @@Bojo,  

Flearia was getting bored by the class. She where scribbling some of what Professor Dangles said on her papers about the books and what they would do at the same time as she used her magic on some water beside her to make different small shaped objects just to keep herself from not yawning as there wasn't anything interesting yet in the class. Suddenly she heard Summer quietly saying something and pointed her hoof towards the Professors desk.


what's that?'



The teacher turned about, following the young filly's eyes behind his desk.  He didn't hesitate for a moment; he simply reacted.  He got himself in between his students and the creature at which she pointed.  His horn began to shimmer with the hint of magic.  He had absolutely no idea what it was...but he'd be damned if he'd let it harm any of his students.  Script was no Starswirl, by any means, but he'd do whatever it took to defend them.   He suddenly wished he had one of his hockey sticks in the classroom.

Flearia followed Summer's  hoof and saw the strange robotic creature behind the desk and soon after Professor Dangles had placed himself betwen them and the strange robot. Flearia was quick to take action herself as she already had some of her magic out and added some more water to her ice sphere and thrusted it towards the back of the Professors desk and on it's way almost hit Professor Dangles in the back head! The ice sphere changed shape and made a small ice cage around the robot and looked like it was trapped!

  • Brohoof 3


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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@,@@Script Dangles, @@Summer Breeze, @@Bojo,  


Aha! Our White Knight so bold!

Though slow to think and quick to act.

Clever to hurl cold

At fiends mechanical


Water the only change,

Much better than to detain,

I suggest you make.

Disable the threat before all smiles rest!


Too weak is ice

For it's elemental type

Magnetize our fiend with red eye

And watch him drop like a fly

  • Brohoof 2
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