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open MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures - World Stage (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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Gloom's smirk didn't falter when being told his lands way of life is a little behind in technology. "All I want is a trade root, the opportunity for merchants to come here and sail their wares, the possibility for me and other ships to recruit the beings of this land for their crew and one of your armored ships. It could be old and rusty. I don't mind. I just want one.


And the reason why I came myself is because I'm a hooves on leader. I like being in the thick of it. Plus I like to meet the beings I do business with. Oh, and to sweeten the pot a little. I brought along three man'o wars filled with cargo, mostly food. as a gift.  Only one gold coin per crate." He ginned.

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Uncharted Grid 50, Linqian Peninsula

Year 6, Yuanliang (元良六年)


Tougang made another sketch on the map and smiled, standing up. "...And we're done here," the gray earth pony stallion declared, cleaning up his supplies as he looked up at his other working partners. "We mapped everything on this strip of land. Tomorrow, we set sail for home!"


There were groans and sighs all around, either in relief, in exhaustion, or indifference. Their cartographic journey wasn't really ground-breaking in any way; there had been other ponies from their own country or their neighboring ones that have been here before. It was simply that no country had claimed the land, yet, not even their own home country. Supposedly it was left to the Dragons to decide how to use the nearby land (the equines of Hetiandi had a deep respect for the dragons, believing them to be descendants of the legendary First Emperor), or at least the small tribes that lived around there.


"So where to next?" a younger unicorn stallion asked, picking up the pegasus mare's - Yingong - survey hoof-cannon and looking around.


Tougang stared back at his small cartography group, then back at their wooden civilian-schooner (or rather, the Eastern variant of it) which was anchored near the sandy coasts. "I know of a pony that lives near the Dragon's island. He has a printing press there, so we can get some copies, hopefully sell them in the next week," he responds with a smile. "Then we're heading home. Any issues-"


"Sir! There's an unknown ship approaching our area!" Another light red unicorn mare shouted from the deck. "It's not civilian!"


Tougang paused and stared out; indeed, there was a cannoned ship in the distance, nothing that the group had seen before. "Are...are you sure it's not Equestria's?" he shouted back, quickly rushing toward the landed smaller boats and glancing back at the other four with him.


The mare stared back at the ship for a moment and squinted before shaking her head. "Don't think it is! It's not the Equestrian flag!"


Tougang frowned and hastily rowed once the group boarded the boat. "Raise the sign flags! Tell them we're civilians!" he yelled back. The "sign flags" mentioned were a system developed by the cluster of nations decades ago to deal with the language barrier between them - the Federate Naval Sign System, it was called.


Soon enough, a group of three flags, each with a different symbol, was raised: "S V E", civilian ship. Unfortunately it was absolutely alien to the northern ship, who wouldn't have understood the system to begin with. "...What in the heavens is a war ship doing here..." he mutters. "And it's nothing I've seen before..."

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"What i would also suggest would be a joint exploration mission, in order to persue our goal of civilizing this barbaric world, we need to know whats out there, we cant cover that much area. We could each explore a certian area and provide each other charts, informing of our discoveries, this way we can assure that both our peoples would be nurished."


"I am confident that my monarch will find that agreeable," Skye said, "Although I should make it clear that this would not set any precedent, nor should be considered to in any way an indication that we cede the right to settle in the lands you explore. That, I am sure, will be a matter for another time." Raising his glass, he added, "A toast to our great nations and their great endeavors."




If yer look'n to get rid of hot cargo seek out Captain Malachi of the pirate king's third fleet. He's the main fence in Skerghaven. His shop is set up on his ship, the Demon. You'll know it by her flag. Black with a demons skull in front of a set of scales.



"My thanks, and a drink on me," Arran said, tossing a couple pf coins over to the pony before turning back to his crew. A few muffled words later and he and a couple of marines were on their way to seek out the Demon, whilst the crew continued to drink and sing under the watchful eyes of Lieutenant Waterbreak.


Finding the Demon did not prove challenging, although the somewhat intransigent toughs standing guard proved rather more challenging. "No, I do not have anything to trade with me," Arran was explained, "But I can assure you that the deal I propose could make Captain Malachi a very wealthy pony indeed, and I can offer more than just gold, but I must speak to him in person."

