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searching MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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yes precisely 

I never considered this... but just a question.... Why would you do that... I mean he would have no political influence.


However, once the RP is up there will be a commonfolk thread in which you can RP as a normal pony OC... so i dont see why not.... that is if you have with who to interact.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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I never considered this... but just a question.... Why would you do that... I mean he would have no political influence.


However, once the RP is up there will be a commonfolk thread in which you can RP as a normal pony OC... so i dont see why not.... that is if you have with who to interact.

I mean it was just a suggestion I want to join regardless

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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There we go, I added/fixed some things, anything else? 

All good. Making my nation now and information about the Popal Church will be thrown in there =)




Nation Name: Ponssia

Government Type: Absolute Monarchy; Ruled by a King or Queen until death with unlimited power

Flag/Symbol: (Optional): A modification of the Prussian Flag with a dragon instead of the eagle    (White with a black dragon in the middle and two horizontal black stripes on the bottom and top)




Ruler: King Ludrick the Great

And advisors: Generals, Ministers and prominent Dukes.

Environment: Located on the North-western coast consisting of various terrain types (Flat, hills and mountains)

Two Primary Resources: -Coal, after the discovery of enormous coal deposits in its mountains,

     Ponssian industrialization skyrocketed.

-Gold, the natural richness in precious metals in its area has powered the

economy for years

Two Scarce Resources: -Food, following massive industrialization plans and heavy enrollment, the

     Ponssian agricultural power has suffered and therefore relies on trade to

     Obtain its necessities

    -Luxury Goods, although rich in strategic resources such as iron, coal and timber, the Ponssian lands are almost useless in growing exotic goods or luxuries such as silk, cotton, exotic foods, etc and therefore realies heavily on trade.

General Race Composition: Earth ponies (60%) and Non-Magical Unicorns (40%). The total population numbers ,14,000,000 of which 650,000 are male.

General Race Description: (please look up 17-18century fashion for clothing), Most ponies have they’re fur in dark or pale colors (white, brown, grey, etc.) due to isolationism from distant nations. Due to its positioning, the population is used to cold and warm conditions but would find it hard to cope to extreme conditions. The majority of ponies living in the North-Western region are slightly taller than usual.

General Race Personality: Due to a high diversity in social classes, the personality of citizens differs from individual to individual but every single citizen has a immense sense of patriotism and most are usually suspicious of foreigners.

Two Primary Nation Traits: -Warlike, the Ponssians have always supported the military and have

admired war. Having a long history of conflicts with their neighbors the Ponssian has grown into a prestigious political power.

-Industrious, following the discovery of enormous coal deposits, the Ponssian government has encouraged industrialization and urbanization, leading to a deficit in agriculture.

Primary Nation Values: Disciplined and Nationalistic.

Culture and Description: A non-magical society, magic is seen as a capital offence or heresy and is usually punished via torture or death; magic has been outlawed in the North-West for about 150 centuries as ponies result to a new idea, science and rationalism. The Ponssians follow the belief of a superior power creating the world (A dominant belief in the North-West) which has been the cause of many wars (crusades and genocides in the region. None of the citizens of Ponssia have the ability to perform magic but make up for it through hard work. They are a very militaristic society which would almost always follow the commands of its government, with a belief in racial superiority against distant, less advanced civilizations.

Buildings: Mostly constructed of stone and bricks (again 17-18th century Europe) and wood, houses are mostly tightly packed into huge cities or towns. Villages are sparse but well provisioned with vital goods such as imported food, fresh water and firewood. Huge stone citadels and forts are constructed along the nation’s border.

Foreign Policy: Following a period of constant warfare and expansionism, doubling Ponssia’s size, the nation has resorted to a more isolationist policy fortifying its position and limiting diplomatic contact. Even so, the government is keen on finding new trading partners to feed the country’s growing population. After securing the mainland, Ponssian eyes turned towards distant lands, in a dream to create a colonial empire that would supply the nation with all its needs.

