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open MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures - World Stage (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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"I am captain Fredrick Shatterhoof of the Ponssian patrol frigate SMS Dussledorf, We have been sent to gather information on the surrounding and you just happened to appear into view. I see you are close to our millitary level," he said looking at the wooden steamer docked to his ship, "but only close." he looked towards the foreign marines. "Anyway, I was asking myself if our peoples might be interesting in... reaching a mutually beneficient agrement? Please..." He invited the Commodore into his cabin."


"It would be my pleasure," Skye answered as they entered the cabin, "This meeting is most fortuitous, as I have been granted authority by the crown to discuss matters of trade. Tell me, did you have any 'mutually beneficial agreements' in mind? There is much that two nations of science and technology could achieve. For ourselves, we seek food and lumber, the building blocks of a burgeoning industry, and we can offer raw and processed materials in return."




Just over a week later, Captain Arran of HMS Ardent stood on the quarterdeck studying the imposing heights of Skergehaven through his telescope.


"Cheery place," Lieutenant Waterbreak commented, also staring at the distant cliffside.


"If there's anywhere that we can find out what we need to know, it's here," Arran answered, pocketing the telescope, "I'd much rather the commodore were here to negotiate, but I really don't think we can afford to wait here until he arrives," 'if he's going to arrive' he neglected to add, although the thought weighed heavy on both ponies' minds as Ardent ploughed on towards the  forbidding city.

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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@@Once In A Blue Moon


The cabin was pretty luxurious. It had a piano, was filled with crystal accesories and fancy furniture. The captain sat behind his desk,

"Oh, that is most unfortunate, I see. We were hoping that you would be the ones having food. However not all seems lost."

He pulls out a number of scrolls from a drawer. 

"This are copies of our maps and charters. What I propose is simple, a exchange. The easiest way to find what we're looking for is o know where you dont need to look. We offer you our maps, you offer us yours, this way neither of us will have to sail the same waters for nothing. You seem a favorable nation in terms of its.... millitary capabilities, his highness is always on the lookout of such opportunity. If we are to inform each other of our location and set up a communication line between our two nations, I trust this meeting might help us both. We know we are not on the same landmass however that is no cause to worry, we have developed water-tight telegraph cables. May I ask of your opinion on this matter?"

He also takes out a vintage wine bottle, the date on it made it 105 years old.



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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Just in the midst of throwing warriors at the wall, Serylda could hear the loud echoes of the war horns through the forests and signaled them all to stop by reaching her sword out to the side. The gunfire had stopped for a bit, And Serylda cherished the moments of silence. Until the sweet sound of heavy armor creak and clang as the herds first few warriors made it's appearance. The stallion who had talked to Serylda earlier approached her again, He looked as if in chock, "The.... the... bears.. And the.. the...." He said barely able to speak. Serylda looked down at him from her firm seating on Ursus "I know, We'll have to bury them later. For now, Focus on the battle. We believe they're using some sort of dark magic, They may be in an alliance with the dragons." She said with a stone cold voice as usual, The stallion looked worried.


With angered eyes Serylda looked towards the camp, And lifted her sword straight up towards the sky, And with that she could hear how every spear sword and axe was unholstered. "I was born for conquest..." And with that her sword swiftly cut through the air pointing straight forwards, And the mass of the herd pushed itself forwards, Ready to trample anything in it's way.


(Most of these soldiers aren't mounted.)


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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A liutenant looked through his binocular in the distance, he could slowly tell of the slow-approaching huge horde. 

"Sir! HUge enemy movement, 35 degrees due south! At their current advance.... I'd estimate them getting here in..." he looked at his pocket-watch, "35 minutes, sir.

The sergeant nodded.

"I believe this to be a waste of time and resources, we need to return better equipped for this duty. Signal the warships to double their rate of fire, all we need to do now is slow them down. Sound the retreat!"

About 40 trumpets played the retreat tune. The first of the ones to get on the boats were the non-combatants. About 30 of them managed to squash in a rowboat, of which there were 12 in total. That meant that in roughly two trips, the whole body was to be evacuated. A trip to the ships was roughly 4 minutes, 5 minutes to board the ships and another 4 to row back to shore. In about 24 minutes the entire beach was deserted. All the heavy equipment and tools were taken. The only things remaining were the sandbags, stakes and a few tents which were not packed up. The ships were now fully crewed and could fire at full efficency. 

"Put some distance between us and the shore! I want that forest leveled to the ground!"

"Yes sir!" the officers saluted befire rushing to their stations.

"On my order, full broadside, incendiary."


