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Emerald again without thought bowed to the ground, "I have failed you again please forgive me." Her words were of little use but she said them nonetheless to her all the same. She added "please your highness the creature id beyond my abilities again apologies for my failure Nightmare." Emerald was practly shaking in terror.

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@@reader8363,@@Nameless Knight,@,


The bars bent apart like putty. "I'll dispose of that infernal creature, but I've got more entertaining thing happening right now. You've got three minutes to leave Saturn. Leave." The Nightmare's mane set in a blue ethereal flame, stars dancing amidst the flames. "You've been an interesting test Emerald. Limits? Forgettable. Do you know what it feels like to have your blood set ablaze? But your body stays whole? Nerves are easily exploitable." The Nightmare cackled, "This will be... most pleasurable."

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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@,@,@@Nameless Knight,

Shadow said as he came back and formed wall around Nightmare and himself,

"Nightmare, how many time do I have to say it, punish me. Heck, I wasn't going to catch Moonflame or Venom. I just wanted some answers and now I got them. Why do you want to attack them for something I caused."

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Saturn stood and looked at Nightmare "I wonder why the once glorious empire fell to the likes of Equestrians. So quick to admit defeat..." He said before looking at Emerald. He looked back at Nightmare "You do not command me for I am not your subject, I follow what was left by Roam. You no longer have what I wish, so I have no reason to obey a witch any longer..." He said, his voice bold and superior. "Kill me and I have won my prize, don't and I will have satisfied the gods, making returning to Elysia so much easier." He muttered.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@@Nameless Knight,@@reader8363,@,


A quiet music filled the place, and suddenly Shadow, Saturn, and Emerald were dropped into... Nightmare Moon's castle. But everything was glowing with magic. But there were faint magic runes running away from the castle. "I am to lead you to her. Come or not. It's her or the Nightmare." Moonflame stood out. The flame rune upon it's chest stood out harshly against the soft blues and lavenders of the rest of the runes.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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@@@Nameless Knight,@

Shadow shrugged and said, 

"Well, it's better than that lunatic Nightmare. Come on, let's go, or do ya want to be punished for something I did."

He turned back and said, 

"Lead the way Moonflame. Just out of curriosity, who are we going to be meeting."

He stood on his hind legs and pulled his hood on

Edited by reader8363
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@@Nameless Knight,@,@@reader8363,


Moonflame restructured itself into a bipedal from. His form was still frightening, now possessing large claws and a ridiculously large tongue. Orange runes marked his form. He still had a bandage over his eyes. "Even in this pleasant version of your world, there are scars." Moonflame gestured at a deep blackish purple gash in the ground. The blue runes traveled around it. "The first creature I ever met here, who reformed me when I arrived on this planet. Is a... I do not know what. But she is a healer, of sorts. And might be able to help you, in exchange for something she needs. When the Elements of Harmony shattered all those years ago, a stronger set was needed, but these Elements... are carnal. Very connected to the earth. But enough... Do you wish to see her?"

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Emerald was very confused, "where am I, where are we? What have you done Nightmare will think I betrayed her she will kill me and my family!" She again pulled her weapon from its holding place. This was not Emerald this was Nightmare's indoctrination talking, "you will die now creature enemy of the night!" Emerald flew towards Moonflame halberd in a striking position.


(again note to Darkhaert you may godmod my OC within reason for the fight, i'll play with whatever you come up with) 

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Saturn stepped on Emerald's tail to prevent her from hurting herself "calm down, you'll get yourself killed..." He said before looking at Moonflame. "How do we know you are trust worthy?" He asked. He was ready to draw his sword if necessary. He looked at Emerald as he wait for a response, his hoof still on her tail. 

Edited by Nameless Knight

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@@Nameless Knight,


"release me you WELP!" She looked back at Saturn and kicked him, "when I have killed this enemy of NIghtmare I'll deliver your head aswell."




Again She flew towards Moonfire with her weapon at the ready, there was an obvious amount of panic and confusion in both her speech and mannerisms.

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@,@@Nameless Knight,@@reader8363,


"Emerald, time is... in a sort of standstill. And if you even to attempt to attack me..." Moonflame paused, as he grabbed her halberd, and started heating up the temperature of it, "it will be painful. And I see your indoctrination worked out rather well. I've got my work cut out for me."

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 Saturn pulled Emerald away from Moonflame. Before she could say anything, he drew his Gladius and pointed it at Emerald "Step away from the beast before you hurt yourself." He said. He then looked back to Moonflame "I recommend you answer my questions before I lose my patience..." He said.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@@Nameless Knight,@,  

Shadow said with a sigh,

"Let's see he saved us from Nightmare, who wanted us dead in case you haven't noticed. So in my books, that qualifies with trustworthy."



He turned around and said, 

"Yeah, let's go meet this healer. How does Emerald's indoctrination workout for you?"

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@,@@Nameless Knight,@@reader8363,@@rolle,


"Emerald's indoctrination into her current lifestyle is none of my business, for now. We have one more guest, who is now here." Moonflame attempted something similar to a smile, but just appeared scary all the same. "Nerlate... Apologies in the methods we took to get you here, and while we have not spoken much, you are more similar to me than the ponies here. Another offworlder."