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Sappy was flabbergasted when he saw the huge castle floating towards him and Celestia. He nodded at Celestia's message about their meeting being delayed, and decided to join her as she walekd towards the giant castle. Sappy decided to stand next to Celestia, and wait for a response from the intruders. He of course had his two trusty guards waiting nearby just in case 

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A servant brings in a tray holding a hand-written document, he stops by the king, head bowing, and pours hot wax over it, the king then imprints his sigil on the paper. The servant then, head still downwards moves towards the visitor, handing him the letter.

"Trade is agrreable," the king says after a short break, "That document orders your trade ships to enter our ports, however any warship in sight will be treated corresponding to customs. Recruitment, or the selling of any of our vessels is out of the question for now, this nation needs every resource it has. As for the gold... we have plenty."




The tree iron-plated steam frigates traveled in a line, the smoke column ematating from the from the first concealing the other two behind it, the lead ship, the SMS Boyant was under the command of captian Mainz, a pretty agressive negotiator. The three warships traveled in the unknown water when suddenly a shout was heard from the mast.

"Sail! 47 degrees starboard! Anchored on the bay!"

The captain and his second-lieutenant rushed on board, the captain looking through his telescope.

"What in the Lord's name is that? Take a look Mr. Simons." he handed over his binocular,

"Looks like something right out of a museum" he chuckled, "they're raising flags sir!"

"Very well, Signal the Pinnacle and Piercer to take he flanks, we'll surround them." Also, fire two warning shots, just to make sure."

"Yes, captain!" the second lietenant saluted before rushing on the crew deck,

"Forward cannons, preparre to fire warning shots!"

The two cannons fired, they had a maximum range of 3700m (Ancient cannons.... about 200), the shots hit the beach, making sure not to hit any of the meeling ponies on coast. 

"Signal the floodlight! Demand a meeting with their leader!" Ordered the captain.

The Floodlight, one of the most powerful light bulbs available at the time flashed in morse code, a system invented in the north for use in telegraph and ship communication. The three warships had surrounded the anchored vessel and were approaching increasing speed, large columns of smoke pumped out of their steam engines.


@@Once In A Blue Moon


"Neither will we restrain for settling in any of yours, this is purely a co-operation effort to bring civilization to the savages. I have recieved cconfirmation that a assimilation of the savages out east is already underway." he smiled raising his glass,

"I bid this was a constructive meting, the Barnacle will set sail immidiately leave for the capital to inform of this new... agreement."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"Yes madame I'm afraid that they have..." The cart rounded a corner and then stopped in front of a bridge. The captain looked up at one of the towers and waved at a young mare who soon walked inside and down "we should probably go inside" The captain got out of the cart and walked through the gates throwing a couple of bits at the cart pony

Blue Flare nodded, but she looked concerned. "These invaders... please, tell me more about them. I know they want the coal under your island, but why? Wait, go inside?" Blue Flare looked around nervously. "You're not saying they're still here, are you?" The War Wizards filed out of the cart as it came to a stop. Just like Blue Flare, all this talk of mysterious invaders and water shortages were making them nervous. 

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Blue Flare nodded, but she looked concerned. "These invaders... please, tell me more about them. I know they want the coal under your island, but why? Wait, go inside?" Blue Flare looked around nervously. "You're not saying they're still here, are you?" The War Wizards filed out of the cart as it came to a stop. Just like Blue Flare, all this talk of mysterious invaders and water shortages were making them nervous.


"To sell of course! Coal is flammable and can be used to power steam engines. Now we don't have that technology but their buyers do. And with all the coal under here you can expect them to want it. We have more than we need. And the invaders aren't here currently. We have come to see the ruler of this small but great nation of ours. Her magisty Derby Queen of Woodborough"

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The pirate king smiled. "Grand. The Bearded Lady must be on my side."  He then took the paper and read it over a few times. "As far as recruiting goes. We only take in the people who don't really have the best life. So when we are able we'll set up around the poor areas. We tend to get the best workers from there, believe it or not.  Oh, and here." He reached under his bandanna and pulled out a silver coin with the imprinted of a snake on it." This is our currency. We call them silver serpents. The mane things we have in our mines is silver, steel and iron. So we don't make many things out of gold. We just got an idol of the Bearded Lady in our temple that our priestess made."


