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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with DwhitetheGamer

Illiad Easle

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This thread has been closed for completion with Parallel Divergence. The contents are preserved below.


OOC thread: https://mlpforums.co...tural-exchange/



It was a cool and calm night.


Midnight Star, was slowly making his way back up Archback Mountain from his recent excursion in the Shimmerwood forest, he had been visiting the outpost colony that the Children of the Moon had set up a few years back when he had come across an interesting flyer advertising a cultural exchange. Though he was normally busy he had found that his workload had shrunk as the Children expanded, so he thought, Why not? He sent in his information and gained Sir's permission to host a guest in the future. A few days letter he received a reply telling of his acceptance and his subsequent paring with a young Earth pony colt from Ponyville. He raised an eyebrow at this, he supposed it had been a long time since he was last in Equestria, for he had never heard of the town before. He was given the colt's mailing address and was instructed to write a sort of introduction, he sat down to write and hoped that his words would come across right, he wanted to make a good first impression after all.


Greetings Mr Strikes,


My name is Midnight Star though many refer to me as the Black Knight and I was selected to be your pairing in the cultural exchange. To tell you a bit about myself, I am an adult Earth pony stallion like you currently living in the castle on Archback Mountain near the colony of the children of the moon. I have a coat as black as the night with small white tufts on the back of my forelegs. I have a long-ish white mane that extends down the back of my neck and long, well groomed, white tail. My mark is a simple white star which symbolizes the hope I bring creatures in their darkest moments, a literal midnight star if you would. My life's quest has been to right the injustices of the world, though from time to time I take a break for a year or two, like now. In my travels I have fought much against oppressors and thus know a few different forms of combat. I lived in Equestria for a few years before I moved away, but it has been a long time and no doubt much has changed, if you would be willing to tell me about it I would be happy to answer your questions about Archback castle and the Children of the Moon in exchange. I look forward to hearing about you and I can't wait to show you around.




Satisfied with the letter he had written Midnight passed her letter off to Sir to be delivered. That taken care of, he began his latest report from his most recent excursion.


(You receive a notification from the Cultural Exchange program stating your acceptance and informing you that you have been paired with Midnight Star, an adult Earth pony of undisclosed age in the colony of the Children of the Moon, it instructs you to watch for a letter from him and to respond in kind when it arrives. You receive Midnight's letter the very next day.)(Questions can be asked in quotations or in the OOC thread)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Copper was watching the night sky and its beautiful stars before he went back to his house for the night.  When he did, he decided to check his mailbox, in case anypony left him something for him to read.  He opened the box, and found a letter inside.  He took it out and read its contents.
Copper Strikes,
You have been accepted to a Cultural Exchange with one of our own in the colony of the Children of the Moon, named Midnight Star.  Please watch for a letter from him and respond in kind after the letter arrives.  We hope to see you here.
~The Children of the Moon
Children of the Moon?  As in Princess Luna? he thought as he went inside his house.  He'll have to figure it out tomorrow.
The next day, Copper decided to check his mailbox to see about his new friend.  He found another letter, and read its contents:

Greetings Mr Strikes,


My name is Midnight Star though many refer to me as the Black Knight and I was selected to be your pairing in the cultural exchange. To tell you a bit about myself, I am an adult Earth pony stallion like you currently living in the castle on Archback Mountain near the colony of the children of the moon. I have a coat as black as the night with small white tufts on the back of my forelegs. I have a long-ish white mane that extends down the back of my neck and long, well groomed, white tail. My mark is a simple white star which symbolizes the hope I bring creatures in their darkest moments, a literal midnight star if you would. My life's quest has been to right the injustices of the world, though from time to time I take a break for a year or two, like now. In my travels I have fought much against oppressors and thus know a few different forms of combat. I lived in Equestria for a few years before I moved away, but it has been a long time and no doubt much has changed, if you would be willing to tell me about it I would be happy to answer your questions about Archback castle and the Children of the Moon in exchange. I look forward to hearing about you and I can't wait to show you around.




Copper smiled.  This could be fun for him, meeting a new friend.  He went back inside his house and proceeded to write back to Midnight...


Black Knight,


Thanks for writing to me.  I can't wait to meet you and visit your place of work.  I hope to meet you there, or else you'll meet me here in Ponyville.  Either way, can't wait to meet!




