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open [Fantasy][Pony] The Scarring of Equestria

Your Nightly Spectre

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Sapphire kept her ears back and head low as she ventured through the catacombs with Star. She stared at the odd engravings. They seemed to tell stories of sorts. She followed one story quite a ways until she reached a point that disturbed her, then she turned her head away. 


"You do believe?" she repeated his words which sounded too uncertain for her liking. She did NOT want to be stuck down here with some pony she just met and some creepy engravings on the walls, surrounded by what seemed like never ending darkness.


She had their eerie feeling she couldn't shake. Like she was being followed. Like she was being watched.. 


@@Akari of Duskshire@

Edited by SapphireSnow


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Her repetitive asking and his own dillemas of actually not knowing the path perfectly kind of made him snap, turning back at her, and stopping, speaking in a very annoyed and harsh voice.


"Look, every part of me said I shouldn't bring you, but for some reason I did. I don't want a team, hell... I want to be alone, but for some pitty reason I took you with me because you were there and I couldn't just let you get slaughtered up on the street... so if you could just SHUT UP and let me do what i have to do, I'll be VERY damn glad and greatful. "


Huffling and turning away he continued his walk, not bothering to look back as his ears focused on any sounds coming from the area, slowly feeling that the burst was mean and didn't feel like that should be him... but what happened happened and he didn't feel like apologizing any time soon.


The same feeling of being watched would lightly torment him but he'd just wave it off, trying not to care.


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Sapphire cowered down as he practically yelled at her. She didn't realized how berating she had been with him. She was ashamed at herself. Here he was probably putting himself in more danger with her being here than if he were alone, and all she could do was pester him with her negativity. Her light from her horn dimmed as her mood dimmed. She lowered her head once more, and followed him. 

"You're right. I'm sorry." Was all she stated, carrying on with him without a word. 

Edited by SapphireSnow


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Wow.  You've fallen far.  Monomyth continued to follow the two, her ears flattening at the harsh things he said.  She so wanted to apologize to the mare for him, but she'd rather do it when they get to an open space.  So she turned her attention to the engravings and pictures on the wall.  And she did, she held back the memories of camaraderie and continued on, silently as ever.

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Lyssa pushed away the ponies at the gate to get through as fast as possible, not caring about anypony but herself. She grabbed the bars, shaking it hard as one of the guard tried to push her away, trying to scare her by grabbing his sword. ''No use.'' she mumbled to herself as she let go of the gate. She pushed herself through the pile of ponies again. She had to hurry, she had to find another way out because she was not going to get stuck here.


''Train station... maybe.'' she mumbled again. ''Though that must be full of ponies too. DAMMIT!'' She made her way into an alleyway quickly She couldn't keep standing in the center of the city where all those demonic monster were roaming. Not that the ally was any safer. ''How in Equestria am I getting out of this one?" she said, walking around nervously.

Edited by Pucksterv
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Heathlife had grown tired of hearing the endless torment of sounds penetrating into his mind, he tore down the wall by creating a singularity and then moved said singularity forward creating a cannonball like projectile which he shot straight ahead. The power caused by this was enough to blast through any ash ponies in the way and several houses before it got vaporized by its own speed.

After he exited from the alley he was hidden he saw the hole he made and then saw it vanish from the collapsing building ''Have i gone and become weaker than before? Sure i would hit all the way to the royal castle from here, oh i got it. Something or somebody must have gotten in the way'' Heathlife spoke with no interest in the subject in his voice and then he turned his eyes to look at the other buildings which in between him and them had those monsters ''This seems troublesome...'' he said after he had overcome his bloodlust he felt before.


He teleported away and looked around to where he had gone. To his surprise he had only moved to where his cannon ball of dirt had gone ''This is... Strange,'' he looked down at his front hoof and then looked back up ''I feel emptier in my magic resources than i should, when was the last time i used the singularity... Let me see, ah... Back then?'' he suddenly remembered the day of his rampage where he had that tremendous amount of magic power ''If i remember right... It used almost nothing back then, that was when i first used it too. Did i grow old? Wait no, i don't age anymore... Hmmm''  he didn't notice or sense the beings that were surrounding him at that moment. He soon looked around him to see them all charging at him ''Annoying pests'' he said starting to make a singularity that was great in gravitational size to shoot them towards it. It worked except that he felt rather exhausted after it ''Hmm, wait... What magic have i used today? Ah, there was this tiresome magic in the start... Annoying pests now, gotta deal with them the old fashioned way'' he said after his eyes suddenly went blood shot red, he started laughing like a maniac before raising his left front hoof which the charred part started rotating around causing a slight wind change which blew a strong gust on his enemies before unleashing a torrent of black flames that seemed to burn and melt even the ground it landed on, the temprature was something near 500 degrees celsius at this point, starting out at 100 and maxing out at a maximum of 1500. Heathlife had started sweating from the sheer radiance of the flames before he stopped. Surely they would be done in with that and almost all of his resources were overdone for quite some time ''This fight... It's exhausting'' he said while he started to walk away sweating and in pain from using so much magic in such a short amount of time.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@, @@Akari of Duskshire,


