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gargantuan armies (a logistical nightmare)


An interesting point that I should raise about the RP is that ponies eat grass - so as long as they are not too concentrated, and keep on the move in good grassland, then low-tech armies can be sustained nigh-indefinitely. So whilst a single gargantuan army would require substantial logistical support, if they split into independent bands that each had their own captain and a general objective then they could swarm across a country destroying its infrastructure and raiding vulnerable targets. Individually they could be destroyed by the superior forces of the rationals and sciences, but they could sustain such losses - and if they destroy too much then the nation they are attacking will be compelled to seek peace (or starve and degenerate into chaos.) And if the small superior forces fortify only key positions such as the national capital, then they sacrifice any ability to maneuver and gain the initiative - at that point they are already beaten, and the raiding bands can plunder away merrily until they decide to go home. The important thing for traditional nations to keep in mind (all nations, for that matter) is that if you can't win one way, then find another way that does work - an unconventional victory is as valid as a conventional one.




it stands to out-compete all others through its open-mindedness. A bit OP, I'd think.


They start off the jack-of-all-trades, which can be a strength or a weakness depending on how it's played. Whether it is OP depends on how well the other factions are able to take advantage of their capabilities - and the key point about having a GM is that they can balance on the fly and try and make it an interesting game for everyone (if it's not fair, it doesn't matter so long as everyone enjoys it.)



Can we start now? 


Well, I'm ready. 

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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The problem with the first two examples is that the technologically inferior armies typically fielded 10 times the troops, and even then faced heavy casualties to a much smaller force. European empires never fully mobilized their militaries due to logistics and appearances. Were we to see the kind of forces at play in the Napoleonic Wars, these uprisings would never have a chance. The nations in this roleplay might not be limited in that way, meaning scientific nations can bring to bear much larger forces. Traditional forces will either require gargantuan armies (a logistical nightmare) or incredible luck (very unlikely).



Scientific armies can only have 8% of its population serve in the millitary due the the way inudtrial economies work. Compare that to 25% of the pop of industrial nations. Also... ponies eat grass and hay and stuff.... now one can feed his 10mil horde =p




Then the nations have been poorly balanced. If a player has to take a majority of its time trying to win back its own nation due to inherent disadvantages, it's actively hampering the player's ability to freely enjoy their experience. Players should not be punished for playing a certain way, it's a game design no-no.


ITs the RPers choice to choose a cetrain category, this means he/she might want to Experience that sort of nation. Also another thing ur missing; Pegasi cant be scientific... and theyre really fast. AA weaponry wasnt invented until much later, therefore sometimes, it can be the scis that are a disadvantage.




The problem is that through espionage, trade, and diplomacy, this pressure can be negated. Techniques and methods can be taught, machinery constructed, and with time stable production acquired. Likewise, powerful spells can be discovered, stolen, or taught, making them accessible (I hesitate to say easily). If a rational nation plays its cards right, it stands to out-compete all others through its open-mindedness. A bit OP, I'd think.


No nation can purely be industrialized through spying. Heavy machinery is required, trained mehanics and hardened steel. Good luck sneaking out of a country with a 40 tonne piece of metal. And as I said, eventually traditional nations can 'western' or 'magicalize', the restricitions are just at the start. Also, there are no magical nations in this RP so for....so =P




I'll give you Napoleon, but a lot of why the Nazi advance stalled was because they were fighting a two-front war. Germany very nearly had Russia, but Hitler was an idiot who didn't understand strategy (thank god). Had the Nazis taken care of the British before they took on the Soviets, it would have pounded it into submission before they could regroup.



The German war machine was still reallying mainly on horse-drawn transport to supply the Whermacht. Muddy roads and the winter made movement impossible. The mud often cause entre armies to stop in their tracks. And you're telling me the winter didnt play a major role? Yes, if HItler wasnt he idiot he was and let his gens do the thing, they wouldve won, yet the winter and sheer size of the land gave the soviets an advantage. IN the same time, do you have any idea how many railways were damaged/destroyed by partizan groups?




As quadrupeds I imagine it'd be more than a little awkward riding on another horse. Non-magic users are face considerably difficulty (realistically) in using weapons, adding being on horseback and I'm sure it's a nightmare (moon).



Physics in the MLP world doesnt really apply... I mean, there is a lot of hoof-lifting/holding from both earth-ponys and pegasi 

Can we start now? 

