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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with DwhitetheGamer

Illiad Easle

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@@Illiad Easle


"Yes.  I do."


Celestia addressed the delegates before her.  "1000 years ago, we had captured the zebras and had enslaved them to do the Earth Ponies' bidding.  I myself had scared the Thestrals because they had sided with my sister when she became Nightmare Moon.  We have made terrible mistakes on our parts, especially me, whose mistakes would have cost the world ties with Equestria.  I want to make amends to all the countries who I have wronged, and I shall listen to all the delegates with their suggestions to Equestria.  I hope all can forgive me and my sister for our heinous actions.  Thank you."


She took her seat on the table with the delegates, along with Luna.


Meanwhile, Copper shook his head, still angry.  "You don't understand, do you?  I wanted it to be known, no matter what, who the winner was.  Win or lose, I wanted to have a good time with my friends seeing me race you.  Do you not see that?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The dark grey unicorn in the white robes was the first to speak up. "Forgive me for being skeptical your highness, but you have been refusing our diplomats for centuries now. Why the sudden change of heart? And is this going to last?"

The others nodded in agreement and turned their attention to the princesses in anticipation of the answer.


Midnight sighed. "I suppose I don't understand, I don't need everyone to know I'm the best, just me knowing is enough for me. I have a feeling however, that the race may be back on soon enough. And if not, we can race in Ponyville for all your friends to see."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"It is with humble heart that I will change my view on the diplomats here.  And I hope it shall last longer than what I have been refusing.  For too long I wanted things to go my way, and thanks to my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, I was shown that it is never right to have everything go my way."


She turned to Black Knight, waiting on his approval of her words.


Copper was now confused at what Midnight was saying.  "What do you mean it will be back on?  Is Sir going to forgive her?"

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The Black Knight turned back to the unicorn, who nodded his approval to her answer. "Then we shall begin." A young thestral passes the Black Knight a moderately sized scroll, which he began to read as he unrolled it. "​The current state of grievances against Princess Celestia and the land of Equestria. In the Trojan Empire: A trade embargo causing an inflation of the cost of Trojan goods in Equestria. Persistant intrusion on land borders, most especially Appaloosa. Agression towards protectoarates, namely the Buffalo tribes by Appaloosa. Refusal to recognize as an Independent Nation. In TrUST, the disappearing of notable scientists on the brink of discovery, namely the anti-magic research team. In the Griffon Kingdoms: Misinformation campaign portraying griffons as 'Uncivilized Carnivorous Brutes Incapable of Self Rule'. Disrespect of established land borders. In Thestral Clan Fastar: The subjugation of other clans by making it near impossible to live independently in Equestrian forests. In Zebrica: The enslavement of native peoples and the destruction of cities and infrastructure, no aid given when requested despite end of slavery. In Cervidas: the destruction of Eternity's bridge. The conscription of Deer machinists into the Equestrian military without reciprocated protection. In the Changeling Collective: The denouncement of their entire species for the actions of one, starving, hive. The persecution of their subjects including, assault, battery, maiming, torture, attempted murder, and murder. In the Empathic race, the persecution of their race for being slightly different from a standard unicorn." He passed the scroll to Celestia, she could see that each grievance listed was signed with the name of the delegate that submitted it. "These are the charges as they stand, what is your plan to correct them?"


Midnight sighed, "Sir will forgive her in time, he isn't so much concerned about her actions towards him, but the others she has wronged. He is using his forgiveness as an incentive to get justice for all those he has wronged. If Celestia really wants his forgiveness then she will make right to those she has wronged. He may not forgive her today, or this year, but if she is making a promising effort to change then they will be on good terms in no time.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Celestia took the scroll and read the entire thing.  She knew only one thing for each of the charges to do.  She stood up.


"I want all of us to win.  So what I shall do is as follows:  In Appaloosa, I shall make it a trading point and border town for both the Trojan Empire and Equestria, and offer an expansion so that both Trojans and Equestrians can live peacefully.  I shall recognize the Buffalo tribes as an independent nation, and offer aid to them should need be.  In TrUST, I shall aid the scientists with bits, so long as they do not use their research for evil doing.  In the Griffon kingdoms, I will bring down said misinformation regarding the Griffon kind.  In the Thestral Clan Fastar, I will allow them to live in Equestrian forests and render aid should be fit.  In Cervidas, I will send aid to help repair the bridge and remove the Deer machinists from our military with aid for them.  To the Changeling Collective, no longer denouncing them as a starving race, and only persecute those who are following a tyranny rule.  In the Empathic race, we shall treat them as equals of standard unicorns.  Thank you."


