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open Blood & Venom (Roleplay)


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Shadow said as he looked at the necklace,
"Really, this is going to be our only protection."

He looked at the batpony that raised her head and said as he threw it into a portal, 

"So you were tortured, for what? What's your past, were you a rebel or something?"

The creature grew until it was about 1 ft tall and looked like a spider with a tail.

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A black liquid-like substance oozed along, and finally spotted a little cottage, and slurred towards it. "I need... a... host... Now!" It screamed, a piercing howl that sounded out. After a moment, the ooze spotted a pony, and it moved towards it. "I do not wish to harm you, but I need your help, a darkness blights this land... What is your name?" It's voice sounded like gravel, and was deeper rather than higher pitched.


The pony regarded him, wondering whether it was wise to speak to it. "I'm not going to tell you my name , what's yours?" Clearly frightened, the pony started to back up.


"I was once called v...Venom.... But I am hurt, I won't hurt you! I swear upon my life!" It was desperate, the pony regarded him for a moment, and did the unwise thing. "Alright, how can I help?" She said, slightly worry for the creature obvious in her eyes.


"For you to stand still." The ooze swarmed the pony. Blackness was everywhere, and destroyed everything around except for the pony, then it changed, into a pair of worn saddle bags. And the pony continued happily onto town.

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"Torture and Fear does not ensure loyalty... Nor does it command respect. " He said. He did not respect Nightmare, he will not ever call her 'your Majesty' or 'highness' nor 'princess'. She is 'Miss' to him and nothing more. Also Nightmare is part Witch (unicorn).

"We won't fail, don't worry" He said to Emerald, in a respectful and reassuring tone. Emerald was a bat but she was still a pegasus. He looked at where Nightmare had left.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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A table then rose out of the floor, with several potion bottles containing a thick red substance. A note with 'for Emerald' was scrawled as well. There was a metal transfiguration scroll specifically for modifying armor. A robe of shapeshiftering laid upon it as well. And finally a set of claw armor, specially made for battle and spellcasting.


The doors at the end of hall open, telling all that they weren't welcome anymore.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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@Felgirus the Hunter,@rolle,@reader8363,


"Take the items, she wants us to leave, I can assure you she has a very short amount of patience, she's killed servants who were minutes late for work not even a word about it. We must now leave or she may do to you want she did to me." Emerald took the note and placed in her satchel and quickly made for the exit.


Emerald was terrified of NIghtmare the reason she was not killed like most of the other Solar guards was because of her condition, Nightmare wished to see how strong she was why not test her strength on Emerald's mind and body. A vampire a creature of the night made a good test, if you were to shave Emerald you would find scars and burns from her hooves to her muzzle, she was in some aspects a punching bag for her and a pony she could test magic upon due to her regenerative abilities. 

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@@rolle,@,@,  @,

Shadow walked out the door and said, 

"well you guys better hurry I don't think the ooze is going to get weaker."

He went into the forest, to the crystal tree and mumbled to himself as he searched.

"I wonder if nightmare remembers that I'm for hire by everyone."

After searching near the crystal tree he headed off to ponyville

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Nerlate had been quiet the whole time just listening he put the necklace in his bag, he then turned to Emerald ''I assume you know the way? Sadly I am not familiar with pony lands exception of my own. I also ask of you if we are going by air, foot or by transport'' he said this then added a bit at the end ''If you want we could discuss this outside.'' he then patiently waited for her to either go, in which if she did he would follow. If she didn't he would get his answer then exit the building.

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An explosion blew up the once Sugar Cube Corner, and all the criminals in it. It was large enough to be seen in Canterlot, more so be the Castle of the Two Sisters. A large pony, at least the size of Nightmare Moon, it looked like a Pegasus, but it's face completely hidden by its low hood. A young filly walked up to the figure, scared by the flames. "Why is the Corner burning?" She asked. The large pony turned to the little pony. And the pony looked upon the horrible visage. It had no lips, just long knife-like teeth. It formed a cloth over its eyes, as not to disturb the filly too badly. It glanced at the flames. "A sad consq-q-q-qence, if you'd like to come with us, than we'd enjoy the company." It's gravelly voice hissed.


"Okay!" The little filly said, innocence in her voice. The toothy pony appeared to smirk a bit, and continued on to the forest. The little filly walked beside it, as the two walked to the forest, towards who knows where. Talking all the way on this and that.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Saturn saw the explosion. "I guess we found where we're going" He said. He looked at Emerald for a moment and said "Do not fear Nightmare, She tortures because she is a weak ruler... You can see it in her eyes. Ruling by fear will only lead to the nation crumbling." He looked back to where the explosion was and thought 'that monster must have caused it...'


He looked at Nerlate and Emerald and said "Enough talking, there is a beast catch, The longer it takes for us to get moving, the more ponies that may die."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Shadow saw the explosion,  then took to the trees. He watched as a big pony shrank and guided a young filly into the wood. He smiled as he thought to himself, this is going to be easy. He breathed fog all over the ground, covered himself in fog. and then jump in front of them. He said in a whispery voice like the wind,

"I have some questions for you two about the explosion you were by."