The three frigates unleashed three full broadsides upon the forest, the entire coastline was soon set ablaze.

"Set sail for home!"

THe frigates started turning around, if the enemy hurried they might still get a glimpse of the magnificent warships of the ponsian navy. True monsters of the sea.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The haze of fire had the mass backing off, The trees fell creating barriers not possible of being breached for the herd, Slowing them down dramatically. All the enemies were able to flee, And they could not do much more but stand and watch.


Eventually the fire calmed down, And they had a lot of work ahead of them. Even though the enemy was gone for now, It was not seen as a victory to the southern herd, The casualties were many and chance of plague high. But the fear of sickness wasn't going to stop anyone, And they soon after started carefully placing the bodies on sleds made and started dragging them out towards the tundra, And the holy burying grounds, Bears and ponies alike. Even the bodies of the ones who were crushed by trees and blown to pieces by cannon balls were recovered as well as possible, And sent to the graveyard.


The camp was torn to the ground, And the sharp poles that formed the death trap of a wall were used to mount the heads of the few fallen enemies. 


"Serylda, Come, Quickly!" The shouting could be heard from further out the forest, And with that she rushed into forest seeing exactly how serious the damages were. Bodies were turned to ashes, Crushed and worst of all was that they died at the hands of ponies who cowardly enough had used fire in such a monstrous way. In the minds of the ponies living in Pruine, Fire was purely used for warmth and cooking, And not misused in this kind of manner.


When she arrived multiple warriors was surrounding a tree with a long trail of blood leading up to it, The small mass opened up revealing a wounded soldier. "What do you wish to do with him?" One of the riders asked with a sinister tone, Without answering Serylda just jumped of Ursus back and slowly walked up to the wounded stallion. After looking at him with a hatred like no other for a few seconds she grabbed the stallion by his mane and pushed him up against the tree as his cringe of pain intensified. She didn't say anything to him, Just stared at him with her eyes cold as ice, Before dragging him away from the tree by his mane and throwing him on the ground behind them. She took a deep breath, And seemingly calmed down as she looked at the stallion with a neutral face. "Feed him to the bears."


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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When pirate kings men saw the outfit that he would have to wear they couldn't hold back their laughter any longer. They fell all about in the room, grabbing their sides from laughing so hard. The king on the other hand was not even smiling as he glared hatefully at the clothing he was given. "Are you trying to make me look like a flamingo?! I'll be a laughing stock if I put this on." He then got in the servants face. His eyes lazing with anger and his sharp teeth gritted and bared. "Either you got something better and less 'pink' or let my go in as is. Then  I guess I'll have to take my leave. And you will have to explain how you single handedly damned  your home into a endless bombardment of cannon balls!"


Gloom as half serious about that. He really hated the color pink. When he said the word he said it with a lot of disgust. 

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Uncharted Grid 43, North-Northwest of Liao (Against the Northern Shores)

Year 6, Yuanliang (元良六年)




A projectile shot out of a barrel and floated through the sky before gravity sent it back down, landing it near the small makeshift camp some distance away from the shore, behind some hills. "...one point one-two li, six degree elevation with slight resistance..." The gray earth pony stallion, clad in three layers of clothing, muttered to himself as he scribbled down some calculations on a paper against a flat rock slab, then looking up at the sky as the light purple pegasus descended down with the barrel-device and the white projectile on her hoof – those native to the lands of the Liao would know it as a "survey cannon".


The survey cannon was another ingenious creation several decades ago by the late Chizhang, an explorer and a well known experimentalist who many saw to be the "Father of Discovery". Evidently it was behind compared to more technologically developed nations, but time over time it had proven to be very reliable to the traveling hoof outside of the borders.


"Thirty-eight degrees east of north, A-Gang," the pegasus reminded as he jotted down the distance and turned his attention to the map, which he carefully drew out a small portion onto the grid. "...Hey, A-Gang, are we going to call it a day now? The others are a bit tired and I want to make sure we can still make the journey back. Well, you'll probably make it back but kill the others in the process."


Tougang chuckled and dropped the pencil from his mouth. "Yeah, sure. Take a rest. We've charted more than expected today," he replied as he rolled up his map and gave her a small, subtle smile. "Keep up the pace and we'll be done in two weeks, maybe even one. Pretty sure you're all eager to get back home."


The mare nodded and placed her survey cannon next to his hoof and hovered off; Tougang took this time to look at the landscape. It was truly foreign – not to mention cold, and it wasn't even winter yet! Maybe he should have explored south instead, or acquire a boat and visit the nearby land south...but his decision was made back then, and he had to finish what he started. Idly Tougang stared outward toward the northern shores, seeing nothing but a massive ocean in front of him. He always wondered what lied ahead of that ocean...the ships had never went north because of unsuitable temperatures.


