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open [RP] The Unknown Resort


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Lightning walked up the frozen mountain wearing a torn jacket. He was carrying his skateboard and had headphones in, listening to metal. 

He saw the resort up ahead. He wondered, a dead-beat orphan like him, invited to a private resort.

He stepped through the doors and was hit by the warmth. He flipped his board on the ground. A well dressed man came out of a door next to him behind a register and looked at him reluctantly,

"Uhh, sir, your room.."

He handed him a gold key 'Room 208, Floor 4', Lightning hopped on his board and pushed off down the maze of halls. He came to elevator and stepped in. The staff that was standing in there crinkled his nose and stepped away from him.

He flicked his board up and walked out into the hallway once they reached the 4th floor. He pushed the key into the lock on the door and twisted it. As he opened it he was shocked.

"What the hell.."

The room was pristine, food lying all over the bench, clean and ready to eat.

"Is this some sick prank?"

He'd never SEEN something this nice before.

He locked the door behind him and walked into the master bedroom.

Clean sheets lay on a perfect white double-bed.

He'd never slept in a bed before.

"Wow.." Was all he could say before he threw his board onto the floor, as well as his old ripped up bag that he found on the beach.. 


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Mist gave a small smile as he stood outside the hotel, "this place is fancy," he said to himself. Mist walked inside and headed up to the counter.


"I'm here for the celebration thing," said Mist happily.

"Certainly sir," said the pony at the counter, "here is your room key,"

Mist grabbed the key, it said Room 209, Floor 4.


Mist to the elavator to his room and looked inside. The room was extremely clean and strangely white. Mist then noticed the table. On it were some snacks including a bottle of wine. Mist picked it up and sighed, "I said no alcohol. Oh well I suppose I can just give it to one of the other guests here.


Mist walked outside his room and walked to room 208, which was the room next to him, and knocked on the door.

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Whilst exploring his new room Lightning heard a knock at his door, he picked his board up out of habit, and walked to the door.

He opened it, seeing a young Bat-Pony standing there. He guessed the pony was around 15/16ish.

"Hey man, what can I do for ya?" Lightning waited, and couldn't help casting his eyes to the ponie's red mohawk.

Edited by Dragsy


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Mist smiled as the pony greeted him at the door, he was glad to see the he had a friendly neighbour. "Well I'm staying in the room next door and the staff set up a snack table in my room. Which included this bottle of wine," said Mist as he held up the wine, "the only problem is I don't drink, lame I know. So I was wondering if you might want it."

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The snow capped mountain was a place of peace and tranquility. Little flakes of white powder drifted lazily from the sky, sliding off the leaves of pine trees and coming to a gentle rest on the snow.


A blue shape emerged from above the cloud layer, breaking a gaping hole in the crowds. It dived towards the Resort.


The wind was gentle today, only lightly swaying the the forest back and fourth. It was a calm and silence that did not wish to be-


"HOOooooOOO....." Diva greeted/screech as she crashed into the snow outside of the resort, her forward momentum  causing her to slide through the double doors and into the resort. Still sliding on the smooth floor, she hopped upwards, doing a twirl in the air and landed sliding, stopping just at the reception counter.


"LA!" She finished, striking a dramatic pose as she finished her entry, blue and yellow feathers floating around her wake.


The clerk was... overwhelmed. Sort of in shock. His face was locked in one of fear and shock. A well dressed stallion approached her cautiously, holding up a key. He cleared his throat.


"Hello, miss... Diva, we have been expecti-"


"OOHHH MY KEY"  she cooed, snatching it away from the stallion before he could finish. "GRACIASS~" she called out from behind her as she half skipped and half flew away, the key 'magically' reappearing in her sling-pouch...thing?


Diva La Vida zipped up the stairs, not wanting to wait for an elevator and burst out of it at the 5th floor and skipped to room 308 ( the room directly above 208: this is important because reasons ). In a fluid motion, almost like a dance, she unlocked the door and spun through it on her hind legs. She spread her wings and did a twirl at the centre of the room, taking in it's luxurious design.


"OOOHHH THIS IS SIMPLY DI- VINE!" She very loudly  proclaimed, jumping up and down the floor and eventually hopping onto the bed, messing up the pristine covers.

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Dust stands outside the hotel.

