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open Tales of the Children of the Night RP

child of the night

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Shadow heard Inn and once he was outside he opened a portal and dropped through. Once he was through, it closed, not leaving a trace. He landed in the forest and saw three ponies dressed in black, he made quick work of them and opened another portal



He dropped into the tavern and said as he caught them, 

"That was easy, here is are all of the cider."

He looked at where he left the vial. He said as he picked it up

"I guess it was ignored. Oh well, It might come in handy later. Anything else ya need?"

Edited by reader8363
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A look or worry crossed Inn Keep's features as Shadow dropped back into the inn.


"I see you have been in combat, however unscathed you may be"


He turned to face shadow.


"If the shipment was attacked by raiders, the caravan's escort and the ponies pulling the thing could have been injured or ....killed. In the fight, I mean. Those who have escaped would have made it to the castle gates by now, and I'm afraid that I haven't received any reports yet."


Inn Keep ducked behind the counter and unfurled the map on the bar table.


"Could ye mark the caravan's exact location on the map here, I'll send an escort to collect what's left of the caravan. Should probably send a medical team too, now that I think about it."


He turned back to where the portal had been before it closed up.


"How long can you hold those portals open for? We could bring those barrels in here one by one"

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Shadow took his cloak  off and set it down on the counter. He said as he sat down and used his knuckle  to point to the location on the map,

"They should be careful around the heads. I can hold them open for as long as I want."

He brought his wing to his side and reached into a portal for a rag. He said as he wiped the blood off the tip.

"Can't believe one tried to attack me from behind. 

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Clayton sighed and thought about where he could put the mare. "Let's just get you something to drink." He thought, before pouring a glass of water for the mare. He then put her on his back and headed up to one of the rooms, before placing her on the bed and placing the water on the table. He then headed back out and glanced at Inn Keep. "She should be fine for now, minus a raging headache."

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"Aight. Could you hold open a portal while i bring in the barrels?"  Inn keep asked, vanishing into the inn's storeroom and reappearing with a barrel trolley. 




"Thanks for the help. Talking about help, i really should hire some ponies to help out with running the inn. I mean, i have an owl working the night shift."


Inn Keep sighed, opening the barflap and pushing the barrel trolley out. 


"Sorry to bother you, but could you help me out with the barrels? I can sense... feel even, a crowd of ponies coming. Trust me, after running an inn for a couple of years, you get this weird sixth sense. I call it the inn sense. 

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Shadow opened a portal and said

"It might feel weird at first. Just ignore the ponies in the ground they can't get out, no matter how hard they try."

He threw his cloak and the bloody rag into the portal and said, 

"I'll probably stay here until closing, the festival, or I'm tired, so you don't have to worry about rushing."

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Clayton nodded slightly and smirked. "It's not a problem. I'm just doing the right thing." He said. "I could work here whenever I'm not at the forge. It would certainly help with the boredom a lack of work brings." The unicorn then waited for the crowd Inn Keep said would be coming soon.

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@@Sporemane,@@Drago Ryder,  


Silver Spirit stood from the place that she was sitting before heading off in the direction of the castle exit. She refused to have guards with her as most of the guards gave off a too intimidating feel which she didn't like. Due to this she had learned some attacks and defenses just in case they would be needed. Silver made her way towards the potions brewers hut as neither the brewer or tempest had turned up to inform her of their progress.



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@Sporemane @child of the night


Tempest sensed the queen was heading towards Agaricus's shop and jumped off the rooftop he was on. He then fell a few feet before gliding to land next to the potion maker. "I know I was supposed to help you, but we should probably get those potions ready." He said.


Gale sighed as she looked at the clothes she would wear when she was with the queen. It honestly wasn't that much, consisting of only a finely made blue silk dress and a headdress consisting of a silver chain with dark purple and green gems attached to main chain. She also set out a ruby necklace. Contrary to what some might think, she didn't have any accessories for her tail, wings, or legs. Along with that, she still didn't feel comfortable wearing such fine clothes, despite the fact that she was a noble. It made her feel like she wasn't herself. "I suppose it's worth it." She thought, giving a slight smile.