There are strange countries in the east and the Pulaiens in the west, as well as various smaller tribes in the south...what about the north? Tougang sat for a moment and took a moment to just stare outward.

  • Brohoof 2
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" the capital... Obviously " the captain held his head as if he was in pain "S...say? You wouldn't happen to have any water or anything like that on you?" The pony pulling the cart also said "yeah could I have some? I mean I am pulling you all..."


The cart rattled over a bridge and through a ruined checkpoint with W--dboro--h written on it the sign had obviously faded with age and the checkpoint it hung on had been destroyed in a raid.

Blue Flare frowned. They were going to be taken to the capital? The very center of power and authority in the entire nation? These islanders were certainly very trusting... In Medeis, strangers weren't even allowed inside the country, much less allowed to visit the center of power. Her frown deepened as she saw the ruined checkpoint and heard the pleas for water. She couldn't imagine why they were asking for water. She knew sea water was not safe to drink, but surely there was a way to process it into drinking water? But what really frightened her was the destroyed checkpoint. Why hadn't it been repaired? How was it destroyed? Who destroyed it and for what reason? "Uh, no sorry. We left our water supplies in our castle. We have no water with us at the moment." This was true... in a manner of speaking. Say, what happened here? This place looks pretty beaten up..." She waved her hoof around the destroyed check point, trying to make the question come off a casual one.

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Equestria, Canterlot - Princess Celestia

Celestia was finishing up some paperwork, preparing what would be needed for any meetings that would come that day and signing a few documents after reading through them. Thankfully what she had to do was a small part of everything that goes to Canterlot, having delegated to others, more recently also her sister.
With Luna asleep, this would leave her to meet with whoever was coming from the dragon nation, leaving her a bit nervous on doing this on her own though such was hidden from her face. She expected good things from this meeting, especially since she would be meeting with the Dragon Union's leader not just a delegate. Still she did consider what they would talk about, and planned for there to be tea.
Yet it would seem there was other matters to attend to as one of her guards would enter, offering a respectful bow, before then stepping forward. “You Highness, there is news. Reports have come in of a floating castle coming towards Canterlot. From what can be seen, it is armed yet we are not certain if they are hostle."
Allow them to come, I will come out in a moment tio assess the situation,” Princess Celestia could not think who might be coming, yet the idea of a floating castle were intriguing. Smiling she would continue, “Make sure there isn't any concern or panic of ponies within Canterlot and keep the guard on call to gather.
  • Brohoof 1
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Blue Flare frowned. They were going to be taken to the capital? The very center of power and authority in the entire nation? These islanders were certainly very trusting... In Medeis, strangers weren't even allowed inside the country, much less allowed to visit the center of power. Her frown deepened as she saw the ruined checkpoint and heard the pleas for water. She couldn't imagine why they were asking for water. She knew sea water was not safe to drink, but surely there was a way to process it into drinking water? But what really frightened her was the destroyed checkpoint. Why hadn't it been repaired? How was it destroyed? Who destroyed it and for what reason? "Uh, no sorry. We left our water supplies in our castle. We have no water with us at the moment." This was true... in a manner of speaking. Say, what happened here? This place looks pretty beaten up..." She waved her hoof around the destroyed check point, trying to make the question come off a casual one.

" invaders... That's what happened. They want the coal under the island. The only way their going to get it is by killing the queen and taking over. As for the state of it we currently don't have the pony power to fix it... Loads of things are killing us... Dehydration for one. Then there's invaders. Suffocating in coal mines. The queen though she's, she's gonna fix this. And *cough* then we're going to be living easy... " the cart began the final leg of it's journey turning around a corner and onto a street. From the housing you'd guess that there would be hundreds of ponies walking around. But there was none at all. Only a small wagon rolling down the hill and into the trees at the bottom

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Sappy gathered every dragon and wyvern for an anouncement. He walked out on the balcony of his castle, he cleared his throat, and spoke with a loud deep voice "Citizens! I will be leaving for my meeting with princess Celestia the sun goddes, in hopes of establishing peace between our nations. I wish you all a good day, and wish me luck!" Said Sappy, he heard cheers as he walked inside. "Follow me gentlemen" Said Sappy to his two paetreon guards. Sappy packed some documents, and a gift. He took flight, and his two guards followed suit. Some hours passed, and Sappy landed outside Canterlot castle. He told the guards guarding door, that he had an audience and they let him in. He walked inside the throne room, and saw princess Celestia in all her glory. She looked as regal, as she was in his history books. He performed a quick bow, to show his respect. "Greeting princess Celestia, my name is Sappy Lappy. DU's current president, it's a honor to make your acquaintance" Said Sappy 

Edited by Gentleman Blaze
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The servan was surprised at the hightened tone,

"Good sir, i wish to ask you to mind your manners or else we will be forced to annule this meeting." He said calmly with a straight face, "We could do some arrangement but this is the royal dignitary's clothes."

