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Return of the X-Men (RP)

Dapper Charmer

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Madness shrugged and said, as he looked for the way down,

"It's time to have fun."

@@Love Doctor Blaze,

After a few minute of searching, he found a way down. He started walking then saw a person there. He smiled and said after he turned into the person and added wounds and a limp,

"What are you doing here, you must leave."


(I'm not against anyone that has a limp, he's supposed to look like he was in a battle and dying.)

Deadpool looked at him with a blank stare "Rp dude, who the fuck is this guy? And why aren't you allowing me to go apeshit?!" Deadpool was suddenly struck by lightning "AW, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN?!" Suddenly more lightni- "I'M SORRY, HOLY SHIT YOU ARE A PHSYCO! Oh wait i have no right to judge..." He looked at his new guest "So who the fuck are you? A wanna be x-man? A lost child? OH I KNOW. YOU ARE MY NEW TRAINING DUMMY!" Shouted Deadpool and drew his katanas

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"Get on the ground, nice and slowly, you are under arrest" came out a commanding voice from a megaphone. Each officer had guns drawn on her, each to worried about pulling the trigger given they had no idea what they were dealing with. To their surprise, she complied, dropping her parasol and laid splayed on the ground. After a few uncomfortable seconds they had moved in, one of them climbing on top of her to get her wrists in handcuffs. 


His uniform froze half way, effectively halting all movement. 


"I...I can't move...." his arm...no...His sleeve began to move against his will, overpowering his muscles. With a series of violent jerks and spasms, the man was helpless as his body was snapped and crunched inside clothes that had been growing more durable and strong by the millisecond, his pained cry abruptly silenced by massive internal damage. The rest of them backed up, guns trained on the gut wrenching sight before them as their partner turned into a dead eyed puppet, red blotches appearing where compound fractures pierced the skin.


The message was sent. they couldn't arrest her, they couldn't even touch her without something like that happening to her. Their only course of action was lethal force. They all opened fire, and she sprang from her prone position, Wielding the mangled corpse of their fellow officer by the ankle as she laughed in sadistic glee, while her Stuffed animal sprang to attention and joined the fray with her. She was going to enjoy every minute of this. 

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@@reader8363, @@Love Doctor Blaze


Mist was unpacking his medical supplies, which was probably unnecessary seeing as how the medlab was pretty much already fully stocked, when he heard a commotion coming from nearby. He went to investigate the noise and saw Deadpool talking with a student, and from the looks of it the talk was not going well. Mist saw Deadpool draw his katanas and ran to intervene before things got gruesome. "What the hell is going on here?" he ask both of them.

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@@reader8363, @@Love Doctor Blaze


Mist was unpacking his medical supplies, which was probably unnecessary seeing as how the medlab was pretty much already fully stocked, when he heard a commotion coming from nearby. He went to investigate the noise and saw Deadpool talking with a student, and from the looks of it the talk was not going well. Mist saw Deadpool draw his katanas and ran to intervene before things got gruesome. "What the hell is going on here?" he ask both of them.

Deadpool pouted "Aww, come on! Why you gotta cockblock me DM?!" His phone lit up with a message "Hold on, cockblocker" He checked the inbox. "Your subscription for 'Free hentai videos' Has ended." Deadpool looks blankly at his phone "What. The. FUCK?! RP DUDE, WHY ARE YOU SO CRUEL?!" Deadpool was suddenly struck by lightn- "OK OK, I GET IT." He looked over at the guy who stopped him "He is my new training dummy, and i was about to test his durability until Mr. Cockbloker stopped me..." He started juggling with his swords "So give me a good reason not to slice him up, and if it's good enough... He'll die anyway"

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@@Love Doctor Blaze, @@reader8363


Mist sighed, "okay you want a reason here's a reason. I've heard that even though you're a loose cannon you've always wanted to join the X-Men. But Logan never let you," Mist said to Deadpool, "I'm reforming the X-Men and I did have a special spot reserved for you. But if you harm this person I might have to give that spot to, I don't know Bullseye perhaps."


