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open Tales of the Children of the Night RP

child of the night

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@@Drago Ryder,


"I would not doubt it, some say you become what you follow." The mare sighed and carried the box of potions while walking beside tempest. "I don't get out of the castle much as most of my work stays within the walls. It also means I have little chance to meet new people but I don't mind." She looked down with a frown on her face and walked in silence for the rest of the path until they reached the castle. On the walkway to the main building she turned to face tempest and bowed before addressing him, "Thank you for your service, I shall inform the queen that the order is complete. Now it is getting late, you should prepare to sleep so you will be awake early for tomorrrows festivities." With that the mare gave a slight smirk and walked off into one of the hallways that even tempest wasn't allowed in.



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@child of the night


Tempest nodded slightly and also vowed. "I will be sure to do that." He said, before watching her leave. "I enjoyed this talk, my queen." It was basically a shot in the dark, but the bat pony knew it would be hilarious if it actually worked. With that, he trotted away and towards his private chambers.


Gale yawned as she finished preparing for tomorrow's festivities and only now noticed the time. "I should probably get some sleep." She thought, before moving under the covers of her bed and closing her eyes, excited about what tomorrow would bring.

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Clayton noticed that Summer was awake and smiled. "Well, at least she's ok." He thought, before serving the remaining customers. Perhaps he could talk to the mare tomorrow and see how she was doing. The unicorn then sighed and looked over the room. The day was coming to a close and the festivities would begin soon.

Edited by Acnologia
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As the night dragged on into the wee hours, ponies began to leave to join their families back at home, some at Inn Keep's request; many a wife had come to him with complaints of a husband with a drinking problem. Soon enough, the musicians packed up, their pouch full of bits earned from a hard night's work, ponies who were at the inn for lodging rather than drinking returned to their rooms to turn in for the night.


And a silverish-green owl flew down from it's home somewhere in the storeroom to perch on one of the taps. Ironbeak, Inn Keep's pet owl, began his nightly watch.


@@Acnologia, @,  


Inn Keep turned to the two ponies. "Well, you two should be heading home now. I'll be heading to my room to turn in for the night. If you decide to crash here instead, the closest 2 rooms to the left upstairs are vacant, you can sleep over free of charge."


And with that, the earth pony opened the seemingly impossibly heavy door to the back room and closed it.

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Clayton glanced at Inn Keep and nodded slightly. "Ok, then. I'll see you tomorrow then at the festivities." He said, before leaving the inn and heading back to his home. He soon found himself in his bed and falling asleep. He was excited about the day to come and plans were already forming in his head of what he would do.

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By this time Summers hangover had abated, but she was tired. "cheers for the free room, i'll take you up on that." She smiled and walked slowly to the free room and went inside, the bed was softer than her own at home, sleep came quite easily for her tonight what would tomorrow bring? 

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Shadow's eyes grew heavy. He looked at the bottle, or was empty. He decided not try to fly to his room and to sleep where he was. He wrapped his wings around him and breathed fog that covered the kingdom from the light of the moon. He closed his eyes and fell asleep on the roof

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The bell in the clock tower tolled to signify the tenth hour as most ponies drifted to sleep. At this point in time only those who were most dedicated the the old alicorn luna still stirred. Time passed untill eventually the bell tower tolled six times and the sun began to peek just over the horizon. At this point dedicated ponies awoke to prepare for the festivities the day was set to offer.


Spirit woke a knock on her door and a pony speaking through it alerting her of the time. Slowly she raised herself up and walked over to the mirror where she stared at herself analyzing how disheveled she looked. Beckoning to the servents who she let into her quarters she began to prepare for the day ahead.


(Sorry if something is wrong, I'm in a car on a cell phone)



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@child of the night


As the sun rose, Tempest's eyes opened and a slight smirk played on his lips. "Well, looks like things are about to get started." He said. Today was the one day where the bat pony would forgo his armor and actually relax, if only slightly. The bat pony then headed out and trotted around the castle, making sure that nothing would go wrong before the festivities.


Gale sighed as she woke up and smiled as she looked out the window in her room. She was excited about today and hoped everything would be fine.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Agaricus awoken from his sleep. Yesterday's work had taken a toll on him."Somepony turn off that blasted bell." He groaned while he got out of bed.


After spending several minutes waking up. He made his way down stairs to his lab. Entering his lab he located the saddle bag from the day before. Reaching in to the saddlebag he retrieved the scroll, that the Inn keeper had given him. "Hmm... a Stim-Pack." He said out load, as he read through the ingredients.