He signalled two servemares which came in with a dark purple costume, a bit more fancier yet purple.

"You would better hurry, his majesty does not take delays lightly. One bow on ntering, another in the center." the servant repeated before dropping the costume on a hanger. He left the room, not wanting to spend any more time with these ruffians,  And as for your.... ehm... companions, a small table of refreshments has been set up in the small halway. Wine, a few cakes and all."

After he left the room he moved on and mumbled to the servemares,

"So uncivilized."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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All the fallen had been buried, And a large part of the western Pruine searched for anymore enemies. Once everything was In order again, The exploration branch of "The iron herd" (100.000 warriors, 5000 riders) returned to preparing for their journey out south, In hopes of finding a steady resource of food.


With their weapons sharpened and flags risen the herd formed a train with Serylda in the lead, They left their cold lands ready to start a war if needed. Traveling south east it didn't take long before they noticed a change in climate, From the frozen tundras and barren pine forests it became warmer, Not a lot but enough to notice. The lands seemingly weren't claimed, And seemed scarce of anything of value. 

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Equestria, Canterlot - Princess Celestia

Celestia was finishing up some paperwork, preparing what would be needed for any meetings that would come that day and signing a few documents after reading through them. Thankfully what she had to do was a small part of everything that goes to Canterlot, having delegated to others, more recently also her sister.
With Luna asleep, this would leave her to meet with whoever was coming from the dragon nation, leaving her a bit nervous on doing this on her own though such was hidden from her face. She expected good things from this meeting, especially since she would be meeting with the Dragon Union's leader not just a delegate. Still she did consider what they would talk about, and planned for there to be tea.
Yet it would seem there was other matters to attend to as one of her guards would enter, offering a respectful bow, before then stepping forward. “You Highness, there is news. Reports have come in of a floating castle coming towards Canterlot. From what can be seen, it is armed yet we are not certain if they are hostle."
Allow them to come, I will come out in a moment tio assess the situation,” Princess Celestia could not think who might be coming, yet the idea of a floating castle were intriguing. Smiling she would continue, “Make sure there isn't any concern or panic of ponies within Canterlot and keep the guard on call to gather.


The floating castle continued its approach towards the white palace perched on top of the mountain, growing just a little closer to it every day. Silver Gleam, was starting to get nervous, the ponies living in the palace could definitely see them by now. Since a battalion of winged ponies hadn't yet assaulted them, he assumed they weren't hostile, or were waiting for the castle to come closer before launching their assault. He had already chosen a team of his most capable unicorns to teleport down to the palace once they came within range to make contact if no attack came before then. 


" invaders... That's what happened. They want the coal under the island. The only way their going to get it is by killing the queen and taking over. As for the state of it we currently don't have the pony power to fix it... Loads of things are killing us... Dehydration for one. Then there's invaders. Suffocating in coal mines. The queen though she's, she's gonna fix this. And *cough* then we're going to be living easy... " the cart began the final leg of it's journey turning around a corner and onto a street. From the housing you'd guess that there would be hundreds of ponies walking around. But there was none at all. Only a small wagon rolling down the hill and into the trees at the bottom

Blue Flare looked concerned, and she had good reason to be concerned. She knew exactly what coal was, as the mountains of Medeis were full of the stuff. If these invaders learned of the massive coal deposits in her homeland, would they invade there as well? She needed to learn more about these coal obsessed invaders, and warn the High Magi of the possible danger. As she heard of their dehydration problem, she couldn't help but feel sympathetic... "I see... When I meet with your queen, we will discuss possible solutions to your problems. The ponies of Medias are talented magic users, there well may be a spell that can help you! I'd also like to hear more about these invaders, they seem like..." Her voice trailed off as she noticed that the town was almost entirely empty. "Wha... Where is everypony!? This town is empty! This can't be your capital..."

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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The floating castle continued its approach towards the white palace perched on top of the mountain, growing just a little closer to it every day. Silver Gleam, was starting to get nervous, the ponies living in the palace could definitely see them by now. Since a battalion of winged ponies hadn't yet assaulted them, he assumed they weren't hostile, or were waiting for the castle to come closer before launching their assault. He had already chosen a team of his most capable unicorns to teleport down to the palace once they came within range to make contact if no attack came before then. 