History: When the three pony races set out to find new land to settle (before equestria was dicovered) a joint expedition dicovered a strange new island. It was inhabited by semi-sentient horse-like beings. During the first weeks of settlement tensions broke out between the races and each founded its own separate city. The earth ponies had setled on the most fertile land, on the souh of the island and their prosperity skyrocketed. after about 5 centuries there were about 70,000 ponies living on the island, earth ponies being the most numerous. They had cut all relations to the home cotinent. Then, a harsh winter fell upon the land, causing a starvation like none have ever seen. The races started blaming each other for it and soon war broke out. The earth ponies and unicorns teamed up until every single pegasi was killed, the first genocide. As the winter retreated and ponies started building up again, a new faith aroused through the earth pony ranks. The Church. This institution blamed magic as causing all the misfortunes of the world, calling it the weapon of the EVIL ONE. The movement rapidly gained popularity through the earth ponies which believed in 'The Lords' salvation. Another civil war broke out in which almost half of the unicorn population was massacred. The infamous Inquizition followed. Any uinicorn would have to renounce his magic or face death in the depts of hell. Many refused, but those that did, survived. The Poniues in the area once again began to migrate setlling in new lands, carrying their non-magical ideals and new faith with them, founding new nations. As time passed, any trace of magic was lost. The horse-beins were enslaved and turned into nothing more than laour animals. The empire prospered and grew populous, However, on the other side of the ocean, in a land called equestira, two magical alicorns took control. Without knowing, by changing the day-night cycle, they plunged the empire into ruin. Famines, dieseases and civil war reaped through the land and the empire wasdestroyed, it goverment failing. The empire was split into warlords fighting to gain power. After 500 years on constant war, 4 major states emerged. Maris, Coltdon, Hoofdrid and Perlin. The highly millitaristic nation of perlin managed to conquer its rivals by turning them one against the other and then striking from behind. The nation now layed unified and renamed to Ponssia. Goverened by magic-less unicorns that learnt to despise magic and influenced by the now-powerful Popal church the kingdom rose. Its mllitary might grew and more breakthroughs in science occured day after day. Weapons and twechnology leaked to other nations, creaeting powerful empires in the area that adapted the technology to their needs. Soon, the stage was set for a world on tense competition against violent powers, decimated each year by harsh winters.

Quality of Life: The working class is poor, working hard to feed itself in giant factories or on the tiny farms, scrubbily dressed, starvation during winter is possible . The middle class is quite well of, they own the small buisnesses in the central part of town, they are decently dresseed and have enough money to afford 'entertaiment'. The mainly unicorn aristocracy is the richest social group in Ponssia. They spend thousands on things like luxurious food and experience the best of life.

Military Power: The Ponssian military is the most disciplined force in the North-West, a Ponssian soldier is taught to fear desertion more than death in order to ensure top performance on the battlefield. A Ponssian regiment would never retreat without orders. After a visit in Ponssia, a famous North-Western writer said: “Where most states own an army, the Ponssian army owns a state”. In the last century, the Ponssian army grew in influence and support over the population. The army now controls most aspects of civilian life, from simple laws to sleeping hours. Stallions are taught to use weapons from birth in order to ensure future soldiers for the ranks. Generals and military advisors hold high positions in the government and are given permission to mobilize the entire male population if needed. Using modern military technology such as rifles with socket bayonets, rifled cannons and howitzers, the Ponssian military is a formidable force. The generals are taught in a prestigious university where they learn the deadliest and most efficient tactics invented by North-Western strategists. The troops are taught things like fire by rank and drilled daily to prefect their abilities. The Imperial army army numbers 2050 regiments of 360 infantrymen(line infantry, light infantry, jagers, guards, etc), 1400 regiments of 1200 cavalry (lancers, dragoons, light dragoons and hussars) and 1000 batteries of 16 cannons (9000 cannons and 5000 howitzers, each crewed by 10 ponies). The total size of the army is 1,122,00 ponies.

The Ponssian navy numbers 75 ships. 10 First-rate Ship-of-the-line, of which 3 are 122-gun heavy first rates and the others are 106-gun, 5 steam-powered Ironclads loading 80-guns, 15 Second-rates with 80 guns, 15 third-rates carrying 74-guns, 20 Forth, Fifth and Sixth rates carrying 64, 52 and 44 guns respectively and 10 frigates carrying 30 guns each. The total manpower used by sailors and marines in the navy totals 18,000. Ponssia also has 120 non-combatant trading, fishing and transport vessels as well as civilian ships.


