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open Mlp x Pokemon (romance crossover) RP

Changeling Neon

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OOC Planning/joining: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141643-mlp-x-pokemon-romance-crossover/#entry4204188


Somewhere deep in the Everfree, a Storm was brewing, but this storm was not what one would expect when they hear the word "storm" No, the storm that was brewing was not due to the work of weather pattern. But in a land far from Equestria, farther than time and space itself, a battle was being rages between the gods of time and space. With each clash, new holes were ripped open to distant dimensions, to which one in particular led to the land of Equestria itself, in Luna's beautiful night sky. A trainer, ready to quell the fighting with their pokemon, was caught in the winds of this said rift, and their pokeballs were taken from then into the land of Equestria, before the Trainer could get to their beloved pokemon, the rift had closed. Trapped and alone, the trainers find themselves in the Everfree, looking for a way to return to their master. The pokemon would wander Equestria, to find help, and on the very day in which they appeared in equestria, Help had arrived, with their newfound guide, their quest begins.

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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"What, Where am I? Wait I can speak?! What is next talking animals?" Gallade looked around for anything he recognized trees, more trees and a pony damn. He stood up and jumped on to the nearest tree and looking for a settlement "there" he leaped from tree to tree looking back at the pony "whatever" he turned back "hello can you speak? Can you tell me where the heck I am?" Gallade was keeping calm and composed "oh I'm sorry my name is Gallade the Blade Pokémon." Gallade looked down at the pony and then at himself he was battered and destroyed "and I am in so much pain" he fell to the his knees Keaping himself up with one arm "anyway, what...is...your name...my...friend?" A smile appeared on Gallade's face "I'm going to stand now" Gallade Shakely got to his feet and turned twards a tree the small extrusions on his forearms growing and glowing as he torpedoed forward slicing the tree in half "l still have enough energy to...I'm going to pass out now" he said falling [3 minutes later]"note to self, never attack when near death" Gallade got up he looked around for the pony "your still here? Well that's weird"


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Neon Looked at the "Gallade", he did appear hurt, and he was lucky she found him in the Everfree. However, she was also concerned with the rift. The swirling black mass only continued to grow as Neon looked on, but hr attention was brought back to the creature who she'd found when she was standing here. 


"To answer your questions, your in Equestria, in the Everfree forest, figures you'd end up here, lots of weird things happen here, but me talking isn't on of them, I can talk anyway." She gave him a smile and held her hoof out to him. "come on, let's get you to Zecora's, I'm sure she could fix you up. Not far from here either." Neon smiled as she helped the creature up, trying to have him sit on her back, so h didn't have to walk. As she made her way deeper into the Everfree, She looked back at him. "My Name is Non by the way, Neon Beats." But she was more interested in why he was here and what brought him here. "So how did you get here? Where did you come from? And will there be more creatures like you popping out of that black mass?" She was genuinely worried about if these creatures were running loos, everpony in Equestria would lose their heads...

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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Hacktune is listening to electro music at his house, trying to think of something that can be used in his new remix. *growls* "Maybe i should go grab some food, could be inspired from them i guess." he then walked up to the kitchen to grab some snacks. Then he see the rift. A Swirling massive black hole above everfree forest. He quickly rushed to grab his phone (phone exists right),weared his hooded black jacket  and galloped his way to everfree forest. On his way to the everfree forest, hacktune thinks that what is that big massive black hole? . He thinked of some theory that this could be the end of the world, or that actually a rift caused by the doctor. Or that one of the failed spell. He made a stop at Sugarcube corner, and said "One Muffin Please, Gotta go really fast" and then after a few minutes Ms Cakes Gives him a Muffin and Hacktune putted 2 Bits and grabbed the muffin in a hurry. As he gallop he eats the muffin he lift using telekinesis. The Black Swirling Massive Blackhole just seems to be getting bigger. He didn't want to use teleportation because that could be really exhausting. Before He entered the everfree forest. He gluped and thought "What if something just suddenly killed me?.. No that won't happend, You know that you could just teleport out." As his mind kepts arguing. He decided He's gonna go. As he enters the dark everfree forest, his nyctophobia kicked in and he tried to went to below the blackhole. and heard someone talking, He slowly approach those ponies, trying to be stealthy as possible.