Blue Flare looked concerned, and she had good reason to be concerned. She knew exactly what coal was, as the mountains of Medeis were full of the stuff. If these invaders learned of the massive coal deposits in her homeland, would they invade there as well? She needed to learn more about these coal obsessed invaders, and warn the High Magi of the possible danger. As she heard of their dehydration problem, she couldn't help but feel sympathetic... "I see... When I meet with your queen, we will discuss possible solutions to your problems. The ponies of Medias are talented magic users, there well may be a spell that can help you! I'd also like to hear more about these invaders, they seem like..." Her voice trailed off as she noticed that the town was almost entirely empty. "Wha... Where is everypony!? This town is empty!

This can't be your capital..."

" well it is. Everyponys inside after the Queen saw you on your floating castle the guards raised the alarm. They're trying to not get killed. Those who don't have a house to go back to take refuge in the castles basement. One of the *cough* safest places there is. That I know of. " the captain coughed again " feels like I'm dieing" he said as the cart went into the market there was a small store it was supposed to be selling water but it's shelves were empty and covered in layers of dust

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The scouts of anitha were far into the hills now, exploring farther then they had been ever before. They were almost at one of the peaks, the weather was so cold that the gear that they were wearing wouldn't let them move. But these were hard ponys, some of the best trained and drilled ponys in anitha.They were well versed in every skill to survive but none the less the harsh mountains were unforgiving. The leader, scriba, stood at the top of the mountain and looked out, a grin coming across her face. Turning to the rest of her group, she tilted her head "write home, tell them we found it"

  • Brohoof 1

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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 Gloom made a face. But at least he liked purple. Plus they didn't say he couldn't make changes to his new  outfit. After a grunt he went into the dressing room. Lucky for him he knew how to sew so he could fix his own clothes. While he did his adjustments his crew ran out into the hall as soon as they heard the words whine and ail.


Gloom had loosen the clothing a bit so it wasn't so tight.  He also rolled up the sleeves lightly and threw up the collar and leaving it open a little. Then he lengthen it a little more that it was hanging. After letting his mane down he placed his red bandanna on his head along with his black hat on top of it. He also placed his black sash around his waste. When he felt like he was ready he left the dressing room and head for the thrown room.


When he got to the doors he opened then himself before anyone else could. Like he was told, he took his hat of and placed it to his chest before bowing, with a little more flare. And looking right at the king. Not taking hos eyes off him he went up and did his second bow. "Really hope you don't my sudden arrival, your majesty. And also I like to keep eye contact with whomever I'm talking to. King or begger."


@@Once In A Blue Moon


The streets of the Skerghaven was full of beings going about their lives. Some gangs were fighting while merchants were sailing whatever they had in stock. At the docks a good deal of beings were fishing on the pears or out on boats. Hoping to catch have a good haul. Some of the older citizens made their way to the temple to pray to the Bearded lady.

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The young, 18-year old king sat on his throne, wearing a black and prussian blue simple, millitary, officer uniform. He blinklessly started towards the visitor with a gaze that could penetrate one's very soul. He slowly stood up,

"So...you are the one that made an entire city arm up." he said and slowly stood up of his over-decorated chair, standing by it. He brushed the right arm of the chair with a hoof.

"You do realize that in many such cases I should just go on and open fire, otherwise what would our... my great nation be seen as a bunch of cowardly bureucrats. However, the nerve of requesting a meeting with a king directly... I had to see what this was about."

He moved his hoof up the chairs arm and brushed it to the end of the backrest.

"Why are you here?"

He never tok his eyes off his 'visitor'.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"This are copies of our maps and charters. What I propose is simple, a exchange. The easiest way to find what we're looking for is o know where you dont need to look. We offer you our maps, you offer us yours, this way neither of us will have to sail the same waters for nothing. You seem a favorable nation in terms of its.... millitary capabilities, his highness is always on the lookout of such opportunity."  


"An exchange of charts would be most agreeable. I have copies of all of our official charts aboard my ship, as well as assorted copies of best-guess and unofficial independent-trader charts that you are welcome to look through." Skye answered. Even from here, he could see substantial landmasses to the East and South-East, which were exactly what he was looking for. He hoped that Captain Shatterhoof would not be too disappointed to discover that most of the Shetland Navy's official charts were detailed depth measurements of Shetland and its archipelago, and a scattering of tiny islands to the West.




