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Crimson Requiem


To everyone involved, make sure to Follow both this thread and the OOC thread in order to keep in touch. Don't let this roleplay die!


Link to OOC Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/147570-crimson-requiem-fantasy-rp-player-entries-closed-ic-coming-soon/




You all have signed up for this moment. You all have had your fair share of evils, monsters, and misfortunes. You all have waited for the chance to rise up and fight back. Now is your chance.


You all arrive at the MEO Training Facility. There are 20 of you. All with different personalities, fighting styles, looks, and potentials. You all gather in the courtyard, after passing my a heavily-guarded metal gateway. It almost feels prison-like, but you know that you're not being punished. You chose this fate. You will carry the responsibility that you created for yourself.


The courtyard appears to be a concrete pad with an Arena in the center. Everything outwards is lush, green grass, and then beyond that are the intimidating militarized barriers that protect the facility. In the distance you can see several buildings, and a beautiful stone castle behind it all. You have arrived at the center of Merlin's Capital City, Arianburg.


On the other side of the arena, there is a two-level stand. The bottom level is occupied by a man dressed in White and Gold, General Wulfric. Next to him are two officials. The man to the left looks awfully buff and hairy, and has a dark brown trench coat and short, white hair. The woman to the right is properly dressed, but you can clearly see the sword on her back.


On the top level resides the Throne, with the King of Merlin sitting in it, looking down upon you all. King Molech must have been here to watch the initiation process. It was truly an honor to meet the king at such a standard event like this. Behind him was a Butler, properly dressed in black.


It will be about 10 minutes before the Initiation begins, so you all have the freedom to speak with each other until the General is ready.


roleplay begin ~

gonna take you out

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The pale skinned boy stepped across the threshold between a world he had spent all his days figuring out, into a brand new place, filled with limitless potential. A place, if he became great, where he could end the imbalance of power. Shatter expectations, lend no mind to walls, lend mind to empty space. He stepped into the throng of people after 20 days of walking. If one focused their minds, and controlled every facet of their physical selves, they could do anything. Although he was a tad thirsty, hmm. Water, flow, Samsara... Together it flows. He paid no mind to any space between him and the other potentials. His top half remained bare, excluding his sashes, even seeming clean. He smelt of nothing but the air, and no emotions were betrayed by his almost empty gaze at the potential whom stood ahead of him. The king was human, as much potential as the others around him. Samsara folded behind his calves, Mausoleum folded on his forearms, his machine components on his back, and in his eyes were clear. The bandages on his feet, only a thin barrier to keep his skin from peeling back. Skin was expensive. His jeans, torn ragged and black. He liked jeans, they were comfy. He waited patiently, keeping his mind outside of himself, making sure he knew what went on, when it went on. Together it flows, even chaos has a place in the universe.

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Estiel walked through the crowd, people parting as he did. Though unarmed, he still appeared threatening, likely owing to his tall and lanky stature to that. It appeared... unnatural. Estiel was thankful for this however, he never did well in crowds. Too many faces, too much noise, too much information to process, though Estiel had never seen, let alone been in a crowd as large as this one. He'd never been to the capital, and he wanted to leave. There were so many sights, sounds, and smells. Too many. 'No,' Estiel thought. 'I can't break down here, not with this many people watching, not with the initiation coming up...' Estiel soldiered on, making his way ever forward towards the king, knowing that the crowd would only get more compact the closer he got.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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The overall aura of the place, the feelings of the crowd around him, equal parts anxiety and anticipation. He understood, there were the go getters whom sought to kick ass and take names, and others whom were intimidated by something or other. Maybe the king, maybe the crowd, maybe they were worried that they weren't good enough. One tall, lanky potential passed by him and wreaked of anxiety. Poor potential.

