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open Pokemon adventure in Equestria (RP)


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@, "No you're not late we still got a few minutes before the testing starts too obtain the licence."  Twilight said to the seeming crazy pony in front of her.  Twilight check the timer she placed on the door to see there is now only 10 minutes before the test starts

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"Why, thank you, Princess." Flash nodded, handed in her license, and began read the pamphlet provided in an empty seat. It was unbelievable that Twilight had managed to gather so much information on these critters and what they do. Who were their leaders, if there were any at all? Who would she even get, and would it be her friend for the rest of the journey to the league? She wasn't sure.

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Rooted was meditating in the corner of the room, not paying attention at all to what's going on around him. Sentret is curled up in a cute ball of fluff, sleeping. It was only a matter of time, that Rooted will be entering the League, so he knows that he has a long journey ahead of him.

Rooted noticed in his meditation that something didn't feel right, a dark presence that the Mane 6 has encountered before, on that managed to take down Twilight's beloved teacher, and on such short notice. He wakes up, knowing that the vision meant that Chrysalis was on the move again, and to tell Twilight. "But it's the beginning of everyponies adventure, I can't spoil their fun!" RootedWisdom thought. His Sentret poped up from her slumber, to see Twilight hand over RootedWisdom his license. Or so he thought.

Edited by RootedWisdom
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@, "No you're not late we still got a few minutes before the testing starts too obtain the licence."  Twilight said to the seeming crazy pony in front of her.  Twilight check the timer she placed on the door to see there is now only 10 minutes before the test starts

Renee looks at the time and her eyes went small. "TEN MINUTES!? I gotta teleport there!" She cried out as she teleported over to Twilight. "I-I'm so sorry twilight for running late! I never ran this late before!" She panted,trying to catch her breath. "Am.. I... Here on time or was I late?" She asked twilight.

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Renee looks at the time and her eyes went small. "TEN MINUTES!? I gotta teleport there!" She cried out as she teleported over to Twilight. "I-I'm so sorry twilight for running late! I never ran this late before!" She panted,trying to catch her breath. "Am.. I... Here on time or was I late?" She asked twilight.

"There is still 5 minutes left and that's just when your allowed to start testing goes on all day." Twilight said to the pony who teleported in front of her "probably should the wording on the sign later to be more clear on that sorry for the confusion." Twilight said trying her best to apologize for the small misunderstanding

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Crystalline rushed out the door yelling goodbye to her dad. She'd set her alarm half an hour late and had dozed off for a few more minutes. She tried to tidy up her mane with her magic as she ran down the street towards the castle. She thanked whatever stroke of luck had blessed her with mostly clear roads today. She dodged what little ponies there were and ran through the open doors of the castle.


"Oh crap!" she yelled as she slipped and fell onto her stomach, sliding past the hallway towards applications. She quickly corrected herself and walked into the application room. "Sorry I'm late." She looked around and saw all the ponies trying to get applications, and hoped she wasn't too late to get her application done.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Twilight looked it over and said "I'm sorry but it appears somepony is still sending out more of those fake licenses.  I think you should just hand it over and we can file a report to find out who did this. you can earn a real one here if you would like to join the league if you want though, but by your expression I take it you new to all this so take this pamphlet (Pokemon for Beginners, this covers types of pokemon and basic battle rules) and read over a few things in it to see if you want to be a Pokemon trainer.  We also have the Intermediate and Advance ones if you would like."

"Fake licenses?" wondered Sean. He had recieved one of those in the mail thinking back on it, but at the time he was too excited to notice.

He decided that getting a pamphlet would be a good idea, so he walked up and asked for both an intermediate and advanced one.


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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A loud ringing went through the castle "testing has now started. And to let you know if you are caught cheating Spile will burn your paper on sight." Twilight said to the group. D-Pad went inside the the room and to start off on the test paper then was some simple questions on it


This is what the test looks like


Name __________


1.) what is a type advantage and give an example


2.) how many Pokemon can you carry at once


3.) how many moves can a Pokemon know at any given time


4.) name a least 3 methods of Pokemon evolution


5.).where do you heal you Pokemon if injured


End of test please turn in to see if you qualify for the practical test.