Continuing the silent long empty walk in the darkness Dark Star was constantly bugged by his words from earlier and at her reaction, not saying a thing yet since his outburst, seemingly still annoyed.


Reaching a crossroad in the catacombs he looked around, trying to remember the plan to this thing. After a few seconds of thinking he started once more walking straight ahead.


After a while he paused his walk, really hating himself for earlier, speaking a bit against my will but having to make her understand...


"Look... I used to have a team... I cared for them... especially for one specific mare... then something went wrong and we lost her... I've distanced myself to the world since then..."


Deciding that is enough he continued, reaching another crossroad and turning left immediately, feeling that something is wrong but unable to put a hoof on what as some shaking continued from above and the casual scream being hearable. " 


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@ @@Akari of Duskshire


Sapphire's ears perked up at the sudden break in silence. She listened to his explanation, and understood. She couldn't exactly relate to it, but she could understand his reasoning behind his reaction earlier.


"I'm sorry." she stated again. "You don't have to explain yourself, I'm just grateful for your willingness to help.."


She had decided right then that she'd do her best just to stay out of his way, and get on her own as soon as she possibly could. She'd cause less trouble that way. 


Sapphire did her best to drown out the sounds of the pony's above ground, she couldn't be shaken by it now. 

Edited by SapphireSnow


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Monomyth wasn't sure how she became so numb to heartfelt pain.  Maybe she learned how to dull herself to such pain.  Maybe she came face to face with it so much that it built itself up.  However it formed itself, it didn't do its job as to hear somepony else repeat that story pricked her heart.  But still, she had no idea how they would react to her sudden presence, so she focused on her silent walk.  Open space, need open space.  Who knows what you've learned over time?

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@, @@Akari of Duskshire,


Glad she understood and upon taking another turn Dark Star stopped once more as a sudden wave of goosebumps hit him, immidietly looking under his hooves he saw a lightly green mist on the very bottom of the floor, flowing around but looking anything but innocent.


This wasn't here last time...


Walking further in a bit our tunnel combined into what was a big open room, some sort of underground cathedral almost, graves set around tidily everywhere, surrounded by deep dark stone walls adorned with one could say are some creepy statues, degenerated and broken a bit, making for some horrifying effects. The green mist from earlier kept sticking to the floor, unsettled Dark Star came up to one of the graves, and what surprised him was that it was empty... then a scream much like the ones from above echoed out throughout the room.


Immidietly backing away and getting over to the mare he was now forced to protect his spear levitated to his side, keeping it in a defensive position as his weary eyes scouted the area.


But what happened next he wasn't expecting as the tombs begun to open, cracking or simply sliding as alongside another scream the corpses begun reanimating...


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Sapphire looked past Dark Star to the tombs. They were moving


No. That wasn't right. It wasn't the tombs themselves that were moving, it was the ponys inside of them. She had a look of horror on her face as it struck her. 


Get it together... 


A small voice in her mind echoed as she froze behind Dark Star.


You're better than this. You've got magic, you've got spells.


You have power


She swallowed hard, but the voice was right. She had to compose herself. She readied her horn, much like he had readied his spear. She moved to the side of him rather than immediately behind him. 


"What do we do? Do we fight?" 


Or do we run?


She tacked that last part on in her head.


@@@Akari of Duskshire

Edited by SapphireSnow


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He could feel the undead, and he wasn't pleased. He had thought there weren't other necromancers in Equestria, but that no longer seemed to be the case. Undead have a sort of effect on the air and light nearby, and that was very apparent near the catacombs he was about to pay a visit to. He supposed his "Rebuke Undead" spell might work, but it was certainly more difficult on those under another's control, and a real pain on natural undead... He supposed he'd have to try, because he heard voices, and didn't want to get blamed for their deaths. Besides, he might get blamed for whatever was going on with this city, while blame was being passed around. Begrudgingly, he makes his way into the tombs, horn aglow.

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@,"@@MarionEtte136,@@Akari of Duskshire,


Warily staring around at all the raising bodies, their eyes glowing in the dark room giving this even more of a terrifying event... but Dark Star didn't care, his life has gone dark too many times, and to all he knew it was meaningless exempt for having to get this mare to safety.