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A lucario groaned as she slowly stood in the middle of a forest. She was looked around, but couldn't really see anything aside from trees. "That's weird. I could've sworn my trainer and I were on Mt. Silver." She said, before shaking her head to try to get her thoughts in order. The lucario then noticed the absence of he trainer and sighed. "I guess it could be worse." The lucario then closed her eyes and began to medtate in an attempt to locate anyone within the area. It didn't take her long to detect four auras and she began to head in that direction. She didn't know if they were friendly or not, so she got ready to fight if needed.


As Neon and Gallade moved through the forest, a mass of red and white fell on top of the pony. It wasn't that heavy, but it would still to ably hurt due to the speed at which it was falling. The mass groaned slightly and floated into the air, before looking at what she had fallen on with her Amber eyes. "I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?" She asked, genuinely concerned before noticing that it could talk. "Wait, where am I?"


(I'm just going to assume that the pokemon that come through are still pokemon and know at least four moves.)

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Neon yelped as the Creature fell on top of her. she rubbed her head as she stood up. "no.. totally fine..." Despite her words, here eyes wouldn't stop spinning. Eventually, she shook it off and looked at the red creature floating before her. "I assume you came from the same place that He did." Neon pointed to Gallade, and looked back up at the pokemon. "Well, you're in the Everfree Forest in Equestria. I wouldn't be surprised if you could talk here. My name is Neon Beats, Might I ask what I can call you?" Neon held out her hoof in greeting. "We're heading to Zecora's to help Gallade here, And I think that it would help us find out how you two got here. She was completely oblivious of Hacktune and the other creature behind her. She lifted Gallade back up and put him back on her back, then looked at the Red creature. "I hope you can fly, It's hard enough carrying this one." She pointed to Gallade and smiled. Though the question still rang about how these Creature got there. "So, how did you get here? and Where did you come from?


(yes, this is correct, the pokemon here can talk  and know a minimum of four moves, therefore, if they can use the move in the cannon, they can use it here)

Edited by DJ Neon

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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Neon Looked at the "Gallade", he did appear hurt, and he was lucky she found him in the Everfree. However, she was also concerned with the rift. The swirling black mass only continued to grow as Neon looked on, but hr attention was brought back to the creature who she'd found when she was standing here. 


"To answer your questions, your in Equestria, in the Everfree forest, figures you'd end up here, lots of weird things happen here, but me talking isn't on of them, I can talk anyway." She gave him a smile and held her hoof out to him. "come on, let's get you to Zecora's, I'm sure she could fix you up. Not far from here either." Neon smiled as she helped the creature up, trying to have him sit on her back, so h didn't have to walk. As she made her way deeper into the Everfree, She looked back at him. "My Name is Non by the way, Neon Beats." But she was more interested in why he was here and what brought him here. "So how did you get here? Where did you come from? And will there be more creatures like you popping out of that black mass?" She was genuinely worried about if these creatures were running loos, everpony in Equestria would lose their heads...

"I'm sorry I didn't mean, it's just only humans can talk where I am from. And to answer your questions well I don't really know how I got here. I came from a place called sinnoh. And to answer your question I don't know if more pokemon will come through that thing, I hope if they do it's the more harmless ones like Shaymin, but if a Darkrai gets through, oh boy I hope to Arceus it's not a Darkrai" Gallade was just rambling nosence at this point. Then he jumped off neon's back "I can still walk only my torso and arms hurt like a bitch" he after seeing neon's confused expression he pointed to his head "I'm psychic I know you didn't want me to walk, speaking of my psychic powers, I know you're trying and failing to spy on us! He loudly stated. he turned to face the derection hacktune was in "come on out I don't attack first, ever." He moved his left arm when he sat down landing right on it. Pain lanced through his arm he let out a loud scream "what kind of damage did this limb sustain?" He tried to remember "oh yeah a god stepped on it"


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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The creature nodded slightly and smiled as she looked at the pony that she had fallen on. "That's good to hear. You had me worried there for a momemt." She said, feeling a bit more comfortable. "I can fly, so you won't have to carry me. As for who I am. you can call me Latias." The pokemon then shook Neon's hoof. "It's nice to meet you."to be honest, the pokemon was somewhat shy, but she figured that it would be a good idea to have a friend In this strange world. She then noticed the Gallade and was somewhat curious. "Looks like I'm not the only pokemon here." She muttered under her breath, somewhat curious.