(OOC in the comics Deadpool does want to be an Xmen and Bullseye is one of his rivals)

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@@Love Doctor Blaze, @@reader8363


Mist sighed, "okay you want a reason here's a reason. I've heard that even though you're a loose cannon you've always wanted to join the X-Men. But Logan never let you," Mist said to Deadpool, "I'm reforming the X-Men and I did have a special spot reserved for you. But if you harm this person I might have to give that spot to, I don't know Bullseye perhaps."


(OOC in the comics Deadpool does want to be an Xmen and Bullseye is one of his rivals)

OOC: I knew that. I've read a shit ton of Deadpool xD


This broke Deadpool out of his carefree attitude, and because of that one of the katanas landed straight in his face "ARGH, BLOODY SHIT COCK FUCK DICK" Shouted Deadpool as he yanked the sword out "Welp looks like it's that guys lucky day." He sheated his swords, and walked up to the x-man "Soo..." He slung his arm around him "Where do i sogn the papers?" Asked Deadpool

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@@Love Doctor Blaze


Mist smiled, "I'm glad to see you're on board," Mist said happily, "my name's Mist Twister, but seeing as the X-Men always had code names you can call me Gargoyle." Mist smiled to himself. He had to admit to himself, that sounded like a cool name, "now why don't you go get yourself a uniform sorted while I see if this student's alright."




Mist turned to the student Deadpool was harassing, "you okay?" he asked.

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@@Film Reel


Jack just laughed as the mutant threatened him. "It's not nice to threaten people, kid." He replied as calmly as he could. "Now tell me you're sorry and maybe I won't tell the MRD about this place."  Jack smiled as he slowly started to increase the temperature around him, if the kid wanted a fight he would get a fight. 

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Blitz wasn't really expecting Kyubi to do what she had and found it easier to simply follow her. "It's ok. I'm not angry with you." He said, not really sure how to feel about all of this. He certainly wasn't expecting to see another mutant his age "Ummm, my name is Bitz by the way." The teen then realized something. "Most people notice the scales and spikes first. You didn't even mention them when you were basically diagnosing me."

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Kyubi nodded slightly as she opened the door to her room and brought Blitz in with her. "Oh, I did. It's just that I don't really mind them." She said, before pulling out a tape measure. It didn't take long to measure Blitz and the girl gave a slight smile. "Ok. The bathroom is down the hall and to the left. It shouldn't take me long to get your clothes and meal ready. Come to the mediab afterwards for a full check up and meet the others."

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Blitz was surprised by Kyubi's answer to say the least. Almost everyone he had met after his mutation became apparent had treated him like an animal. Now, he was among his own kind and he felt different. "Thank you." He said, before heading towards the bathroom and into the nearest shower. The warm water was rejuvenating to say the least. Only then did Blitz truly realize that his life was changing for the better, and all the crushing emotions he had been bottling up for who knows how long came rushing forwards. Tears rolled down his face as he leaned against the wall. He wasn't a monster. He wasn't a lab rat for the government to use as they see fit. He was a mutant, a human in almost every sense of the word aside from a few strands of DNA. Blitz had sealed off his memories of the lab in that one moment. It would be a process to get his body back to what it was.


The voice in his head gave a low chuckle and seemed almost pleased. Things were looking up, and it wasn't one to complain.

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Kyubi smiled slightly as she watched Blitz leave, before getting to work. It didn't take her long to reheat the meal she had last night, which www basically a salad and generic pasta dish, or find a red, hooded cloak for Blitz. That being said, it took her half an hour to make a sleeveless black shirt with a white trim, and grey pants. Making holes for the spikes was the tricky part, but she managed to pull through. When she was done, the teen simply put the folded clothes on her bed, next to the meal, and headed down to the med lab.