It was short, but he shrugged, knowing a short one was better than nothing.  He put the letter in a small envelope and placed it inside his mailbox.  He then continued on to Sugercube Corner for breakfast.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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For the first time in a long time Midnight was actually excited, he stood waiting for the mail to arrive. When he finally received the letter he opened it, and was immediately disappointed by its length. It said little to nothing about its writer other than that they had no idea what 'respond in kind' meant.

I suppose I shouldn't have expected someone so young to really understand.


He sighed, thinking up a response as he made his way back up the mountain.


Mr. Strikes,


First of all, I much prefer Midnight to Black Knight and I would appreciate it if you called me that instead. Second, I know absolutely nothing about you other than your name, race, age, and address. When it asked you to respond in kind it wanted you to describe yourself in the same way I did. To help you, here are some more specific questions: Is there a name you prefer to be called? Describe a bit about where you live, Describe yourself, your mark, and what it means, describe what you do in your life (Usually it's your job, but I don't know if you're old enough for a job yet.) And finally ask some questions of your own. The point of the letters is to establish a dialogue so we can get to know each other before we meet for the first time.


I hope this arrangement appeals to you,




He sighed as he sent to the letter to be delivered, and hoped the next response would be a bit higher in quality.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Mr. Strikes,


First of all, I much prefer Midnight to Black Knight and I would appreciate it if you called me that instead. Second, I know absolutely nothing about you other than your name, race, age, and address. When it asked you to respond in kind it wanted you to describe yourself in the same way I did. To help you, here are some more specific questions: Is there a name you prefer to be called? Describe a bit about where you live, Describe yourself, your mark, and what it means, describe what you do in your life (Usually it's your job, but I don't know if you're old enough for a job yet.) And finally ask some questions of your own. The point of the letters is to establish a dialogue so we can get to know each other before we meet for the first time.


I hope this arrangement appeals to you,




Copper frowned.  He thought a quick little reply acknowledging he got the letter would be enough.  He looked at the old letter again, and he did a face-hoof.  He didn't read the entire thing.  He got back to his desk and pulled out another note.




I'm so sorry about my previous letter.  I assumed a short thank-you letter would be enough for you.  But anyways, here's some info about me.  I'm usually called Sonic because of how fast I can go, though it's up to you on which name to call me.  Speaking of fast, my talent is called the Spin Dash, which means I turn into a ball on the ground and go in a fast pace.  Last checked, I was as fast as a racing Pegasus.  It meant for me to be there for anypony as quick as possible.  I know you don't know about a place called Sugarcube Corner, but it's a place where you can eat and hang out with friends.  I live on the east side, three houses from it.  And my job currently is for the Ponyville Mail Service, keeping check of current mail and helping delivering when short-hoofed.  That's basically it about me, now for some questions for you.  Do you like your job?  How many visits do you normally have with ponies that don't work where you work?  Is your job hard?  And have you ever given a tour around the castle for anypony new?


Again, sorry for my last letter.  I'm used to sending short responses anyway.  Thanks for reading.




Copper then repeated the process of the other letter and put it inside the mailbox.  Then he went back to Sugarcube Corner for supper.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Midnight again waited for a response to his last letter, though he wasn't quite as excited this time. The disappointment from before had made the novelty ware off faster than usual. But he was pleasantly surprised by the improved quality of this letter.


Evening Copper,


That's an odd thing to assume in this sort of exchange, but I'm glad you're a bit more wiling to write now. Your great speed is no doubt beneficial to your job yes? So long as you can keep the letter from flying every which way of course. Your home town sounds interesting, would you care to describe it in a bit more detail? Like how big it is, how many residents? As to myself, my quest has certainly been fulfilling, I wouldn't call it a job really as I don't directly get paid for fighting injustice, but looting bandits has been enough to get by for many years now. Eventually there will be no more bandits but we'll cross that chasm when it opens. Visits? I get the impression that you don't fully understand the nature of my quest. It's more that I travel about the world seeking out wrongs and righting them, though I don't do it as much now as I did. I suppose my job would really be a sort of judge, whenever Sir is too busy he'll send me to mediate conflicts in his stead. He works as a sort of supreme judge for disputes between countries, most nations come to him for advice and some even have resident ambassadors that stay here. My quest is most definitely a hard one, it seems injustice will never be fully eliminated from the world, but I will always be able to bring hope to those that need it. As to tours, it's mostly for new delegates, but a new one hasn't been needed for some time. There's still a spot for Equestria if your princess ever gets over her grudge with Sir.

I wouldn't suppose you're used to giving tours about your town? Do you like working at the post office?

