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open The lost one.(always open )

Colenso Rivers

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Missklang was walking around the town. Staying on the roof was fun but it was boring. So he went on yet another seek for distraction. Wondering all around Poniville, his attention was attracted by sounds of piano music. The sound was coming from nearby café where somepony was performing his evening repertoire. 

What wonderful music!

Missklang trotted towards the café and approached the piano. However, as he approached more and more, the piano started to sound less and less good, as if someone was detuning it. Not surprisingly the music quickly stopped. The pianist opened the piano and was looking inside to find the source of the problem. Missklang approached and looked inside too.

What's the matter? Why did you stop playing?

The pianist looked at him with a little sign of annoyance.

Clearly the piano detuned. I can't play like that! It's no music! It's pure chaos and dissonance! It's breaking my ears! 

As you say.

He sat at a nearby table watching the pianist trying to fix the tuning. He could hear stuffed mumblings about why it wasn't tuning back and surprised exclamations from finding out that most cords were tuned perfectly.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Nerd stuff? Well, ah can live with nerd stuff. Nerds tend to be smart after all, and there ain't no shame in bein' smart. Ah ain't done too much readin' lately, and ah really should. So, have y'all published anythin?" Redwood asked. "Because ah'd be willin' to read it. 

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He gave a smile and rubbed the back of his neck before the piano music became disjointed and out of tune, from which he cringed and looked oer through the window to see the same pony he had seen before. The prankster and the pianist checking out their piano. He took in a deep breath before forcing his anger down and responding in a civilized manner, "Not quite, I haven't edited it or refined them yet." He chuckled before adding, "To be honest, I don't read at all either."

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@@Colenso Rivers, @@Missklang,


Out of the corner of her eye, Redwood noticed Missklang fussing with the piano.


'Oh hell,' she thought to herself.


She then noticed Echo taking a deep breath, as if he were trying to calm himself.


'Oh no, not again.'


Redwood paused for a minute to eat a few of her fries before resuming talking. "Well, ah guess we're on th' same page then."

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@@crispy fries @@Colenso Rivers


It was extremely funny to watch the pianist try desperately to fix the piano who, according to Missklang was playing even better now. So, as he clearly couldn't get the pianist to play, he decided to take things in his own hooves.

This piano plays perfectly! Just let me show you!

Before the pianist could object, Missklang was already sitting in front of the piano. After a quick stretch, he started pressing on the piano tiles. 


(OOC: As text can not transcript music, here is what sorts of souds were created: )


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@@Missklang, @@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood noticed that piano was going crazy, and she wasn't about to let this prankster ruin their evening.


"Y'all hold on jus a second," she said to Echo. "Ah'll ask th' piano guy to play somethin' nice."


Redwood got up and walked over to Missklang.


"Now, ah'm sure y'all remember me," she said with thinly veiled anger. "Look, ah'm tryin' to have a nice evenin', and y'all ain't gonna mess that like with lunch." Redwood then put a bit on the piano. "Play somethin' nice," she said, giving Missklang a threatening look.


Redwood walked back to the table and sat back down. "Now, where were we?" she asked.


(I gotta go for just a little bit. Be back soon)

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Oh dear he thought as she returned. Hoping she wasn't angry, even though he knew she was. He took a drink of water nervously and answered lightly, "Uh, nooooo..... Nothing to serious, and I really don't mind the music, not at all." Trying to fix a situation already resolved.

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@crispy fries @Colenso Rivers

Play something nice.... Heh

He smiled with a bit of sad tone in his voice.

I would like too... Well, I guess they earned their right to hear something other than that...

He stood up and walked away. As he ventured further and further from the cafe, the piano suddenly became tuned again. The pianist was a bit surprised but decided not to bother and sit and continue his usual routine playlist...

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@@Colenso Rivers,


A smile came to Redwood's face, and she felt a wave of relief as the music returned to normal. Crisis averted.


"See?" she said, still smiling. "Ah told you ah'd get him to play somethin' nice."


At this point, Redwood was almost done with her food, which she had quite enjoyed.

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He had finished his food, punctuating it with a satisfying finish to his glass of water. From which he pulled out about twenty six bits and placed them on the table in between them and asked, "Now, I guess I should ask, what did you do that day." He knew he was putting her on the spotlight, but he felt like he needed to know.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood ate the last of her fries and put her share of the bill on the table.


"Ah guess ah shouldn't be surprised y'all wanna know what ah was doin'. Well, if yer real curious, ah was pit fightin'. Illegal, of course. It's a real popular sport to bet on, and if you can make it fightin', there's good money in it. That's why ah had those bruises."

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He reached over and placed his hoof his hoof atop hers and gave her his most caring expression before saying, "I wasn't curious... I was worried." He pulled his hoof back and looked aside, adding, "You've given me something I haven't had since I was a foal.... Hope, and friendship..."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood looked down for a moment.