D-Pad quickly answered all of these and turned it in scoring a 100 he was then taken to the next room to wait for the practical test

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A loud ringing went through the castle "testing has now started. And to let you know if you are caught cheating Spile will burn your paper on sight." Twilight said to the group. D-Pad went inside the the room and to start off on the test paper then was some simple questions on it

This is what the test looks like

Name __________

1.) what is a type advantage and give an example

2.) how many Pokemon can you carry at once

3.) how many moves can a Pokemon know at any given time

4.) name a least 3 methods of Pokemon evolution

5.).where do you heal you Pokemon if injured

End of test please turn in to see if you qualify for the practical test.

D-Pad quickly answered all of these and turned it in scoring a 100 he was then taken to the next room to wait for the practical test

Sparkle scribbled down her answers quickly and gave her test in. She didn't care much about the spelling errors and continued into the next room then again how many ten year olds can perfectly write the word evolution first time? Not Sparkle. Either way she was gone.

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A loud ringing went through the castle "testing has now started. And to let you know if you are caught cheating Spile will burn your paper on sight." Twilight said to the group. D-Pad went inside the the room and to start off on the test paper then was some simple questions on it

This is what the test looks like

Name __________

1.) what is a type advantage and give an example

2.) how many Pokemon can you carry at once

3.) how many moves can a Pokemon know at any given time

4.) name a least 3 methods of Pokemon evolution

5.).where do you heal you Pokemon if injured

End of test please turn in to see if you qualify for the practical test.

D-Pad quickly answered all of these and turned it in scoring a 100 he was then taken to the next room to wait for the practical test

Even though Flash was completely new to the subject, she remembered what she had read in the papers she was hoofed out. It was surprising how much she recalled, even if she didn't pay attention that well. Once she gave in the test, she galloped into the next room, eager to see what was next.


...Her name was done in an autograph-like style.

Edited by - Aethergem -
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(This is told to each pony in the order they finish)


"congrats on passing the written test but now it is time for the practical test."  Twilight said to the pony who just finished.  "first take a number then choose your first pokemon in the lineup here." Twilight motioned to them with her hoof. "This way you can see if any of them resonate with you."


D-Pad took a number he drew a 1 and looked over the line up that where he saw the one he felt a bond with It was an Eevee like Twilight's but this one had a look its eyes that showed the desire of strength while Twilight's had one of innocence to it.  The Eevee look back at him looking him over analyzing if this pony could help him gain strength.  After staring into each others eyes for a bit they both smirked with each other and the Eevee climbed on his back.  "I think we are gonna make a great team don't you."


"Eevee (Oh yeah)" Eevee said with determination 

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RootedWisdom knew everything by heart, due to the fact that Luna wasn't his teacher for nothing, but he strongly despises bragging about it. Rooted hands over the D-Pad, and waits a little while before Twilight walks out with Bunnelby. "Oh wow, a Bunnelby!" RootedWisdom said with excitement. Bunnelby hops toward RootedWisdom, as he sees his new trainer, and immediately took a liking to him.

Edited by RootedWisdom
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Crystalline tried to take her time answering the questions but rushed the end to turn it in in time. She let out a sigh of relief when she heard she'd passed. She followed the group into the next room and took her number. #2, lucky. She waited for the pony in front of her to pick, then looked at what was available.


"How will we know if-," she stopped mid sentence as she locked eyes with a little bird pokemon. "Never mind." She saw something in it that she had wanted herself. To be free. To not have to worry about being locked up or trapped. There was determination in that look, and that was when she knew. "This is the one," she said quietly. She turned to Twilight "Can I ask a question? Do they have to stay locked up in pokeballs, or can they be free?"

Edited by 2 Happy 4 You

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Cyan Flare burst in through the castle doors, flapping her teal wings hurriedly as she rushed towards Princess Twilight and everypony else. "Am I late?" she panted. "I am SO late, very sorry..." She sat awkwardly on a seat nearby, and looked from pony to pony. A Yamask gave her a dull glance, and then began to drift up towards the ceiling. Cyan Flare was so flustered, she barely had any idea of what to do. "Oh, yeah..." she said. "The application form thingy! Sorry! Again."

Edited by Wolves



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Flash took a card, glancing at Cyan. "No worries, lots of ponies were late." The card read "3". It seemed to be her turn, and she was astounded by the physique of most of the Pokémon in the lineup. Was she to pick the fiery dog or the mischievous cat? None of them looked that good to her. She was about to give up, until she felt something crawl onto her back.