The lucario watched the group from the shadows of the forest and was surprised when she saw two other Pokemon, one of them being a legendary. "I guess I wasn't the only one that got sucked into this strange new world." She thought, studying the Gallade and latias from a distance. As soon as the Gallade revealed her, she stepped out of the shadows. "I apologize for spying. I just wanted to observe before revealing myself." She said. "I am Lucario."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Neon shook Lucario's paw and introduced herself, and held back a laugh at Gallade's comment on being stepped on by a god until what Latias and Gallade really registered in her mind. So you mean you all Came from Sinnoh? Where is that?" She looked up at the black mass in the sky, which only seemed to be growing. "If this doesn't stop, I'd imagine a lot more of you would come through." Neon sat for a moment and thought about what she should do. She didn't want to report them to the princesses, who knows what they'd do. She couldn't leave them at Zecora's, her home was too small, and the Everfree was endless, they could get lost. "Well, I don't think there's much point in going to Zecora's anymore if there's only going to be more of you coming. the only real reason he have to go would be for Gallade, and I'm not sure Zecora could make anything to fix something she's never encountered or read about..." Neon groaned and hung her head. She didn't want to leave the alone either. "Oh! I know!" She yelled and looked at the Pokemon. "I am a pegasus, so what If I make some sort of cloud formation for now, to keep you all hidden? Once I find someplace for us all to stay, you can be relocated!" Non knew it was a stupid Idea, but she wasn't afraid to try. Her new friends found themselves in one of the worst places in Equestria to be, and They had no Idea what to expect, she wanted them out of the Everfree, so they could be safe.

Edited by DJ Neon

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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Victini opened it's eyes. It had a headspliting headache, and it was experiencing a fair amounf of nausea. "Dear god, what happened to me? I remember getting hit, but i have no damage on my body as though i never got hit" Muttered the Victini. It looked around it's surroundings, and noticed that it was in a forest of some kind. "Interesting i have never been in of those before i wonder what these Woods have to offer" muttered Victini the second time. It suddenly gasped in shock "I-i can formulate real sentences! I have the ability to converse with humans now!" Said Victini with absolute glee. Victini now had a new goal in mind. Find a human and talk to it! Victini flew through the windy sky, now completely oblivious to the destruction. It eventually found two ponies and 2 pokemon. One of them where Latias, long time since Victiny has talked to it. Suddenly the realization hit it. A blue pony? Is that some kind of weird pokemon? I don't know, but i think it's in my interest to introduce myself. Thought Victini. It landed next to them "Do you require any assistance?" Asked Victini with it's timid voice.


(Guys Victini is genderless, and i dunno wether or not to act like a guy or a girl when i RP as it. What do you guys prefer? Female or male Victini?)

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Neon was surprised at the small voice,and turned to it "Something tells me this isn't going to end soon." Neon thought as she looked at the small pokemon. "Nice to meet you, I'm Neon." She smiled. "As for your question..." she looked back at the Pokemon surrounding her. "Well, it would be nice to know how all of you are coming here, and where I can hide you all for the time being. I know it's not a very nice thing to tell a new friend, but We really need a place to keep all of you, I'm not sure about revealing all of you to the princesses yet." Neon looked at the small Pokemon. "oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot to ask you name. What might it be?" Neon resisted the urge to hug the Pokemon, it was soo cute! Then again, she hugged anything small and cute, but based off of it's voice, she didn't want to scare away the already frightened Pokemon. She thought, They probably wouldn't want to find themselves here at night. Then a thought came to mind. "oh, I know it might be a bit much to ask, but do you think you could help Gallade?" Neon puches Gallade in Victini's Direction, Hoping it could do something. "He said he was in pain and I don't know if Zecora could help."


(, You can be any gender you feel comfortable with. ^^)

Edited by DJ Neon

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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~Pokemon World~


I woke up as I felt a perturbance. It was distant, but yet, so strong... What could it be?


He flew out of his cave, situated somewhere in the middle of the ocean. The last hideout was discovered by those annoying humans so he had to move again. Here at least he had tranquility... Not for long as it turned out to be...