Spinning his spear around he kept thinking of a strategy and looking around the huge underground room, but not being able to find any proper weaknesses of advantages.


"I have no clue.."


Finally spotting the exit to where they should go he immediately scrapped the plan, but then unscrapped it, knowing full well that is the only way out and it was too late to turn back.


"These ones are controlled by no necromancer... it seems like some sort of Scar is doing that... wait.." Looking below himself his chain of thoughts snapped. "There was a Scar under Canterlot this whole time... growing bigger... that is why we keep having earthquakes and why the wards keeping the city broke so easily.."


Returning to matters at hoof he kept swinging his spear around as the undead around them approached.


"We're fighting to that exit. " He pointed with his hoof at a big door on the other side of the room. "Waste as little energy as you can..."


His horn lighting up the aura quickly corrupted a dark color, becoming unstable against his will and plan. To that his eyes started producing a black mist around them as a bit darker voice spoke.


"You better hurry for your life..."


Everything then went silent as magic begun gathering around Star, the sound seeming to go away for seconds before the thick purple and black mist begun surrounding them, becoming more and more unstable before the magic lunged itself in all directions, slaughtering any of the undead nearby and wounding many on the other side of the room, some of the columns cracking and threatening a cave-in.


Against all that Star didn't seem touched, something was wrong and he wasn't himself... continueing walking he made sure to have the mare keep pace. Then, with a flicker of the mist in his eyes he sensed out Monomyth immidietly, all the magic stopping as within not even a second his old time companion was teleported right in front of them.


"Sneaking around have you, you poor little pegasus. "


Not being himself, Monomyth suddenly started feeling a bit of pain from his very presence, dark and depressing thoughts entering both mares  minds and anyones nearby, even the zombies seeming to feel affected. Then... a voice coming from the depths of his soul called stop... and the magic around him begun dying down but only to a certain level, the unicorn facing Monomyth and approaching. 


"Missed me?" He spoke in a dark but kind of glad tone, seeming serious while turning his head to the mare he was escorting.


"Go to the exit.... you shouldn't have much trouble with that.... I have an old friend to greet...." He'd speak in a kind of sadistic voice... but the other thing he said was true, and the room was mostly clear, the undead seeming to be once more drained of any of the life that returned to them exempt for a few striding around, somehow surviving the wave of magic.


Whatever was happening to him and why it was happening seemed to remain a mystery to Dark Stars consciousness itself.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@,@, @@Akari of Duskshire,

The necromancer sensed something off about the place, noticing a change in aura, before the sense of Undeath suddenly lessened. Then, as suddenly as it appeared, it vanished, after one horrifying moment. Is somepony here using dark magic? I suppose I'll have to check it out, on my way to the Scar... I can sense it, and I already have my sacrifice... Bloody stupid thing to do, cowering in the middle of the road... I suppose I'll just waste it's miserable life to make that new Focal Point... maybe, I'll start making another Ley Line... I have a few more that need forming, to make the circle... This is the final Point I need, then I can start on the last Lines.. After that, I'll need to make an array... Tragedies of certain types at certain places will do just fine... I think there's a place over in the Badlands that'll function as a spot for the Slaughter of Orphans... The Insurrection can happen over in Yakyakistan... And the Horrific Monster Attacks can happen over in Ponyville... I make my way down the stairs, eager to get this over with.

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Monomyth had taken flight, intending to silently cut them down herself.  But due to the lights' range and so many sounds surrounding her from spread out locations, she had very little idea where to start.  She knew she couldn't handle a crowd.  That was her friend's job, after all.  Then Dark Star's magic happened and all but a few of the undead were taken care of.  Not really caring about stealth anymore since it was open space, she flew to an undead pony to dispatch it...


...But the next second, she was face to face with the one she called friend and infested with thoughts.  Thoughts that reminded her of the things she continuously thought she put behind her, but haunt her mind.  Instinctively, she took flight once again, this time hovering three feet off the ground and holding her hoof over her heart with a slightly pained expression.


"And we have a crumbling cave to get out of," she replied with a wry, barely-humorous tone.  But her eyes were like a raging ocean.

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@,@@Akari of Duskshire,


Sapphire had taken a huge shock from it all, the dead popping up, Dark Star seemingly changing before her eyes, and a new pony--


This friend.. Could it be the one he mentioned losing? She puzzled it over in her mind momentarily, but was interrupted by the directions Dark Star gave her.

Get to the exit.