He gave the coin to the servant before signing the paper. "So. Do you want you own ships to go to mine to get the cargo or do you want them to pull into the harbor?" 


@@Once In A Blue Moon,


The guard who was standing watch that day as a large stallion with few scars on his face and a jagged cutlass on his side. "Anyone who wants to do deals with the Captain with empty hooves have to pay 27 coin. Gold or silver. Then he'll meet with ya."

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Uncharted Grid 50, Linqian Peninsula

Year 6, Yuanliang (元良六年)


The group on the wooden ship waited for a few minutes after they had raised their flags, sitting quietly against the railing. The only sound made was the young teenage colt, the ship Shunfeng's apprentice and assistant, levitating the anchor up with a crank and his own magic.


Tougang and his assistant Yingong were curious as much as they were scared; the warships as they assumed were spouting strange smoke, like it was from a bonfire, though they found it hard to imagine a ship could contain a massive fire inside. What was even more jarring was how...metallic the ship looked. To believe that some group could erect such a massive steel ship...actually, they found that hard to believe anyway. "...We should go, A-gang," Yingong muttered...at the same time two warning cannon-shots landed in the coastwater with loud splashes, which alarmed the group. "By the Goddesses, we got to go now!"


There was little dispute there, and soon enough they were unanchored and ready to leave; Tougang was rather shocked at the speed and range of their cannons, but he was sure they weren't for show. "Stay along the coast! If they sink the ship, get off and run!" he shouted, the sails opening up.


Then the floodlights shined against them; they had no idea what it was blinking on and off for, but just like the ship itself, it was alien to them, and as far as they know, they were trying to hunt them down. Thankfully the wooden ship was far lighter and smaller than the large metal frigates, and for its small size it sailed fairly fast and manuvuered away from the sandbars. "Don't shoot back!"




(Due to the proximity of the Dragons Union, Blaze has been mentioned.)

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"NO citizen is allowed to leave this nation without recognition. Our citizens all remain to serve our nation. They are subjects of this nation and will remain so. Your cargo will be empied by us. You can expect a payment in port." the king replied, "Now if you may." he signaled with a hoof and stood up, leaving the chamber."




 "Captian Mainz, the vessel is trying to escape!" A marine officer reported.

"There is no way they can outrun us, full steam! Overheat the engines!" he ordered.

Yes sir!" the officer ran below to the engine room where engineers were casually throwing coal in the boilers, "Full steam!"

A engineer pulled a lever as the others started shoveling faster. All pressure valves were showing maximum as pipes started shreaking. The column of smoke quadroupled in size and the ship started speeding up.

"Mr Simons! The pinnacle is to block their way, we must not let them get away, fire as many shots as needed however we must not damage them!"


One of the frigates took positions to intercept the wooden vessel while another position itself behind the schooner. They fired a full broadside in front and behind the ship while the Boyant, the lead ship approached. The captain picked up a microphone from the updeck and spoke in it, loudspeakers positioned on the front of the vessel boomed in a extremly muffled voice;

"Unknown vessel. Stop now!"


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The ponies of Pruine were preparing for the fierce winter soon to come, The herds were moving towards the central mountains to circle the central herd as they do every winter. The ones living steadfastly in villages would be the ones who would have the hardest time since they almost every winter suffered from famine. All crops harvested down south were sent to the central herd and would be distributed from there, The reason being that about 60% of the whole population were dwelling in the central mountains. 


Serylda and her followers had come a long ways down south, After many days of traveling they reached the ocean. They had never been a fan of this much water. They may be very good at traveling over ice plains, But their thick fur made it hard to swim, hence the fear of water. The group now had to decide if they were going to return back north, Or travel east since only more water could be seen out west. Islands (The Dragons Union) were clearly in sight far out at sea, But also unreachable because of the lack of means to get to them. 