As soon as I come back from school



(Hate mobile posts...)


Can i make a change to my nation? I want it to have a roman military system :)

YAh, PM me ur modification =)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Since it appears that things are not only unlikely to change but temporary, I'll concede my argument in full.


I certainly hope this hasn't provoked any ill will between us, as I'd actually be interested in joining. I'm already in the process of filling out the form, I just need to cover a couple sections and it'll be finished. Could you perhaps give me some time to finalize things before we start?

  • Brohoof 1


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I certainly hope this hasn't provoked any ill will between us, as I'd actually be interested in joining. I'm already in the process of filling out the form, I just need to cover a couple sections and it'll be finished. Could you perhaps give me some time to finalize things before we start?

sure =)


ps. Ill hate you forever now ^^


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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What do you think of the way my nation treat their slaves?

Your nation making use of slaves at all would be look at with disapproval, though them being treated well would allow for perhaps peaceful interactions. Princess Celestia would probably try convincing your leader to consider releasing/freeing their nation's slaves, time and time again whenever she could. Yet if the slaves are degraded, mistreated, abused, treated like beasts or like a possession, exc... well that is the fast track to conflict.


In the case of your pirate king and his nation... well as a pirate the princess would be a bit distrusting anyway if still well mannered and friendly given her nature. Still, the situation of him owning slaves that are not allowed to leave or face death, even if they are paid, would be something Celestia would try to fix.



Actually on the bit about magical nations being superior magically... I argue that at least Princess Celestia would be the equal, if not perhaps superior, of nearly any within such nations since she has lived for over a millennium and reasonably would be learning magic during such a time... perhaps partly from these self same nations or on her own. She could then pass such knowledge off to others, such as within her School for Gifted Unicorns.


Really good points can, and have, been made that the way you have this all 'balanced' can be picked apart a little bit and argued.



For All


I want to ask for the help of those here on what I should have Equestria's Two Primary Nation Traits and Twi Nation Values. I am uncertain what to put or have added. I have actually considered Equestrians valuing the finding of their purpose, the path they should follow and their destiny... yet I can't figure out what that would be in a single word.


@@Once In A Blue Moon,

I do ask the question... have we actually ever seen ponies eating grass from right off the ground?


I could see that being like eating food of the ground, not the most pleasant of things for most ponies even though they could. More I think it is fair to remind that as sentient race that live a life not that dissimilar to humans means eating whatever is growing nearby is not ideal.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Actually on the bit about magical nations being superior magically... I argue that at least Princess Celestia would be the equal, if not perhaps superior, of nearly any within such nations since she has lived for over a millennium and reasonably would be learning magic during such a time... perhaps partly from these self same nations or on her own. She could then pass such knowledge off to others, such as within her School for Gifted Unicorns. Really good points can, and have, been made that the way you have this all 'balanced' can be picked apart a little bit and argued.


I balanced it as well as i could, trying to keep some 'challenge' in it as well =S


Anything can be picked apart =p




I do ask the question... have we actually ever seen ponies eating grass from right off the ground?   I could see that being like eating food of the ground, not the most pleasant of things for most ponies even though they could. More I think it is fair to remind that as sentient race that live a life not that dissimilar to humans means eating whatever is growing nearby is not ideal.


My guys will occasionally eat meat..... famine forces the unthinkable =o 


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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I could see that being like eating food of the ground, not the most pleasant of things for most ponies even though they could. More I think it is fair to remind that as sentient race that live a life not that dissimilar to humans means eating whatever is growing nearby is not ideal.



They eat hay, which is less nutritious and less pleasant than grass. And it's not like military field rations are famed for being culinary masterpieces (well, actually they are remarkable in that they provide everything that a soldier needs, but they're not famous for being tasty.) My assumption is that since all they actually need is grass, good grassland (as opposed to desert, barren mountains etc) is more than capable of supporting a fair number of ponies that are on the move, just not tens of thousands in one place (I think a horse needs about 2% of its body-weight in grass per day, which is a fair bit given that ponies tend to weigh between 200 and 450 kg.)

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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@@Lordav,@@Once In A Blue Moon,  


My ponies are omnivore.




Well if you look back when there were pirates sometimes after taking a ship they would force the ships crew into their service. That's how the gained their "slaves". But Gloom is trying to make things less like that by treating the non ponies in his crew like family. Gloom is a pirate king but he thinks that a nation build on freedom should be shared with everyone.


