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open Fast Food Ponies, Working! [RP Thread]


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Mercedes fling the meat up and chew down on the last piece.


"Don't try to test me, charcoal mare. I might be more than 6 years older than you."


She trots off, leaving the young unicorn behind. Truth be told, she was kinda in the wrong there, "note to self, never walk with a steak in your mouth". She would always be dreaming whenever something good is in her mouth. She paused, turn around to the young mare, wiping off the pepper sauce on her muzzle,


"Hey, uh, sorry if I was being rude, I kinda not myself whenever I got a meat that good. Hi, I'm Mercedes. You?"

Edited by CP3_P0n3


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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Taking a little sip from her cup of ice cold punch, Stormlight gives Hacktune an understanding nod and clears her throat as she responds back. She tries to remember why did she apply for the job.


"Honestly, I was getting a little bored and frustrated trying to create music, probably from all the overthinking...but anyways. I decided that it was time for me to do something else, rather than just music,


That was when I heard of a new food place opening in Canterlot that was hiring, so I weighed my options; whether I should keep doing what I did which was music, or start anew by working at PeZZo. Easy to say, it didn't take me too long to finally decide to work there, and to my surprise, I actually got the job!" She grins at the stallion then looks at the flooding crowd of ponies around her.

"Getting a little bit crowded" Hacktune said as he started walking away from the crowd. "Hey, Let's Steer away from the horde of ponies rampaging for food" He said as he chuckled a bit while trotting away from the crowd.


He saw a stallion with gray coat and red and black mane come crashing to a table and ended up with a bowl of punch on his head, "What the hay" Hacktune quickly motioned Stormlight to come to his location quickly. "Let's Help em."

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"I agree, it's like they are multiplying right before our eyes, heh" Stormlight replies with a chuckle and follows Hacktune, before she hears a thud on a nearby table, causing her ears to perk up. Stormlight gazes at the stallion that Hacktune was talking about, her eyes widening a little from being surprised. "Well! What are we waiting for?" She quickly rushes towards the pony with the punch bowl on his head.


@@Dapper Charmer


With quick haste, Stormlight tries to remove the punchbowl from the stallion's head, being concerned for the stranger. She questions him if he was okay, "Oh my word! Are you okay there? That was quite a loud impact I heard...". From an immediate scan at the pony, he was a batpony. She places the bowl upon the table and introduces herself quickly, "Oh right, I have completely forgotten to introduce myself...my name is Stormlight," Stormlight gives a little smile, still feeling a bit worried.

Edited by Stormlight

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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@, @@HackTune


Mist got up, "nice to meet you Storm light," he said returning her friendly smile, "I'm Mist Twister future chef at the PeZZo resturaunt." Mist shook some of the punch off himself, carefully not to get any on anypony else, "thanks for your help by the way. I was roller skating with a friend. Lets just say i'm not very good," Mist said with a chuckle.

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@Dapper Charmer@Stormlight

Stormlight already helped the batpony who was wearing a punch bowl as a helmet

@, @@HackTune

Mist got up, "nice to meet you Storm light," he said returning her friendly smile, "I'm Mist Twister future chef at the PeZZo resturaunt." Mist shook some of the punch off himself, carefully not to get any on anypony else, "thanks for your help by the way. I was roller skating with a friend. Lets just say i'm not very good," Mist said with a chuckle.

"You work at PeZZo too? that's awesome, anyway name's Hacktune, just a the cashier." Hacktune drank his cider and asked to Mist Twister "Do your friend happened to work at PeZZo too?" He asked with one of his eyebrow raised

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@@Dapper Charmer @@HackTune


Upon hearing that yet a other pony she has met tonight was to be working at PeZZo tomorrow, Stormlight was glad to have met at least some of them tonight, before they actually work together.


She slowly gazes at Mist Twister and Hacktune, snickering a little. "Well! Isn't that a surprise? It seems like the ponies I've met tonight are all working at PeZZo, huh? I'm going to be a Crew Member, and hopefully then I get to know more about you guys," Stormlight gives a nods and drinks a sip from her cup of punch, looking at the now empty punch bowl.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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@@Dapper Charmer @@HackTune

Upon hearing that yet a other pony she has met tonight was to be working at PeZZo tomorrow, Stormlight was glad to have met at least some of them tonight, before they actually work together.

She slowly gazes at Mist Twister and Hacktune, snickering a little. "Well! Isn't that a surprise? It seems like the ponies I've met tonight are all working at PeZZo, huh? I'm going to be a Crew Member, and hopefully then I get to know more about you guys," Stormlight gives a nods and drinks a sip from her cup of punch, looking at the now empty punch bowl.

Sparkle rolls over slowly. "Hey guys!" She said passing them. "Imma carhop!" Once again she rolled past them. "I'm Sparkle J Sword rollerskater, single mother, and blue." She rolled past once again. "I can't seem to stop though. Might be a problem now that I think about it..."

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Sparkle rolls over slowly. "Hey guys!" She said passing them. "Imma carhop!" Once again she rolled past them. "I'm Sparkle J Sword rollerskater, single mother, and blue." She rolled past once again. "I can't seem to stop though. Might be a problem now that I think about it..."

