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"Because the only way I can move her against her will is if she's dead. I would revive her in this world, and do the same as I'm doing to you. Now, understand, sometimes, it's better to use a sledgehammer than a needle." The Lightbearer stood up, and set down the set of silvery scratched armor. She teleported away, before returning with some simple clothes, and some hoof wraps. "Apologies, despite the fact I'm a guardian of this world I'm rather poor, so excuse what I have gotten." she set the clothes next to the armor. "The armor only covers the vitals and the gauntlets and grieves protect their counterparts. The rest of you is taken care of by the clothes I bought, and they are light, and resistant to weather. And very soft."

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"I...I will kill her then but it will be quick I shall get her along and bite her, bites can bring death almost to an instant, I will not have her suffer." Emerald put on the clothing and armour, "this is less bulky than before but why should I follow you? Twilight I mean what is your goal for Equestria if Nightmare was over thrown?"

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He had listened to the two before answer Shadow first ''Drink, I do not, water is exceptioned to that'' he then waited a second before explaining what took him so long ''In all means, Late I am, due what for? Alas nothing, golems I created, distract the guard did they.'' After that he turned to twilight ''It is of pleasing nature to meet, Miss'' he said with a simple bow before answering her question ''Shift my shape? I do not. Shift realities, breaking the bonds... I guess. However, is this needed? Certain its a no. Shift my shape, I do not. Change my form? Might.'' he said it as cryptic as he could without leaving out too much he then added a small extra ''Word knowledge, seek I do not'' 

  • Brohoof 1

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"Emerald, if Nightmare Moon was overthrown, I'd find ponies to protect it until Celestia's return. I do not wish to rule. I'm not a ruler, Emerald. It's far to tolling on me. I'm content with my lot." The Lightbearer said, and found a bench to sit upon. I'm glad you find the armor reasonable, you will need it where you're going. A place called Undercity. While a safe haven from Nightmare Moon, she had discovered it and has sent Captain Dash's battalion down there. You'll need to be quick, and when you return here, we'll work on helping her out of her indoctrination.




"Ah, I see" Twilight didn't, but if she didn't stop talking to this pony she was going to go mad. "We need to find the windstone, it is a large stone with engraving in it. It could be anywhere. Possibly the fountain, but I don't know."

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"Fine she may had not of heard anything about me, so hopefully getting her alone should not be too hard I still don't like the idea of killing her, but I will do it I can't go back to NIghtmare and will do as you ask Twilight, but you don't have my trust you will need to continue to help me in order for you to gain it. So how do I get there from here?" 


Emerald stopped for the moment afterwards, "I don't have any weapons, if she knows i'm coming I will need something to fight with."

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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"Emerald, I've got many weapons, but I think you'd prefer a halbard weapon, but I carry mostly swords. And I think, yes, I have a wraith blade. A weapon that exists in the real world and the realm of undeath." Twilight said, looking at the eternally setting sun. She summoned a longsword, it had runes along the hilt, had a silver colored blade, and a wooden hilt. "Spike had forged this in Celestia's Mountain," The Lightbearer gestured to the mountian near Avalon, "Dragonfire, Curses, Hexes, Steel, and Wood forged into this," She looked down the blade. "What do you think?"

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(Phone post)


Emerald inspected the weapon she was given, "this is no halberd but something quite impressive that is not in doubt. So I take it that I can take this with me?" Emerald made a few attacks in the air to check the weight and balance. "This is a impressive blade I can't fault it, very impressive indeed." Emerald then sheathed the blade and secured the scabbard. Looking back at Twlight, "what now and what of Starswirl? I mean he's nice and all but I feel violated while he is tagging along and I have broken free of my indoctrination so anytime you are ready."

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"Was wondering when you'd ask about that. Consider him gone. As for your vampirism, it been repressed so Nightmare Moon can't take control of you." Twilight took a deep breath, and then said, "However, since you were a wraith, you shall still be able to see the dead and those who can hide in plain sight. You can do many things now." She paused, and looked thoughtful. "However, you've lost your immortality, but your armor takes care of you. But I suspect that you won't be mortal for long. And remember, you still need to eat. And to leave, use the windstone, speak your destination, and it will bring you to Undercity's windstone. And bend your knees when you land, the windstones have a tendency to slam their passengers into the rock." The Lightbearer took a deep breath, and then stated "Kill Captain Rainbow Dash, Find your crew, give them this letter, that is their commands for what they need to do, and bring Dash's body to me, you can use the windstone. Good Day, Captain."

