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@@reader8363,@@rolle,@@Nameless Knight,@,


This is a brief description of the "slanted" or "limbo" universe.


The land is nearly the same as before, but dark and dreamy, little holes in this dimension shine into the real world, allowing easy access to a privileged few. All the buildings of the powerful country appear now to be ruins, and the sky is neither day nor night, but an in between of dusk. Gravity fluxes, and there are even floating cities. The moon hangs low, huge in the evening-like Sky. While the sun casts an eternal sunset.


If one was to examine all the surfaces, they'd notice tiny runes moving about in geometric lines going elsewhere. The Everfree seems warm and safe, but hides deeper evils than manticores and dragons. This world is full of beauty, and danger. Watch you step. Fault lines now are giant cliffs, and mountains have been moved, making navigation between worlds... difficult. Once many more creatures than ponies live harmoniously together, but their existence is hard to prove in Equestria anymore. A fallen empire.


Moonflame headed straight into the forest, orange footsteps following in his wake. A corresponding color appears at your hooves, lighting the ground where you step for a few moments.

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Emerald trots after Moonflame, "what are you, what did you do to me, I don't want to go back to what I was fix me on the other side." She stops for a moment, "I, have no life on the other side I am empty a shell of what I once was." She then resumed following Moonflame. Emerald turned her head back to the others @reader8363,@Nameless Knight, "It says not to trust it but I will give it a chance for what it has done to me at least."   

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"Emerald, what I did was start a fire, I cannot heal your other self yet. There are others who are much more experienced than I." Moonflame jumped onto a nearby tree, and surveyed the area, "Nightmare Moon did more than change you, she broke you. I've seen your mind. I know what you're feeling, but patience,"

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 Saturn looked at the floating ruins and it reminded him of his home in the past, Saturn's wing lowered. He looked at Moonflame's footsteps.


He walked silently at the back of the group. He looked forward at Emerald, who appeared to be conversing with the beast. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Nerlate followed into the forest after getting his question answered. Often he would peer out to the left and right of him for danger as he knows the everfree forest has some insane ones... And who knows what this world will have? He also didn't have any crystals on him so he was almost defenseless to the point of where he would probably die a horrible death if he tried to fight. But as this was he walked fast enough to catch up to the mysterious creature and Emerald. Leaving Saturn behind him. He then asked this creature ''I ask of you, who seem civilized yet formed brutally of the name i should call you by?'' He had remembered now hearing it before when he first came. Vaguely of course, but he remembered being called someone who was not of this world, he doubt that it was wrong due to what he is. He isn't of this world, he is of another, exactly the same. But still many differences.

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"There are few ponies that still speak the deep speech, and you're not even vaguely of Equestria or this world. As for me? I am Moonflame, a symbiote. Seen as a parasite by some."


@@Nameless Knight,


"You miss Roam, Saturn." Moonflame said. "I know the loss. Many of my friends and family died in a cataclysm several galaxies from this beautiful world.




"You're predicament, however is nigh irreversible. It would take a unprecedented amount of raw magic power to launch the process, and who knows what else. But we'll find a way... eventually to heal you." Moonflame climbed over a huge log, and dropped down the other side. "C'mon, it's not far now! Shadow's probably alrighty beaten us!"

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The news the creature gave was grave and most disheartening, Emerald's ears and features slumped hearing it. "so I'm gonna be like before and..." the words hurt too much for her to continue speaking she simply followed, I do wonder where we are going and for what reason?   

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"You do not know the pain of waking up only to find out everything you fought and died for was destroyed, All of your loved ones gone, and the Gods you worshiped had been forgotten and replaced by a winged witch. To discover that your and thousands of others' deaths were all in vain, and to be left wondering a land that was once so well known but is now foreign to you... With a sigil within as a constant reminder, that you are now nothing but a phantom wondering the world of the living, and that you will never see your once great empire or anypony you cared for and loved, ever again." He said to Moonflame, great sorrow and pain in his voice.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@@Nameless Knight,  


Overheard the phantom like pony she turned to him, "if you can fix me on the other side i'll be your friend I too will see all crumble and fade such is the curse on me, we can wonder time together hey?" She gave him a smile trying to cheer him up, but you'll have to fix me first.

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@@Nameless Knight,


"Me and the Nightmare are the last of my kind." He said quietly. "I was enslaved, and driven mad. Eventually I escaped, and nearly died." Moonflame quickened his pace up to Emerald.




"This is not your last journey here, and be warned, when we return, you will be exactly were you were and time will resume. This path is marked with blood, be prepared."

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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"In death, we are as we were born. A pegasus that becomes a bat returns to a pegasus in death. We are how the gods see us, and the gods will forever see the pegasus as a pegasus." He said. He looked at Emerald "I would enjoy someone to travel with... but as a warrior you will probably find yourself in the Fields of Elysium in death." He said to her.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@@Nameless Knight,@,@@rolle,@@reader8363,


"We're here." Moonflame walked out into a clearing, where a giant crystalline tree stood. An alicorn slept at its base, lightly snoring. "Madam, those ponies are here."


