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@@crispy fries


Hooligan snapped himself out of his daze and stood up. "Right sorry," said apologetically, "I guess I got just a little caught up in the moment." Hooligan had calmed himself down but he was still a little nervous. "So what do we need to talk about to make this plan?" asked Hooligan.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Th' first step is figurin out who to tell first and when. Even if we just don't tell anypony, th' fact that ah'm pregnant is eventually gonna show. Now, Doc's an obvious candidate, but we might wanna consider tellin' either Shadow or Nightmare Moon, seein' that they run th' place."

Edited by crispy fries
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Mercury hummed to herself as she walked. She hadn't seen the others for a while. How many unusual misfits were in the prison, anyway?


Mercury had never had much of a social life. Despite the circumstances, she actually rather liked it. Perhaps she'd get one once she escaped.


That just left one question: Could one steal a social life? She chuckled as she pondered it, following the faintest thread of a voice in the distance.


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@@crispy fries


Hooligan thought about it for a moment. "I think we need to tell Doc as soon as we can. After all he's the one who's probably gonna be help you in 9 months time," said Hooligan, "and your right about either telling Nightmare or Shadow. But I personally would tell Nightmare. She might be more sympathetic since she's a girl."

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Kurren$y grunted through the pain, let some weight off of his injured leg, and changed to a southpaw stance. This looked like a losing battle but as long as there was a breath in his body, Kurren$y wouldn't bow. He never liked the idea of living on his knees.


Kurren$y then threw two non-telegraphed left jabs and followed up with a low right uppercut.

Edited by SugarfootWillie
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@@Dapper Charmer,


"We probably should tell both Doc and Nightmare. Y'all have a good point about tellin' Doc first, but that might get me some heat from him. Ah'd say we go to Nightmare first and do our best to make sure we don't get too much trouble. Like ah said, it'll eventually be obvious that ah'm pregnant, so it ain't somethin' that can be hidden."

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@@crispy fries


Hooligan thought on the situation for a moment. Red was right in saying that Doc might give them some heat. But he was sure he could get him to keep it quiet. "Even if he does give us some trouble I'm sure we should tell Doc first," he said to her, "or if you wanted to I could tell Doc while you go tell Nightmare."

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@@Dapper Charmer


"No, ah can't have y'all tellin' anypony. Ah'm a guard after all, so things will probably seem better if they came from me. Although, that brings us to our second problem: it's inevitably gonna come up that yer th' father, and ah'm just not sure how to put it. Ah was thinkin' maybe lyin' and sayin' that gettin' intimate was yer motivation fer behavin' durin' th' princess inspection."

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@@crispy fries


"I still think that if you give me a chance I can get Doc to be understanding. He may be tough but HD has a good heart," said Hooligan calmly to Red, "but it's up to you. And I don't think saying I black mailed you is gonna be enough to not get you in trouble. That's why if it comes down to it you should tell them that," Hooligan sighed, "you didn't consent."

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Shadow said as he took a step back to avoid the punches and the tentacle applied more pressure,

"This is your punishment, I had that one done to you since you broke your leg and it would be bad if I broke it."

He placed a claw under his jaw and said, 
"What, you're not going to talk at all?"

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"No, ah care about y'all too much to do somethin' like that. Normally, ah ain't got a problem with gettin' mah hooves dirty, but ah wouldn't be able to live mahself if ah did that. Look, it seems like right now, goin' to Doc is our best option. Ah'll figure out some way to get through this."

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@@crispy fries


Hooligan smiled slightly, "thanks Red," he said happily, "and for the record i think you're gonna bea wondeful mother."


Hooligan walked with Red to the infermary and stopped just outside. "Red before we go in i have one request. Doc is the closest thing to a friend i have in here and i want to be able to tell him that i'm the father."