National Anthem: 



War Music: 

(Played by orchesrtas at parades, ecouraging the population or to foreign dignitaries



Regimental Music: 


(played on the battlefield)






(Strategiy(style of fighting) 





Border protected by star forts, One at every kilometer


(garrisoning 1200soldiers)









Btw, againg, for balancing reasons, Scientific, firearm armed nations will mostly be fighting in line... you know 1700-1850s strategy... Trenches for defence are ok.. but not complex WW1 style ones =)

  • Brohoof 1


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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What sort of timescale is this going to be working on? Rome wasn't built in a day, and a major appeal to me is the prospect of decades-long projects (be they industrial, cultural, espionage or whatever.) That and I don't want to put too much detail into a king that will be dead in 50 years.


Ooh, I see another nation lacks food as well. This could get interesting.

Here we go, how is this?


Name: The Kingdom of the Shetland Mountains (The Shetland Kingdom)


Government Type: Constitutional monarchy (executive monarch limited and advised by an elected, although predominantly aristocratic, parliament)


Flag: TBD


Leader: His Majesty King Archus Shetland II


Category: Scientific


Environment: Mountainous, Cold


Two Abundant Resources: Iron, Coal


Two Scarce Resources: Food, Lumber


Religion: Scientific nation will all be under the control of the Papal Church


General Race Composition: 9,000,000 total, roughly 95 / 4 / 1 split between Earth pony, Pegasus pony and Gryphon. Pegasus and Gryphon are a shunned and rapidly dwindling underclass.


General Race Description:  The ponies are of a shorter, stockier build (Shetland ponies) that wear thicker clothes in the winter months. Gryphons are more suited to the mountain environments and typically wear less than the ponies.  


Two Primary Nation Traits: Industrious, Inventive


Two Nation Values: Innovative, ambitious


Culture and Description: A hardy, mountain folk that subsisted off very limited mountainous food sources for generations. Their industrial revolution, kick-started by foreign trade, led to a culture of innovation and exploitation of their natural resources.


Buildings: Solidly built and well-insulated structures for most government and industrial buildings as well as the better-off, variable build quality for the general population varying from slums built from scrap to massive poured-from-the-mould concrete housing blocks.

Foreign Policy: Economic expansion. Their natural allies are consumers of their industrial products – so rational and other scientific countries.


History: Technological revolution led it from a small, self-sufficient and insular country to become a rapidly growing (both in terms of economy and population) country that is dependent on imports of food and lumber to maintain its economy and population. Its main exports are coal, iron, steel, cement and manufactured goods (train components, black-powder weaponry and suchlike.)


King Archus II, the current ruler, came to power only two years ago, and has struggled to win the support of parliament for his grand visions of industrial expansion.


Quality of Life: Poor – harsh weather and limited food (rationing is common) as well as recent population growth has limited the quality of life of the average worker. Food riots are not unknown, but have become less frequent as more food is imported to keep up with demand.


Military Power: ~10,000 soldiers supported by ~7000 non-combat staff. A small professional 'army' well equipped and trained for mountain and arctic warfare but lacking the capability to act in unfamiliar environments (moderate to strong in their specialist environment, weak elsewhere.) Its recent foundation as a full-time professional force (in the past 50 years – replacing local militia and levies) leaves it with very few military traditions or experience to draw on.


The ten regiments of hoof (each ~800 strong) use breech-loaded rifles that are roughly equivalent to the .577 Snider-Enfield, the  artillery batteries use 9-pounder guns (the artillery regiment has 60 guns with 400 ponies; 6 per gun plus 4 extra per 6-gun battery for assorted other tasks), and finally four light regiments of hoof (each ~400 strong) use improved breech-loading rifles that are roughly equivalent to the Martini-Henry.


