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open Warm Wishes at Hearthmoon Village! (RP Thread)

Akari of Duskshire

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Shamrock shook her head. "It's aright. I don't see the point in hiding things. I use to think you had to handle thing by yourself.  I was a orphan, living on the streets of Manehatten most of my young life. I had to lie, cheat, steal and fight to survive. But when I met my da he was the first to show me love. Soon he adopted me and my life his been better ever since. He was the one who got me into boxing." She smiled.


"But a few years ago he died of illness. For a time I was devastated. But for us Lowlanders(Irish) He have a wake and then a party so we can get pissed and remember the good times.  And there were many good times. And he's done nothing but support me. Even when I told him I liked mares. He still loves me. " She reached up and took of her hat. "This was his hat. I wear it so I can kinda keep him with me."

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"i'm sorry to hear that Shamrock, somepony to take you in like that must of been the nicest thing anyone has done for you I would suppose, although I am guessing I have never known any life like that so, anyway the hat is nice." Summer smiled back then turned her body back to the table and was now just using her right wing to wrap up the mare. "I don't really have any sadness like that in my life apart I guess when I died 8 months ago, and now I'm this thing," gesturing to herself "but that would be it really."  

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 Shamrock raised an eyebrow. " I thought there was something about you when you tried to get That stallion to drink your blood. So you're a vampire ain't ya? Another friend of mine who pretty much knows everything about the after life and the occult told me they were real. That and wereponies, demons and other creatures. But I never thought I would meet someone who fell into that category. So what kind of Vampire are you, Blood or fruit?"

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Summer looked away from Shamrock and removed her wing, "I don't like to talk about it really but the answer is fruit, my second mother is what I call my maker she is both it's luck of the draw I guess, we are close me and her, we were close to start with." Summer sighed and looked back at Shamrock "it's not fair to not tell you, it happened out of desperation I was hit by a lightning strike and my heart stopped so I was told anyway and she went to help me. Her name is Emerald by the way she is my cousin she went to do what I did with the fella outside but I could not drink, not breathing will do that to you." Summer giggled at her own comment "anyway she turned me and now I'm alive kinda and have a real thing for apples, don't let me see one it's not a pretty sight, anyway so yeah I'm nightmarish creature of darkness that will steal all your apples." Summer now laughed rather than giggling. "Also that is why my eyes are red they were green before but I like them more now, and that is also why I can't feel the cold being dead and all nothing is as cold as death." She shook her head still not believing her own story outlandish would be an accurate description. 

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Smoking Barrel was once again alone. All he had with him now was 5 bits, his shades, 2 shots of vodka and himself. He walked lifelessly inwards in the village, the shots tucked away under his wing. I can't do it....  Barrel muttered to himself. Maybe this world isn't for me... perhaps I was a mistake from my so called parents... But why am I still here...? Why do I do the things I do...? There must be a purpose... Barrel kept muttering to himself in the icey cold little village.


Barrel eventually found the Inn. He was way to afraid to ask for a room... Or even just to go inside anymore. So, he went near to the side of entrance and layed in the cold, brittle snow. It was really cold but it was the best he could do. Barrel took one of his shots of vodka to try to keep himself warm on the inside... But that was only temporary. He was only going to get colder and colder. The empty shot glass rolled over to the entrance. Barrel shut his eyes and wanted to try forget about everything.... He was really sad and scared at this point.

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Shamrock gave a huffy look. "Lucky you. I have to freeze my none existent bollocks off." She the took Summer's wing with her hoof and placed it back around her. "I like apples too but I like peaches better. Got a peach tree behind my gym back it Manehattan.  When you're on a starvation diet you can only drink water and eat one tomato a day. After I do my weigh in, you have to do a weigh in  before matches to see if your still in the right weight class,  I run back home and binge on peaches. 


If you want to see a real monster wait till I have to do another starvation diet. I get beyond cranky when I'm really hungry. " She  chuckled. She placed her hat in her lap, blowing some of her loose mane out of her her face. She looked back at Summer. "And I like your eyes as well. I've always had a thing for mares with beautiful eyes." She smiled.