As he sailed through the clouds of the moonless night, he felt that he was getting closer. Suddenly, he felt that the disturbance disappeared. He flew to its location and scanned the cold icy air.


"I...do not understand... It was right here... Could it be a trap?"


The thought flashed through his mind. Not again. Was he doomed to be constantly hunted down? He would give so much just to get out of here, in a place where there are no humans, where he could finally be alone. A strange rumbling brought him back to reality. The disturbance reappeared. And it was all around him. Suddenly a loud noise banged through the calm of the night and in a bright flash of light, he ceased to exist in this world...






He was somewhere in a forest. His head hurt. He levitated back to his feet. 


"What....what was that?"


He suddenly realised that he was somewhere different. He turned his head from left to right. The place felt.... strange. There was a different vibe in the air. It almost felt like it was full of...




He was confused. For once in his entire life he didn't know where he was or where to go. He felt... lost. It was strange. This new feeling. So cold and unfamiliar. Back in his world, he used to think he hated it. Hated it so much, but now when he was away, he feel that he missed it already. He shook his head trying to remove this sensation. He couldn't tolerate such human weakness. Especially now, when he was in an unknown place. He looked around and saw a distant light that shined like a beacon in the night. He flew in that direction and soon, discovered the source of the light. It was a strange wooden hut. It looks like something a human would build, but it was smaller. What could it be? Driven by curiosity, he opened the door and entered. The place was filled with potions and masks. A cauldron filled with strange green ooze stood in the middle of the room. Suddenly, he heard a voice.


"Who come to me at this late hour?

I feel in you a strange strong power!

Are you a friend? A foe perhaps?

I never saw you in the past."

Edited by Missklang
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As Hacktune spied the ponies and pokemons who kept approaching the ponies, He's confused because he never saw anything like that. He tried to search the Extinct animals at Ponypedia and he found nothing. He thoght "This could be a new species?, but what makes them appear here and right now?,or did they came from the hole?, How did hole even get there?, Did pinkie pie made that Hole?" and a lot more exploding on his head. As he focused back to the ponies and pokemon, He grabbed his phone and opened the camera app. Then he climbed the nearest tree and *Jepret* an akward moment for Hacktune because the camera sound is really loud. He mumbles some swears and then thought of a decision that Should he escape or should he introduce himself."The wierd creature seems nice and cute, but should i judge a creature by it looks?, i could gallop to town and seeks for help but the creature could be hunted." He decided to go down and introduce himself "Hey....uhm..... this is akward. Sorry for the Camera shot thingy there everypony. just curious about you guys, what are you?"

(Going to school, won't be able to reply any soon. about 9 hours later maybe i could reply or 10 hours)

  • Brohoof 1
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Neon jumped and shook her head. "Jeez, what did I get myself into?" She held her hoof out to Hacktune and introduced herself once again. "okay! we're going to Zecora's! I need to talk to somepony about this." Neon nodded with authority and began to walk into the Everfree Forest, toward Zecora's cottage, making sure the others followed. When she arrived she found a purplish, pinkish Creature standing there, looking at Zecora, and Nearly lost it. "Oh no, Not another one!!" Neon facehooved and simply moved to the back of the cottage, looking at This creature with the most excited face she could make right now, and it wasn't exactly the most inviting. "Hi, My name is Neon...Blah, blah. blah, nice to meet you....Blah Blah blah" She repeated what felt like a montra for what she hoped would be the last time in a long while. She then turned to Zecora. "you figure anything out about this?" She motioned to all of the pokemon. "and can you fix this one?" She pulled Gallade forward and took a deep breath. "Zecora, Meet Hacktune, Lucario, Latias, Victini and Gallade."

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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Lucario looked around the small room and wasn't entirely sure about all of this. She had been in this world for all of five minutes and she wasn't comfortable at all. The only thing that stopped her from leaving was the fact that she could trust most of the group, the one outlier being Hacktune, based on their aura. She then looked at Neon. "I think it would probably be best if you give us some cloud cover. That way we can move about with being noticed" She said, before moving towards the Gallade and extending her arms. She then closed her eyes and a green glow emenated from her hands. "I guess it's a good thing that I know heal pulse, otherwise he could've gotten put in a worse condition." She thought. Of course, she also knew a few combat moves in case the need for it came up.