She dashed to the opening that lead into the endless twists and turns of the catacombs. In her haste, she had found herself in darkness again, forgetting to provide light to herself. Her horn started glowing as she peered back to where she had just come from. Should she have left? What if they weren't okay? 

Questions like these berated her head as she walked slowly down one of the halls before stopping. She glanced at the many pictures on the walls, maybe they would catch up to her? 


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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Morning Glory

He hears a figure rushing up to him, and makes note of it. He prepares himself, and flashes a Light Spell, Illuminating her. His dark robes and cowl obscuring his face, as the light source is above the cowl. His mouth is visible, and it curls into a sneer.

"Hello, Good Mare." He says, in a polite tone like poisoned honey. He inquires, in a tone of sickly sweet molasses, "I am Sir Marion Ette, and I came to investigate the disturbances within the tomb I sensed earlier. Was there any use of dark magic, or the presence of undead down there?"

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Dark Star stared at the mare and at the pain caused to her, but seemingly wasn't effected, just gazing at her for a short moment which in his head took forever, debating with his inner conscious...


Here she stands, isn't this the mare that left you when you needed a friend the most? If you ask me she deserves all the pain she is getting.


She didn't leave me... I pushed her away.


And she took it, some friend... now look at you, the sheer creature of that lonelyness.


No, YOU are the creature of that lonelyness...


No, I am your honest side, your true feelings you try and hide, feelings that you built up all your life trying to be above all the others... and I'm returning to you...


Stop poisoning my mind... that is not who I am.... it isn't. I've survived you before, I'll survive you again. 


A devious chuckle filled his mind, and only his mind.


Yes, that you will.. But l'd be more worried about the others around you...


And this continued on but soon enough he snapped out after a short while of gazing, his horn and eyes still glowing a very corrupted black.


Then his attention turned to the crumbling supports of the big room, soon enough to be buried by the ground above.


"Looks like someponies will be losing their homes... don't know what idiot designed this room so big under a city, but whatever is above us will be on our heads within seconds so... " His horn once more lighting up brighter while still corrupted the two ponies dissapeared in a flash of dark smoke and purple light, appearing outside the doorway where he sent Sapphire, the teleport made Monomyth feel kind of empty, as if her soul was ripped out but then things begun returning to normal outside of the dark aura surrounding Star.


@@Morning Glory, @@MarionEtte136,


Walking over and nodding his hello to his previous companion his eyes suddenly locked dead on the new pony, eyeing him with a lightly devious grin as his eyes kept glowing black.


"Hey Mono, meet Sapphire, Sapphire, meet Mono. " Star looked back and presented the two ponies to each other before returning to the task at hand...


"Plenty of undead down below here, if you wish to I am sure you can still join them in the main room before it crumbles down. "


...Or when it crumbles down...

Edited by The Lonesome Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@,@@MarionEtte136, @@Morning Glory,


For a moment, Monomyth stood there, almost like a corpse suspended by wires.  But almost immediately, life returned to her eyes and she quickly took in the two new ponies.  Or, in Sapphire's case, one of the ponies she had been following for a while.  She didn't seem to even acknowledge her when Dark Star introduced them to each other, but she stood next to her and slightly in front of her, watching the dark-robed one with her wings just slightly spread.


"It seemed fairly stable to me."  Her skin tingled.  She felt like she was caught between two timberwolves, one plainly bad news and the other a companion she once gave her blessings to.


What compelled you to learn these things?  They cause only misery, you damn fool.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,@, @@Morning Glory,  


He wasn't certain how to react to their behavior, so settled on his default of grunt, and move forward, where he was headed. Incidentally, that was deeper into the catacombs, past the one who still had the stench of Dark Magic about them. He briefly regards them, then makes a passing comment.

"If you want to follow, go ahead; it matters to me naught..." He says aloud, to fill the verbal void in his wake. "I'm going to go seal a Scar, before you ask what I'm doing here, and no, you may not thank or pay me; it's pitiful how many of you ponies grovel before somepony who plans on fixing the issue..."

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@@MarionEtte136,@@Akari of Duskshire, @@Morning Glory,


"Thought of the scar down here too?"


Star smiled, kind of liking this pony as much as he didn't. But something reminded him of himself within that pony which made him torn.


Even though his darker controlling side whispered lots of ideas to his head, his true self broke through though it didn't reveal so much like it. "I'd love to, but I have to get these two out of the city... maybe after that I'll gladly go down and join you... Unless they want to come with...which they will feel obliged to now that I mentioned it. "


Speaking that he seemed calmer but the dark essence filled each of his words, and as honest as they were something uneasy kept laying on them.

Edited by The Lonesome Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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