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planning *The Inn is Open OOC* ( A casual Drop in/Drop out RP, ALWAYS OPEN )


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Link to RP: https://mlpforums.com/topic/146261-the-inn-is-open-rp-yes-this-rp-is-also-always-open-long-name-huh/


The Inn is Open





"Usually, RPs have some kind of text in italics to give context to everything or something. Can't think of anything whimsical at the moment. I'll edit it later."



Well, welcome to this experimental RP I made! ( yay... ). In this RP, ponies from all walks of life ( among other creatures ) stop by the Inn for a break from life, to mingle around, make friends, or maybe just to get flat out drunk.


( Your OCs are the patrons of the Inn, in case you missed it )


The RP has no set storyline. You simply make an entry post about entering the Inn, do whatever you feel like, and make your exit whenever you feel like dropping out.


It's a great way to introduce your characters and have them mingle around with other OCs. You could treat it like a test run of sorts...



About the Inn.


> A pony named Inn Keep runs the inn together with his owl. Jolly old guy. Just don't break the rules ( the rules or the Inn's rules ) or he'll throw you out with the power of the Deus Ex Machina.


> The Inn has no set location. Think of it as a place outside of the mortal realm, and that every entrance to the Inn you see is a portal that leads to the same room. When it exits, you go back to wherever you entered the Inn, unless you want to follow somepony else out.


> This RP is not centered around my character. It's centered around a place


> The RP has it's rules and the Inn has it's own rules


> The inn is designed like a medieval tavern


> The inn serves food ( surprise )


> For the sake of making RP easier and more fluid, the Inn won't always follow the rules of the universe. Time flows at different    speeds in the rooms.



RP Rules


> Globa- no. Actually, yes. This RP will follow the Global rules with one exception


You may post in the RP thread without telling me that you're entering. Though, a heads up would be nice. Don't wait for me to approve your character, just jump right in. This is due to my timezone and schedule which can cause delays.


> Don't destroy the Inn. Self explanatory. Any attempts will be halted either by a mary sue / deus ex machina or the wrath of a mod.


> Have fun, and mingle. Oh, and uh, please try to post regularly. ( I'm begging you )


Sub Plots.

    > You are more than allowed to start your own sub-plots between other RPers. Heck, I encourage it.

    > You are allowed to RP outside the inn.


> Crossovers between other RPs

  > As unlikely of an event as it is, I find the concept pretty fun. That being said, if you wish to crossover an RP over with this          one ( e.g characters from RP A group up in this RP ), go on ahead! Just.. give me a heads up.


> ( Almost ) All OCs are welcome

  >Your OCs must be able to physically fit into the inn. No, you may not squeeze your dragon into the inn and smoosh the             other patrons to the side.

  > Also, common sense is important. USE IT.


  > When you make an entry, please  leave a link to your character or a description in the OOC.


> The Bounty Board

  > Another experimental feature of this RP. Other DMs from other RPs may post a 'mission' on the bounty board that advertises their RP ( e.g 'Help needed to clear dungeon X' ). Just PM me beforehand and write in a  character of your choice posting the mission on the bounty board.          


  >The bounty board is also a place which you can use to make your OWN sub plots within this RP. Maybe I'll make some      myself


The Inn's Rules.


( This is in Inn Keep's perspective )


> Close the door when you enter. It's cooooold outside.


Please don't come here looking for trouble. Though, I won't prevent it.


> Ha, yes, in a drunken haze, things can get rough. But then again, a night of fun isn't complete without a little brawl. But no lethal strikes, no weapons, no magic with ill intent. Cross that line and I'll throw you out out faster than you can draw a blade.


> I have a bounty board set up somewhere. If you come to the Inn looking for work, or looking to provide work, check it out sometime. Pin up your job ( as in send Enzo a pm )





If there are questions or anything, just drop me a PM or ask it in the OOC. ( PM preferred ). I thought this RP up in math class and became fond of the idea of having a drop in-drop out RP. No idea how this will go, but i hope it won't die instantly.


If not, water you waiting for? Come in!

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Really neat idea! I have an OC in mind I need to make for this. ;) I hope this doesn't die too.

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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Go on right ahead!


@lonk chase


Your silver might scare off the vampires

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Alright guys I highly recommend role playing with the other OCs most of the time, as my time zone will create awkward gaps between posts.

I have an idea. When you enter the inn, brohoof the original post. When you drop out of the RP, unbrohoof it. It'll help me keep track of all the members in the RP of it gets bigger

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My OC Ginger Lightning is 13 and probably wouldn't fit in that well. but, would My OC fit in if one or both of her parents often came to the inn and she came along because her parents wouldn't leave her at home alone?


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oh sweet god I wish I could draw that no all credit goes to Venomous she is my artist, all credit goes to her amazing skill.

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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um I don't know I just talk to her and we get on topic of art and she has been doing my OC's ever since.

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Sorry for not officially confirming, but you're free to post.




Also, no one's joining the gate of Tartarus RP? Dang

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@, Can I pop in with this OC?




I might use other OCs later on, perhaps...



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@pripyat pony ( sorry, can't tag on mobile )


Yeah, go on ahead. Feel free to start a card game or something within the inn: gambling is allowed.

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https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/melody-strike-r9282 <- oc's page.



melody-strike enters and closes the door while looking around. melody goes over to a empty table and takes a seat, pulling her hood down to cover her face.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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@ melody strike


Hey there! Sorry, but you'll have to make you in character posts in the RP thread. Here is where we have our out of character discussion. The link to the RP thread is in the first post

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oh ok then can you post a link because i am lost XD


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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