"Serylda, Do we return? We won't get over there, We can't." One of the stallions behind her said, Serylda remained quite for a few seconds, "No. We travel east, Now.". "Are you su..." "I'm sure, Gather everyone, We go now." The stallion backed into the train again, Serylda made some hoof gestures and rode east, Behind her the sounds of heavy hoof steps thumping against the brittle layers of rock under them and the cold iron banging with every step taken.


(Now traveling towards Hetiandi @, )


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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 When the  first thing the young king said came out his spoiled mouth. It  made the smile on the pirate kings face vanish. And replaced it with an angry look. "With all do respect your majesty. I don't think we have the right to speak for your citizens. They should leave if they want or stay if they want.


I believe all should be free. Even now I'm starting to give equal rights to the indentured in Skerghaven that the first settlers enslaved so many years ago. But besides that. The point of being a pirate is not just about taking ships or their loot. It's about being free from the oppressing governments that we had to deal with. 


But I doubt you'll understand. I'm not gonna a lie. It would be heaven to be raised in the lap of luxury. But not everyone in this land or any land are as fortunate as ye. So why not let your people decide what to do with their lives? Don't tell me you can't take rejection? So use to getting everything ya want right when ya want it?" He said with a daring smirk. An expression befitting a pirate king. 



"With all due respect, of course." His smirk got bigger.. The pirate king was known for pushing his luck. But no matter the outcome or what was at stake. He couldn't stand anyone telling him or anyone what they could and could not do. 

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"Neither will we restrain for settling in any of yours, this is purely a co-operation effort to bring civilization to the savages. I have recieved cconfirmation that a assimilation of the savages out east is already underway." he smiled raising his glass, "I bid this was a constructive meting, the Barnacle will set sail immidiately leave for the capital to inform of this new... agreement."


After the pleasantries had been concluded and the maps and charts exchanged, Skye returned to Argyll and instructed Captain Clyde to return to Scapa Flow, Shetland's main dockyard and naval base as well as the Admiralty headquarters. Although his orders had been to sail for Skerghaven, he knew that both the Admiralty and the Foreign Office would want to be informed immediately, and he trusted Captain Arran of Ardent to complete the squadron's mission.




  The guard who was standing watch that day as a large stallion with few scars on his face and a jagged cutlass on his side. "Anyone who wants to do deals with the Captain with empty hooves have to pay 27 coin. Gold or silver. Then he'll meet with ya."


Tossing a bag of silvers over to the guard, Arran removed his cutlass and handed it to one of the marines along with his derringer. The other marine also disarmed, and the two of them were ushered aboard whilst the remaining marine stood on the dock armed to the teeth, eyeing passing ponies with suspicion.

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Uncharted Grid 50, Linqian Peninsula
Year 6, Yuanliang (元良六年)




The ship immediately made a turn when another volley of cannon-fire effectively blocked their way out. "They're surrounding us!" Yingong shouted from the top of the sails. They were even more shocked as one of the frigates was sprouting even more of that smoke and speeding up ahead of up. "Damn it! I'm moving to the left–"


The group was suddenly lunged for forward along with the wooden ship, coming to a sudden stop before Tougang realized that he had accidentally beached the vessel, stuck in some meters of sand. He pounded on the board for moment before a frigate neared them and spouted out some random nonsense neither of them could understand. Who was yelling that loud, anyway? "...Raise the red flag. We can't get off," he muttered – his fellow partners just stared for a moment, the young colt slowly and reluctantly raising a red flag with a white cross to replace the three civilian-symbol flags before all of them went toward the railing and stood there.


The observers in the frigate would have visibly seen the crew on the ship; most seemed to be wearing tied casual robes of varying colors, some with long, loose manes, and a few with unusual hats with flaps on the side. Certainly they appeared foreign, and judging by the red and yellow flag familiar of the Liao Dynasty's, it was some country's ship.


SE of Liao Dynasty


A surveying marker was stuck onto the ground, digging into the soil with a small flag of the Liao next to it. "The geography of this land is fairly flat with little obstructions past the mountain...and high enough to prevent seasonal flooding. It should make a good port," Qianxi, a light purple earth pony mare, affirmed – she was in her mid-twenties and one of Wulang's partners. Apparently she was a young mother as well, having recently born a foal a few months before the expedition. Wulang had heard that she used to be an experienced land surveyor and could come into good use during the trip. "...I'm surprised there aren't any tribes here. The temperature is suitable for most of the year, and at the least this would be good farmland."