Flash looked over her shoulder and let out a yelp. A large, almost black-scaled serpent with long, red fangs and eyes of the same color, was glaring at her. She noticed hints of gold on the Pokémon, along with purple marks that appeared to be scratches. It even had a blade on its tail, which seemed to be dripping with... some clear liquid. All it ever did to Flash was flick its tongue at her, so it seemed safe to be around. Besides, it seemed something she would want, as it was sly enough, and could startEl foes, it was the perfect one for her. She trudged over to Twilight. "I'll take this one. I bet I can train it well."

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Crystalline tried to take her time answering the questions but rushed the end to turn it in in time. She let out a sigh of relief when she heard she'd passed. She followed the group into the next room and took her number. #2, lucky. She waited for the pony in front of her to pick, then looked at what was available.


"How will we know if-," she stopped mid sentence as she locked eyes with a little bird pokemon. "Never mind." She saw something in it that she had wanted herself. To be free. To not have to worry about being locked up or trapped. There was determination in that look, and that was when she knew. "This is the one," she said quietly. She turned to Twilight "Can I ask a question? Do they have to stay locked up in pokeballs, or can they be free?"

"That is optional to the trainer and their pokemon to decide someplace will require you to keep them in one at times though." Twilight said to her "any way just be prepared for the next part of the test you can keep your pokemon even if you fail this though so don't worry in that regard.  Your next test is a official pokemon battle.  Please note you don't have to win the battle to pass but winning is a will be rewarded as a pass.  You just got to show you can hold your own in a battle, understood.  Anyway I got to handle the random drawing to determine you battle opponent, Ok." 

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A loud ringing went through the castle "testing has now started. And to let you know if you are caught cheating Spile will burn your paper on sight." Twilight said to the group. D-Pad went inside the the room and to start off on the test paper then was some simple questions on it

This is what the test looks like

Name __________

1.) what is a type advantage and give an example

2.) how many Pokemon can you carry at once

3.) how many moves can a Pokemon know at any given time

4.) name a least 3 methods of Pokemon evolution

5.).where do you heal you Pokemon if injured

End of test please turn in to see if you qualify for the practical test.

D-Pad quickly answered all of these and turned it in scoring a 100 he was then taken to the next room to wait for the practical test

Renee looks down at her test and started filling the whole test out with her best pencil. Taking her time, she didn't notice the others finish after her so she started answering the questions. One by one, she would wonder and ponder until she finally got her answer all cleared up. Finishing the test, she wrote down her name in a neat font, not to shabby, not to fancy as she gave the test paper in. Heading towards the next room she got her number and saw the most adorable Pancham ever. Her eyes started watering as she picked up her first ever, Pokemon. "Pancham! (Hi! I'm Pancham)" the Pokemon said before climbing onto her back, with determination filled in both the creatures eyes. "This is the perfect Pokemon ever.." She whispered as she smiled brightly at Pancham.

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"Attention everypony."  Twilight called to bring the room to order.  "now the numbers you pulled will determine your battle opponent.  it will be as follows 1 vs 2, 3 vs. 4 and so on.  There enough room in the this, well... room to have 4 battles at once so take your field everypony and remember if anypony wants to stop the battle at anytime if you think your pokemon is hurt just say so any they should listen but first please pick up the new pokedex models by that wall." she said as she pointed her hoof toward the wall. "This device will let you know what moves your pokemon knows (all natural learned abilities to lvl.5 is what they know right now)" "Now the Practical test has begun. 


D-Pad looked at his new Eevee and said "Well are you ready buddy."


"Eevee eve. (oh yeah, let me at them.)" D-Pad retrieved one of the pokedex devices and looked up what his Eevee knew. He saw that his Eevee knew Tackle, Sand Attack, Growl, and Tail Whip.  seeing all this he started to think of what would be the best strategy for who ever he faced. of course he didn't notice who can in after him to be number 2 so it seems he'll have to improvise in that regard.  He move to the battle field with a 1 & 2 on it and stood on the trainer's spot getting ready to have his first real battle.  He prepaid himself for this day by reading a bunch on battle strategies and going to the ponyvill stadium to watch the battles happen there.  He promised himself he won't lose here and this will be his first of many victories to come.

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Trotting over to the Dexes, she decided to read up on what Pokémon jumped her. "Seviper... so cool!" She read up on the entries, confused who or what Zangoose even was. The Seviper knew Wrap, Swagger, and Bite. Unfortunately, it wasn't able to hone its poison abilities yet, but who would care? "So, who's number 4?"