"If we are to inform each other of our location and set up a communication line between our two nations, I trust this meeting might help us both. We know we are not on the same landmass however that is no cause to worry, we have developed water-tight telegraph cables. May I ask of your opinion on this matter?" He also takes out a vintage wine bottle, the date on it made it 105 years old. "Wine?"  


"A telegram connection would certainly be in line with our goals, and as fortune would have it, we already have the capability to lay substantial quantities of cable across shallow waters - we have run out cables to many of our islands, including to Alba, the most distant of our islands. I am sure that our engineers can make it work, although it will be a fair undertaking. Thank you." He took the proffered glass, "Certainly it would be a good first step on the way to a global network, which some of our more enthusiastic engineers have suggested."





The streets of the Skerghaven was full of beings going about their lives. Some gangs were fighting while merchants were sailing whatever they had in stock. At the docks a good deal of beings were fishing on the pears or out on boats. Hoping to catch have a good haul. Some of the older citizens made their way to the temple to pray to the Bearded lady.


HMS Ardent had lowered her colours and entered port without fanfare. Her older design, still reliant on sails for long-distance travel and showing her age despite her refit, helped her to blend in, although she remained one of the more advanced ships in the harbour regardless. Appropriate quantities of money had dealt with any curiosity about her origin or mission, and an hour later Captain Arran, Lieutenant of Marine Waterbreak, eight marines and two-dozen crewponies were drinking in one of the dockside taverns.


Arran sighed as he watched the ponies under his command attempting to be subtle and blend in. Whilst the marines were perfectly capable of drinking themselves insensible when off-duty, Lieutenant Waterbreak had them on a tight leash and so the nine of them were sitting and sipping their drinks in an incredibly regimented and unsubtle manner, whilst the crew had completely ignored their instructions and were drinking far too much - and as a result would have blended in perfectly had they not started singing Shetland Navy tunes, which would hardly be popular choices amongst the pirates, mercenaries and independent spirits you would find in Skerghaven. Deciding to abandon all subterfuge, walked up to the bar.


"So where would I be going and who would I be looking for if I wanted to trade a lot in a hurry?" Arran asked a sufficiently grizzled and captain-esque pony next to him.

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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@, @,

Equestria, Canterlot - Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia was pacing the throneroom, and just on her way to head outside given the situations. Her guards were gathering within the palace and awaiting her orders. Thus it came to some suprise to hear a voice calling her name and introducing himself.

Looking up, she would see Sappy bowing towards her and she would offer a warm smile many had grown accustomed to before saying, “Welcome to Equestria and Canterlot. I am sorry to say this may not be the best of times, as I am about to head outside to greet other... visitors who I am as of yet unsure of their intent. If you wish, you may follow President and see for yourself.”

With such Celestia would offer a slight bow of her head before leaving to greet her guards. On arriving she would say, “We know not of why they are here, but we will assume their intentions are peaceful. Do not act without my command.” With such she stood on the tallest balcony flanked by two sets of guards with the rest waiting below. Sigh a moment to take in a breath, before then letting it out, the princess would rise to greet those from the floating castle.

Using the Royal Canterlot Voice, she would say, “Greetings, I am Princess Celestia, Dairch of Equestria. What intentions do you have come to Canterlot armed and seemingly ready for conflict?” Her voice would carry far enough to be heard, perhaps surprisingly so for many.

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Gloom gave a cocky smile as he put his hat back on, standing taller then the young king. "If you did open fire then that would just start some really nasty retaliation from my part, your majesty. Plus, if I just showed up saying I'm the pirate king and wanted to meet you I have no doubt your guards would have tried to throw cuffs on me and send me right to the brig without hesitation.


So I showed up with my teeth a little bared, to get your attention." He chuckled. "And now that I do I just simply  came here to ask if you would like to set up a trading root between your land and Skerghaven. Which is the land that I rule. We have plenty of things your land might need. Like food. I sent my scouts out a few months ago to look for places to trade with. Or scope out places and ships to plunder." He smirked.


"Anyway when my men came back he said your land was in need of a steady supply of food. And we got plenty of cattle, sea life, fruits and vegetables. After the scurvy epidemic when my fourth predecease was in charge. Skerghave set up plenty of farms to make sure that doesn't happen again.


And I'm also proud to say you wont find a place where the people are tougher then deck nails and stronger then a ten ton cannon ball. We got ship builders, carpenters, farmers, architects, traders, merchants and mercenaries. We even got a few academics who can do many things under the sun.


So what do you think?"