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Agaricus was startled by the pony landing next to him."Oh yes...of course I will hurray along now." After doubling his pace he finally reached the Potion Lab.


Opening the door to the lab he turned around and spoke to the guard. "Would you mind assisting me with the potions."


Agaricus then made his way down the stares to the lab.




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Tempest smirked slightly and gave a small nod. He was willing to do anything to get a job done, within reason. "Just tell me what do to, and I'll do it." He said. The bat pony then walked into the poition maker's shop and was honesty impressed. He wasn't expecting Agricus to have a basement. Of course, that only made him wonder what said pony was doing down here.

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"Thank you. With your help I will get these potions finished in no time." Agaricus began to trott down the stairs. At the base of the stairs was a large metallic switch, with a large wooden handle. Pulling the handle down. The lights hanging over head began to buzz with electricity, revealing the dark lab. The lab was packed with shelves of beakers, a table crowded with Bunsen burners, a wooden counter supporting several centrifuges, and a large machine with a conveyer belt running through the middle.


Placing the saddlebag on a table, Agaricus began to instruct the guard."This is what I need you do." Dumping the Mushrooms from the bag. "These mushrooms have magical healing properties." Agaricus then pulled a weathered bowl and grinding tool from a high self. "To extract the magic I need these shrooms the be grinded into a fine powder after you do that. I will handle the rest." Agaricus then handed the guard the tools, and began to finish work on the other potions.




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Tempest nodded slightly and put the mushrooms into the bowl and basically used the grinding tool to crush the mushrooms into a powder. The task itself wasn't very hard and the bat pony then began to think of what could possibly go wrong during all of the festivities. "No matter what, I have to stay by the queen. Thee are those who aren't pleased with the new changes and they'll most likely take out their grievances on her." He thought, before placing the bowl on the table next to Agaricus.

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"Oh ho ho, you might think twice about that decision once you see what the crowd can be like at the inn during the happy hours" Inn Keep laughed, as he took 2 barrels at once, one on his back and one on the barrel trolley, to the cellar.


"Working an inn doesn't exactly relax you after a hard day's work. Besides, there should be plenty of ponies looking for a job out there."


After stacking the barrels down, Inn Keep backed out of the cellar and headed back into the portal. Just at that moment, a gray pony walked up to the counter and demanded a beer. Noticing this, Inn Keep called out to Clayton


"Hey, could ya help me get our new friend a drink? I'm Kinda busy right now"

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@@Drago Ryder


Silver was beginning to near the potion makers hut when she glanced towards the door to just barely see tempest entering the building. Thinking of what her guard must have been doing all this time she slower down her pace drastically. She now peered in shops and eventually entered one of the jewelry shops on the path to the potion brewers. In there she milled around, giggling as the shop owner fussed about with even the tiniest things to make them look good, and eventually found a small band that goes around a ponies hoof which she bought from the owner. Heading out once more with the band now on her leg she walked up to the potion brewers shop and sat at a table near the outside to wait for a couple of minutes. At this time she casted a deception spell which made her look like a normal citizen of the empire (if there were any normal citizens) and sat watching the potions shops front door.

Edited by child of the night



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Shadow got bored and reached into a portal and pulled out a bottle. He looked it over then shrugged. He reached back into the portal and pulled out his armor. He placed them on and said as he left,

"Be back later, I going to check on thing to see if anything is wrong."

He opened his metal wings and lifted himself off the ground. As he was flying, he opened the bottle and took a sip. He felt the drink surging through his body. He landed on the roof and opened a portal, using his own shadow, and placed the bottle in. 

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Clayton nodded slightly and got a mug. He then basically filled it with the stallion's drink before sliding it down towards the customer. To be quite honest, it didn't seem that hard. "Yeah, I could definitely do this whenever I'm not working at the forge." He thought.

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"Aw yes very good." Complimenting the guard, then taking the bowl of mushroom powder. Agaricus poured the mushroom powder into the large machine. The potion machine, made several clanking and humming sounds as it mixed the powder.