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"don't make fun of me Shamrock, you haven't died have you, you know nothing (John Snow lol) of what it is like." the way Shamrock had responded was not at all what Summer had either expected nor wanted. She moved away from her and was visibly upset, "if that is your response to someone dying I don't like it." she said in a huff

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Shamrock sighed. "Look Summer. I'm a boxer. I fight for a living.  Witch is not very good for my health. My da was a boxer. Before he retired he's had three detached retina. Two in his right eye one in his left. He broke his ribs over thirty times., busted eye socket eat-teen times., broken nose more then a hundred times. His ears were cauliflowered and his face looked rougher then sandpaper. In his last year of matches his heart stopped three times. I was there for each time. And I was there when he died.


I don't always take death lightly. But once it's happen, there isn't a real point in dwelling on it. I miss my da dearly, but I don't dwell on his death or any death. Because if you do dwell on it you'll just make yourself a miserable wretch. I'm sad that he died but I'm happy I was with him when he was alive.


Like I'm sad that you died but happy that you're 'alive'. And from what I gathered you're not very unhappy about it. You still have your love ones who you care about very much.


I do take death lightly, because we can't get anywhere in life if we dwell on death. Ya see?"

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Summer looked sad at her "I'm sorry Shamrock, I...I well you see life in a good point I have gone and put my hoof in it now, um... forgive me please." Why am I trying to make up with a lesbian so she can be with me? I must be bi. Summer looked down towards the ground in Shamrock's direction she could not look in her eyes.

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 Shamrock moved closer to Summer and took her hoof again. "No I'm sorry. I have to remember that not everyone thinks the same way about these type of things. You've been though things I'll never fully understand, just like you wont fully understand some of the things I've been through. And there isn't anything wrong with that. " She used a hoof to  gently lift Summer's head up by the chin to face her. 


"You're a kind mare with a kind heart. No matter how extreme your cravings for apples are." She smirked. But it went into a soft smile as she leaned in and kissed Summer's cheek.

Edited by Gloomfury
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After a distant trance of dreams, Mercedes woke up. she scratches her head, "Where did that crimson pegasus go?". She tried to lift her eyes up, slowly cracking until she could see the back of a building. She looked closer, realizing that she had just barrel rolled in her sleep to a tavern.


Her hooves stood up wobbly, demanding herself not to work late night on a pointless machine that nopony cares about. She hoisted her rear and barely managed to get inside the tavern. She looked around for any pony she knows, none...She moves up to the bar and ordered a mild beer. Sighed, she drank down the whole thing and ordered another one, this time sipping it down slowly.




She glances left and right back and forth, staring up the ceilling and finally her half-empty beer. She had just realized yet again, she didn't have any pocket (or mane pocket) bits! She just had to sit a while longer until somepony ordered a drink and then she trots away.


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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Summer's face matched her eyes after that her ears when down and she looked away, "um I'll get you a drink hey?"  Summer got up and walked over to the bar, she kissed me, SHE KISSED me and, and it was nice oh no i'm gay or bi great. What would mom and dad think. She ordered a beer from the bartender and was waiting for it when...




Summer noticed a maroon earth mare sitting looking all over the place, she started to talk to her "are you ok there you look nervous. I'll mind my own business if you don't want to talk." The beer arrived and Summer went to leave the bar... 

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As soon as Mist noticed that Frostfall was hurt he rushed to her side. "Are you okay? Actualy hold that thought I have something that can help," said Mist as he rumeged through his bag. He soon pulled out a cloth and a potion labeled heal. He poured the potion on that cloth and wrapped it around Frostfall's burned hoof, "this should cool the burn."

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"Wait" Mercedes suddenly voiced, "You know why I'm nervous right?"


Mercedes turned her head around, facing the yellow mare, "Hi, the name's Mercedes, and I assume you're from the boat?". Her right hoof rubbed her mane, trying to keep those ridiculous spikes down.

Edited by CP3_P0n3


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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"Yeah I'm from the ship so is the rather keen earth mare over there." pointing to @@Gloomfury, "why don't you bring your drink over there with us hay?" the bar pony cut in "she has to pay for her drink yet." "so that's why you are like this you forgot your bits yes? Here take this." Summer payed for both drinks. "come on come sit with us cant be a weird as the other fellow before and you being here might stop her kissing me again. I not even sure i'm gay." Summer moves back over to the table and looks to Shamrock "another new friend today this lass is called mercedes."   

  • Brohoof 1

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@,  @@Gloomfury,


"Wait...kissing...?" Mercedes's mind stop its track before it stepped on a mine field. 