@@Once In A Blue Moon




Most of the patrons joined in with the foreign sailors in a song. Treating them like long lost friends.  While that happen the the stallion who was on his third dink and already buzzed, respond to Arran. "New here ain't ya, lad? If yer look'n to get rid of hot cargo seek out Captain Malachi of the pirate king's third fleet. He's the main fence in Skerghaven. His shop is set up on his ship, the Demon. You'll know it by her flag. Black with a demons skull in front of a set of scales. But tread lightly, lad. Never cross him or get on his bad side. Or ye will end up on the fast track to the Bearded Lady's embrace." The stallion said before taking another drink.

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@, @,

Equestria, Canterlot - Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia was pacing the throneroom, and just on her way to head outside given the situations. Her guards were gathering within the palace and awaiting her orders. Thus it came to some suprise to hear a voice calling her name and introducing himself.


Looking up, she would see Sappy bowing towards her and she would offer a warm smile many had grown accustomed to before saying, “Welcome to Equestria and Canterlot. I am sorry to say this may not be the best of times, as I am about to head outside to greet other... visitors who I am as of yet unsure of their intent. If you wish, you may follow President and see for yourself.”


With such Celestia would offer a slight bow of her head before leaving to greet her guards. On arriving she would say, “We know not of why they are here, but we will assume their intentions are peaceful. Do not act without my command.” With such she stood on the tallest balcony flanked by two sets of guards with the rest waiting below. Sigh a moment to take in a breath, before then letting it out, the princess would rise to greet those from the floating castle.


Using the Royal Canterlot Voice, she would say, “Greetings, I am Princess Celestia, Dairch of Equestria. What intentions do you have come to Canterlot armed and seemingly ready for conflict?” Her voice would carry far enough to be heard, perhaps surprisingly so for many.

Magi Silver Gleam was startled by the sudden voice. Looking around, he saw that his compatriots were just as surprised. But despite his surprise, he was gladdened that they finally made contact with the ponies of... Canterlot, apparently. And judging by their response, they probably weren't hostile. Even so, there was no way he would meet with this Celestia personally until he knew more about them. He would have to send somepony he trusted, and somepony who could handle themselves in a confrontation, whether that confrontation be of words and diplomacy, or magic and combat. There was no other option, he'd have to send one of his servants to make first contact. But he was getting ahead of himself! First they needed to respond to Celestia's greeting! Silver Gleam turned to one of his War Wizards and asked "Are we in teleportation range of the place yet?"


The War Wizard shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Magi. We're still about half a day away."


Silver Gleam frowned. They didn't possess whatever magic allowed the ponies of Canterlot to project their voices at such a distance, and weren't in teleportation range yet... That left them with very few ways to respond. There was only one thing he could think of to do... "Very well then. Find the biggest piece of white cloth you can, tie it to the longest pole you can, and wave it in clear view of the palace." Silver Gleam desperately hoped that waving a white flag was a universal symbol of non-aggression, and didn't mean something else in Canterlot.  


" well it is. Everyponys inside after the Queen saw you on your floating castle the guards raised the alarm. They're trying to not get killed. Those who don't have a house to go back to take refuge in the castles basement. One of the *cough* safest places there is. That I know of. " the captain coughed again " feels like I'm dieing" he said as the cart went into the market there was a small store it was supposed to be selling water but it's shelves were empty and covered in layers of dust

Blue Flare let out an apologetic chuckle. "Oh, sorry. We didn't intend to threaten you in any way. I suppose arriving to your country unannounced in a fully armed floating castle isn't the best means of establishing diplomatic relations, but I'm sure you'll agree that with how dangerous the world is nowadays it's important to be prepared." Blue Flare looked around the mostly abandoned market uneasily. "Have the invaders struck here as well? This place looks to have been abandoned for a while..."

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Yuli Town (羽里鎮), Xiangfeng Province (項峰省)

Year 6, Yuanliang (元良六年)


"...Can't believe she's outta her damn mind."


Wulang Zhen (甄午朗) muttered to herself in the relatively mild temperature – the southern parts of Hetiandi, especially areas against the coast, generally evaded the coldness of the north as well as the humidity and hotness of the tropics further inland, and nature gifted the country with a moderate ground of both. Save for the Jiantou Range in the east on the political border where the dynasty's influence waned and shifted into random tribal lands, very few parts of the country actually had snowfall.


Yuli was another town east of Shuanggang City, also near the borders. Unlike Shuanggang, however, Yuli had much less ponies living in it – some were in fact from minor tribal groups. A few fishing boats could be seen out on each of the independent residences' small dock; fishing was the main economy in the town, but unlike the ports in the western parts of the country, it was meant more as a way to feed themselves rather than trade with the griffons. Fish wasn't very much regarded as "meat", and was regarded as a decent alternative to plain hay and flowers.