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(Quick note: I'll seperate Etherius and Mepherit in colours while talking)


Etherius and Mepherit stood beside eachother whilst waiting on the initiation, Mepherit looked around uncomfortably due to various reasons but mostly because of protecting Etherius ''I just hope your father doesn't see this..." she said to Etherius with an obvious nervous voice "But today he has guests over, you know that already" Etherius said trying to comfort her "But... You know how fast words spread!" she said mad at his unworried behaviour "Calm down Mepherit. Save your anger for later" Mepherit just stared at Etherius for a minute before turning away from him to look at the other contestants "I'm only doing this to protect you... Idiot" she whispered silently before straightening herself and waiting in a half-relaxed half-tense standing position. Etherius on the other side stood there unconsciously emitted a watching presence as his senses other than sight were heavily enhanced due to his blindfold.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Going on and on. His droning mechanisms like a bad case of tinnitus. He could've just stared at the backs of these two. They were connected somehow, he could feel a bond, the aura of one between them. There were plenty of strangers here, but they were not that. Especially after they started speaking, albeit quiet. When a person spoke to another, one they didn't know, facing each other was almost mandatory. Unless one was daft. Neither seemed that way. Not even facing each other. However, he wondered if they could feel him staring at them, like most could with regular people. However, his synthetic eyes might be a tad different. Perhaps while he observed them, he could test this out as well. He wasn't staring at them on purpose, he just had no reason to move, or look anywhere but forward. This was all coincidence. He stood dead still, unblinking. Interesting.

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Positioned comfortably towards one side of the crowd, a pair stood, silently gazing over their surrounding. The differences between them made them look almost grotesque: a lumbering, square-shouldered giant towering over a lanky, wiry female absently fanning out the cards she held in one hand. Every time, with a single flick of her wrist, she produced a perfectly-spaced arrangement, then easily collapsed it with a second move. "Lookie here," she said with a dry chuckle, pointing her chin towards the stands filled with high-standing officials and bringing the cards she held in hand to eye level. "A king, a queen, a knight and... ugh, two valets. So much for a straight talking to. But at least these are all courts, so we may feel valued," she added, peeling her eyes from the cards and up towards her companion's face, then jabbed a playful elbow into his hips more than ribs, as the second option would require her to jump up. "It's fitting, too, since we're in a courtyard, eh?" she barked a single laugh of entertainment, echoed soon after by a flat, almost emotionless "hahaha" in a deep voice of the huge man.


For a while neither of them said anything, again letting their eyes rove over the colorful assortment of other candidates who arrived here alongside them for whatever reasons they might have. The statuesque man hardly moved his head, instead only letting his eyes move slowly, but somehow, they always returned to the people at the stands. Glancing at him, the woman's face softened and she said soothingly, "Aw, don't be so nervous, big guy. Them's the ones who should be nervous that you don't step on 'em!"


"Don't know this place," the giant rumbled in response, still unmoving, uttering his word slowly and with great care, as though it required a lot of effort from him.


"I know," she muttered agreeably, casting a distrustful look at the other recruits. "I don't like it much either, but it's gotta be better than our last place. And I'm sure we will fit in... or make them fit in with us, ha," the laugh was mirthless, but determined.


The big man just stood there, saying nothing.

BlackRoseRaven's Ninety Nine Worlds' Saga: Norse mythology, adventure, humor and drama. Top-notch writing -- and lots of it!

Also, check out my RP, promising adventure, skirmishes, and discovering age-old secrets in Equestria gone dark and dreary.

(OOC & joining / database / RP itself)


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Out of all 20, each and every one of you are seemingly different.


There's a middle-aged man covered in white armor, with light brown hair. A redheaded, scruffy man with an unusual-looking ring. A blue-haired woman in an elegant dress. A tall, muscular dude who looks very cocky about this. A black-haired warrioress. Two twins, one with white hair and clothing and one with black hair and clothing. A man dressed in purple, with a sweet-looking hat and a guitar on his back. A cloaked man whom looks like he's possibly carrying a variety of weapons with him. A hairy man who looks like he could take a shower, even worse when he has no shirt on and only wearing a pair of black jeans. A middle-aged woman with two strange-looking curved swords. A well-dressed woman who looks like she spent her husband's money on everything she's currently wearing, also wearing some sort of metallic backpack. There is even a woman who looks as if she likes to meditate all day long. This is one diverse crowd if you ever saw one.