She trots to the yellow mare's table, where a little emeralda green mare sitting in front of a tasty broth of goodness. She braced herself as she was about to enter a world stranger...than fiction.


"Hi, the name's Mercedes-RenZ, you can call me Ren." Her right hoof lifted.


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@,@@CP3_P0n3, ((Shamrock's taller and larger them most mare's. Think what the body of a heavyweight boxer looks like, but not as bulky.))


Shamrock's heart sank a little when Summer left so suddenly after she kissed her.  She didn't think it would cause that kind of reaction. From the look she had it seemed like she was debating herself if she should like it or not. Shamrock sighed as she placed her hat on her head with both hooves. She kept them there for awhile as she thought what to do. 


This wasn't the first time something like this happen. At one point she thought she was getting pretty cozy with a mare. but when she made a move she got a pretty intense rejection. Meaning the mare was really disgusted with her. Not wanting something like that to happen again she decided to stop.


When Summer came back with another mare, she got a disheartened. Summer must have brought her over to draw her  'attention' away from her. So having already made her decision, she just put on a friendly smile and took the mares hoof and shook it lightly. "Nice to meet you, name's shamrock."  After letting go of Ren's hoof she moved a bid bit away from them so they'll have room. To keep her mind of troubling thoughts she just running trills, moves and combos in her head.  Her hooves even moved a little as she did.

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Looking at Shamrock "i'm sorry I just well bailed on you, I...I". She looked over to Mercedes "i'm sorry I dont want to be rude to you I just need to do something." Summer looked back to Shamrock who was not looking at her, Summer moved closer to Shamrock "oh...oh sod it! only live once!" with that Summer moved right up to Shamrock grabbed her brought her close to her and kissed her properly not cheek pecking or anything. Summer pulled back and turned back to Mercedes "sorry about that I just needed to do that, so what brings you to the cold ice block?"


(OOC: see that coming?)   

  • Brohoof 1

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@@@CP3_P0n3, (No I didn't.)


Shamrock's eyes went wide. Most of her troubled thoughts went right out the door when Summer kissed her, and with such gusto. This was the first time anyone kissed her so suddenly and out of nowhere. Usually she was the one doing the kissing. When summer pulled away Shamrock was still in a stupor. So much so than she fell out her seat and landed on her back on the floor. "Sweet Celly..." She said breathlessly.

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@@Gloomfury,  @,  


"Glad I didn't have wings, or else..."


It took exactly 5 long seconds for Mercedes to finally say a word in the softest voice a certain butterfly pony will hear,


"Hell no" 


Then it bounce back to a normal volume, "Umm, well, umm, ok. But, I suggest not doing it here. I uhh...don't know what to say about this but...uhh" she tried to find a nice turnaround subject, the whole thing was just...like a whole Equestria exploded for her seeing it in front of her eyes, definitely weirder than her machine fetish.




After a few milliseconds, she spoke, "By the way, I noticed a freezing brown colt just outside, I thought he wanted to be alone but I don't think that's the case. maybe we should bring him in. Afterall, he was on the boat or ship with us." Well, that was a good topic for a change, or so she thought.


(I hope we don't get banned XD , and opps, I broke your "getting laid" moment (we'll get there soon enough).)

Edited by CP3_P0n3


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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(( OOC: This following entry is all in Barrel's dream / all inside his head))


A white abyss surrounded Barrel... He stood lifelessly. Just nothing at all... He looked at his hoof, no colour except a black outline of his body was there. Barrel didn't know what was going on. Then, soft guitar could heard... playing a soft tune.


The guitar started to play with more chords and notes, as the background started to form around him. The colours returning to Barrel's body. After a few moments, he found himself in a hilly, green forest that was half day and half night with a bright rainbow shooting across the middle. Barrel looked around, investigating his surroundings.


Then he looked upwards at a nearby hill. It was the source of music... It was being played by a furry looking creature. Barrel thought it was the best thing to go towards what ever it was.


A few more moments pass as he got up the hill, there was a sasquatch playing the guitar. As Barrel approached it, the sasquatch spoke.


"So, why did you run off into the snow mate?" The sasquatch asked Barrel as he kept playing the tune.


Barrel froze. He then took a deep breath, "I got scared... I freaked out..."


The sasquatch chuckled, "Hehe. Aren't we all scared of something mate? But what is it you are really scared of...?"