"well, this looks as fancy as it sounded" She walks through the door and sees the reception.

"Umm, Hi i was invited to come here, my name is Dust Sweeper"


The pony behind the counter looks at her."Certainlly,here's your room key" the pony gives the key to room 309. "Floor 5 miss"


Dust takes the elevator to the 5th floor. "Lets see....room 309..." she tries to open the door and let her key drop. "Darn it"she picks the key up and opens the door. She waks to the middle of her room.

" wow..this is faaancyyyy" she cracks a smile.


"I wonder who the only guests are" she says while lying on the bed.

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Just before Lightning could decline the ponies offer, he heard a very loud voice shouting and banging in the room above him.

He thought to himself, *I swear, if I can't get good sleep because of whoever's up there, I'm gonna get mad.*

He also decided to investigate, skating down the hall past the pony, still holding the whine.

He called the elevator.. "Wanna come along?" He said looking back at the young pony. Pulling his hoodie over his head.


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@, @


"Yeah sure," said Mist happily as he joined the Hooded pony next to the elevator, "got nothing better to do." When the elevator arrived Mist got inside and turned to the stranger, "I'm Mist Twister by the way. And I take it that its a no for my offer of wine? I only ask cause if you say no I can ask the loud pony we're about to meet."

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"Nice to meet you Mist Twister, and yes, you're right, I don't want your wine, but thanks for the offer." 

Lightning pressed the button to call the elevator, and once inside, (I assume Mist would come with me?) pressed the 5th floor, and on arrival, skated down to Room 308, and knocking on the door.


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@, @


Mist got out of the elevator and joined the hooded pony outside Room 308. Even though the pony had already knocked on the door Mist decided to knock again just to be sure the pony inside heard. "Hey I don't believe that I've had the opportunity to get your name," Mist said to the stranger.

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Diva perked her ears at the knocks. 'room service?' She wondered, hopping off the bed. Her movements were slightly more sluggish than before, her fatigue from her direct flight to the resort finally catching up with her.


The word 'slightly' wouldn't hold much water, it might seem.


She suddenly swung the door open and poked out of the door, coming face to face with Lightning.


"HOLA~!" She cawed. "YOU ROOM SERVICE?" Diva sharply turned her head towards Mist twister and back. "YOU'RE NOT ROOM SERVICE, maybe uhhh... VISITORS!"


She clopped her hooves, jumping up and down.


"YES! YOU COME TO VISIT ME! COME ON IN" she declared, stretching a large wing outside of the door and ushering the ponies in.

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@, @,

(OOC: Lol I completely forgot!)

Lightning waited patiently outside the door.

"Lightning, Lightning Storm in full."

As they waited, he asked the pony, 

"So, what are you interest and what do you like to do for fun?"

He felt him and this pony were going to turn out to be friends.

However, before the pony could answer, the door whipped open, and in his face stood a mare,

(OOC: Let me fix this up to adapt to the current situation.)

"Yeah, visitors."

He moved forward into the room, it was identical to his. It already looked pretty roughed up.

"So, I assume you're quite the loud one?" He asked the pony, he would try to learn her name later.

Edited by Dragsy


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@, @


"Yeah we came to talk to you about that," Mist said to the excited mare, "we were wondering if you were gonna be this loud at night. It's just we kinda will need our sleep." Mist smiled and then remembered the wine he was holding, "oh! I also brought some wine. I don't really want it so I was wondering if you might want it." Mist put the bottle on the table and extended his hoof, "I'm Mist Twister by the way."

Edited by Dappers Duck Army
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" *GASP*. WHAT WOULD MAKE YOU THINK THAT!" She asked, almost genuinely confused.




"OH, ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM, DARLING!" Diva said, scooping up the bottle of wine. "I CAN BE QUIET WHEN I WANT TO! OH, AND THANKS FOR THE WINE~" She proclaimed, pouring herself a glass.  She gulped it all down in a swing. She set down the glass and held out a wing to Mist Twister and Lightning each. "OH, MY MANNERS! I'M DIVA, AND WHAT ARE THE NAMES OF YOU GENEROUS PONIES?"