All regiment of hoof and artillery troops carry equipment suitable for the cold and mountainous climate - thick padded rugs, metal-studded horseshoes, supply wagons designed for use off-road and in light to moderate snow or ice, enough dehydrated food for three days, etc. 


The light regiments of hoof, which operate more independently, carry more food (seven days) and ammunition and have additional survival training as well as a more independent and aggressively-minded officers. They use tactics that the regular regiments cannot such as ambush, guerrilla warfare, raiding supply trains and similar; they are only experienced in such tactics in mountainous, hilly and cold environments, however.

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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What sort of timescale is this going to be working on? Rome wasn't built in a day, and a major appeal to me is the prospect of decades-long projects (be they industrial, cultural, espionage or whatever.) That and I don't want to put too much detail into a king that will be dead in 50 years.


Ooh, I see another nation lacks food as well. This could get interesting.

Well, we pretend that these nations had no contact with each other until now. so, no need to actually found a country from zero to enhance its relations. As for the timescale im not sure. It is going to vary form nation to nation... like two nations might be fighting in a 4-year long war while in the meantime two other leaders only have time to fifish a tea conversation. So time willl be more or less relative but timeskip 'bookmarks' will exist. nothing in the frame of 50 years though. It all depends on the speed RPers post. so, consider the fact that your king.... will be alive for quite a long time.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Once In A Blue Moon,


The thinkg with flyers in a scientific nation... they have to be treated as slaves... or something, due to category requirements.... All scientific nations come from the same 'non magical ground-bound pool.


Also.... millitary.... I need numbers =D


other than that ur good to go 


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The thinkg with flyers in a scientific nation... they have to be treated as slaves... or something, due to category requirements.... All scientific nations come from the same 'non magical ground-bound pool.   Also.... millitary.... I need numbers =D


Done. Those Pegasus and Gryphon scum are now a worthless underclass. Military numbers also added.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Hey, Lordav. Mind if I join this with Quinacta? Though I might want to change the name. 

Sure =)


Though you might have to edit the millitary bit now =p

Done. Those Pegasus and Gryphon scum are now a worthless underclass. Military numbers also added.

What weaponry do they use, i can add that in on the nats info page, but... need to know =p

I mean it was just a suggestion I want to join regardless

You would have to fill in the sheet then =)


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Sure =)


Though you might have to edit the millitary bit now =p

What weaponry do they use, i can add that in on the nats info page, but... need to know =p

You would have to fill in the sheet then =)

Name: The Great Flock of Equestria


Government Type:  Democracy

Flag: post-27609-0-68150500-1446304314_thumb.png


Leader: Flock leader : Flamestreak


Category: Tradtional



Two Abundant Resources: Water, Weather


Two Scarce Resources: Grass, Crops

Religion: Celestism

General Race Composition: Pegasi, Griffon. Population: 45,000,000 

General Race Description:  Winged-animals especially Pegasi and Griffon rule here. The ponies don't wear anything specifically however all members of the flock have a E branded somewhere on there body(Normally on there flank) to signify allegiance and loyalty to the flock.

Two Primary Nation Traits: Cultural, Resourceful  

Two Nation Values: Loyalty, Courage


Culture and Description: As the saying goes "Birds of a feather flock together" this saying is taken to heart and is known as the "Winged Rule" by members of the flock. the "Winged Rule" is often plastered around cloudsdale whether it be by signs, posters, billboards the message is virtually everywhere. if one should forget the Rule then the individual would suffer grave consequences , Treason is punishable by death in the flock as its considered the pentacle of cowardice and spineless behavior, Also rejecting to be branded can also lead to though it doesn't occur often. The members of the flock believe Celestia to be a divine being. The flock believes in equal rights for pegasi, griffons and its allies (Earth ponies and Unicorn's can join as honorary members) and work to free winged slave around equestria. they shun those not affiliated with the flock.  Members of the flock are very close and will fight for the protection of there winged brethren with a berserker like mentality  

Buildings: Buildings are mostly made out of clouds due to majority of the flock living in cloudsdale.


History: this is a new empire so there's not much history to speak of, The flock was a direct response to the enslavement of Pegasus and griffon in Scientific systems and was made in hopes of free those enslaved  

Quality of Life: The Flock Generally takes care of its fellow members needs and necessitates so the Quality of life is depends on how well the Flock as a whole is doing.