"Well, y'all ain't gotta worry about me none," she said as she looked back up. "Echo, ah'm glad y'all feel that way, and to be honest, ah'm gettin' th' same feelin'."


Redwood paused before saying with a chuckle, "So does this count as a date?"

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His eyes became serious, and he had to do some deep decision making. He scooted his chair back and stood before turning back at her and looking back, saying, "I have something to show you." And now it was her decision to make. He didn't know what this was, to be honest with himself, but he felt that if he didn't go all in, he would surely never get the chance again...

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood was intrigued by what Echo was about to show her. Was this genuine, or was he just avoiding a question that Redwood was joking around a bit with? Although, Redwood wouldn't particularly object if Echo said yes.


"Well, whaddaya got to show me?" she asked.

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He steadily walked towards the outside of ponyville. It was getting dark, and chilly, and the moment he noticed his breath becoming a mist, he pulled off his jacket and placed it over her, but didn't make contact otherwise. His demeanor, thoughtful. When they reached the bridge past the Carousel Boutique, he stepped towards the pinnicle of it and looked over, down into the stream, reflecting the glow of the rising moon. Then He began to sing, not only to her, but to himself.


The song while not original, was sung well, and while not as angry as regularly sung, it still rung true to his heart.



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@@Colenso Rivers,


Echo's sudden singing took Redwood by surprise. The song was mournful and sad, but it seemed to be coming from Echo's heart and soul. Redwood wasn't entirely sure how to feel, but she could tell this was an important moment for Echo.


"C'mere," said Redwood as she wiped her eyes and embraced Echo. "Ah guess that's a yes."

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As it was getting darker, his eyes started to glow a faint red as he started heading towards the forest. That was the only place he could rest without being disturbed. He walked down the main road, then past Fluttershy's cottage. He built an improvised tree house some time ago, and surprisingly it survived. It was a good place as ponies were too afraid to go there to accidently bother his stuff. As it wasn't late again, he decided to go on a small detour. He arrived at a small opening, filled with bright blue poison joke flowers. His favorites. And his main free source of food. Luckily for him they have almost no effect on him, rarely changing his appearance and mane color for few hours and on extremely rare occasions changing his gender. He stood there, listening to the calm sounds of the evening woods. 

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[member=@crispy fries}

"No, its me being honest with you." He looked into the water for answers, hoping that one could tell him why he felt the way he did, and why Redwood appeared to feel positively towards him, but more importantly why everything anypony did as so twisted by his mind that nothing they did matched how he seen it. "He let his foreleg rest over as she embraced him after a chill ran through him and intense warmth filled his face. as he rested his head against his new friend, he whispered, "Its something...." How did he feel.... About her, well she was a friend, but friends, true friends were rare. So he guess he cared about her enough to do what he needed to do to make sure she was well.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Yeah, sure is somethin'. Ah didn't know y'all could sing like that, but ah'm glad ah do now. Now, it's gettin' pretty late and it's cold out. How about ah walk y'all home?" said Redwood.


She was definitely glad to have met Echo, even if it was just as a friend. Her life hadn't had too much good in it for a while, but now she had Echo.

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Suddenly becoming taken with his more whimsical demeanor, he brought a hoof to his chin and looked to the sky, countering, "Well, if you walk me home then you'll be spending the night with my jacket..... Unacceptable, I must walk you home miss, my jacket isn't quite comfortable being left alone with strangers." He looked to her as he stepped down back onto all fours and asked properly, "Madame Redwood, Please allow me the privilege of walking you home."


(Gotsta go, cya!)

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood chuckled again. "Sure thing, y'all can walk me home. Here's yer jacket, Ah'll live without it," she said, handing it back.


All things considered, the evening had been a successful one. Redwood was happy, and she was sure Echo was too. Things were turning around for her.

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He couldn't contain his smile. He didn't sing to her to impress her, but to show her who he was. And she liked what she had seen. He took his jacket as he walked her back home, and while his eyes had shifter towards the ground as they tend to do, he was clearly happy. As they walked, he asked, "Redwood?"

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"What's on yer mind?" replied Redwood.


After Echo had unexpectedly put himself out there with his song, Redwood had no idea what would come from him now. Though whatever it would be, she knew it would be something important. She could tell he was smiling, so it had to be good.

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"Oh, really? Interesting, huh? Define interesting, because I've met quite a number of interesting ponies over the years. I don't live with anypony. The most I do is stay over a few of my friend's here every so often. I have three, perhaps four, very good friends. Two of them live here in Ponyville. One of them used to work in the harsh climates of the Frozen North and the other goes on expeditions to chart out maps of caves, dungeons, ruins, you name it. To add to that, he is blind. The third one resides in Canterlot, working for the Lunar Guard,  is a thestral." Virtus told the mare and turned around.


"Well, the offer still stands, come along if you want. I will be going to the marketplace." Virtus turned his head slightly and gave Luna a side glance as he started walking.

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