She bowed her head gracefully, and took her seat.


Copper calmed down a bit.  "I hope you're right.  If it's happening right now, that is."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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More delegates entered the hall as Celestia was speaking as the news spread that Equestria had finally made an appearance. Once Celestia was done speaking a golden unicorn was passed a sheet of paper before he spoke up. "There are just a few questions we had regarding your suggestions. Are you saying that Appaloosa will be both a city of Troy and of Equestria? If so, will it be ruled jointly or two halves rules by the two different nations? The Trojan delegate recommends the town be turned over to Troy as it is well within Troy's declared land boundaries. The griffon, Empathic, and changeling delegates like myself would like to know How you are going to change the public opinion in regards to our races. The first two have been persecuted for centuries but the last so viciously. Personally I would like justice for the neutral changelings who have been attacked and killed as a result. The Fastar delegate wanted me to remind you that they do not need your help, it is the other thestral clans that you've weakened and subjugated over the years that need this aid you offer. The deer delegate would rather you simply fulfilled your agreement in providing actual defenses in Cervidas than return the machinists but they accept you decision either way with the reconstruction of the bridge." He passed the paper across the table to her as he sat down. The paper said the same things he said in a bit different way.

"If you would be willing to finally accept their delegations, it seems you will need to meet with each of these nations individually to work out the specifics of your plans. As we have aired our grievances to you you are now in the position to do the same to us. Any question or complaint you have towards any other nation or collective may be asked and answered now."


A runner had just exited the castle gates when they encountered Midnight. "Did you hear? Equestria is answering grievances! actually responding to our issues!" with that the runner continued down the mountain to spread the news to the others. Midnight turned to Copper. "Looks like she's already hard at work."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Celestia read over the next paper passed to her by the golden unicorn.  She nodded.


"I would suggest that half will be ruled by Troy and the other half by Equestria, should expansion reach a proper length.  If not, then it will be jointly ruled.  The Griffon and Emapthic nations will know that I myself will announce partnership with them, and the neutral changelings will be given proper justice.  I will fund defenses for Cervidas personally.  And I shall move the aid to the other Thestral clans as they see fit.  Now I do not have any question or charge to the other delegates currently, but should you have made a mistake in your part to Equestria, now is a good time to offer corrections made for those.  Thank you."


Copper shook his head, this time in sympathy for the Princesses, not anger.  "I hope she makes the right choices."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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None spoke in response initially, the Black Knight turned to face Celestia. "The changeling collective wanted me to apologize to you for them for that actions of the lost one. They regret to inform me that they have yet to find any living remnants of the offending hive." He turned his attention to the neutral area. "As no grievances remain to be stated this session is concluded." He rose from his chair as the present delegates dispersed, he came a bit closer to Celestia. "You've certainly taken a step in the right direction, what remains to be seen is if you will be true to your word in what you have stated. That said, I would ask that you reconsider on canceling the race, if only for the benefit of your subject. I hope you realize that I don't hate you, I just can't forgive you until I know you've changed for the better. I know it would mean the world to Copper if you reconsidered." He decided this time that he would not attempt to leave lest they continue to follow him, so he sat down across from them to see how they would respond.


"If she is serious about gaining Sir's forgiveness, I suspect she will do her best to make things right." He turned to face Copper. "Is there something specific you would like to do now? There's still an hour or two of daylight left.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"Of course.  I will keep my word on this subject matter as well as I can."


Celestia turned to her sister, who had her face turned to her the entire time.  "Luna, would you mind telling Copper and Midnight that the race shall be back on?"

Luna nodded and left the area.  Celestia sighed as she turned to Black Knight.  "I shall do my best.  I hope you understand that I may not have enough to do all that I have promised."


Meanwhile, Copper nodded at Midnight's statement.  "Yes, there's one more thing I wanna do, and that's to find out if the race is back on."


With that, he walked back into the castle, where inside, he caught sight of Luna.  "Princess Luna!  What happened?"


"If thou hadn't known, Equestria will try to restore ties with the rest of the surrounding kingdoms.  Oh, and my sister told me to tell you that the race is officially back on."