"Eh, they probably moved inland or towards the country. Having a bit of security's better than laying out here and waiting until some country attacks them or whatnot," Wulang muttered. "Looks kind of beautiful though...wonder what's waiting for us further south."

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The king stopped in his tracks.

"They are subjects of this nation. So am I, our lives are not ours to decide what they please. We live to serve the glory that is the Kingdom of Ponssia. Every citizen knows it, he lives, works and dies for this country. Any leaver is insulting the enitre being and anchestry of our history. Now, i have important manners to attend to."

The king would've gladly thrown this scoundrel in the dungeon but he knew they needed the food desperately so he let go.




The wall was built. A 5m wall was built, 2m at the base being reinforced by eart ramparts and was about 5m deep.If front of the ramparts was a 1m deep moat filled with water and stakes. If front of the moat was a lne of sandbag trenches. Over 400 trees were cut for the execution of this fortification but it was ready. The peninsula was cut off from the rest of the mainland. Behind the wall layed thousands of tents, arranged in a town-like manner. Wooden docks were also set in place. The only access through this port was via a 3m wide road that split the trenches and moat in two. A massive reinforced double-layer gate was operated by a gear system. It was clear that they were here to stay. Scouts on the fastest horses were sent out to scout the area. Reports of remote villages were common. The general was sitting at his desk in his tent while waiting for his wooden HQ to be built. A soldier entered the room,

"Sir! The scouts sent to the previous landing site have returned sir! They... they brough something."

Very well, Send them in." general Trotwall signaled with his hoof. The soldier saluted and left the tent, a few moments later four ponies in hussar uniform entered the tent, three of them carrying boxes. The general stood up, walked to his men and opened a box looking inside, he immidiately shut the lid

"What is this? They are barbarians! How did you find them?" 

"The heads were put on stakes sir..."

"Such a dishonor, bring me lietenant Fred of the Deads Head now!"

A pony in pitch plack uniform stepped in. HIs millitary coat was black with silver paultrons and buttons, so were his pants. His shako head a metal emblem of a pony skull with two crossed bones beaneath. These were the elite, ruthless shock troops, following orders without question.

"You summoned me sir?"

"Take 40 of your best and fastest horsemen, it is time to show these barbarians the cost of such disgrace. We will terrorize them until they will come here begging for peace! Villages, houses I dont care, kill every stallion, enslave the colts and mares! Burn their houses loot their crops. Terrorize them into submission."

The lietenant saluted and exited the tent.

The merciless raids begun. These horsemen had the fastest, specially bred horses, faster than any other sizable beast in the area, all black. The horsemen appeared, raided and disppeared without a trace, leaving nothing but blood and smoke in their path. Entire villages were set ablaze, families masacred, food stolen and slaves sent to work on farms outside the walls. The native population (At least in the area around the base) would learn to fear the dredded black riders of death.




"They stopped sir!"

"More like beached to me... Very well, slow down the engines, they must be terrified out of their horseshoes by now."

The frigate slowed down and parked by the wooden schooner. It was at least one meater shorter (in height) to the frigate so long planks of wood were placed between the ships to make long ramps. The crew looked dazzled at the odd colourful clothes of the strangers. They were all wearing unoform. Guncrew in white and dark-blue striped shirts while the marines were in impecable prussian-blue uniform, with bright white straps and feathered caps. Nevertheless the marines took their stand-by position on deck standing still and straight watching the smaller ship. Strict discipline could easily be spotted in these men.

"The captain of this.... vessel is to be escorted onboard!" A voice was heard from the deck of the frigate as 10 marines trotted along the ramps making two 5-pony lines one each side of the main ramp.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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(I'm still Stormgiggle, by the way! Just a temporary change)

"To sell of course! Coal is flammable and can be used to power steam engines. Now we don't have that technology but their buyers do. And with all the coal under here you can expect them to want it. We have more than we need. And the invaders aren't here currently. We have come to see the ruler of this small but great nation of ours. Her magisty Derby Queen of Woodborough"

"Steam engines?" Blue Flare gave the captain a puzzled look, but realized he was probably eager for them to meet with the queen.  "Uh, very well then. I would be honored to meet with your queen! However, I would like to meet with her without any of my... companions with me." Although they were very competent at magic and usually level headed, she wasn't sure she could trust them to keep their cool if negotiations with the queen went sour. She turned around and smiled at the captain. "It was nice to meet you, uh..." She suddenly realized with some embarrassment she had never asked him his name!