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Sean had chosen a Scyther, but he didn't really know why. He supposed it had just jumped out at him.

Upon hearing the news of the battles, he was quit dismayed.

"Battles?" he thought. He knew people battled with their Pokémon, but he had never imagined that he would be part of a fight. He hesitantly took his place and prayed that the battle would be over quickly.


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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"Come on lil buddy, let's go" Crystalline let the bird jump onto her shoulder and went over and grabbed herself a pokedex. She opened it up and pointed it at the bird. "Fletchling, the tiny robin pokemon." SHe browsed through it's profile til she got to it's moves. It only knew Tackle and Growl. She hoped the others' pokemon only had 2 attacks.


"Ok, let's go." She walked into the arena and stepped on the Number 2 spot. "So you'll be my opponent? Nice to meet you. Name's Crystalline." She flipped open her pokedex again and aimed it at her opponent's pokemon. "Eevee, the evolution pokemon? I wonder what that means.... Oh well." She browsed through the pages, but everything was blank. She aimed it at the pokemon again, but nothing happened. "Maybe you have to own the pokemon," she muttered to herself. "Makes sense. Oh well. Guess we'll see what it's all about in a moment."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Trotting over to the Dexes, she decided to read up on what Pokémon jumped her. "Seviper... so cool!" She read up on the entries, confused who or what Zangoose even was. The Seviper knew Wrap, Swagger, and Bite. Unfortunately, it wasn't able to hone its poison abilities yet, but who would care? "So, who's number 4?"

Renee looks over at the mare. "I Guess I'm number 4?" The unicorn asked, as she made her way over to the over mare. Pancham was way too busy getting adjusted with its new owner. "So.. This is my new owner? Cool." She thought as she sniffed the unicorn over and over until she has settled with her smells. Renee taps her shoulder and smiles gently. "I think you've found the pony that you've been looking for.." Renee replied, holding her Pokemon.

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"Come on lil buddy, let's go" Crystalline let the bird jump onto her shoulder and went over and grabbed herself a pokedex. She opened it up and pointed it at the bird. "Fletchling, the tiny robin pokemon." SHe browsed through it's profile til she got to it's moves. It only knew Tackle and Growl. She hoped the others' pokemon only had 2 attacks.


"Ok, let's go." She walked into the arena and stepped on the Number 2 spot. "So you'll be my opponent? Nice to meet you. Name's Crystalline." She flipped open her pokedex again and aimed it at her opponent's pokemon. "Eevee, the evolution pokemon? I wonder what that means.... Oh well." She browsed through the pages, but everything was blank. She aimed it at the pokemon again, but nothing happened. "Maybe you have to own the pokemon," she muttered to herself. "Makes sense. Oh well. Guess we'll see what it's all about in a moment."

D-Pad observed his opponent her pokemon was Fletchling a Normal-Flying type it terms of types there is no advantage for either side he had to do what ever he could to throw his opponent off balance mentally to delay her train of thought a least and with this his plan was made and in his mine is said 'Plan execution'  "Well my name is D-Pad, Crystalline just make sure you make this battle worth something and not waste my time the faster this is done the better got that." He said in a cruel voice 'That should make her stress out a bit hopefully i would prefer to have more knowledge on her personality before hoof but that can't be helped now.'

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Renee looks over at the mare. "I Guess I'm number 4?" The unicorn asked, as she made her way over to the over mare. Pancham was way too busy getting adjusted with its new owner. "So.. This is my new owner? Cool." She thought as she sniffed the unicorn over and over until she has settled with her smells. Renee taps her shoulder and smiles gently. "I think you've found the pony that you've been looking for.." Renee replied, holding her Pokemon.

The Seviper slithered off their trainer's back. The Pokémon glared at Pancham as they both took position at number 3. His eyes gleamed as he bared his fangs.


"Come on, we're both new trainers," Flash called out, "I believe we're ready!" She smiled. She had no idea the outcome of the battle, but she was prepared to help out her Seviper win the battle.

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Crystalline put on her best Prench accent (which is pretty good considering she has to practice them as a changeling) and said, "Moi? Waste your time? Never! I will try my hardest this fight. Our bond shall grow even stronger through our adventure, and it shan't stop now." She readied herself for the fight. "Let's do this lil' buddy," she said in her normal voice. Fletchling got off her back and stood in the arena.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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