" I think I can help with that," said Mist as he tools of his skates and walked in front of Sparkles path. He held out his hooves and slowly brought Sparkle to a stop, "there problem solved."


@, @@HackTune


"It's been really great meeting all of you," Mist said to everyone, "but I think I should go home and get cleaned up. Unless of course you want me to show up at work tommorow smelling like day old fruit punch," Mist said with a small chuckle.

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@, @@Dapper Charmer


Snickering at the two ponies, Stormlight introduces herself to the mare pegasus with a smile upon her face. "It's nice to meet you there, Sparkle. My name is Stormlight, though I prefer ponies call me Stormy, but I don't mind!" She tries to shake Sparkle's hoof after she's been helped by Mist.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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"You are correct. You were being rude. It would be behooved of you to begin working on that as soon as possible. Come find me when you are actually finished." Silhouette walked right past the mare. Before stopping. "On second thought. Save yourself the trouble, and don't." She resumed her march to the outskirts of the feeding frenzy, walking around the scene of an accident involving a bat pony crashing into the punch. "Even in such a public setting for a supposedly celebratory occasion, there is still disregard for common sense." She looked across the food spread, as well as the guests and noticed something. "I am not noticing any griffons or diamond dogs in the crowd. So then, the question must be asked. Why are the hosts serving meat?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Denim&Venom,  @,  @@Dapper Charmer,   @,   @@HackTune,  @@Gloomfury,   


Mercedes couldn't believe what she just heard, if there's anypony who can blow up the whole Equestria, it would be her ego.


She grins, trotting over a commotion of a mess, she grabs the charcoal mare by the neck and whispered, "If you're wondering why there's meat, don't ask, I was the one who convince them to put it here, it's horse meat."


She turns her head to a group of ponies, making sure she heard the word 'PeZZo'.


"Hmm, you guys work at PeZZo? I'll be one of the Crew Member tomorrow. Oh! I'm Mercedes, and this is my friend, Ms.Serious. She's a bit shy but she will come around. How about you introduce yourself Ms.Serious?" she smiles confidently to the charcoal mare.


"I hope they realize those were bird meat we're eating."


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@CP3_P0n3 @Stormlight,  @Dapper Charmer,   @The Tinselated Pony,   @HackTune,  @Gloomfury,   

"What a bucking mess. Either the food will be all gone or destroyed by the time I get to it. Whatever, I will just have to end- hey what the-!"

Silhouette was dragged out of her thoughts. Literally. And it was by the same mare as before. She heard her whisper the answer to her previous thoughts. "Do I look nine to you? No pony is gonna buy tha- heeeey!"


She was now being dragged to the accident scene where all the unruly guests had conglomerated. She heard the word of her future workplace mentioned. She also heard that the mare rudely dragging her around was a crew member there, as well as make a classless attempt to 'introduce' her. All that was irrelevant. She didn't have time for this. She slowly turned to the smiling face. 


"Let go of me, before I snap your foreleg in two." In a coldly calm tone.

Edited by Denim&Venom

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A shivering Pegasus came trotting up a sidewalk across the street, He covered his upper body with his wings attempting desperately to keep warm despite the heavy snow and damp air, it was to no avail. The Stallion took flight using friction to mercifully relieve himself the cold as well the nifty bonus of getting to his destination earlier, After a handful of time Flamestreak came to a halt stopping short a door. Taking a deep breath, he open it instantly being greeted by the lovely sound of heavy metal and a noisy chatter of several poines as he stepped in. Sought for the source of the music bumping into numerous ponies before finally spotted a mare strumming her guitar on a stage in the room. He jumped to get her attention




"Excuse me, I know this really bad timing but what are you playing?" He shouted over the chatty crowd

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"Go ahead and snap it, dear" Mercedes grins to the charcoal mare. She looks at the sky, it's probably about 10:00 pm now.


@,  @,  @@Dapper Charmer,  @,  @@HackTune,  @@Gloomfury


"Well, I'm going home everypony, sorry if this was a short meeting. I hope I get to catch all of your names tomorrow." she turns to the charcoal mare, whispering with a heavy breath to her ear,


"especially you."


She trots away to her home, knowing she has to prepare her clothes up for tomorrow and get some good shut eye.

Edited by CP3_P0n3


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@, ((She's on a table not a stage and playing over the band.)) @@CP3_P0n3,  ((Sorry it took me a while. Real life is really shit right now.))


When Devil Chord was done with her song she saw a stallion walking up to her. At first she thought he was coing to conplain. ut to her surprise and delight he wanted to know what she was playing. "It's called Heartswarming(Christmas) time by a band called the Darkness. I like to to play it during Heartswarming season. Did you like it?"

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"Wow, it's already late? Well, it was nice meeting you all...especially since I at least know who I will be working together with, haha!" Stormlight waves all of her future co-workers goodbye as she leaves the party. She thinks that some of them might be going back to Ponyville too, as she patiently waits for the train to arrive.