Copper gasped.  "R-r-really?!"


Luna nodded.  "Indeed."


Copper ended up crying again, but this time it was tears of joy instead of sadness.  He was going to gallop into a full sprint to Celestia if he didn't notice the delegates.


"I've never been so happy in my life.  I need to thank her."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"You shouldn't promise what you cannot accomplish. But as you fulfill your promises others will help you to finish the rest. The hardest challenges I see for you are changing your subject's view on the vilified races. The griffons and Empathics wont be too hard as there are those that many have had positive experiences with. The changelings however will not be so willing to reveal themselves to provide the positive experiences. It will take time, but I think you can do this, and when you do I will be there. Before you go, you should put some thought into sending a more permanent delegate so future grievances can be resolved much quicker.


Midnight smiled as he stood up. "I knew it would work out in the end."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Celestia nodded at Black Knight for the suggestion of a permanent delegate.


"I will.  Thank you, Black Knight."


She then got up and left.  When she was in the hall, she could see Midnight, Luna, and a crying Copper.  The moment Copper saw her, he broke into a full gallop and tackled her.


"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!  I am forever in your debt, your highness!"

Celestia looked surprised, but let him hug her.  "You're quite welcome, Copper.  But you have no debts to owe me, my little pony."


Copper got off of Celestia, and bowed gracefully.  Luna couldn't help but giggle in her part.


"Did Black Knight suggest anything, sister?"


"Yes.  He suggested that we send a more permanent delegate so that future grievances will be resolved."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The princesses finally off his back, the Black Knight returned to his private room.


Midnight chose to simply watch the exchange from a distance as he planned how we would train for the coming race. He knew that he was a slight but faster than Copper, but he was also significantly older. Copper's additional endurance would allow him to keep max speed for longer. Regardless, midnight would have to train a bit to keep limber during the race, he wouldn't want to cramp midway through.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle

(How do you want the race to be done?  As in, do you want to skip a few days to the race, with the Children's minds cleared up?)


"'Tis about time we had sent a permanent delegate here to be quite honest, sister.  Doing it yourself does get tedious after a while."


"Indeed.  Well, it is about time we left here.  It won't be long until night time.  I take it you will stay here, Copper?"


"Yes.  I still have an exchange going on with him."


"Well, good night, then.  May my sister watch over your dreams."


"Good night to you too, Princess Celestia."


Celestia and Luna went out of the castle, after giving their goodbyes to Midnight, with Luna saying: "I am proud of thee for taking care of my Children."


When they flew off, Copper sighed.  He was so happy he would officially race Midnight.  Speaking of which, Copper approached him with a smile on his face.


"I guess it's time we went to sleep."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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(If you want we could do a training day where they both train and practice for the race, then have the race the day after tomorrow. As for race mechanics I am figuring them out.)


Midnight turned to Copper after bidding the princesses farewell. "If you want then I suppose we can wrap up the day now. I suppose with the race coming up we need to rest up and train hard.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle

(That'll work.)


Copper nodded.  He trotted back to his room, but not before wishing a goodnight to Midnight.  He then pulled up his covers and promptly went back to sleep, knowing that tomorrow was going to be a long day for both him and Midnight.


Once again he dreamed about the race between both, and in reality he smiled.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Midnight sighed as Copper left. He was completely baffled about the lack of curiosity in the colt. As he made his way to the top of the right tower to watch the moon rise he remembered the sense of amazement and wonder that filled him when he had first arrived in this new world. The magic of this place gave him new cognitive abilities, and he put them to good use questioning everything with enthusiasm. From time to time he still felt this initial wonderment, but as the centuries went by he knew all the general ideas, so he focused in on the finer details, like the individual stars in the night sky. As the moon rose the stars came out one by one, he watched them for a while before finally retiring to his bed.


[Day 3]


Like the day before, Cookie Pie and the breakfast staff of dining hall 3 were working to get ready right with the sun. She stood at the counter with her usual cheery disposition waiting for someone to come in.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


As like yesterday, Copper woke up refreshed after the dream of racing.  He trotted to the dining hall again and had smiled when he saw Cookie Pie at the counter.  He approached the counter.