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The bigger of the two ponies pulled back her hood, and smiled at the strange creature before her. Her pink mane spilled out of the hood and her smiled was quiet and confident, "Is it safe? Did the hooded pony get them? I heard there's been a local making a name for himself. Did he get them all? The criminals?" Worry flashed over her face before smiling warmly. She used a wing to tuck the frightened filly close to her. "Who are you?" Her quiet voice wasn't very intimidating, but it was full of confidence. She shuffled a yellow hoof in a circular manner waiting.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Shadow was surprised, he said in the same windy voice as he showed his metal claw

"My name doesn't matter, answer my questions. Who are you two and who is this local. Don't try to run, I am a creature that you should fear and I will hunt ya down till I am satisfied."

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The yellow and pink pony laughed. An odd look crossed her face, and she smiled. "Waylaying me now? That's odd, I thought you were a hunter for Her Majesty." There was a certain amount of venom in her voice, "I'm not speaking to somepony who I cannot see. And quit with the gas."

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The fog dispersed as  spikes of shadows gripped both of their necks, not too tight that they wouldn't be able to breathe, but tight enough to keep them from escaping. He said as he stepped forward showing his black scales and red snake eyes.

"Let's get this straight, Right now I'm hunting for NIghtmare, so you better answer my questions or you will die." 

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"You shouldn't hunt what you can't kill, and for your information, Hunter!" the pony spat the word out, "I'm Fluttershy, and this is Scootaloo." Fluttershy gasped, and then fear flashed across her face, and then composed herself. "The fact you hurt the innocent needlessly, it's rather upsetting. Hmmpf."

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Shadow smiled and said 

"Ya really think I have moral, I work for both sides a war, I don't care who gets hurt in the process. Death is a part of life. Pleasure to meet you, Fluttershy and Scootaloo, now tell me who exploded the building. what do you mean I can't kill? Everything can die. 

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"I've already said too much, but listen here Shadow of the Nightmare, this local has done more for us than you could. And it's not even an alicorn! Now as for your deprave morals, we're done," and then proceeded to shout for help. "HELP! HELP! HELP!" And she continued to shout, as a thick black soup started to congeal from the surrounding underbrush.

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Shadow sighed and said as the shadows covered her mouth and cage started forming around them

"I think no one will look for you two. Your yelling his hurting my ears."

He turned to the underbrush and a container came out from under the black soup. He said as he put a cork on it and as the cage started sinking into a portal,

"Guess I will take this back as well. Don't worry you won't need anything in the portal."

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"That's not wise. It can't be captured. Not in a bottle at least." Fluttershy muttered. P


The black goo hardened, and became a spikeball, expanding until the glass started to crack. An audible crack sounded, and suddenly the bottle started to vibrate. "You'll hav-v-v-ve to be smarter than than pony, seems Nightmare sold you to die." The goo said. Surprising all.

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Shadow took a step back then he laugh. When he looked at the cage the top of it was in the portal. He said, as goo fell into the sphere and the lid fell on top,

"I guess we'll meet once more, but I leave you a present. Try to get out of that, it shatterproof. By the way, I'm a hybrid and don't forget it."

Then he disappeared into a portal. 


@,@, @@rolle,

Shadow fell in front of them, looking exhausted, then he started laughing like a maniac. 

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"S-S-S-Shatter or not, I can leave. The goo expanded until it exploded the glass bottle, and then quickly set about freeing the ponies, and in no time had unlocked the cage, but they were in the portal. "S-S-S-Shite... Flutters?" The goo then transformed into the familiar saddlebags, one wouldn't notice anything amiss if they didn't take a microscope to the fabric, which they didn't have in this world.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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@Darkhaert 2099,


Emerald stepped forward, the question was directed to whoever could really answer. "what are you and what do you want? Nightmare will have no more of this." 



@rolle@Felgirus the Hunter@reader8363,


​Emerald then turned to Shadow "that kind of talking will get you nowhere, you're attempts at total disregard will only gain you nothing, now be quite. Really a bottle for the ouze that was not to work in a version of reality."  

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"Captain! There's something strange happening! A cage arrived out of a portal at the front gate. It seemed that the portal was overcharged somehow, and there's a mare and a filly who appear very scared inside! What should we do?" Asked the panting Nightmare Guard, trepidation in his voice.





(OOC: I did this to sorta fix things, and progress the story)

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Saturn hit Shadow with his metal hoof in the snout to shut up his laughing. "Be quiet,  where have you been"

Saturn looked at the cage that appeared. "Who are they" He said to himself. He looked at at the guard "Calm down"



Saturn looked at Emerald and said "What do we do?"

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Shadow sent shadow spikes at saturn, then sent them back. He said as he went up to the cage and stuck a claw through it

"That wouldn't do anything. Their names are Fluttershy and Scootaloo, they might be hiding info and I ran out of test subject, plus the ooze came when Fluttershy was screaming for help."

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