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The Brony Story Game

That Guy with the CMB

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Here's how it works: You'll tell a short version of your brony story, etc., how you became a brony. Here's the catch: ONE detail has to be a complete lie, and the user below will have to quote you and guess which detail was a lie.



It can be a long story if you like - but at least try to shorten it for convenience. :D



I was in 7th grade, near the end of the year. I made friends with a fellow student (who we'll call Brad for now). Brad had been talking about ponies at our lunch table, and I kept rolling my eyes over the names of the ponies. His favorite was Rainbow Dash. He'd talk about it in our art class. I rather enjoyed hearing about it because it was embarrassing in a humorous way. One day, I called in sick and stayed home because I hadn't slept all night. Lo and behold, I was channel surfing, and MLP was on. I watched it, and I recorded my reaction. I made fun of the characters quite a bit. The next day, I came and teased Brad about it. (No, I was not a bully about it. Just teasing like growing kids do.) I asked him why he loved it so much, teasingly. The show, for some reason, was stuck in my head. Next thing I knew, I was watching ad ejoying it. Then I started to set my DVR to record...and I came to school ad discussed it happily with Brad and his small circle of brony friends. The we were inseperable. Unfortunately, I got axiety at the very end of the school year. Over the summer, I read Cupcakes...then My Little Dashie, ironically. Twi was my favorite, although Brad wanted me to like RD. Once I liked the show, I had an immediate affinity for Twilight, though, albeit all I read about was Rainbow Dash. Unfortunately, in eighth grade, he started teasig me about it ad pretending he didn't like it - but it was obviously fake, because he was always smiling whe we talked about it.



Ayhow, that's the end. Take a stab at guessing the lie in my story. It'll be pretty easy if you've read my page - at least if you're astute enough.


Be sure to leave your brony story with one lie for the user below you to guess and share their own story!



Have fun! ^_^

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