Oh! I should probably mention, I'm just a bit taller than Princess Luna. Yes, I should maybe have mentioned that earlier. I'm also somewhat thin like her, but some would say I'm just about as strong as her.

I suppose that leads me into another question, what do you think of Equestria? What are your thoughts on the recent changeling invasion attempt if you've heard anything about that?


I hope to read more from you soon,



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Evening Copper,


That's an odd thing to assume in this sort of exchange, but I'm glad you're a bit more wiling to write now. Your great speed is no doubt beneficial to your job yes? So long as you can keep the letter from flying every which way of course. Your home town sounds interesting, would you care to describe it in a bit more detail? Like how big it is, how many residents? As to myself, my quest has certainly been fulfilling, I wouldn't call it a job really as I don't directly get paid for fighting injustice, but looting bandits has been enough to get by for many years now. Eventually there will be no more bandits but we'll cross that chasm when it opens. Visits? I get the impression that you don't fully understand the nature of my quest. It's more that I travel about the world seeking out wrongs and righting them, though I don't do it as much now as I did. I suppose my job would really be a sort of judge, whenever Sir is too busy he'll send me to mediate conflicts in his stead. He works as a sort of supreme judge for disputes between countries, most nations come to him for advice and some even have resident ambassadors that stay here. My quest is most definitely a hard one, it seems injustice will never be fully eliminated from the world, but I will always be able to bring hope to those that need it. As to tours, it's mostly for new delegates, but a new one hasn't been needed for some time. There's still a spot for Equestria if your princess ever gets over her grudge with Sir.

I wouldn't suppose you're used to giving tours about your town? Do you like working at the post office?

Oh! I should probably mention, I'm just a bit taller than Princess Luna. Yes, I should maybe have mentioned that earlier. I'm also somewhat thin like her, but some would say I'm just about as strong as her.

I suppose that leads me into another question, what do you think of Equestria? What are your thoughts on the recent changeling invasion attempt if you've heard anything about that?


I hope to read more from you soon,




Copper read his new letter, nodding a couple of times on some statements.  He got out another paper and wrote.





Thank you for responding.  Yeah, I assumed we would meet here in Ponyville, which is why I wrote like I did.


Of course my speed is beneficial to my job.  I have a special saddle bag made that, when I do my Spin Dash, its contents don't spill out.  Also Ponyville is not the biggest place, but with recent events with a castle being made here, it made the town a lot bigger than what it really is, and it's a decent size.  So you also like to help anypony in need, basically?  That's great!  I assume you don't accept any bits from those you help, like me, right?  Now, I'm confused of this 'Sir' you keep talking about.  What's his real name?  And he had a grudge with the princess before?  That must have been terrible.  And yeah, I misunderstood your job, I assumed you'd work in the same building with Sir.  Speaking of Sir, do you like working for him?  Also about the Archer's Castle, what's it like there?  Are the ponies nice in the Children of the Moon?


I've never been called to do a tour around Ponyville.  However, I do greet the newcomers with open-hooves.  I do like my job, mostly because I like to make it fun, like singing and telling jokes.  I think Equestria is a great place.  Everypony is nice, and the princesses are kind.  I've heard of the recent Changeling invasion, and with it being before a wedding makes it even more unimaginable.  It caught me off guard, as well as the rest of the ponies in the Post Office.


Write back soon!



Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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(You're an awfully fast poster, you don't need to copy my letters into your posts btw)


Midnight felt a bit of excitement return after reading Copper's enthusiasm.


Evening Copper,


We will eventually meet each other, we have this letter exchange first so we can get to know each other before we make plans on what to do.


The colony is not very big, only a few dozen or so ponies, thestrals, and zebras. I do help where I can, my quest was mostly helping those being attacked or oppressed, but now it is more just helping those that need it. If they offer bits I will gladly accept them, while it is a noble cause I still have expenses, but I would never ask them to pay. Sir only shares his true name with those he considers friends, I call him sir out of respect but he is also known as the Black Knight, he prefers that name actually. Sir does not hold a grudge against Celestia, anymore. It is Celestia that still holds a grudge, and yes it was terrible back in the day. She's only mildly annoyed at me though, so it's an improvement. Sir was my companion on my quest, we went about together and made quite the team, we still do to this day. It is not so much that I work for him as I work with him. He takes care of relations and I take care of the paperwork involved. Archback castle is a nice looking castle, especially considering it's been here for a few hundred years, it's about as old as Canterlot. The castle sits near the top of the mountain and the colony has built buildings around the outside, into the sides of the mountain, and in the valley between the mountain and the Shimmerwood forest. The Children are all kind and industrious, especially since Luna returned, the ponies are all decedents of the original orphans Luna took before she was banished, the thestrals moved in soon after though they stay near the forest and the zebras are decendents of ones that were freed from slavery back before Luna was banished, they decided to stay instead of trying to get back to their homeland.