"Ahem! Greetings, everyone, and welcome to the MEO Training Facility! You all may know me as General Wulfric. I am the one running this place. Beside me are Lieutenant Ares and Lieutenant Athena, they will be your 'coaches' as I'd like to call them. We also have King Molech here as a special guest to witness the Initiation Event," General Wulfric said.


"All twenty of you have signed up for this. In order to be a part of MEO, you must spend an entire year training at this facility in order to practice your abilities and become stronger. Only then will you obtain the power necessary to kill Monsters and fight crime," Lieutenant Ares explained.


"We will make sure that everything runs smoothly, and that you all will have an enjoyable experience over these next twelve months," Lieutenant Athena said.


"Now, we shall begin the Initiation Event," said the General. "In order to test your power and record just how much training you all will need, you will each fight a moderately-powerful Monster as a test. We will call you each down individually, you will step into the Arena, and we will unleash a Monster that we captured in the wild. After we're done, we will randomly assign you to one of two teams, and send you to your dormitories so you can get used to the place."


Lieutenant Athena shuffles through a deck of postcards. "Estiel, please step into the arena."

gonna take you out

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As the General spoke, he released his focus of the two standing in front of him and listened. Who were these people, the only on he recognized was the king, and that's because he really didn't have a choice in the matter. Wulfric, Ares, Athena..... Meh, he would probably forget all of their names. As for training, he had no qualms with that.  Wasn't it the goal of all creatures to be the best version of themselves they could be? And Athena, how sweet, making them feel comfortable. A nice flair. He didn't like the sound of killing a monster for no good reason, but he guessed they had no other methods of acquiring knowledge on the skill level of each.

And then a name he didn't recognize. But he wouldn't waste his time trying to figure out whom it was, he would know when they stepped into the arena. Instead he picked one person out of the crowd to converse with. He would have like to have been able to say he chose the person randomly, but he knew he chose them because he felt they were the most solid bet for not being judged. He might have been a strong mind, and mechanical body, but he was still only human. He approached the armored warrioress, instead of the blue haired woman. He had a weakness for elegance, but he knew it wasn't realistic for her to humor him, looking the way he did. He commented peacefully, "That was quite nice, don't you think?"

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'Thank the gods...' Estiel thought, wanting out of the crowd ASAP. He started moving through the crowd at a much faster pace. Upon reaching the arena, Estiel looked around the crowd, there were still so many people and so much noise, but at least he had room to breathe now. He looked towards the king and the lieutenants and bowed. His face was invisible to all, covered with the shadow from his hood.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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"Release the monster!" the General commanded.


The trap door in the center of the arena opened up. When it closed, Estiel received a good glimpse of his foe. A menacing-looking Boar stared back at him. It had very monster-like traits, including the trademarked Glowing White eyeballs. Many recordings tell of how Monstrous Boars are manifestations of humans whom has succumbed to excessive gluttony. This was definitely one of the more premature ones, considering how small it is compared to a completely insidious one.


Your fight has begun.