"As commanded by the great Empress herself on the 6th year of her reign, 10th month, 5th night: As the circumstances in the east are far more amiable, I have decided to send a land expedition to the southeast in conjunction with the preparations of the treasure ships in Shuanggang in order to expand our country's influence to the unclaimed lands there. My council and I have made sure that we would not get into any mass conflict on entering those lands, but I advise that the expeditionary group refrain from too much aggressiveness and focus on graphing the land for future use. Zhen Wulang from Jianyu will lead this group for approximately half year's time. By the unlikely chance that the expeditionary group encounters the western griffons and changelings, do not engage in conflict, and declare yourself as a friendly country. Do not engage in conflict," Wulang read the letter aloud, word by word, and then leaned back down against her wall of a small shack the Coastal Frontier-Equines, as one of her companions had dubbed it, had borrowed. "Y'all got that?"


Wulang looked up on her group of nine that all nodded slowly. "Great. Let's get moving. We're wasting sunlight."


[Hetiandi will be expanding slightly toward the southeast over the time span of a half-year.]

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Southmost coast of Pruine


A fleet of warships apporached the coast, a group of millitary ships escorting a large contingent of transports. The Ponssian goverment had sent a total of 10,000 troops to secure land for a permament settlement. Ports would have to be built among this landmass in order to ensure stations for future shiping. The soldiers were there to occupy/develop the land, making way for proper settlers later on to move in. The Expeditionary Force consisted of roughly 6.000 infantry, 3.500 artillerycrew and 500 cavalry. These were proper soldiers, trained to master land warfare with an iron discipline. They were armed with deadly rifles, field artillery of different callibres as well as a modest number of gatling guns. In the meagre 500 cavalry brought over, 100 cavalryponies of the infamous Deaths Head were present, deadly troops taught to instill fear, lightining quick raids and show absoulutely no remorse or pity. The beachhead chosen was a small peninsula, providing a easy-to defend position. As soon as the rowboats reached land, sapers and engineers went to work. A 5m tall wooden pallisade was the prioity, blocking the chokepoint at the peninsula. Stakes and later sandbag trenches would be a later priority. The entire operation was under the command of General Trotwall, a excellent millitary commander but ruthless in his practices. For the moment, the entire operation was to be contained to the immidiate vicinity of the landing site, in order to not attract native attention.




"I still find it odd that ou would come here in person and not an ambassador... especially for a meagre trade agreement." The King sat back in his throne, "However, your proposition has caught enough of my interest to not dismiss you for my sights. Your spies have informed you well, our nation, as glorious as it may be... is starving. However, nomatter how hungry its citizens are, we will not yeild to demands. My subjects starved through many winters, once it took over half of our numbers away but we endured. As for your scholars and shipbuilder, judging by the description of your vessels, I must say I am not impressed, Technologically we are superior, economically, I think the same. I am pretty confident that you havent even noticed the fact that this entire palace is not lit by candles but by something we call electricity. However, as hard as it may be, we must consider any opportunity to aquire nourishment, it all depends on your price."


@@Once In A Blue Moon,


"Indeed, however what I propose would be one step further. The south seems to hold many llandmasses, waiting to be explored. We both seem to require a 'common good', food. He simply took a ruler and a fountain pen, a Ponssian invention, drawing a line on the map. He also placed a cross on the map.


"That is where our great nation recides, after we get the bearings of yours we shall send a telegram forwarding our... communication agreemet, work should be able to start as soon as we would get a reply from your goverment of the approval. What i would also suggest would be a joint exploration mission, in order to persue our goal of civilizing this barbaric world, we need to know whats out there, we cant cover that much area. We could each explore a certian area and provide each other charts, informing of our discoveries, this way we can assure that both our peoples would be nurished. I must say that I am glad to hear of other nations on a comparable scale in the world stage, we were afraid it was only us... and the barbarians."


(Go from the popal state and draw a line, splitting EQ into two. The proposal would be u see the ast. Dominion, Medeis, woodbourough and equestria, while i take the other half, Can also meet EQ)




One of the expeditions made its way far into the south, travelling by the coastline, THe coast startd getting greener and greener, this would prove valuble land for Ponssias future expansion.

(We are currently b the peninsula west of the Dragons Union) 


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"Yes madame I'm afraid that they have..." The cart rounded a corner and then stopped in front of a bridge. The captain looked up at one of the towers and waved at a young mare who soon walked inside and down "we should probably go inside" The captain got out of the cart and walked through the gates throwing a couple of bits at the cart pony

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