Your princesses were not always so kind, but I will wait until you're older before I tell you the history they won't teach you in class. The changeling attack was certainly unexpected, many of our delegates were certainly surprised to hear about it.


I do want to know though, how did you hear of the Children? Also, do you think that there could be other changelings than the ones who attacked? Some that wouldn't want to attack? I am amazed that you do not think my stature odd, many are surprised when they see me but I suppose you could be the exception.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

(I know, I like to post ASAP.)





I see your town is almost as big as Ponyville.  And I'm glad you and Sir still work together.  It's a shame Princess Celestia still holds a grudge against your friend, but to each their own.  Well, I don't know the Children of the Moon, but I was given a letter of acceptance by said colony and I assumed they were a colony in honor of Princess Luna, so, yeah.  Also, I'm older than you think.  I'm a late adolescent.  I'm not sure if there are Changelings who don't want to attack, if that's the case then they somehow managed to escape Queen Chrysalis.  I don't mind your stature either, because I like everypony for who they are, with the exception of bullies, thieves, and the like.  Anyways, thanks for responding.




P.S, Sorry for this being shorter than the last two.  It's late at night, and I'm getting tired.  As soon as you read this, more than likely I'll be in bed, so in that case, goodnight.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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He must be used to faster mail movements, we get mail here like once a day at the earliest, once a week at the latest.


Evening Copper,


It's interesting that the Children singed the acceptance letter, I was unaware that they would be running this whole exchange, though that does sound like the kind of thing they would do. You know, you could just say adult, adolescent makes you sound younger than you actually are, but you're still young to me, lets just say that I am much older than you okay? As to the changelings, it is clear that you don't know much about them, but it is not my place to teach you. Perhaps when you visit here one of the delegates would be willing to tell you more, or would allow me to tell you. In short, they wouldn't have to escape Chrysalis, she's not as powerful as you might think. Anyway, I do enjoy answering your questions, do ask some more in your next letter.



Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle




Yeah, I don't know much about the changelings.  As far as age, I can agree on adult.  Anyways, I would like to see you in pony before I can ask any more questions about you or your work.  I'll come to you, just send me a map on where I need to go and I'll be there as quick as I can.  You don't have to send an escort or anything, just a map, then I can Spin Dash my way to wherever you want me to be.  Looking forward to seeing you!



Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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If he's sure I suppose I'm ready.




Here's the map you requested, just look for archbach mountain, I'll meet you at the base of the mountain to show you around a bit before heading up.





He sent off the letter and prepped to wait at the base of the mountain, taking his helmet with him, it would allow him to see Copper coming while he was still a ways off so he could move to intercept him before e reached the town, he wanted the whole thing to be a surprise.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Copper took a magnifying glass and searched for the Archback mountains and found what he was looking for.  He then took a pencil and drew a route easily taken to the mountains.  He smiled.  "This should be a good challenge." he said.  


He strapped on his special saddle bag, went to his post office, telling his co-workers he'd be gone for a few days or so to the Archback mountains, then when outside, performed his Spin Dash at near-full speed, heading to the direction of the mountains.


Archback Mountains here I come! he thought.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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With his helmet on Midnight could see for miles, and magic, especially natural life, stood out above the rest. He could see what he supposed was Copper as he passed the turn of the river that separated Archback from Shimmerwood. He found an intercept point and started running, reaching a top speed at full gallop of speeds that would rival even Forerunner in his prime, at it felt great to run that fast again.


Given Copper's direct course towards Archback and Midnight's similarly direct course, they would meet about between the mountain and the turn of the river. Midnight arrived first and took the moment of pause to remove his helmet, he hung it by its strap from his neck. He could see Copper coming from here, he hoped that copper could see him.


Standing at nearly 6' he would be a good 2' taller than Copper.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Copper thought he had arrived close enough to the Mountains to come to a full stop in his Spin Dash.  He had an excited look on his face as he looked at the mountains.


"Wow!  This is amazing!" he said as he marveled at the sight.