Military Power: ALL Member's of the flock are called on to fight when need (Like a draft system)The flock is resourceful using any type of weapon they put there hoofs on.

Edited by KingFl@me1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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What weaponry do they use, i can add that in on the nats info page, but... need to know =p


I think I misunderstood 'military power' as an abstract concept, rather than specific numbers and technology. The post has been updated.

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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I've been thinking about joining this, And I've finally decided to post an application. I'm kinda nervous...


Name: Pruine

Goverment Type: Monarchy

Flag: (Tell me if you need a picture) Their flag consists of a white background with a blue horned-bear.

Leader: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/serylda-r8990(Ignore everything about religion on her character page, The proper info can be found further down the list.)

Catagory: Traditional

EnviromentBarren snowy mountains and large plains of ice plauged by constant blizzards. The southern part of the nation consists of large pine forests.

Two abundant resources: Iron and wood.

Two scarce resources: Crops and salt.

Religion: Pruine is a very religious nation, They have large sacred ground where blood must not be spilt, These grounds are their graveyards. They believe that three specific animals are holy, And must never be killed, These are wolves, Bears and eagles. If anyone were to kill one of these animals they will be sentenced to death. They believe that they are guardians of sorts for each other.

General race composition: The whole nation consists of earth ponies, There are about 40 mil of them.

General race description: These earth ponies aren't your average every day earth ponies, They are bigger, Stronger and a lot more resistant to cold then the ones you'd see in Equestria for example. They eat the small amount of crops they can produce in the south.

Two primary nation traits: Militaristic, Cultural

Two nation values: Courageous, Loyal

​Culture and description: They are very hostile and weary against outsiders, They would rather take what they need then trade or buy. They are very loyal to each other, They need to be to be able to survive the fierce winters.

Buildings: Many travel in herds without a steadfast home and keep on the move to escape the blizzards. Most of them live in larger compositions of tents and smaller houses, There are a few small villages with steadfast building along the mountains. Their building are for the most part built out of wood and stone.

Foreign Policy: Very hostile and proud, Won't accept help as long as it's not absolutely needed for the survival of the nation.

History: In the beginning they were small nomad groups traveling the harsh and barren lands, But quickly became herds that later split up and became small villages but some stayed on the move. Pruine has always been a religious nation lead by the same family generation after generation. With their believes they have also always been a very hostile nation since defending one self against for example, A bear attack and killing the bear is a crime punishable by death in Pruine.

Quality of life: During the winters they are plagued by famine and various desieses, They are stronger during the summer when they are able to mine for iron and other resources. Everyone is about Equeal though, And the "royalty" aren't treated any better then the rest of the nation.

​Military power: Everyone is tough at an early age how to fight with various melee weapons, They are a very brutal and merciless group of fighters. But even though all of them are taught how to fight, They have 10 000 000 warriors who does it for them. The spirit animals are often used in war, They ride on bears, Has attack teams of wolves and eagles on the look out. Something that sometimes put them at a disadvantage is the fact that they value their animals more then the warriors. They are strategic fighters and often aim to surround the enemy, attacking with full force from different positions at different times to catch them off guard.

Misc: Thought I should add a picture to give you a general idea of how the place looks.




Traditional music of theirs:



Please tell me what I need to change if anything! (If it's even acceptable at any level :P )

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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I hope I do this well. But I might need help with a few things.


Name:  Skergehaven


Government Type: Principality. 


Flag: A pitch black flag with a jagged anchor in the middle. On one hook there's a skull on the other hook a bloody crown. Coiling around it is tentacle, pulling it down. Symbolizing that all things must die.



Leader: Pirate king, Captain Gloomfury Dovegreen


Category: Scientific, I guess.


Environment: Humid during the day and cold at night. Thy city is build against and up on a large side of mountain cliff that was excavated to be able to settle on.


Two Abundant Resources: Labor and sea life.


Two Scarce Resources:  Lumber and Luxury Goods.