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Blitz didn't know how long he had been in the shower, but he was surprised to see new clothes and food presumably for him on Kyubi's bed. He then gave a slight smile, before drying off the rest of the way and putting on the clothes. They fit him almost perfectly and still allowed room for the spikes on his body and movement. He then noticed the meal and basically devoured the whole thing. After cleaning up after himself, Blitz exited the room and decided to walk around a bit before heading to the medbay. If anything, it would give him a better idea of the building.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Leo chuckled to himself. "I am not theatning you just defending myself against an intruder like the constitution alows. Leo droped the boulders them grabed the air and manipulates the air presure bringing it down while creating a strong wind to counter the tempreture increase and cool the air around the kid. "Kid you play with fire you are gonna get burned." Leo increases the strength of the wind picking the kid up and sending him flying to the treeline hundreds of meters away.


(Ooc would like a good fight but doing this for the sake of advancing the story should be in the med lab right now. plus it builds us a rivalry.)


Back in character


Leo walks back into the mansion and closes the door. He walks down the halos heading for the med lab and notices the news.

"Breaking news an unregistered mutant is tearing up the streets of our nations capital the MRD are mobiliseing as we-

"Damn" leo turns his attention away from the news and starts running for the med lab. After a minute in an elevator Leo arives in the sub basement and runs for the med lab.


@reader8363 @Dapper Charmer @Love Doctor Blaze


Leo bursts in to the med lab. "We got an emergency new muty ripping up down town DC police are no match and the MRD are still gearing up but are not on scene yet. Who is fugly over there? Nevermind if anyone has any plans on reforming the xmen nows the time there is a helicopter in the hanger we can use, full stealth capabilities, fuck face can you fly it? Any one got any motivational speaches nows the time mist looking you here since you just arived and magically found the sub basement which only the xmen and students know how to find. If not the suits and hanger down the hall to the left."

Edited by Film Reel


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"Yeah, you better run." Jack yelled as he slowly got up from where he had landed. When he had gotten up he brushed some dirt of his clothes and started walking towards town. "I'll make that kid pay for that later. But I've got more important things to take care of now." He muttered angrily.


When he arrived at the Town's train station he noticed a large angry looking man with a suitcase. "You're late." The man said with a strong Russian accent while he approached Jack. "I'm sorry, but I had some other business to attend to first." Jack said as politely as he could while he handed the man a bunch of money and took the suitcase in return. The Russian looked a little happier and walked away while Jack opened the suitcase. Inside the suitcase were two large knifes, and while they looked completely normal they were actually made from carbonadium. Jack smiled, those would definitely come in handy.

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Kyubi entered the medlab and overheard what Leo had to say. "Count me in." She said. "I haven't had much to do here in a long time, and I could use a excuse to go out ever since this place fell into ruin." She said. "By the way, we got a new one today. He should be here in a moment or two." The teen would let Blitz reveal his past in his own time.

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It had only been a few minutes, but the street looked like a war zone. Cars were flipped, windows were shattered, concrete was cracked, and the mangled bodies of the dead and dying were strewn about. Wicked walked among them listening to the distant sounds of sirens coming to join their comrades in death. She knew that she probably should leave soon, that while she didn't have to expend to much energy to dispatch these officers she did get carried away. Still, she was having far too much fun for her own good. 


She spotted the news helicopter over head surveying the carnage and waved up at them like she was saying hi to an old friend. The lace from around her waist untied itself and snaked through the air, slithering towards the Helicopter at an alarming speed before grappling the propeller and locking it to a complete standstill. The chopper groaned and the news crew inside wailed as it careened into a tall building, shattering glass as it scraped against the side of the tower, causing a shower of shattered windows to pepper the ground along with the Helicopter that abruptly exploded on impact with the ground. Out of the flame the lace snaked through the air and back around her waist. She watched the plums of smoke billowing out of the vehicles and chopper alike and smiled broadly, throwing the parasol over her head and walking through her handiwork with as much joy as a little girl skipping through a field of flowers. 


Meanwhile, roadblocks were hastily being formed around where the attack had begun, trying to contain whatever mutant freak was killing their men and causing so much damage. This was almost routine at this point, since rampaging bastards with super powers were distressingly common in the city. They hoped they could bide enough time until the task forces specifically trained for mutant threats arrived

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@@Film Reel,

Madness yawned and said as he walked out of the medical and changed into pajamas,

"Count me out. I don't know what exactly I'm good for."