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This was the best opportunity Kurren$y had at turning the tide. Kurren$y fell to one knee upon having more pressure applied to his leg. As he was falling Kurren$y used butterfly hands in order to seize Shadows wrist and elbow, putting shadow in an elbow lock and tearing muscles due to hyper extension.

Edited by SugarfootWillie
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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Alright, how do y'all wanna do this then?" asked Redwood. "Ah think ah should drop th' news that ah'm pregnant, then y'all can tell Doc that yer th' father."


Her heart was pounding. Redwood didn't normally get like this, but she had never been in this situation either.

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Shadow sighed and said as he released pressure, 

"That kinda doesn't work, they're not real."

To prove it, he rotated his wrist with ease and used his wings give him air above and went behind him and said, 
"Now that I stop adding pressure, how do ya feel right now?"

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@@crispy fries


Hooligan saw that Red was shaking. He gave her a soft kiss hoping to calm her down. "Everything's gonna be okay," said Hooligan comfertingly, "before we tell him anything though we gotta make him promise to keep it quiet."




They walked in and Hooligan called out to Doc, "Doc are you here? We need to tell you something_."

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@@reader8363, @@Dapper Charmer


"Now, hold on a second. Listen, Doc, before either mahself or Hooligan say anythin', we need y'all to promise that whatever we say here ain't gonna leave this room, at least fer now. And trust me, y'all ain't got no idea how much both of us need y'all to make that promise."

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@@crispy fries

One of Mercury's silvery ears was lifted to the voice. It was familiar, though she wasn't quite near enough to place it. Definitely a mare's voice, though a little on the deep side. She walked through twisting and turning corridors and hit several dead ends in her search. But she pressed on.


She was curious, as well as being bored out of her skull.


She must have wandered farther than she'd thought during her little introspective phase. After a surprisingly long time, she reached corridors that were at least vaguely familiar.


The voice led her to a dull wooden door. The red cross splashed onto the wood gave her a clear idea of which room it was. The voice, Redblood or something, came through it. Always curious, Mercury took a place next to it, bent down, and pressed her ear to the keyhole.

Edited by Amorphous


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Mercury stood at attention as the doctor walked by. "Hello, sir," she said brightly. "I had a bit of food poisoning, but I heard you talking to someone in there, so I decided to wait out here. I assumed they were more important, and I didn't want to interrupt."


She mentally praised herself. Quick thinking and quick acting, those could get her out of any jam. 


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"Right as rain boss. Can't be finished yet are we? I was just starting to enjoy our little date."


Kurren$y did a spinning back-fist and got room between himself and Shadow. Can't have more than a minute or two left in me. normal fighting won't help here and I'm not lucky enough to be a unicorn right now. Have to find something.

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Shadow said as he quickly placed more pressure on  and took a few steps away, 

"That mean we can keep going. I'm going to make you hurt until you pass out from pain."



The doctor said he levitated a bottle to the far bed,

"Sure, go lay down at the far bed with the bottle on the nightstand, and I'll to you."

He placed a sound dampening spell around him, Redwood and Hooligan." 

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@@reader8363, @@Dapper Charmer,


"Doc, ah'm pregnant," said Redwood bluntly. "But that ain't everythin'."


She didn't know how he would take the news, but hopefully it would be well. Of course, Hooligan still had tell Doc that he was the father, and Redwood couldn't know how that would turn out either.

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@@reader8363, @@crispy fries


Hooligan took a deep breath. He had no idea how Doc would react but he hoped it wouldn't be too bad. "And I'm the father," said Hooligan with slight pride and relief in his voice, "this morning we sorta hooked up so I took a pregnancy tester from here and now we know that I'm gonna be a dad."

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@@crispy fries,@@Dapper Charmer,  

The doctor nodded and said,

"Congrats on it."

He turned to Hooligan and said, 

"I'm guessing you're the father. You're welcome and don't worry, Shadow won't know until you are ready to tell him."

He walked back to his desk and started writing his list on what he needs.

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