Religion:   Most of the nations citizens believe in the Nagakabouros. A being that dwells in the deepest parts of the sea. Who protects and guides sailors on their travels and bring them bountiful haul. And who watches over thous who die at sea. The name they mostly call her, who aren't a priestesses, is the Bearded Lady.  They have a temple to her in the middle of  Skergehaven that mostly works as a hospital.


General Race Composition: It's mostly evened out with all races Earth ponies and griffons being the majority. Though the most of the other races, that aren't Earth ponies, are kept as slaves. The pirate king has put leniency on the beings who are indentured. Like giving them wages and being able to have homes, they will never  be able to leave Skergehaven.  If  they do leave or kill the ones they serve they will be executed.


But count for the population is ruffly 3, 2 million



General Race Description: Most of the ponies that live in  Skergehaven are Earth pony. Unicorns and pegasi do sometimes pass though though they are treated like outsiders. Griffons, minotaurs and other races are the offspring of thous who were indentured into the first settlers crew. Forced to work from them or face death. Though during most of the years of animosity toward each other, but the latest Pirate king has made things less hostile between them. Though scorns of the past are still there.


Due to years of having to survive on sea life and other meat and not just plants. Earth ponies developed canines along with molars and thus  adapting them to be omnivore. The same for the Minotaurs, Zebras and Saddle Arabians. With griffons already being able to consume both plants and animals.


Other then that the sizes of the ponies differentiate.


Two Primary Nation Traits: Defiant and hearty.


Two Nation Values: Strength and loyalty.


Culture and Description: A large city built on freedom and the pursuit of all life's pleasures. With most things being legal from prostitution to alcohol. But most of the violent crimes can be settled between the individuals who were wronged. Like if someone killed your brother, you have the right to take vengeance. Cause of things like this parts of the city is runned by gangs. Bit they all obey the word of the pirate king or face being wiped out. 


But life is fairly hard and sometimes dangerous. But cause of this most of the cities citizens are tough and self reliant. In a city filled with sailors, pirates and gangs you have to be or risk being chewed up and spit out.  But on the lighter side the city have many festivals where everyone enjoys themselves and violence is forbidden.


But most days is filled with drinking and bar fights along with some gang violence.


Buildings: Most of the buildings or made from lumber that were stolen by the original settlers, the trees that once grew on the land and the timber from their own ships. Through years of this they were able to build a city on the side of a cliff, a large bridge connecting to the other side of the river to another cliff. Under the bridge there's  a large gate that lets ships in and out. Along with that there are countless houses build in and on top of each other or reaching into the mountain. on top of the cliff is where the most successful pirates and merchants  live along with some gang leaders.


Above that stand a large castle, built out of many ships. It also take the shape of a large ship. That is where the pirate king lives.


(For those who play league of legends, think of Bilgewater. Or just look it up.)


History: Many, many years ago a large group of pirates who broke apart from Equestria, the Griffon kingdom and other nations to builda place where they would be far away from their nations laws and unfair lives. After settling a small pirate camp. Word of the defiant pirates tells and adventures  spread, soon making others want to live the same life. The camp got bigger and bigger till it was a town, then a city.


When the pirate king, Roger Swashbuckle was self crowned. That was when the the city state known as Skergehaven was rightly named and made in to the city of violence, debauchery and true freedom.


Through the years, Skergehaven made it's living from fishing to plundering ships and small towns near by, soon driving the towns to join and become a part of Skergehaven or be wiped out. Which made the city even bigger. Most of the towns people were enslaved. Made to work and build. Along with capturing ships and more slaves made the population grow immensely leading the the growth of the city. 


A few years later a civil war broke out between the slaves and the pirate kings men which led to the then third pirate king being killed. When the fourth was self crowned he was able to stop the war with the string and the numbers of his men. The slaves lost and were forced to serve  for  the rest of their lives way down the generations. 


Gloomfury is the sixth Pirate king to take charge and so far the most liked. He ushered in a new and easier way of living for the salves. Though they are still marked as such they have more rights then their ancestors.