Parvus Aper

HP: 4/4

STR: 1

DEX: 0

ACR: 1

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"I'm sorry..." Estiel muttered, remarking upon the fact that the creature was once human. Upon saying this, he lifted his arms up. He then slammed his left foot forward and swung his arms downward until they pointed at the boar. From under his robes two sai emerged, flying towards the boar at breakneck speed, a chain trailing behind each of them, apparently attached to or wrapped around Estiel's arms.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Etherius stood there with the feeling of being watched as if through a mirror before the general spoke in which the feeling vanished. He stood quietly and Mepherit who seemingly didn't notice someone watching them and was so tense she almost got scared by the general's voice immediately turned around to face him. After the name was said Mepherit turned her head to the person to know how they looked. Etherius however didn't move his head until they released the monster at which point he was looking at the person in question as he fought.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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The warrioress wasn't speaking to him. Well fine. Umm, socialize... Socialize.. Socialize. Then his eyes caught two things, the one in the arena, whom was the nervous one that entered the crowd earlier, and then the group of two he had been observing earlier. He heard an error sound off as for his systems hated it when both his eyes went different directions. He shook it off and approached the two. He just wanted to talk to somebody, twenty days had been far too long and the warrioress wasn't very engaging. He stepped beside the two, next to the one on the left, making the row of two, to three. He looked at the two of them, asking pleasantly, "So, how are you feeling about fighting today?"

Edited by Colenso Rivers
  • Brohoof 1
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"I'm sorry..." Estiel muttered, remarking upon the fact that the creature was once human. Upon saying this, he lifted his arms up. He then slammed his left foot forward and swung his arms downward until they pointed at the boar. From under his robes two sai emerged, flying towards the boar at breakneck speed, a chain trailing behind each of them, apparently attached to or wrapped around Estiel's arms.


The attack manages to connect almost perfectly. The sai manage to pierce through the Aper's "armor" as it lets out a grunt of anger.


2 Damage


Parvus Aper

HP: 2/4


The boar, now furious, begins to charge towards you at stunning speeds. It rams you in the stomach fairly hard, but ultimately only gave you nothing but a large bruise.


1 Damage



HP: 5/6

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Estiel grunted, but used the attack to his advantage. He grabbed the boar and stabbed one of his sai into the boar and wrapped it around its neck, attempting to choke the life out of the creature. For good measure, he stabbed his other sai into the middle of the boar's head.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Estiel grunted, but used the attack to his advantage. He grabbed the boar and stabbed one of his sai into the boar and wrapped it around its neck, attempting to choke the life out of the creature. For good measure, he stabbed his other sai into the middle of the boar's head.


It definitely did the trick. You can hear the monster's neck snap as you tug on the chain. Before your eyes, you see the Aper glow black, and then it explodes into a cloud of dark lights. They fade after a second.


2 damage


Parvus Aper

HP: 0/4


Estiel received 1 EXP.


The General and his lieutenants begin to clap, but not too loudly. They, too, know the dark secrets of monsters.


"Well done, Estiel. Your skills appear to be quite... interesting. I'm sure you'll fit in quite nicely here." the General said.


"You may exit the arena. Next up: Tara Droggn." Lieutenant Athena said.



Edited by Redeye

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With a stoic expression, Estiel looked towards the general with a piercing gaze, the eyes of a man who wasn't all there staring into Wulfric's soul, as though it would pry from him both his darkest secrets and most treasured memories before bowing. After a moment, he rose and walked towards the exit, knowing he would need time to meditate to avoid further falling into the dark abyss of his mind that reveled in bloodshed.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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The cards spread in Tara's one hand snapped loudly into her other hand, collapsing and seemingly disappearing as her attention, heretofore loosely focused around the brief fight starring one of the other recruits, was sharply drawn towards the speaker. She moved half a step towards the central arena, then halted after feeling more than seeing her large friend following her. Turning towards him (which required much more of an upwards head movement than it did turning around), she chastised gently, "They only called one name, Alex, didn'tcha listen?"


No answer came, as the man's gaze clouded and lost focus, visibly straining his memory to recall the utterance. Shortly thereafter, he replied, "Must be mistake. We always do together." He looked determined, his brows closely knit together.


"Not this time," Tara replied, shaking her head and thinking rapidly how to explain the concept of a trial to him. "It's a solo performance, like, uh..." her eyes suddenly lit up, "like a chess game! Relax, we've faced more dangerous beasts than that in our sleep!" she added cheerfully, clapping him on the wrist as she turned away and strode briskly towards the arena, knowing that the delay won't be appreciated... but she could care less. Instead what gnawed on her mind was how to explain to Alex what he'll have to do when his turn comes. Outwardly, however, she kept a cocky grin plastered to her face.