Alright, I need to get the uniforn ready and wake up early if I want a good reputation with the boss. Hopefully I will... She thinks in her mind, looking up at the shining moon in the night sky.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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"It was alright, I prefer grudge or rap myself. But it's always good to listen different genre's every once in a while, it creates a broader horizon."  Flamestreak was a bit surprised at the mare's pleasant demander considering her dark coat and hair as well as the piercing in both her ears she looked quite intimidating. Nevertheless, The Stallion was glad he was able to bring some joy to the mare. "Now if you're really looking for a good Christmas rock song try this."






"I could play guitar for you, If you want?"

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"I'm just glad you didn't hate it." She chuckled. "And I agree with you on music. I'm a metalhead though and though. But I like other kinds of music as well. As for the other thing, I've heard that song before. It's also not bad. But I only have my guitar And no offence, I'm not really willing to let a stallion I just met use it. You understand, right?" She said with an apologetic smile.

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"Eh, I probably would have said the same thing too, although I don't really use my guitar too much." Heck, Flame didn't where it was at this point. "I don't mind Though I am pretty surprise you play that song, especially in a town like canterlot most ponies frown upon this can music, Or "mindless loud noise" as they would refer to it." He learned that himself in an incident when he played the same kind of music at a spa he was taking his sister to, Long story short, he was kicked out and barred from coming back for a year. "Anyway, I don't want to hold you up any longer so I'll keep quiet and let you play"

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"What the ever loving tarturus..." She said as she looked upon the mare handled her so roughly. "I am seriously not in the mood for games. I'm tired. I'm hungry. I've got a dilapidated loft space that needs refurbishing. If our paths do cross again, I'm putting her in her place." She saw the crowds around the buffet table begin to disperse. "Well, better strike now, or else I'm gonna go starving. Again." She walked past her co-workers, not even giving them a second glance. She snagged herself a plate, grabbed another just to double it's strength. And just began piling on the offerings. Stuffing, mash potatoes, peas, hay bacon strips, hay summer sausages, cheeses, hash browns. She grabbed herself another plate and began loading that one too. 


Now she was floating two plates of food and a large drink. "Now then, to find myself a vacant table. Get my strength up for tomorrow. Might be going to bed late in order to take down those flyers." She began to look around. 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@, @@HackTune,


Mist grabbed the skates he was wearing and gave them back to Sparkle, "thanks for letting me skate with you Sparkle," he said happily, "I really had fun. Even if I do stink at it. Hopefully we can do it again sometime. Anyway It was really nice meeting you " Mist gave a wave to everyone as he began to make his way to the exit, "see you all at work tommorow."

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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"See y'all at work tomorrow, I'll stay here for a little while" He waved to the ponies who began to going to their exits. He walked around a little bit and then something caught his attention.



 It was a mare on a nearby table playing a guitar and a stallion who watching the mare playing the guitar. The mare seems to be playing a rock song. He approached both of the ponies and said "Sup, musical ponies eh?,I always prefered classic over Rock music, but sometimes Ah Listen to Rock as well, I play some instruments myself, wanna do a musical war?, Classic Vs Rock?." He smiled confidently. He points out to the Piano that been used for the Heartswarming event "I could use that, so are ya up to it?" He smiled "Owh, Forgot to introduce myself, My name is Hacktune, the Future Cashier of PeZZo".

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Devil's attention was drew to the new stallion that walked up to them, telling them of his interest in classical music over rock. When he asked if she wanted to do a 'musical war' she gave a confused smile as she raised an eye brow. "Sure, I guess. But I play metal, not just rock. There is a difference. And I like classical music as well. " She then started tuning her guitar. "As for the music battle, I'll start first." 


She gave a loud strum and then started playing a song. While she played she banged her head to the rhythm. Her long main bounced and got in her face as she played and banged her head.





  • Brohoof 1
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Devil's attention was drew to the new stallion that walked up to them, telling them of his interest in classical music over rock. When he asked if she wanted to do a 'musical war' she gave a confused smile as she raised an eye brow. "Sure, I guess. But I play metal, not just rock. There is a difference. And I like classical music as well. " She then started tuning her guitar. "As for the music battle, I'll start first." 


She gave a loud strum and then started playing a song. While she played she banged her head to the rhythm. Her long main bounced and got in her face as she played and banged her head.

"Okay Cool, mares first right? "he let out a chuckle.
When she started playing the guitar, hacktune bobbed his head with the rhythm. After she was done with her music, Hacktune said "Nice, T'was Amazing." while clapping his hooves. He walked to the piano and then when he arrived at the piano he looked at Devil said "Prepare for awesomenes". He said with high confidence. Then he started playing on the piano

After he's done playing, he approached both ponies and said "What'dya think, by the way you haven't told me ur name yet, what's your name?".


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After he's done playing, he approached both ponies and said "What'dya think, by the way you haven't told me ur name yet, what's your name?".  


"Man, I really need to get my guitar so I can show you two how to REALLY play music." Flamestreak laughed "But seriously, y'all are really good I'm not much of a musician myself, I'm an athlete but I still play guitar when I ain't training. Name's Flamestreak by the way, what's yours." Flame asked

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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