( It's not that i didn't read your post, dapper. Diva wasn't paying attention )

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@, @


Mist smiled, (this Diva sure is energetic,) he thought to him self. "My name's Mist Twister," he said as he extended his hoof. Mist stopped just as he was about to shake her wing. He pulled back his hoof and decided to shake her wing with his instead, "nice to meet you. By the way I like your hair. It's really exotic." Mist said with a smile.

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Lightning didn't bother to answer the mare's question, she most likely wasn't focused, or stopped caring.

"Lightning, Storm."

He stretched out his right wing and shook Diva's.

"It's nice to meet you, were you invited here as well?"

She didn't look like someone who had been living on the streets, hm, maybe he was the only one. Weird.

He noticed Mist not touching her wing.

Was he doing something wrong? He'd never really learnt this stuff... Eh, the mare didn't seem like the one to care much.

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"GRACIAS, DEAR!" She brought her wing to her face like a fan, covering her smile. She flourished her hair, a... Feather? falling out. "NOT LOOKING BAD YOURSELF TOO." She winked.





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"Maybe we could all explore this place together?  Find any other guests and let them join in too."

Lightning looked out the window, soft, silky white soft pattering on the window.

"I sure as hell hope they have skiing around here. That would be amazing, like skating, but on snow!"

Lightning flipped his board up in excitement. 


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Mist gave a big smile, "I wouldn't mind going for a bit of skiing," said Mist happily, "I've never actually been before but I've always wanted to try it."




"and I also wouldn't mind checking the place out. Especially if it means I get to spend more time with you," Mist said to Diva with a flirtatious wink.

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Dust hears sounds through the wall

"Oh, i hear ponies more than one.... Should i say hi? Yeah. Else i am here for nothing."

Dust checks her mane and walks out her room and knocks on the door next to her room.

"Umm, Hi... I am your neighbour. And i guess we should meet." Dust knocks another time. "Maybe they can't hear me"

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Dust hears sounds through the wall

"Oh, i hear ponies more than one.... Should i say hi? Yeah. Else i am here for nothing."

Dust checks her mane and walks out her room and knocks on the door next to her room.

"Umm, Hi... I am your neighbour. And i guess we should meet." Dust knocks another time. "Maybe they can't hear me"

Whilst his two new friends are quite clearly flirting, Lightning's train of thought is broken when he hears a knock on the door, he moves over to it, and opens it quickly, there stands another mare, Lightning steps away from the door, allowing the mare a clear entrance, he turned to his new friends, coughing, making sure they knew what was going on.


(OOC: Currently on phone, grammatical errors will be fixed later.)


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Diva nodded in excitement, clapping her wings together. "AH, EXCELLENTO! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SLIDE IN THE SNOW!"




"Aren't you the charmer, mist~" she cooed, her voice softening a teeny little bit. Enough to make caps lock unnecessary. "Let us see what this place has to-"


The knock on the door interrupted her.


"OH, MORE VISITORS? I DIDN'T EXPECT SO MANY!" She scrunched up her face in thought, putting her wing to her chin, and then gave a dismissive wave. "In fact, I don't remember inviting anypony. BUT WHATEVER, THE MORE THE MERRIER."


She battered towards the newcomer, scooping up the mare and ruffling her mane with her wings. "OH, AREN'T YOU THE CUTEST LITTLE THING~!" She purred.

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@, @, @@FullMetalDash


Mist smiled when he saw the new comer at the door. (This sure is a popular hotel,) Mist thought to himself. Mist walked to the door and gave a friendly wave to the pony, "welcome to the party," said Mist happily, "even though this isn't realy a party. We do have wine though."

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Mentis had been flying for a while to get to this hotel and was still confused why he even got a note well a letter but his life and been droll lately and this was a free opptunity to go to a hotel why not? He landed outside in the snow shivering a little looking up at the building it was rather impressive building, he went inside.


He walked up to the receptionist and showed her the letter. "Oh here is your key Mr. Soliloquy." He was handed a room key for room 302. He left for his room...


(hint hint someone @ me :D)

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@Dapper Duck Army @Enzo @Dragsy


''Hi'' Dust waves in to the room. ''My name is Dust Sweeper. I stay in the room next here and. i heard noices here and thought to say hi'' Dust smiles. 


''Oh and thanks for calling me cute i guess'' She walks inside the room. ''This is a busy room i must say''. She looks at the wine. ''Mhmm, i don't really like wine, but thank you for asking'' 

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