 Quality of Life: Stable but far from perfect. With the only way to earn a living is by fishing, pirating or joining one of the gangs. It makes life a short and dangerous one. But for those lucky enough to live into their old age they are looked after in the temple of the Bearded Lady. Helping others who are hurt and taking care of the ones that die.  Or  live as elders, giving advice and guidance to others.


Most of the graves and bodies are buried at sea. There's a part of the very deep river where figures of anchors carved on floating grave markers with names of people or the names of ships that were lost at sea.


Military Power: The main fighting powers come the joint strength of the strongest pirate captains in Skergehaven  along with their fleets. With the pirate king having the larges and the strongest fleet. 


Most of the pirate captains fleet have 430 ships, sometimes higher or lower.  The pirate kings has few more then that, putting 600 in his fleet. But most of the other pirate captains are part of his fleet.  Which branches out to them having their own fleet putting the count up to 3,129 ships


Other then that, the gangs that rule over parts of the city keeps everything in check if they were ever to be invaded by land.


As for weapons it mostly consists of melee weapons like swords, to gunpowder weapons like standard flintlock pistols and rifles. Along with cannons and grenades. ((Look it up they had grenades back then.)) 


And I guess that's it, this took me all day.



But let me know if I have to make changes.

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Note, for 'hordes' such as our (trad nations) a max of 1/4 of ur pop can fight (as half is fillies and a quarter might be made of the old, the sick, the weak or simply the ones that look after the homes)


@@Once In A Blue Moon,


Well, i need to make sure everythings OK.... cuz ppl tend to overpower.




I see Vikings ^^  approved

Not, for 'hordes' such as our (trad nations) a max of 1/4 of ur pop can fight (as half is fillies and a quarter might be made of the old, the sick, the weak or simply the ones that look after the homes)

yes, its a copy paste from above... im lazy =p




Approved, will PM you on a spec note tough =)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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M yo


Seems like most of them are more near winter, and with scarce food! 

Also, How many nations are you planning on having?

Edited by CrimsonWeb

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Seems like most of them are more near winter, and with scarce food! 

Also, How many nations are you planning on having?

One more and we can start =)


or if no-one come till wednesday we will start then =)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Wait for me though, unless you mean the last one being mine? 


Name: Equestria
Government Type: Principality Diarchy


Leaders: Princess Celestia & Princess Luna
Category: Rational
Environment: The landscape features almost all the types of different landscapes, anywhere from forests, to deserts, to tundras, and more.
Abundant Resources: Gems & Crops
Scarce Resources: Iron & Coal (seems a strange choice for lack of resources)
Religion: Celestial, though unofficial and without governmental support
General Race Composition: 18,000,000 34% Earth Pony, 27% Unicorn, 29% Pegasi, 10% other (mules, dragons, alicorns, diamond dogs)
Two Primary Nation Traits: ?
Two Nation Values: ?
Culture and Description: A mixed culture, with different cities and towns having their own traditions and beliefs. Racial diversity is high, though largely that of the three great pony tribes, you can find zebras and diamond dogs among other races.
Buildings: A great variety, some small and others large, some grand any many more practical though most seem build for comfort.
Foreign Policy: Peaceful and Diplomatic, Equestria will most likely seek a diplomatic solution to its problems.
History: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Equestria
Quality of Life: Very high, with few if any destitute or homeless. Everypony has a place to call home or work a plenty, though also the choice to pursue life however they wish. There may be those of great wealth, but even those without much as able to have a roof over their head and food to eat. Ponies are as a whole happy with their life, though it may not always be easy. Education is provided for all, though many seem to take their own path once their special talent is dicovered.
Millitary Power: The Equestrian military isn’t at first a too formidable force. The lack of conflict in the nation renders most of the military inexperienced yet a nation should not act too quickly to see Equestria as weak. Equestrians have a string willed populace willing to put up a fight, its unicorns and the princesses themselves can put up powerful shields to protect their land. Therefore in time of war Equestry can use a levy system to raise a large resistant force against any oppressor.
Royal Guard: 500,000 spear-armed. (This I think could be expanded, and though it wouldn't be canon I would like the military to be more then just the royal guard.)

Edited by EquestrianScholar
  • Brohoof 1
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