After several minutes the machine began to pour. A slurry of red healing potion into glass bottles, traveling on a conveyor belt below. Agaricus waited at the end of the belt placing each of the completed potions in a large wooden crate, with the previously brewed potions.


Struggling to lift the wooden crate, Agaricus then gave the wooden create to the guard."Ugh...here..are...your potions."

Edited by Sporemane




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@child of the night @Sporemane


Blitz nodded slightly and lifted the crate. "I'll make sure that these are delivered to the queen as soon as possible." He said. With that, the bat pony left the potion shop and almost immediately noticed the mare staring at him. "Oh, did the queen send you? Well, the potions are done." He said, giving a light smile and was completely unaware to who the mare actually was.

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(apologies tired so not sure who is in the tavern still, so @ who ever)


Summer woke up very drowsy and with a good head ache, ah yep that hurts ouch, she rubbed her head with one of her wings. She looked around to find out where she was, must be in a room above the tavern, I think Summer got up and left the room an walked down stairs, to see the bar pony still there she walked up to him and sat back down on a stool. @,  "Hey landlord how long was I out? And please can I have some water please." She remembered her manners that Silver had reminded her to say, she sat still and tried to steady herself her head still somewhat pounding from the liquor going to her head.

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Shadow heard something of potions. He looked at the ground to see that he landed on the potion maker's hut. He noticed the guard talking to a mare, while carrying a box. He shrugged and opened his wing to make a shadow portal and pulled out the bottle, opened it again and took a few gulps.

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"Aight, all the barrels, in the stores. Took a while, but it was easy enough." Inn Keep exclaimed, Dusting himself off.'And in good time too', he thought to himself, as another patron made his way into the inn, followed by several other ponies. 


Soon enough, ponies began streaming in in the dozens. It didn't matter what walks of life they were from, whether they walked into the common room alone or with a group, whether they were clad in the telltale outfit of a thief or the finest robes of a noble. There to greet all was Inn Keep.The inn's fire was stoked, musicians set up their instruments and began to play, and merry laughter filled up the rest of the warm atmosphere.


In the chaotic, yet warm and friendly atmosphere, Inn Keep worked quickly and efficiently, topping off mugs and sliding ( or lobbing ) them into his patron's hooves before they could even finish their order. Of course, in the drunken haze, tempers flare and punches are thrown. Inn Keep allows this of course; no night of merriment in the inn is complete without a brawl ( or several ), with the exception of one rule: Stick to your hooves. No fancy magic, no weapons, no magic of ill intent. Cross that line, and well, Inn Keep has decades of combat experience to throw you out faster than you can charge a spell.




 "Hey landlord how long was I out? And please can I have some water please."


Still serving up mugs of hard cider to thirsty patrons, Inn Keep slid a glass of water into Summer's hooves faster than she could blink. Keeping up his working pace, eyes still focused on working the bar, Inn Keep asked Summer: "Feeling better already?"

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@@Drago Ryder,


"Yes the Queen sent me, I was here to check on the preceding of the potion creation since it was taking longer than expected. Now that you seem to have it under control we can take it back to the queen." The Mare (Queen) levitated the box off of the ponies shoulders and started to walk with him in the direction of the castle. "I don;t believe we have met before, I am Silent Quill the queens personal assistant. I don't leave the castle much and my place of living is hidden to most." Queen Spirit was trying to bluff that she was another pony to see how long it would take her guard to notice.



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"not really no, just awake now I guess." The hustle and bustle and loudness of all the others, made Summer's headache worse she tried to focus on Inn Keep and her water. Which was helping but the noise was still hurting her, she stuck the tips of her wings in her ears to dull some of the noise, again it helped a little. A few minutes or hours of this and it's gonna be quieter keep going.

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@child of the night


Tempest thought for a moment a nodded. "Oh, well that sounds interesting." He said. "To be quite honest, you kind of remind me a bit of her." Of course, the pony figured that he might as well see if his suspicion was true before actually saying it. An idea then formed in the bat pony's head and a slight smirk spread on his muzzle.

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