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Lord Nenya was overseeing the feeding of her trusty wolves, Inspecting their every move admiring their sharp teeth ripping through the tough leathery meat. A large stallion approached Nenya, "M'lady, You must come at once, We have news of the recent attacks.​" what he had said instantly caught her attention, The mysterious attacks was something that had been circling her mind over the past night. "Go on, Tell me.", The stallion looked back out over the wide graveyards, "I'm not the one bearing the news, Please fallow me.". Nenya looked at the stallion in slight distrust but willingly fallowed, The barren graveyards looked even more empty and cold then usual. They approached a tent and the large stallion held it open for her and stayed outside as she entered, The first thing that caught her eye was a young mare sobbing in the corner of the cramped tent. She had blood stains in her coat and was shaking uncontrollably, Nenya looked around the tent and it became apparent they were alone. "They killed everyone..." The mare said as the tars soaked her thick fur, "Who? What happened?", The sobbing pony remained quiet. Nenya took a step towards the mare, "​The ghosts... There was fire... Blood... screaming..." Her speech was only becoming more and more incomprehensible. Ghosts... "Can you tell me more about these... Ghosts?" The pony stopped her sobbing and stared at Nenya, "They... killed everyone.... And... and disappeared..." She exclaimed and slowly shook her head and curled int the corner. This is hopeless... She thought to herself and left the tent, The stallion was still outside, "Would you keep an eye on her?" "Of course m'lady.". 


To someone who was actually prone to peace like Nenya, This was upsetting, Due to the fact that fire was once again abused in this kind of manner made it seem that these attacks and the the previous one was connected. "Ghosts huh...".

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The pirate king gave a harden look. His eyes a slight blaze but still held intensity. It was aimed right at the young king, even though his left the room. Gloom took off his ridiculous outfit along with taking the things he added onto it. He tossed on the floor of the thrown room and went back to the dressing room to get his things.



After the young king said those things and left, the pirate king then and there made a pledge. He will forever be a fighter of authority. Especially to those who rule with an iron fist and forced respect. And even though he was in a new land and made a contract  with its leader. He was still a pirate. His smirk came back hen he was done getting his real clothes back on.


When he left the room his crew quickly joined him, pockets filled with bottles of ail and wine. As the walked the halls  Gloom picketed a few valuables on his way out of the castle. Like the kings needs them in the first place. He could always get more. He thought. He also told a few of his mean to heat to the poor parts of the city. They all smirked and knew why they would be going there.


Two of the men with him were a Griffon and a Pegasus, so they flew off on their own. Keeping low and fast so they didn't bring a lot of attention.  The rest were two earth ponies and one minotaur. So they stayed with the Pirate King. whiting to be taken back to the main part of the city so they could wander around a little.


@@Once In A Blue Moon,


 Other guard, this time a mare with an eye-patch and glasses, blond main and honey colored fur came over to lead them to the captain's quarters. She had a few scars on her body though it was hard to see how many with her being covered by a black suite with gray pinstripes that fit her body will. On her back was a long sniper flintlock rife along with a belt filled with Grenadoes.


When she oped the door the the Captains room, she gave Arran a flirting look before ushering them inside. The room was filled with valuables. Walls filled with works of art along with torn flags of other nations. No doubts trophies  of ships taken. Under them there were chests over flowing with silver and gold coins along with jewels and other items made of gold. There was even an ivory statue of a goddess in the corner of the room. 


