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general questions Quick Reply Issue

Go to solution Solved by Lightwing,

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So recently, I was replying to the "Animal Relocation Program" RP OOC thread and I noticed something rather odd.  The "Quick Reply" portion was even smaller than what it was before, and I couldn't access the emotes, links, or anything else that I would use normally.


Is there anybody else dealing with this?  It's not a big issue, but it's something to take notice of.

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I'm using IE on my laptop, but I don't know what OS/dispositive is.

Keeping it short, IE gives quite a few problems when it comes to IP.Board. Multiple patches have been made, but it always come back, leading to situations like the one that you are describing. I would recommend you to use another browser, like Firefox or Chrome, which should allow you to properly use them again.


If you don't want, or can't get another browser due for any circumstances, you can always manually imput the BBCodes, which you can see here

  • Brohoof 1
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With your issue resolved, I can lock this topic. Like always, if you have any other issue, make another topic, and have a nice day!

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