"Saturn, I'm not trustworthy, or worthy for that matter, but I think you'll realize this place... Is worth your time."


"Emerald, the Nightmare broke a fine blade. We just need a good enough blacksmith. But enough metaphors. Nerlate, Saturn, Emerald. And Shadow, follow me. We have an hour to do our business here." And with that, Moonflame started heading to the Everfree.

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Emerald was stunned by the power the creature held, but soon the words of poison in her ears took over again. "Enough of this! Your words are poised honey, if I can't cut you down I'll drain you dryer than a dessert!" Her fangs shot out and she went for what looked to her as Moonflames's throat.


(someone is going to have to restrain her, she is not going to give up she is very far gone) 

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Shadow sighed and a cage surrounded Emerald. He said and he turned to Emerald,

"If you don't control yourself, I will seal it with unbreakable glass and fill it with water. Do you understand." 

Shadows grabbed the bottom of the cage and started following Shadow as he followed Moonflame.

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@@reader8363, (thanks for that now i can say doom and gloom :D


"what are you doing you traitor?! Are you mad she'll kill us all none of you can stand against her, I failed so did the Elements how will you succeed?" Emerald slumped down in the cage, "I...I tried so hard, but there is nothing that can stand against the Nightmare, nothing!" Emerald now was laying in the cage her voice faint, "there is no...hope...only...darkness..."

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He smiled as he remembered his past jobs and said,

"I defeated countless ambushes, escaped authorities (guards), lost my wings and my front hooves, and stole from a high-security place. Everyone said that there was no chance to do it, but I succeeded. Traitor doesn't refer to me. Nightmare paid for my service. I'm not loyal to my buyers. You haven't told us your past. Why were you tortured?"

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"Shadow, I think there's a better way to prove my benevolence, I'm undoing the cage." Moonflame made a gesture, and black coils wrapped around Emerald. Moonflame knelt down, meeting her eyes to his blindfold.




Moonflame pulled out a strip of cloth, and blindfolded Emerald. "Istari doth heldth the bolod. (Your Stars have held the blood) Release." Moonflame muttered, and a flash washed over Emerald. He removed the cloth covering her eyes. "In this realm, you're a Pegasus. Damn the Nightmare."

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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A wave of she did not no what washed over Emerald, a surreal sense of emotion that was not negative. Was she feeling joy? Emerald had not felt joy in four years, a smile crossed her face the first time she had made a smile in just as long period of time, her physical features also changed


"I...I have, no words..." 

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A wave of she did not no what washed over Emerald, a surreal sense of emotion that was not negative. Was she feeling joy? Emerald had not felt joy in four years, a smile crossed her face the first time she had made a smile in just as long period of time, her physical features also changed


"I...I have, no words..." 

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Shadow looked at Emerald. But he did not move his hoof away from his Gladius. "I still don't trust you completely beast..." He said, looking at Moonflame. "I don't know how you got Shadow to 'side' with you, and I'm not completely sure if your intentions of helping her are still necessarily good." He said.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Peace be unto you, Emerald." Smiled Moonflame. He stood up, and retracted the black coils. Then his hand melted off, he quickly hid it, and wrapped the stump. "Emerald, understand, when you return to Reality. You will be one with the Nightmare again." He walked out of the castle, leading the way to a destination unknown.


@@Nameless Knight,


"You don't need to be a witch to have magic, Saturn." Moonflame said as he left, "sometimes you just need a little belief, and some... sacrifice." Moonflame pulled his hood over his face. "Remember what it was to live Saturn, remember happiness." And Moonflame left.

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While the gang had been distracted, fighting, trying to capture something Nerlate had sneaked away from the group to plant some earth, shadow and light combined stones that act like cameras. Picking up sound and views while being completely invisible. It operates using no magic, but if he were to scan them from afar something similiar to magic would translate, encode and then decode this. Revealing his location and can be used to get into his head if he is that careless. He had placed them in three locations before heading out using a wind elemental crystal to fly up to the roof of one of the towers to look on the ongoing fight... However when he got up there it felt like his soul had been forcibly taken and shifted from one reality to another in which a body, that was similiar to his nightmare existance was created to store him in an instant. (not sure if this is what your limbo world did to the others but it will be so since he can only exit the realms with his ability unless its the soul going instead.)


Once in this new dimension and finally regaining his mind from the forced soul theft he noticed a foggy image retrieve into the forest. He had not yet accustomed to the world he currently had set foot in, this new body had not adjusted neither had he. So he took a moment to readjust before he finally saw clearly.. The first things he took notice of was Emerald's appearance which was of a pegasus. Although it was strange he didn't question it, his eyes could be playing tricks or an illusion was set upon him or this world. After this he finally spoke up ''So, may i ask of thee all to explain thine moment?''

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Shadow turned around and said as he bent backward to pop his back

"As you can see we're in another dimension, and we are about to see this pony, I think. do want to come or not. Oh, Emerald lost a bit of control but is better, I think."

His eyes slanted and he said as he folded his claws,

"I recall you were not there when the battle broke out."

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