In the center was an rosewood desk. On the sides of it was scales with gold or silver on them. On the disk you could see papers and maps along with a few candles in a corner on top of the papers there was a large club shaped weapon made of steel. Behind the desk sat a strong built grayish blue stallion with a brown mane. His right eye was blue while his left eye was closed.  He wore a black suite with dark red pinstripes, a white dress shirt, a back tie and black fedora with a red band around it. He was smoking a cigar while he read though a few papers that were in his hooves


When he heard the door open he look up with his open eye from his papers. "These the mooks lookin' to make a deal?" He said to the mare. "Aye, Boss. They payed up front as well." The captain hummed as he put his papers down and sat back him his large leather chair. He looked over Arron and the other stallion before taking his cigar out his mouth and letting out a long stream of smoke." He then gestured to two seats that were in front of his desk. "Take a seat gentlemen. You have my attention."


((Like the pirate Captain mixed with a mafia Don thing I came up with?))

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Embers was bored, he had basically done everything he could for the oncoming winter. In anitha, the cold was like a second nature as it only become semi warm during the middle of the "summer".There was snow on the mountains, and a thin layer on almost everything already and embers shook his head, wondering what if anything would happen this winter.


Scriba was now doing the most daring thing of her life. She was going down a incredibly steep slope, and it was covered in snow, or ice, she didn't know because currently she was tumbling down the hill. It had been a good plan at first, take the rest of her group and move down the hill slowly. So they had started out, inching ever closer to the lights below them.

Then the wind had hit, and flung her off the mountain and slammed into the ground, skidding her down the hill at a much much faster rate then she had wanted. She could try and stop, but it wouldn't do her much good, as the ground around her was too icy to do anything. Then there was HER, She couldnt see, blinded by the snow and blood that were now in her eyes. She felt like she was falling forever....Then she hit a wall, the sound of wood being smashed caused her to come to her senses. She stood up, clearing the blood out of her eyes, she then relised that there were over 10 ponies standing around her, looking at her in shock.

She coughed, saying  "Hello!" as she slowly backed away.


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After the total destruction of at least 20 villages and the ransacking of many others, the fighting stopped. The terror had been planted, now it was enough to appear and demand whatever resources. Demands were usually grain or strong pony-power for labour. Those who pt up resistance met the usual price, death yet those who complied were left alone. The 'client-village' network included around 12 villages in the vicinity of the fort. The Dead Head were no longer in use, normal cavalaryponies took the role. The pacification of the region would start. In some cases, if these client villages were on a 'good-behaviour' they would stop being persecuted. THe wish was to civilize this ponies, grain for modern fabric and industrial lamps would be a start. The reign of terror would now have to encompass the further vilages, the pattern was simple. Terrorize a village into submission, then turn it into a client, moving on to the next. The contrast between the murders and the sudden appeasment was phsycological wasrfare. This way the natives would welcome anything as they knew the price of refusal. Outside the main encapment a sizeable area of land ad been cleared, 'slaves' captured, demanded or bought of villages were working to turn them into farms. They were treated badly however small rations of food were supplied to ensure their survival. However anyone trying to escape would be brutally hunted down. However the general came up with a plan. Everything he did.... he wanted to force those wildlings into submission, raiding villages would not do it. He therefore released a pony, knowing that he will run to a local authority.




(just so you know... pegasi are gone for millenia, therefore seeing something fly abov the city might cause soldiers to fire.)


The pirate king definetly didn't understand Ponssian culture, the entire nation was based on one principle, 'us and them', they were taught to put the nation before anything and to serve their nation at their maximum capability. Ponssian are extremly nationalistic and are unlikely to leave their nation if it doesnt serve it in any way. The visitors were escorted to a horse-drawn carriage which was at their disposal for three hours, after which it would take the visitors back to port. They were taken to the city center,  a place bustilng with activity, the city had about 2.5 mil citizens, the most desly populated city (being the cpital and all) in the nation. The heavily ornamented clean buildings were cramped along wide streets, filled with carriages and horse-drawn trams. Most ponies living here were middle-class or lower upper-class. They wore neat clothes and went around to their daily buisness. Shops and restaurants were filled with varing goods while newspaper and 'quick-food stands were surrounded by customers. Groups of 4 city-guard soldiers partoled the streets regularly, armed with batons and wax-bullet pistols. In the distance one could see how the sky darkned. That was the outskirt of the city, where the workers and factories layed. The air was so toxic up there that no birds flew above that area of town.