He then caught sight of a tall Earth Pony with a helmet to his side.  He assumed this one was the pony he was looking for, so he approached him with a smile on his face.


"So you must be Midnight Star," he said as he extended his hoof for a hoof-shake.  "I'm Copper Strikes.  It's a pleasure to meet you."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Midnight did not have the standard bulky frame of most earth ponies, he actually looked quite thin. In a way he was built like a Saddle Arabian with long, thin legs, a longer neck and barrel, and a longer, thinner face. (To put it simply, he looks like a Saddle Arabian.)


Midnight approached with a slight smile on his face, his coat seemed glossy in the sunlight. His creamy white mane was a mess, likely due to the helmet he was carrying, but like he said in his letters, his tail was long (It reaches the ground) and very well groomed. His eyes where a light blue with some hints of purple around the edges.


Midnight accepted Copper's outstretched hoof, "It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I see you did not bring much with you, you have the right idea in traveling light." His voice was a bit on the deep end, and his refined, scholarly accent made him seem older than he appeared. It was somewhat like Luna's after she returned, but a bit more modern.


"We should get going, we're still a ways off and I would like to get up the mountain before the sun sets." He turned and began to walk back towards the mountain. "We can talk as we walk, it shouldn't take long to reach the villages of the Colony, but it will seem shorter this way." In the distance they could see a sort of village built around the river between the mountain and the forest, on the edge of the forest and the base of the mountain there seemed to be buildings of some kind, but they were too far away to make out properly.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Copper smiled as he and Midnight shook hooves, noting how deep his voice was.  "Yeah, I only carry what I need for a trip.  I have some small snacks as well as a small first-aid kit.  I taught myself how to treat anypony if they're injured, if you're wondering why.


He nodded at Midnight's suggestion to go to the villages.  "Right.  After you."


He could only make out a tiny detail of the village as they walked towards it.  He looked at Midnight.  "So, what kind of trials did you have to go through to become a kind of judge, and how hard were they?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"The kinds of things I judge are typically the disputes between nations, and thus all I need to know is the cultures, positions, and circumstances of those involved. I'd like to think that I have prevented a few wars in my time. I suppose it was difficult learning everything I needed, but it has been worth it so far. As to my quest, it's usually easy to tell who the oppressor is in a given encounter, and Sir did most of the judging then anyway, the oppressor would be punished based on what degree of oppression they inflicted. As to how our quest started, Sir made something very powerful, very angry. So we ended up here and I hope we never see that thing again." He looked sideways over at Copper, "I hope that answers your question.


They could now see faint shapes moving about in the village ahead of them.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Copper nodded intently as Midnight explained his trials to him.  "Yes.  That does answer my question.  And thanks for answering my other questions as well."


He frowned.  "Very powerful?  It was Princess Celestia, wasn't it?"


As they continued walking, they could see faint figures walking around in the village.


Copper smiled.  "Are the ponies here nice?  I may have just skipped your answer if you've already told me, but I'd like to know."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"It actually wasn't Celestia, this happened before we met her. I don't remember much from that time but Sir does, he told me he was once heir to the thrown of a great kingdom, but a great evil attacked and began to destroy it. Sir and I fought against it, managing to delay its progress, but we were ultimately defeated and the great evil sent us here to punish us for standing against it." He sighed, "I'm glad I don't remember it, even if it means I don't remember my parents." He gave a short shake of his head. "On the citizens, They're all nice enough if you're nice to them. They may stare at you for a day or two until they get used to you and some may even try to talk to you. There are four distinct groups that you will encounter, the zebras are first as it is their little village we are approaching. They'll be wary of you given that you're an Earth pony, but they should warm up to you once they realize you mean them no harm. The Thestrals or Bat ponies are the next group. They've built there houses into the forest up in the trees, you won't see much of them until night. They'll prefer to watch you from a distance and only approach you if they need to. The Children are the most sociable group and have built into the sides of the mountain, they'll probably want to talk to you as soon as they see you and are always interested in making friends. It is because of them that this community has stuck together so well. And finally the Delegates, they are here for important matters and other important creatures and thus will likely pay you little mind, but there are a few who are interesting in speaking to you if you wish, dignitaries of foreign nations and such. They mostly stick to the castle but can be found wandering about the community." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"Wow, that's pretty sad.  I don't know what'll happen if this evil showed up here.  Your parents?  Oh, I'm sorry for your loss.  If you don't want to talk about them, though, then don't." Copper shook his head.