The latias looked at Hacktune and didn't really know what to think of him. Of course, she was a bit comforted when she saw Victini. "Hey, Victini. I didn't expect to see you here." She said. The pokemon considered Victini as a friend and was happy to have a chance to see him again. Of course, the circumstances could've been a bit better.She was surprised to see mewtwo, however.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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He looked at the one who spoke. It was a strange creature. He never saw one like that before. It.... no, the voice was female....She looked like some kind of Ponyta. But there were no flames. Even the colors didn't match. She was all striped White and gray. On her Flank, the stripes formed some kind of symbol that resembled the sun. She appeared to wear different rings, quite unusual for a Pokemon. But he didn't felt anything. she was definitely not a Pokemon. And from her speech, she never saw a Pokemon before either. However, in her eyes, he saw a spark of wisdom. As he was standing, he was taller than her, so he kneed down and bowed his head down.


"Please do forgive my late intrusion. I didn't want to disturb you. I am not from here and I was lost in this strange forest. I am sorry I caused you trouble. I'll go away immediately."


He stood up and turned towards the door. Suddenly the door opened and a blue creature, similar to the one he met came inside. To his surprise, she was accompanied by other Pokemons.




"Oh no, Not another one!! Hi, My name is Neon...Blah, blah. blah, nice to meet you....Blah Blah blah"  She then turned to Zecora. "you figure anything out about this?" She motioned to all of the pokemon. "and can you fix this one?" She pulled Gallade forward and took a deep breath. "Zecora, Meet Hacktune, Lucario, Latias, Victini and Gallade."



He looked down at the blue Ponyata thing. He wondered what he could call them for now. He stopped his choice at Ponya. Clearly, Neon, as she called herself, was not very happy to see him. It was fine by him. He didn't want to stay anyway. She quickly pulled a happy smiling face but he heard her exclamation when she saw him. The other Pokemons, judging by the look on their faces had no idea where they were so it was useless talking to them. He frowned and replied.


"Yes,  I am "another one". Sorry to upset you. I will be on my way."


He walked through the door and stopped. He had no idea where to go. What he was thinking!? Those Ponya could perhaps provide useful information about this place. No! He didn't need their help! He never needed anyone's help. He stood near the door and looked at the sky. Even the stars were different here. Much more beautiful but strange and unfamiliar. He stood there, near the door, staring at the stars.

Edited by Missklang
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Neon saw the Pokemon leave the cottage and groaned. "I'll go get him." She walked out the door and saw him looking up at the stars. "And where exactly are you going? You have no idea where you are, Where you're going, what you'll find, or how to defend youself, and if it's what I said, I didn't mean to offend you." Then she remembered what lucario did for Gallade. "Oh, she muttered and turned her head back to the door. "Thanks Lucario!" Then she turned her attention back to the Pokemon at hand. "Now, based on your ton you aren't happy to be here, and that's fine with me, But don't throw an ever loving fit and storm out because there are more in that cottage who are going through the same thing." She knew she exaggerated a tiny bit, But, it was enough to get her point through to him. And with this she pushed him back into the cottage. "Now you all can ask Zecora anything you like, While I go ahead and make your makeshift home from the clouds above." With this, Neon walked out of the cottage and brought as many clouds together as she could find, and began to build the Pokemons make-shift home.

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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"It's... Victini" Said the pokemon to the blue pony. He turned around and looked at Latias. Victini smiled, his blue eyes brightening with glee. "It has been long indeed Latias, how come you never come visit me at the castle anymore? Am i not special?" Said Victini with a pouty expression, that changed to a little smile, then to a chuckle. "Sorry, it's just so great to be able to talk like this, but in all seriousnes i'm so happy to see uou again" Said Victini. He flew over to Latias and gave her a surprisingly strong hug despite his tiny frame. He backed off from Latias to give her some air "Ops, sorry about that. Didn't mean to crush your ribs" Said Victini with a sheepish smile, and a faint blush on his cheeks. He looked at the rest of the group, and was suddenly struck with shyness. Mainly because of the pony, since he is distrusting towards anything that isn't a pokemon. But he gathered his courage and spoke up to the group "Hello everybody. My name is Victini... Hope to meet you all?" Said the pokemon unsurely, suddenly loosing his courage



(Alright he'll be a male in this RP. Mainly cause it's easier for me to RP as a guy, since i am a guy)

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"And where exactly are you going? You have no idea where you are, Where you're going, what you'll find, or how to defend youself, and if it's what I said, I didn't mean to offend you. Now, based on your ton you aren't happy to be here, and that's fine with me, But don't throw an ever loving fit and storm out because there are more in that cottage who are going through the same thing."