"Hi, Cookie!  I'll have what I had yesterday, this time with just blueberry, please?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Cookie nodded as she turned to the kitchen doors. "Sure thing Copper, I'll be right back." With that she passed through the doors. While Copper waited Attachè Case entered like he did the day before, he looked particularly tired as he sat with his head on the counter waiting for Cookie's return. He was mumbling something about an embargo and income and exports, and something about a midget as well.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Copper hummed a little tune while he waited for Cookie to arrive with his breakfast.  He turned when he heard some mumbling and saw Attachè at the counter.  He curled his lips into a frown in a worried expression.


"Didn't get enough sleep, huh?  Were you up all night?" he asked.  

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"I'm always up all night, I'm nocturnal. But Celestia's midday arrival prompted me to rise early for the glory of Troy, I can't wait to go to bed now. If Equestria really does send a delegate it will certainly make my job easier, and make a certain Consul quite happy."


Cookie returned from the back with a tray of toast like yesterday, this time with just the blueberry jam. "I hope you like it." she turned to Attachè, "The usual?"

"With milk today,"

"I'm on it, do try not to drool on my counter while I'm gone."

With that she returned to the kitchen.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Copper nodded at Attachè.  "I'm glad we got to help your nation, Attachè.  Well, see ya, I have some training to do for a race I'm having against Midnight."


He took his tray and quietly went back to the seat he sat last time he was here.  Then he went to eating, mentally thanking Black Knight for giving this amazing food.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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When Midnight entered the dining area he was accompanied by the Black Knight who, in no discernible way, seemed excited. Midnight sat across from Copper as the Black Knight went to wait at the counter. "So, you excited for the race? From what I hear it will be either tomorrow or the day after depending on how we're feeling tomorrow morning and, of course, the weather. I can't do my lightning spring unless Sir is able to convince the weather teams to move up the date of the next scheduled storm. I mean I could, it would just mess up the local weather for a bit as it tends to summon storm clouds after I use it. I suppose the real question is, do you want to train together?"


Cookie returned from the back with Attachè's sandwich and milk, then had a quiet discussion with the Black Knight before she returned to the back.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Copper was surprised that Black Knight was here.  But he kept his composure and took a sip of his tea.  "Of course I'm excited for the race.  But it'll have to be tomorrow because if I use my Spin Dash on puddles it'll cause a wave that makes anypony in the area wet.  And I don't want them to be mad at me.  As far as training together, sure we can."


He looked calmly at Black Knight after he spoke.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"I suppose tomorrow will work out, the weather team should be able to compensate."


Cookie returned from the back and passed the Black Knight a tray, which he carried to the table, setting it in front of Midnight. Midnight's breakfast included an omelette and a large stack of toast with huckleberry jam. The steam from the food drifted lazily in the Black Knight's direction, entering his helmet. He removed a teapot from Midnight's tray and seemed to drink in the steam that came from it.

Midnight dug into his breakfast as the Black Knight turned to face Copper, the steam still entering his helmet. "Do you have an idea of how you will train? The race has two components, speed and endurance. The faster you go the quicker you will burn out, either can be trained a bit, but not too much improvement will be shown in either if you try to train both."


(Copper gets a +20 to his total endurance 120/100 because he is much younger than Midnight. Training will improve your endurance by another +20 or a +2m/s to your top speed (17.3 to 19.3))

(Here's how the race works, you decide how hard to push yourself, out of 20 (1 is 5% of your top speed, 10 is 50% 15 is 75% etc) and that sets the minimum speed you will run for that 10 second segment. You expend as much endurance as you choose to push yourself with, but your speed for that segment will not exceed 4 points of what you set (To prevent crazy scenarios where you set 1 and go full then 10% then 95%. I will be rolling a die for much of this, it will be done in messages then we will each post our PoV for the race.))

(Ex. Midnight starts the race with a base 10, scores a 4 in the roll so goes 70% of max for 10s. His endurance is now 90/100. If you run out of endurance you are maxed at 50% speed for the rest of the race. Let me know if you think it could be improved.) 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle

(That sounds good enough.)


Copper pursed his lips, thinking on how he should train for the race.  He then came to a conclusion while eating a toast with the blueberry jam on it.


"The best training I can come up with is to go in short bursts of full speed in a given time period while keeping a steady pace before and after.  I'll need to know how long the track is to make any further arrangements.  Speaking of which I need to do a few laps of said track in order to memorize it so I can paint a mental picture in my head for using my Spin Dash.  We're doing this in two races, right?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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