"What happened that caused the zebras to be wary about Earth Ponies?  Also, I'm curious as to what the Thestrals and Bat Ponies look like.  And the Children sound like me, because I'm as sociable as they are.  I'm not going to get in the way of the Delegates of their work, by the way."


They now can see more of the village, in spite of the sun almost ready to set.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"I suppose it is sad, but like I said, I don't remember much about what happened before Sir and I arrived here. I would love to talk about my parents if I could remember anything about them, but I don't worry about it. As to the zebras, just over a thousand years ago, a few years before Luna was banished, there was still slavery in Equestria, the zebras were taken from their homeland and forced to work in the fields of wealthy Earth pony families. But Sir and I rescued them when we arrived, and we were instrumental in ending the practice of slavery in Equestria. Those were fun times. Bat pony is just another name for Thestrals by the way, they don't look too different from pegasi, they usually have darker colored coats and manes, they have leathery instead of feathery wings, they have great night vision due to their different eyes, and they need more protein in their diet. The Children will probably like you just fine, a few of them should still be awake by the time we start climbing the mountain, it looks like you may get to see the thestrals in action tonight ."


They had finally arrived at the village. The houses weren't grand, but they were well built. they resembled in a way the huts that zebras back in Zebrica would live in, but these were a bit bigger and made almost entirely of wood instead of thatch. there were a few zebras moving about, it was clear by their tired expression that they were headed back to their homes for the night. Whenever one saw Midnight a slight smile would come to their face, but it would quickly disappear when they saw Copper, changing to an expression of slight worry and suspicion. they didn't say anything, but seemed to move away faster than before. In all the collection of buildings was not very big, there was a small marketplace and a blacksmith shop, but it was mostly houses and, in the distance, fields along the river. "I guess it's a bit late to introduce you to them tonight, but it is the perfect time to see the thestrals, unless you would like to rest now, in the which case we can start touring tomorrow.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


"Before Luna was banished?  Wow."  Copper shook his head.  "I wouldn't hesitate to help you and Black Knight free the slaves back then, I don't like it one bit.  Huh, didn't know Bat pony was a name for Thestrals.  I like meeting new friends, as well."


As they arrived at the village, Copper smiled at the resident zebras, only to have it turn into a frown as they moved quickly away from him.  He smiled as Midnight offered him to see the Thestrals.


"I would like to see the Thestrals.  I had a good rest before I got here, so I can watch them before I sleep."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"All right then." Midnight turned through town to cross the river, there was a small water mill near the fields in the distance. It wasn't an especially big river, but it did need a bridge to cross. They were making good time to the Thestral village, as they approached they could start to see the houses and walkways built up in the trees, there were already some thestrals moving about. Their coats ranged from dark blue grey to an almost purple grey with a few dark grey ones. some had already turned towards them as they approached, a few waved before returning to their work.


"I would advise you before we get too close, don't talk too loud. It's still early for them and they don't much appreciate noise so early in the night.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Copper followed Midnight across a bridge above a river to the Thestral village.  He marveled at the sight of the Thestrals as he waved at them.  He then turned to Midnight as the colt spoke and nodded at his suggestion.


"Alright.  That's fine."


He then saw a Thestral approach him, smiling.  He smiled as well, offering a hoof-shake to her.


"Hello," he said in a low voice.  "I'm Copper Strikes.  Nice to meet you."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The Thestral accepted Copper's hoofshake with a nod. "Charmed." Her voice was light but with sharp edges, so long as you could hear it you would definitely understand it. She was a deep purple grey with violet slitted eyes, her short hair, tail, and leathery wings were a deeper shade of purple. She quickly turned to Midnight who has been her original target. "It's good to see you again Midnight, is this the colt you got paired with? He's much more blue than I expected."

"​It's good to see you too Starlight, and yes, he didn't mention what color he was in his letters so I too was surprised by his color, practically iridescent. Anyway, I'm showing him around the Colony now. Oh, has the marble been repaired yet?"

"Sadly no, it's amazing he was able to build it in the first place, it will be may years before we can fully repair the damage Disciple did to get the artifact. But having thic community project has really brought this clan together. I'm sure Fastar would be proud to see us today, still strong and independent."

"I'm sure he would, you remind me so much of the first Starlight Fastar, I'm sure you'll be as great a leader as she was when it's your turn."

"I hope so, and I hope that won't be for some time." She turned to face Copper again, "So, if you want to know anything about my clan or us Thestrals I'd be happy to answer your questions.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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