He sighted. He understood by her voice that she won't stop till she gets what she wanted. Better play along. There was nothing much more he was able to do. Strangely, she managed to calm him down. He tried to understand why he acted so selfishly. After all, if they find a way back, better to stay together to be able to return all at once... for now. He rolled his eyes and let Neon push himself back into the hut. She was surprisingly strong for such fragile-looking creature. He doesn't usually allowed anyone to touch him, but he was too tired to object. After all, he didn't want to live the impression he was a spoiled child that falls in a rage quickly. He took a deep breath. The striped Ponya was apparently called Zecora. Was it the name of her species or her real name like the one humans have? After all, her and Neon looked very different. Zecora smiled.


"You can feel lost and sad,

To that, there is no shame.

You will be a good friend,

Please, could you speak your name?"


He nodded. Each word of her was filled with wisdom and goodness.


"Of course, wise Zecora. In my world, I was called Mewtwo. However, this name is not the one I chose. It stayed back there. You can call me Paradox."




 "Hello everybody. My name is Victini... Hope to meet you all?"



He turned to the sound of the voice. 


"Hello little one. Tell me, how did you get here? What happened? How all of you got here?"

Edited by Missklang
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Latias looked at Victini and blushed a bit, before smiling. "It's ok. It's good to see you to." She said. "To be honest, I wanted to see you, but I've been busy lately and I haven't been able to find the time." The dragon type then looked at Mewtwo and thought for a moment before speaking to him. "I think the main consensus is that we've all been sucked in by a wormhole and dropped off here. I would say Palkia and Dialga got into a fight, but those two seemed to have been getting along more recently." She then gave a small shrug and looked out the window. She wanted to explore this new land, but figured that that could wait until they actually had somewhere they could live in relative peace.


Lucario looked at the three legendries and sighed. "It must've been a pretty big fight. My trainer and I were on a mountain along the Johto/Kanto border when I was sucked into this place. Speaking of which, where were the rest of you when you were sucked in. Maybe there's a specific reason all of us were brought here in the first place."

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Neon jumped and shook her head. "Jeez, what did I get myself into?" She held her hoof out to Hacktune and introduced herself once again.

Hacktune Introduced himself "You can call me Hacktune, or Sky, or Hack whatever suits you."


"okay! we're going to Zecora's! I need to talk to somepony about this.". "Zecora, Meet Hacktune, Lucario, Latias, Victini and Gallade."

Hacktune Shouted "GERONIMOOO!!!!!" as he went to Zecora cottage. "I've never met zecora in person, i know her thou. i saw her sometimes buying stuff at the market.

When They Arrived at The Cottage

"Hey Zecora, My name is Hacktune, You could call me Sky, or Hack, whicever suits you. Nice to meet you."


As Neon left the cottage, and the rest of the pokemons and ponys are still at the cottage, Hacktune asked directly to all of them "So you guys came from that portal? does the portal brings you to alternate dimension or that'was just alternate universe?*sigh* sorry i just got carried away with my curiousity and my old habit of asking questions came up....*looks at the gallade* are you still hurt?"

as hacktune lost in his thoughts again, hacktune suddenly asked "Did anypony notices that the portal didn't get any smaller? is it okay if we just leave it like that?, Does anypony got any idea to close the portal? or should we even close the portal?" As question rapidly kept going and going.

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before moving towards the Gallade and extending her arms. She then closed her eyes and a green glow emenated from her hands.

thanks I thought I'd never get help

"I would say Palkia and Dialga got into a fight, but those two seemed to have been getting along more recently."

they did, I had a front row seat, and just my luck Palkia landed on my left arm then that void opens right in front of me. I'm just glad Palkia and Dialga weren't sent through." Gallade said looking out the window at the expanding black void

As Neon left the cottage, and the rest of the pokemons and ponys are still at the cottage, Hacktune asked directly to all of them "So you guys came from that portal? does the portal brings you to alternate dimension or that'was just alternate universe?*sigh* sorry i just got carried away with my curiousity and my old habit of asking questions came up....*looks at the gallade* are you still hurt?"

as hacktune lost in his thoughts again, hacktune suddenly asked "Did anypony notices that the portal didn't get any smaller? is it okay if we just leave it like that?, Does anypony got any idea to close the portal? or should we even close the portal?" As question rapidly kept going and going.