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Shadow got up and said as he grabbed the bottle before the scorpion can get to it,

"So, Twilight, do ya drink? Let's get moving, I'm falling asleep here."

He grabbed his scythe and placed it on his back, right between his metal wings and started walking to the castle entrance.

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@@reader8363, @@rolle, @@Nameless Knight,


"Moonflame says we're leaving now. We're to rendezvous with Saturn in Undercity. The windstone is in the fountain." Prof. Twilight drew a circle with a diamond in the center of it upon the fountain, and the masonry started to move and rotate, and a white light shot into center of the fountain, obliterating the center. "Say where you want to go, then step upon it." Prof. Twilight paused, "Undercity" Prof. Twilight commanded and then she stepped upon it, she dissolved into light.

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Emerald left with a nod, she walked back to the portal thingy "bend the knees right. Undercity." SLAM Emerald found herself in the undercity, for the first time she had seen a lot of places but there too was new to her, ok let's find some guards Emerald walked into the centre of town and found some NIght guards terrorising the local populace she approached them, one took notice but did not recognise her at first, "Hold there citizen!"

"Who are you calling Citizen? Cretin I am Captain Bolt, bend you knee filth." The pony recognized his mistake,

"My apologies captain."

"I'm on a mission so you are spared from your failure this time, where is Captain Dash?"

"The town hall ma'am."


Emerald made her way there was no mistaking her identity this time around, she passed the guards and walked into to see Rainbow 'questioning' the mayor alought half killing would be more an appropriate description, she looked up from her work when Emerald walked in, "Emerald Bolt? You there take over." She walked up to Emerald "what brings you here Em?"

"I have somthing I have to tell you and an action to perform for you Dashi, in private though."

"Ok sure follow me." The pair walked into an office nearby and closed the door.

"So what is it Em?"

"You knew this 'day' was coming."

"What day?..." A sudden realization came over Rainbow's face. "I don't know if I'm ready,"

"You were always ready, Dashi she did not indoctrinate you as much as me, you still have some free will, well now I do too."

"But I don't want to die."

"I have been told by a friend of yours that you meet years ago that you will be ok and I believe her I'll make it quick."

"What of my guards?"

"Failed too many times?"

"sigh, yes that will do it."

Emerald walk up to her 'friend' or the closest approximation considering what they had been through, Rainbow closed her eyes, Emerald could sense the terror in her make it quick she moved the mare's neck to the side a sank her fangs into her instantly injecting a sleeping agent which knocked her out cold, Rainbow's body collapsed and Emerald followed teeth still embedded in but a few moments she had sucked the life out of her 'friend'. She stood up "it is done, may we meet again my friend." A tear rolled down her cheek, she left the office and addressed the guards present "Captain Rainbow Dash has been removed of command permanently, this unit has orders to return to the castle as soon as possible move out!" Emerald found a bar and sat down ordered a drink and started to cry...


(can edit anything if needed.) 

Edited by Emerald Bolt
  • Brohoof 1

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Shadow shrugged and said as he walked into it,


When he arrived he sat down and shook his head,

"Never felt that way before, Much different than my portal. What are we doing here anyways and you didn't answer my question, do ya drink?"

He got up and started walking around. 

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A description of Undercity


A city that is rather crowded and dirty, Nightmare Moon detests going down there, and let's the place mostly govern itself. Completely underground, and spanning from under Canterlot to the Castle of the two sisters, Undercity is a large sprawl of city, with the outermost areas being composed of mines. The city is extremely cramped, this is where the modern apartment hails from. Ponies here are dirty and poorer, but are happy to be able to govern themselves, and will gladly defend their home. While reserved to outsiders, they easily warm up to most ponies. Similar in feeling as a western frontier town, except a sprawl of a city.


As well as having poor areas, Undercity has a few nobles that manage the city along with the mayor. They are mostly good, and try to do their best for the ponies underground, and while most ponies are covered in dirt, the nobles are usually covered in sweat and paperwork. The city generates most of Equestria's fossil fuels and masonry. The Nightmare Guard detachment here was headed by Rainbow Dash, until she was removed from office for unknown reasons.




"She'll be alright Emerald, we've already start regenerating her back at the infirmary we healed you at," The Lightbearer sat down next to Emerald, with a pair of jeans and a brown jacket that hid her wings, and some saddle bags. "You are helping her, I hope you realize." Twilight pulled her unkept mane into a ponytail behind her head, and then ordered some cider. "The day my friends had turned upon me was tragic, and I miss them dearly." Twilight levitated the cider to her mouth, downing it in one go.