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Clayton opened his eyes and stretched, before looking out the window to see that ponies were already working to get the festivities up. 'Well, looks like this year will be interesting." He thought to himself. The unicorn then stepped outside and trotted around the town for a bit.

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Spirit eventually was finished getting ready and dawning one of her fanciest gowns she headed out of her room and down the hallway. walking into the kitchens she had a quick bite to eat before heading our to oversee the festivities setup. She headed down to the arena pit and looked down watching the ponies work.



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@child of the night


After Gale got out of bed, the dragoness slowly put on the clothes and accessories that she had put out the night before. The dragoness then looked at herself in the mirror for a few seconds, making sure everything was perfect. The dragoness then headed downstair and glanced at her parents as she was heading for the door. "I'm heading out." She said.

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Icicle was down in the area pit, practicing on one of the training dummies. He was new to the lunar guard but he was still in training. This tournament would be the best place to show off his skills to impress those in charge of the guard but there's no reason to show his powers before the show. He only hoped his performance would be enough to get their attention. Surely he wasn't the only one with that idea.

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Icicle Frost
Snow Frost

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Shadow rolled and let go of the bottle. It rolled off the roof and smashed on the ground. Shadow woke up and looked around, then he tried to fly to the arena. He fell off and hit the ground. When he hit the ground, his head spun. Then he remembered, he walked up to the door, opened it and said, "Hello, is anyone in here?" 

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@child of the night


Gale's body tensed slightly, but she tried not to assume anything just yet. The dragoness then gave a small nod and smiled. "Ok. What else is going on?" She asked, curious and wary at the same time.


Tempest sighed as he exited the castle and made his way to the arena. It didn't take long for the bat pony to find a isolated spot and began to meditate.

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Summer had know what she was most likely to be doing during the tournament, she had left the inn early that morning before dawn and had talked to her boss, she had not expected the answer she got though, "yes Summer you have weather feature duty if it's happening this yeah you won the draw." There may not even have weather conditions this time around however she was still to see that the clouds otherwise did nothing to effect the tournament, it took a few hours by herself to organise, beat or otherwise put the clouds into variously correct positions around the place. Summer then laid on the softest one she had found and watched the activity below starting to increase in action... 

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The bell in the tower tolled once more, this time however it was not to mark the hour but rather a song to mark the start of initiation. All ponies who want to enter the tournament are set to meet at the barracks where they will be listed as participating. Spirit hearing the bells made her way to the barracks so she could watch the ponies who would be making an appearance.


(sorry this is so late, I had an event)



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Shadow heard the bell and flew to the tournament, leaving the door open. He landed, reached into a portal, pulled out the vial, and gulped it down. He felt his head clear from drinking the vial. He looked around to see who would be in the tournament besides himself.

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Icicle found himself a spot to sit for a moment while things were sorted out for the tournament to come. He saw some vaguely familiar faces but said nothing, simply watching and wondering who he would be placed against. He was excited and nervous. He knew that no one else would likely hold back since everypony was going to be watching them. He saw the queen, he was somewhat familiar with her but never have actually gotten to meet her. She wasn't going to be easy to impress, he could only expect some tough competition.

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Icicle Frost
Snow Frost

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Shadow looked around and saw a new face. He flew over and landed gently. He said as he pulled off his armor and placed it into a portal,

"What's your name, and are you new here."

When he was done with the armor, he reached into the portal and pulled out another vial and his cloak 

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@child of the night


Tempest's ears flicked as he heard the bell and slight smirk spread across his muzzle. "It's time." He thought to himself, before heading to the arena. He soon signed up and began to look for the queen, knowing that she would probably be around the arena.

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Summer was still sitting on her cloud waiting and watching as more gathered around the area for the upcoming events, she noticed some ponies here and there some she knew others but faces in the crowd, hmm wonder how this year will fare compared to last? she spotted a pony from last night @@reader8363, and gave him a wave hid did not see so she shouted at him "HEY FAIR DAY FOR IT THANKS TO ME."  

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Icicle was still wearing the armor he had been provided with, it was a training set and rather worn in too but study enough. He saw the hybrid coming towards him, a rather odd sight. "My name is Icicle Frost and yes, I'm new to the area and the guard." He said with a nod. "Who might you be?"

Edited by Snow Frost

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