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Profile Title seems to have changed

Mentis Soliloquy
Go to solution Solved by Lightwing,

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Hello !


Are you referring to the Christmas Donor title? If so, then that's just a temporary thing. Each year, Poniverse celebrates an event known as Making Christmas Merrier, in which the community donates to BC Children's Hospital. The community will donate as much money for a whole month, and the higher the goal reaches the more milestones they community unlocks, with the Element of Generosity Badge being one of them.


Seeing as how you donated to MCM, your Christmas Donor title will last until two weeks. I hope you understand! If you have any other questions regarding MCM, let me know.

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, what you experienced seems to be a small glich that comes when a member is moved to the Christmas Donor group, which causes the Member Title to reset to its default (or better specified, the name of the badge you currently have, which is Butterfly).

Best course of action on this situation will be to send a Support Ticket to our Technical Support team, which would belong to our Technical Issues/Bug Reports folder, and you will be shortly afterwards contacted by an Administrator, which will help you to restore your Member Title back to normal.

With that said, and seeing the nature of the glich and its resolution, I will go ahead and close this topic. Have a nice day.

Edit: about why you can't change again your title by yourself, it is due to the fact that the Christmas Donor group doesn't get donor perks, so right now, its possible manipulation is Admininstrator-only.

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