An instant later the alicorn woke up. She had a mane that looked like it was flowing in the wind. It was a deep purple, and a pink stripe ran through it. She was a lavender, with a white ending on here wingtips. She had a six pointed star on her flank, surrounded by five more. Pity filled her purple eyes at the sight of them, gold flecks seemed to float in her pupil. "Welcome to my domain, Emerald, Nerlate, and Saturn. Shadow should be here soon. I see you've met my compatriot Moonflame Runefire. An interesting fellow." Her voice was quiet, but somehow carried throughout the clearing. "I am... it doesn't matter."

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@,@@Nameless Knight, @, @@rolle,

Shadow opened a portal and said after he yawned,

"hm, an alicorn, and what do you mean your name doesn't matter? you already know our name so why not tell us your's or do I have to cut ya to make you spill it."

He reached into the portal, he came from, and pulled out a sword, then stabbed the ground and rested his chin on his interlocking claws on the hilt.

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"do you need be so violent Shadow, there are ways of asking without it. Anyway it doesn't matter this is not real, not 'our' world so yes her name means little what she is going to say though is."


@@Nameless Knight


Emerald then turned to shadow night, "I am not a warrior not really not like this, like the real me, before all this I was still a guard but in a peaceful land where there was no violence in the cities a very peaceful job back then."

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"Do not threaten me with violence dragon," the alicorn said, "while you might understand the void, I understand how it was created."


"Emerald, I'm sorry for the horrors the Nightmare has put you through. When all is over, it shal, be rectified."


@@reader8363,@,@@Nameless Knight,@@rolle,


"So let's work out a deal. Something you want in return for something I want. Simple. I'm done with mind games." The purple alicorn said.

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I don't care you're an alicorn or in a different place, I prefer to be on a name basis  when I'm doing deals, or do I have to show you my collection of animals. What, can't I lean on my sword? What mind games are you thinking of, you're in another dimension or whatever this place is called, so how are you being affected."

Edited by reader8363
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"Meaning I'm short tempered. And may patience is running thin. Shadow, my name is not important because I have no use for one. Just another way to hurt other ponies."


The purple alicorn had a pained expression for a moment before a hard steel wall of will surrounded her emotions. "If you need a title the I've been called Hellbringer or Lightbearer. Your pick."

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"Lightbearer? are you or do you know where Celestia is, do you?" there was a genuine amount of hope in Emerald's voice could she know how to bring her back or even be her, to end this dark rain that Nightmare has forced on Equestria. 

"what deal do you want anyway?"

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Shadow saw the pain and said as he sunk the sword into the ground,

"I take it that one or more ponies got hurt, and you knew them well." 

He shrugged and said, 

"Lightbearer has a good ring to it. It's better than sounding like something part of life. So what do you want."

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@@reader8363,@,@@Nameless Knight,@@rolle,


"Nightmare Moon's head on a spit. Or her cast in the sun preferably. But in order to do such things I need operatives, not just Moonflame here. While fully capable, he can't do everything. In return after the job is completed and you're heroes of the realm, I give my last gift. For Emerald, her pegasus form. For Saturn, his place in the halls of Elysium. And for you two, (Nerlate & Shadow) whatever you desire. And unlike Nightmare Moon, I prepare my operatives with the right information, gear, weaponry, spellcraft, and such.

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(Elysium is not a hall like Valhalla, it is an Island where fallen warriors of Rome and Greece go, hence the name Elysian Fields)


 Saturn watched the purple alicorn speak. It seemed familiar to him, the cutie mark mostly. He finally said something "Can you really return me to the After life... I want to know you speak the truth before I bend the knee and be your operative." He said, she had the wings of a pegasus, but she still had the horn of the witch. So he had a slightly hard time trusting her.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@@Nameless Knight,


"My history might be a bit rusty, but how about a demonstration?" A blade appeared, summoned to the alicorn's side. She walked over to Saturn. In a split second, she sliced at where a hoof would have been, drawing blood. "No doubt that hurts." She muttered before sitting down at the base of the massive crystalline tree. "Proof enough?" She asked, seemingly innocent.

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Saturn flinched in pain, he stared at his metal hoof.  He had no veins but yet he was bleeding...


The sigil in his armor began to glow and Saturn felt much pain in his chest. The blood was drained back into his hoof and the armor repaired itself as if it just never happened. He looked at his hoof, he hadn't felt real pain since his last moments in life. He had no words at first. "Pain... It is refreshing to finally feel something after being numb for so long..." He whispered to himself.

Edited by Nameless Knight

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Shadow grew angry at the alicorn but didn't do anything. He said as calmly as he could, 

"I don't understand why ya did that. In my opinion, it's better to attack when they have a way to protect themselves, and not just armor. How much could I ask for?"

He sat down and a bunny came up to him. It turned to the alicorn, then hopped on Shadow's leg.

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@@Nameless Knight


"A soulforged blade, created by none other than Celestia herself. I however, curseforged it, and now I can kill anything, however the blade can not leave this realm. So have no worries, the Nightmare can not use it against you." The lavender alicorn's wingtips changed to black, and her mane looked like dark blue fire, before returning back to normal.

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