As he passed the kitchen he grabbed an apple and headed to an empty room, He plopped on the bed and looked at the walls, they're white with no decoration at all. 

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Blitz had found his way to the sub levels of the basement and had also been listening in to the main conversation. While his powers weren't completely up to their full strength, he could definetly help in some way. "I'm coming to." He said. "I might as well find a way to repay Kyubi for the clothes and food, and helping you lot seems like a good option."


"You do know that those are the same people who authorized what happened to you, right?" The voice in Blitz's head asked. "Are you really that naïve?"


"Maybe, but there are civilians down there. They don't deserve that." He muttered under his breath. "Behave, and I may actually let you fight." That seemed to make the voice be quiet, but Blitz didn't know how long it would last.

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@@Film Reel, @@Love Doctor Blaze, @@Drago Ryder, @@Acnologia


Mist looked at the student who had just burst into the Medlab. Mist suddenly felt worried. Although he was planning to reform the X-Men there was no way they could fight a real threat with these numbers. Not to mention 0 training. But there were people were in danger. Mist stood up tall, "okay there are only five of us here right now and apart from Deadpool we don't have any formal training, but this person terrorizing the street and only we can stop her. We may face resistance but it is our duty to help. And it is our duty to help because we are X-Men." Mist began heading to the hanger, "now come on. We have people to save."

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Blitz smiled slightly and followed Mist. He couldn't help but stare a little at the helicopter and smirked as an idea came to mind. The mutant would have to wait until they were I the air in order to implement it, but it could possibly help in the long run. "So, how fast can this thing fly?" He asked, as he sat on one of the seats in the midsection of the helicopter.

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Kyubi smiled slightly as she sat next to Blitz. "I would say a few hundred miles per hour." She said. A thought then came to her head and she glanced at Blitz. "So, how do you like the clothes? I tried to account for the spikes as much as I could, and the material is durable."

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Canisters clanked around her as they were launched from barricades and walls of shielded riot control units. They began to spew thick white gas the second they hit concrete. She knew what that gas was, it was tear gas. She could keep it away with some effort, but Wicked had other designs in mind. Reaching into the zipper on the back of her doll she pulled out a spool of thread she had been keeping on her. She launched it with flick of her wrist, and as it began its trajectory the thread rapidly unraveled and spun about, Creating a powerful vacuum. 


The swat team watched in alarm as their tear gas seemed to come alive and rear up, Descending on them with Debris and dead bodies like Some kind of toxic sentient twister. The thread, exerting its charge at half power, sliced through the riot armor, barricades, and flesh alike, While others were impaled with flying glass from windows and smacked with the bodies of fellow comrades. The forces that still remained after she called her spool back to her retreated further up the street, heavy losses weakening their resolve. 


She laughed at them fleeing, raising up into the air slowly with her filthy frilly white dress flaring and swaying as if in a strong wind and her parasol held aloft, servaying her handiwork. She figured it was almost time to move on, but she would see what she could do in the next few minutes. She was getting to excited, and she was getting too frivolous with how much power she used, she didn't want to leave herself in a precarious situation.  

Edited by Buck Testa
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@@Film Reel, @@Love Doctor Blaze,@@Acnologia, @@Drago Ryder,


Mist walked into the helicopter wearing one of the old costumes he found in the hanger that used to belong to Angel. He walked up to the front and faced everybody. The truth was pretty nervous, he had never led anyone before and he didn't wan to start by leading some kids to their death, but needed to remain strong. There was a city to protect and he was the one to protect it. "Okay here's the plan for when we get down there. Me, Deadpool and anyone else who relies on melee will attack first. Everyone else will provide cover from behind. Also we are not to kill this person unless it is absolutley necisary. That goes triple for you Deadpool. Now before we head off i think we should go around and say our powers so will all have a better understanding of this team. I'll go first, my name is Mist Twister but you can call me Gargoyle. I have claws, tough skin and i can fly thanks to these." he said spreading his wings just enough so that everyone could see.

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