Giving the slaves wages and homes was the first step.

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@Gentleman Cruki@KingFl@me1990@Once In A Blue Moon@Gloomfury@CrimsonWeb@EquestrianScholar@Gentleman Blaze,    


OK, RP is up


World Thread (Actual nation interaction): https://mlpforums.co...omacytrade-war/

Commoner thread (if you want to RP as an ordinary citizen) : https://mlpforums.co...omacytrade-war/


Now things to clarify before we start:


Scientific nations (except Gloom):


We start in the North-west on a couple of islands (differing in size... greenland size allowed) but the terrain is pretty rough, the southern part is the only place where one can grow food while the north is almost always cold. WInters are VERY rough, famine, frostbite and shortages is almost always present.

We have little knowladge of each other (other than the fact we exist), so no knowladge about the culture etc. The territory where Ponssia (my nation) is, is where the scientific population started, then everyone migrated and the 3 states (maybe more will join) have been created. Faith is in the Popal church who's mechanics ill explain:


Popal Church (scientifics):


I guess you realized this is a substitute for the catholic church. Same culture, same churches and same beliefs+ practices. There is always going to be a Pape in the independent (and rich) costal city of Prome. Each nation has a cardinal. You can gain the favour of the holy father by making donations (not cheap), answering holy wars (crusades) or, best of all, building a cathedral (extremly expensive.... like treasury-emptying expensive). Cathedrals might become the seat of a cardinal. Once the pope dies, A quick assesment of ur nations faith + actions (if their religion accepted) and number of cardinals will givce you a chance to become the Popal controller. As the controller you can declare holy wars (crusades) on non popals (must be approved by me) or excommunicate other leaders (again... approved by me). Sometimes the Pape will return to the control of the Papal State and therefore no nation has control over it. Naions in the good books of the Pape can recieve bonuses such as loans, blessings (for unrest) or other things. However, in return the church owns large chuncks of your land and you have to pay 10% of your income to the church. In a time when opinion against the Pape is large, a country can set up a anti-pope or even break off (reformation), freeing yourself from these obligations, however, expect unrest from the religious populace). A


Any  nation that doesnt follow the Popal Faith is a heathen.





You guys have knowladge of both the rational and magical nations. No idea of the scientific ones (they were solationist). You start in the east, usually in vast plains/ steppes/ tundra. Idea is.... ur a kind of russia/mongols. Go have your fun. YOu guys can know/ not know each other, your choice.




Practicing peace and tolerance and reciding in the soil-rich south you guys got a good area. Best soil in the game for crops and stuff. Again, no knowladge of the scientfic and only heard mild rumors of the traditionals and their practices. (Equestria and the Equestrian flock.... you guys decide if ya know each other). Lets see what happens when you realize the true violent nature of the world.




You dont exist... yet =p


@Gloomfury (ur a category now XP):


You are pretty much a collection of islands spannning in the sea. You are the only one that has limited knowladge of the scientifics (as you got most of ur weapons from there) and know a little of all notions. Go pirate your stuff.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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I told ya I belong in a rogue category.


With that being said how about we let out nations meet? 


A nation of heathens meeting a "holy" nation? Sound's like fun. 


Dont forget.... u got a mionority following dat religion.


That being said. I just put the holy gold-filled rich independant-city of Prome on the coast.... temptations for you.... but an attack on it might lead to a coalition of scientifics coming down on ya.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Am I the only one who sees an amusing irony in that it is a Scientific nation which has the equivalent of the Roman Catholic church?


I will try to have a reply by this evening, maybe tomorrow at the latest.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Am I the only one who sees an amusing irony in that it is a Scientific nation which has the equivalent of the Roman Catholic church?


Well..... it has to be similar to europe... what better than some good ol' zealousness?


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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My nations religion is cooler. 

Just not as powerful =p


and rich


and doesnt have awsome huge cathedrals with bells almost as heavy as one of ur pirate ships =p


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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We worship a giant, Kraken like beast that borderlines Cthulhu! I think that counts as something way higher then cool. Way beyond 20%.


And a temple made out of parts from the ships of the first  pirates settlers sound more significant then a bunch of cathedrals made to show of ones wealth. 


*drops the mike*

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Really? I thought your nation would defiantly have Conquistadores, Templars or something like that. 

it willl... but it wont be THAT much of a deal =D


no templars =p





Ya guys need to make an introductary post for nations to start interactions with ya =)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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