"My dreams scary too," she faintly heard a rumbling voice mumble behind her. "Ok, be safe," this came in a louder voice and made a little warmth light up her eyes for a moment.


Stopping at the center, she made a theatrical bow towards the podium, flashing her empty hands outwards. When she straightened back up, there was a knife in each of her hands, around a feet long each, handle and all. One of these, held in her left hand, was slightly curved, while the other had a short row of saw-like teeth near its handle. Though she decided to show some respect and skip vocalizing the thought, her smile and stance were clearly saying, 'Bring it on!'.

BlackRoseRaven's Ninety Nine Worlds' Saga: Norse mythology, adventure, humor and drama. Top-notch writing -- and lots of it!

Also, check out my RP, promising adventure, skirmishes, and discovering age-old secrets in Equestria gone dark and dreary.

(OOC & joining / database / RP itself)


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"Huh," Calandra commented to herself in a low voice as the boar exploded into darkness. "Something simple like that? This'll be easy. If this is their definition of 'medium-class', I'll pass training no problem." With a soft grin, she quietly twisted a knob on the side of her armor, letting some of the hot air that was building up inside vent out, warming the cool autumn air to something only a little more comfortable for her; but perhaps somewhat better to those around her. She walked up to the front of the area they were waiting in to watch the next fight take place- but she was surprised to see a very large man being... consoled, almost, by the next participant. As the girl who was called- Tara, she thought- entered the arena, Caladra brushed her smoldering hair over her shoulder and walked over to the man.




She looked over the man. He reminded her of a friend of hers once at the village- between the pockmarked and lopsided face and the small eyes, he looked like a fool, and she wouldn't be surprised if he was here because of his Potential supplementing his physical strength as opposed to being here just for his Potential. But hey, if experience was anything to go by, even the biggest moron was wise and smart in some regard. She stood next to him for a moment, looking over at Tara being all but prepared to fight. With a small but fiery smile, she looked over to the large man and said to him, "Heya, big guy. Howya doing?" She turned her gaze back towards the arena. "Hope your friend does well. If the last one was indicative of anything, I think she'll be okay in there."

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For the longest time, no response came from the mountain of a man, and as he never let his eyes wander away from the young woman awaiting her trial to begin in the arena, it could have been taken for ignoring the speaker equally to the heat she emitted. After a span of time in which any other man would have been able to come up with a carefully-phrased, flowery speech, there came a sound somewhere between a grunt and a snort from the man's throat, after we which he rumbled, "Tara strong," nodding his head ever so slightly and actually turning his head to look at the much shorter girl, but saying nothing more.


(Ba dum tsss)

  • Brohoof 1

BlackRoseRaven's Ninety Nine Worlds' Saga: Norse mythology, adventure, humor and drama. Top-notch writing -- and lots of it!

Also, check out my RP, promising adventure, skirmishes, and discovering age-old secrets in Equestria gone dark and dreary.

(OOC & joining / database / RP itself)


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The silence irritated Calandra as she slowly started heating up. She hated being ignored- most offenders were given a friendly 'reminder' that she was present- but she decided to go against her better judgement here. Besides, maybe he was hard of hearing or something, and she didn't like picking on people with disabilities that they had no control over. Watching the arena, she was quite surprised when the man spoke a mere two words after the long silence. Perhaps he's a strong, silent type- or he was trying to come up with something to say in the first place. No matter the answer, at least she got a response, and started to cool down quite quickly. "I'm sure she is," Calandra responded. "You seem to be good friends with her." She paused for a moment, looking at the others. "She doesn't seem as dark and edgy as the others around here." Calandra shrugged, trying to find something to ask about. Going through a mental checklist, she realized that she didn't know his name. After a bit of a sigh, she turned back to him. "So, what's your name? Unless you want me to call you Big Guy for all eternity. Hey, it'll work."