"no not anymore thanks to Lucario. The swirling black mass only seem to be getting bigger. I think we should leave it be, for now. We will have to study it maybe we can reverse it and use it to get home. But first we need to know why we are here" Gallade walked out the door "I'm not just going to stand here and wait, later" he shot forward racing out of the everfree forest looking around and seeing a small town alright I'll start here" his heart was pounding and thoughts swimming "damnit Gallade focus" he walked into town getting weird looks from the inhabitants, one little one with a yellow coat, red mane and tail and a bow walked up to him and asked him "what are 'ya" "I'm Gallade" he replied. two more an orange one with a purple mane and tail and a white one with a lavender and pink mane and tail and the orange one said "apple bloom what are you doing? hey, who is this guy?" He's a Gallade" "what's a gallade?" Edited by redshell


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Alright everypony!" Neon announced as she landed outside of the cottage and walked back in. "The could is done, I gave you what I could with what I had. Neon Took a look around and her eyes fell on an empty spot, and recognized it immediately. "Where'd Gallade go and why weren't any of you watching him?" Neon sighed as her ears folded down in exasperation. "Alright, Hacktune and I will get to looking for Gallade, But first, I have to take all of you who cannot fly up to the cloud cover, for those Pokemon, Zecora must whip something up so that you can set foot on the clouds." Neon nodded with authority and looked all of them over. "This means that Lucario and Gallade have to wait until Zecora makes a potion for you all, so that you don't plummet to the earth." With this, Neon turned and ran out the door to Find Gallade, pulling Hacktune out along with her, leaving Zecora alone with all of them once again. Neon hoped nopony had seen them, If so, There's no telling what they'd do with them, whether it be good or bad, she didn't want to find out.

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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"Well Gallade is my name and my race" "how's that possible?" "Unlike you I come from a place where my kind are used for countless reasons" "but an't that like slavery?" "No not really, Pokémon are more like animals" Suddenly the white one piped up "let's show him around town" "Yeah!" "No girls we have to focus on getting our cutie marks" "oh come on scoots we could be cutie mark crusaders tour guides" the three fillies dragged Gallade twards a large tree "umm do I get a say in this? No. Alright then" Gallade asked starting to walk on his own. Suddenly a voice from behind said "sweetie bell, what is that hideous thing?" Gallade turned to look at the white pony with a purple mane and tail "hey! I'm not a thing and I'm not hideous" " I'm so sorry darling" it's fine, but word of advice don't call something who can possibly kill you seven different ways hideous"rarity sweetie bell apple bloom and scootaloo stood there stunned as Gallade walked away "I think that wasn't the right thing to say" then a purple unicorn with a purple and pink mane and tail said "hi my name is twilight sparkle


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Alright everypony! The could is done, I gave you what I could with what I had. Where'd Gallade go and why weren't any of you watching him? Alright, Hacktune and I will get to looking for Gallade, But first, I have to take all of you who cannot fly up to the cloud cover, for those Pokemon, Zecora must whip something up so that you can set foot on the clouds." 


Paradox looked at Neon. He couldn't understand why the blue creature was helping them. After all, she never met Pokemons in her life. It seemed to him that those Ponya was the closest alternative to humans in this strange world. But a human would never just randomly help a Pokemon like him. The only person he met that was this kind was a boy he met not long after evading those who made him. He used to live in a castle at the time... He had to erase his memory though. He thought it would keep his existence secret, but as it turned out, he was very wrong. Humans found him very quickly no matter where he hided. But Neon was going to go all alone in the woods again to search for the missing Pokemon.


"Wait.... I'll accompany you if you don't mind."


He tried to walk through the door but hit his head. Everything in here was so small. It would be difficult to move around in those doll houses. Paradox decided to morph his form to adapt better to this world. In a second, he stood next to Neon, with a form that looked like her and was slightly higher. 










Edited by Missklang
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