"We're supposed to receive orders from a pony named E. Bolt. And I don't drink Shadow. It's unhealthy for you." Twilight looked about, and then stepped off. "I suppose we wait now until we me this E. Bolt."

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Shadow shrugged and said after gulping his drink down,

"Wow, this place is a dump, smells like one as well. Not to be rude, but I have a better nose than most ponies.

He sighed and said as he sat down and folded his wings around him like a blanket,

"Wake me up when the pony comes."

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"Alright, I wonder who this E. Bolt is. Would've though I would hear of a revolutionary by that name... Huh," Prof. Twilight muttered aloud. She looked about, and took a deep breath. "This place is unlike I've ever seen. It's crazy." Twilight smiled, and sat down that strange way Moonflame did, it felt more comfortable, why it did, she had no idea."

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Nerlate had been slower than the other two but finally stepped onto the light and said calmly ''Undercity'' after feeling a slight unease in the atmosphere he was teleported to where the other two were in undercity. When he exited it felt like some parts of him was quite left behind, not that they were. Maybe hes just not good with the transport through it ''Anyone else feel like their heads have twisted open?'' this time however his speech patern was more modern and you could feel some sort of emotion laid behind it.

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@@reader8363, @, @@Nameless Knight, @@rolle,


Prof. Twilight starting chatting with some locals, and then looked at Shadow and Nerlate as the locals moved on, "I'm going to grab some cider, I heard about a bar down the way." Prof. Twilight said, standing up. She walked down the dirt road, and headed inside. Inside she saw a white and gray pegasus with a green and gray mane. And an Alicorn that was chatting with the white pegasus. "What's going on?" Prof. Twilight said, a little too loudly, and then the bar grew quiet.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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@reader8363, @Nameless Knight@rolle@,


Emerald looked up from her drink, at the she thought was a unicorn next to her she was not paying much attation she was still rather emotionally distraught, she turned her head to her "what is it to you buzz off, can't you see ponies are trying to drown their miseries in here." She was only referring to herself she did not know about the others in the bar nor did she care.

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Prof. Twilight was not good at handling insults, never had be to 'buzz off', and combined with Moonflame's temperament, she did the stupid thing for once in her life, "How about you buzz off, jack*ss! Or drown your misery quietly or try me." Prof. Twilight had been essentially taught all of Moonflame's fighting skills, but she didn't know this mare. So she did the second thing Moonflame had taught her, stand your ground. She eyed this white pony, who was obviously drunk.

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"Oh it's gonna be like that then, do you even know who I am?" I'm Emerald Bolt and I will gut you like a fish!" She stood of her stool and drew her sword, "this little bugger is some magical blade thingy and you will be it's first victim, you pissed of the wrong pony!" Emerald went in to strike her.   

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Shadow ears twitched when he heard about the bar and then he dozed off. When he woke up again he walked into the bar and saw that a fight was about to go on. He reached into a portal and said, as he placed the scythe between the two ponies,

"May I ask what is going on here?" 

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Prof. Twilight's clothes changed into an smooth skin, and large teeth and a familiar blindfold appeared. However, this time Moonflame had claws instead of front hooves. "Emerald, you're drunk, and I'm not dealing with this sh*t. You want this? Come and get it." When Shadow put his scythe between him and Emerald, "Get the blade out of our way. This is a test to see if Emerald can actually hold some liquor."


All the while, the Lightbearer sat back and giggled a little. Then she ordered another cider.

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"oh it's you then, wait hold on?" She looked between the two of them "I'm more drunk than I thought I was, well if that's the case and I'm with um friends? Bar Brawl!" Emerald dropped her sword picked up her stool and went to smash it over Moonflames's head, she missed "come on hold still how can I hit if you're not standing still?"

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"You're drunk. And right back at you!" Moonflame had several tentacles manifest, and picked up a table and three barstools menacingly. "You're on" and Moonflame attacked, smash the table and then throwing chunks at Emerald. He duck and one of the peices came back to hit him, "You can't get me!"

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Shadow glared and said, as he put the scythe away, 

"No, I will not let this happen in a bar. If you really want to do it. do it elsewhere. If not, I will have to stop you. I will not tolerate fighting when I want a drink."



Shadow sighed and raised bars around Emerald and Moonflame, then said to the pony in charge of the bar,

"Give me the strongest you got. I have a feeling this isn't going to go well."

Edited by reader8363
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