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While Calandra spoke, her interlocutor stared at her with all the non-understanding fascination of a deer caught in the headlights. His face remained as it was since first becoming visible to her - not quite emotionless, but somehow... empty, as though its wearer was only partly conscious. Having heard the word, he began repeating 'edgy' in a loud whisper that turned to muttering as he moved to look towards the arena once more. The motion was slow, but deliberate, and there was no sign that it should be considered temporary. But the woman didn't give up... and the last question elicited an immediate answer, delivered in a clearer voice than may have yet been heard from the behemoth. "Alexandr Kazimirovich Sparrow, at you ser-" all of a sudden, he froze at the end of the syllable and slumped a little, gripping the temple of his nose with two fingers, a pained expression crossing his face. A few breaths later, however, he let his hand fall away, as though its only defense against gravity was its attachment to his face. Turning again towards the female, he furrowed his brow, visibly straining his memory. "Ser..." he began again, clearly unsure of what he was supposed to say, then the brows returned to their usual positions as he articulated carefully, "cer-tee-ly, Tara good friend. I'm Alex. You?" the fully-operational corner of his mouth rose in a semblance of a smile, although the expression didn't reach his eyes, which still appeared rather absent.

BlackRoseRaven's Ninety Nine Worlds' Saga: Norse mythology, adventure, humor and drama. Top-notch writing -- and lots of it!

Also, check out my RP, promising adventure, skirmishes, and discovering age-old secrets in Equestria gone dark and dreary.

(OOC & joining / database / RP itself)


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@@Colenso Rivers


Etherius didn't turn to face the person the whole way due to watching the fight but spoke beside him "I have no worries. The worst thing is if I die. Not like it isn't different to a normal day" even though his girly sounding voice sounded happy and unworried deep down in his voice you could detect worry and coldness as if he didn't want to talk to this person, as if he remembered a gaze when the person first came up to them that he felt before as well.

Meanwhile Mepherit wasn't prepared to see a person sneak up on her... Or rather just walk up to her and she rapidly thought 'He must be a master ninja... Or really good at hiding, maybe an assassin... Wait thats bad, isn't it?' Her face looks as if she deep in thought before saying anything "I... Don't know" she answered the question with and Etherius just sighed and said "Didn't you go around and shout you wanted to slay all the monsters in the morning...? I think this may be a step to that goal" Mepherit looked at him as her cheeks began to turn red "I-I did not!" Etherius shrugged "You do realize you talk in your sleep" as he said that her cheeks were fully red and her face had turned a bit red as well, she tried shouting at him but only air would come out of her throat "This is why you should have listened to your instructor you know" Mepherit then dropped her head as if defeated by his words as she uttered a few quiet words "Its not my fault he reeked of alcohol..."

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Calamadra was about to smile and respond, confident that she had pierced his little barrier that he had put up- when he suddenly stopped and paused before changing his voice back. Well, alright then, she commented to herself. Something's wrong here, but I won't be that gal and ask this guy what his issue is. Whatever it is, it's creepy. I think I'll end this conversation quickly. Maybe something as a distraction-


"Alex, huh? My name's Calamadra- you can call me Calah, if ya want." She paused for a few moments, before hearing a trio of voices from behind her. Glancing behind her, she looked back at him. "Well, I'm gonna go see what's goin' on over here. Nice meeting ya, Alex. Hope you see ya around soon." She nodded and smiled back at him before turning around.


@@rolle, @@Colenso Rivers,


She heard the two bickering with each other and she paused for a split second, listening into the conversation, before approaching, her iron armor clanking loudly against the concrete floor. "Well, you all look like you came out of some deep dark pit in the ground. Black armor, spooky masks, a blindfold, a bare, tattoo covered chest... I bet the three of you looooove working with knives and you all have a dark and troubled past of some sort. Just like almost everyone else here." She chuckled a bit to herself, reopening the vent on the back of her armor and causing the air to heat up around her. "Well, it won't hurt to try, at least. Name's Calamadra- Calah, if ya want. How are you all doin'?"

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