The working sectors were a little more then slums. Tiny two story houses were stck to one another, harbouring at least 2 families each. Boarding houses for the homeless were also a common sight. The churces were almost always filled by poor workers praying for fortune to shine upon them. Except the main streets, which were cleaned by state services, the other roads were in dreadful condition. Garbage and dead animals were not rarities to be seen. Hospitals were usually overfilled by the sick, intoxicated or handicapped and those with no room left were given tents to stay in the hospitals tiny garden. Although not visible, the goverment was spending enourmous funds on social help such as unmplooyment subsudies, healthcare and working condtions but the cold season was coming and fundings usually had to stop to prioritize food.




The border guards were shocked, never had a pony came from over the mountains before. She seemed to be well-equipped with proper gear, unlike many of the savages around the area. The cluched their rifles and rushed to the pony. Unlike many of the usual soldiers, northern border guards had thick grey greatcoats and tall black, fluffy shakos to protect them from the cold they also wore snok goggles.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" One asked.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Scriba grimaced as she looked at them. "Well, is this how you greet everyone? Shoving a rifle towards them?" She tilted her head, wondering were on earth she was. "My name is scriba, I come from....Ahh....." The name alluded her for a few moments, before she shook her head and pulled out a small book "Ah, Right, I come from anitha." She said as she glanced around her, she winced at the small cart that was now in splinters, most likely because she had rammed strait through it. She glanced back down at her book and tapped it for a few seconds.

"Right, can any of you tell me where I have landed? I came from over there" She said as she gestured over the mountains, wondering if they would know anything of anitha.


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If she looked over the guards shoulders, scriba would see a great 3m stone wall stretching far and wide, this wall protected the enitre northern border of the country, even though medieval-syle, not implementing the new star fort design, it was still armed with thousands of cannons and soldiers, even though not as well trained as professional soldiers. The guards looked at one another confused. One of them put his hoof on the Ponssian border (or where it would be) below the mountain range.

"That would be there,"

One of the guards at the back of the group giggled

"Anitha... what? I wonder what this mare drank."

"Quiet Franz, Iknow where your going with this, and I want no part i it." the guard next to him replied.

"Always a mood-breaker Bill."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Scriba shook her head, wondering if this was common for this area "I didn't drink anything, and I would rather not fight" She sighed, glancing from pony to pony "I really wish the rest of my group had shown up by now" she mumbled to herself before looking at the lead pony "Look, I know that you may think im some random tribal pony, but I come from a great nation, one with alot of power and resources, You wanna have a war on your hands? Then keep on pointing those guns at me, and you might find yourself in one" The threat had no real carry, as she was the only one from anitha there. 

"Anyways, Could I find someplace out of the snow to sit for a second? I need to bandage up somethings, seeing as I just fell down a mountain" She said, tilting her head and wondering if this "Franz" Would say, if anything.



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When hearing the war threat all the guards raised rifles, the captain said,

"You want a war? You are on our land! Take aim! Fire on my order!" a moment of tense silent as the guards aimed their bayonetted rifles at the mare. The guards then burst into laughter. Discipline inn the north was almost non-existant due to the lack of threat, many were simple militia, stallions from close-by villages or towns winning a coin from guard duty.

"Alright," he pointed to a wooden hut outside the wall, "Up we go."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Recent events had caught Lord Esroc of the Longhorns attention, And he wasn't planning on sparing the savages killing the innocent of Pruine. He wasn't just proud over his nation but a fanatic, And he had a army of like minded warriors at his side ready to rid of the problem at hoof. He knew that Lord Nenya and her idea of "peace" was going to stand in the way of his plans, But with the approval of overlord Serylda he was sure the Tomb herd wasn't going to be a problem.


The attacks of nearby villages had left his herd at a shortage of food, And as much as he'd like to go in and find the root of the problem and destroy it right there and then, He had too much respect for the royal family. He wrote a letter for Serylda about recent events and a request of permission to engage further into the south with the manpower of the longhorns and the mountain herds. With that, He sent his eagle Pandora out with the letter, The old stallion looked into the sky as the large jet black bird took of into the sky with it's lengthy wings.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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