"Am I dead?" Barrel asked suddenly.


"Nah mate, you're very much alive." Sasquatch replied while still playing the music.


"A... Are you my subconscious...?" Barrel asked.


"Yeah I guess I am ayee. " Sasquatch replied to Barrel.


Barrel needed a few moments to let all of this sink in. This was all in his head but... had no control over what was going on. What in the hay was going on...?


"But what is it you are really scared of...?" The creature repeated his question to Barrel, hoping to get an answer rather than more questions.


"I... I... I do no-" Before Barrel could finish his sentence, the sasquatch quickly said, "Is it your parents you are scared of...? Your father...?" Once again, Barrel froze. He did not want to remember his parents. Even his father....


"Y... yeah... It is..." Replied Barrel and hung his head down.


"Well mate, you need to not let that get to your head too much. You need to know that every pony out there is not going to hit and punch you every two seconds. Think of it like this mate: If every pony was out to abuse you... would you have come to the village in the first place?"


Barrel thought for a moment, the sasquatch was right. Barrel never would come here unless he thought that was every pony was out to get him. "N...  no... I wouldn't have."


Then the music faded out, "Mate, all you need to do is just get out of your comfort zone. You made the first step though which was coming to the HearthMoon Village. But you need to socialise. You and your mirror back in the house isn't going to cut it anymore.... You need friends in life to keep going and to become a better you. But, YOU are the only one who can change that mate. And hey, who knows... you could meet a nice mare along the way. But again, that is up to you mate. Your actions will lead to these changes." The sasquatch explained to Barrel.


They sat there looking over the horizon for a few more moments after what the creature told Barrel. Then after they talked a little more, Barrel had one more question, "How do I make my dreams a reality...?"


The sasquatch replied, "Whats the first thing anyone does before they start their day...?" He put his big hand on Barrel's head and answered, "You wake up..."


Barrel then woke up in the icey cold snow. 

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Before Frostfall could reassure Mist that it was just a joke, she found her hoof wrapped in something cooling.  Normally she would be laughing at him being gullible, but she instead found herself feeling pretty grateful for his action.


"By the moon, Frostfall, why're you always scarin' folks who come by here?!  'specially that handsome fella from outta Prancylvania," the old mare with the knitting work piped up from nearby.  That was when Frostfall began laughing.

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@@Gloomfury,@@CP3_P0n3,  (hehe I be a little devil) (Other context hehe = a light laugh but not a giggle haha = full laugh) 


Summer looked at the results of her kissing Shamrock she giggled "I thought I was ok, never had that happen before." I do say she is a nice kisser too hehe "come on up you get". with a strain Summer pulled up Shamrock she was quite heavy and was hard for Summer to do. After that "no more of that for now ok just needed to do that I could tell what you were thinking." Summer looked over to Mercedes "You should go out and get that falla @@Damonater,, he's very shy though just be verbally gentle with him, then bring him in here I doubt he's doing well in the cold." 

  • Brohoof 1

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@,  @@Gloomfury,





She just nodded like a lost idiot and trots outside, there...




she found the poor brown colt, who just finished hibernating beside the tavern. She approaches the blue mane colt, not really eager to say a few words. "Hey, you all right there buddy? I'll take you inside with the other ponies who were on the boat with us. We can have beers. Oh and I'm Mercedes." She tries to hold on to the brown colt and started moving inside.


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@Emerald Bolt,


""Th-Th-Thank you so much my na-na-name is Flam-." "the pony had disappeared into oblivion. "W-wh-what? sh-she was just H-h-here." He blinked, he looked for trances of the mare, He spotted Hoofprints in the snow where the mare presumably left when walking. Shivering all the while he slowly but surely followed the prints until The Pegasus met a small opening to a tavern. It was a tight fit but he managed to squeeze in, The warmth of the place wrapped around him like a blanket on a cold winter day, which it very well was. he took a good few minutes, relishing and embracing the heat before continuing on through the room, Flame kept trotting and found a nice little bar area and looked throughout the aforementioned bar before his eyes became glued on the rather interesting scene. Two mares, one fairly small and the other one almost as big as he was were making out passionately not to far from him, His wings sharply sprung up and his face grew redder than his already red coat. It took him about 5 minutes to be able to audibility mumble "I-I think I'm interrupting something." 

Edited by Flamestreak1990
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OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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