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@@crispy fries, @@reader8363


Kurren$y shouted for everyone to hear


"You see that!? S*** like that is why we can't have nice things!"


This wasn't Kurren$y's best moment, but so many guards filled his room that the guards were more or less shoulder to shoulder. Kurren$y didn't have enough room to swing out so he stayed where the guards secured him during contraband check.

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@@crispy fries,@@SugarfootWillie,  

Shadow muttered, 

"Thought he would learn after what I did."

Then he cleared his throat and said, 

"Where's Kurren$y? Ya should get out of here, from the smell, he used a few chemicals."



Luna placed the cup down and said,

"I'm guessing you're not thirsty. You're still saying that she won't feel tired at all, nor hungry, and that would lead to her not eating. Most ponies eat when they are hungry and sleep when they are tired. How's Shadow doing anyway, what's he been up to?" 

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@@reader8363, @@SugarfootWillie,


"Kurren$y's been secured by a squadron of guards," said Redwood. As if on cue, several guards came up to Kurren$y, one of which put a pair of hoofcuffs on him, and another struck him in the face in retaliation for what he had done. Redwood made sure to make a swift exit as they began to drag him off.

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You are wrong princess. Ponies also eat and sleep when they are bored. Also, not hungry doesn't mean she feels full and can't eat. Besides, I also don't require food or sleep, and still, I do both. 


He materialised an apple and ate it to confirm what he was saying.


It can provide satisfaction even if it's not necessary. For Shadow, I don't know. I don't see him much. He only appears when I do trouble, like if he has a magic sense for it. Otherwise, I didn't meet him much...

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Mercury fiddled with her horn ring. With a click, it popped off. She picked the lock to her collar with her telekinesis as she returned the bronzy-golden wire to its concealed spot. With the wire on her collar, she tied the collar and ring together and hung them around her neck. The fire alarm blared in her ears; A perfect distraction. She checked the makeshift padding on her horseshoes before strolling out.


The lock on the cell barely even bothered her. It hung open; She pushed the door with one hoof.  Stepping into the hall, Mercury took a deep breath before she climbed.


She braced herself against the stone walls above the cell bars. A little telekinesis was all it took to move, spiderlike. She crawled towards the nearest vent cover and stuck a hoof in front of it.


Her hoof was blasted by a surprising wave of hot air. It smelled of burnt hair.


Mercury dropped to the ground with a thump and a curse. Choosing a direction she hoped lead outside, she galloped.


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@@crispy fries, @@reader8363,


As Kurren$y was being pony-handled by the guards he thought he should let them hear his thoughts after being struck in the face


"Hey now, just cause you friends are on fire doesn't mean you should take out yo feelings on me. That's not nice or professional."


"On the other hand, can I get a medallion for being so ingenuitive?"

Edited by SugarfootWillie
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Shadow walked up to Kurren$y and said as his shadow grabbed his broken leg, 

"I thought you would learn by now to behave. Were ya mad at me for punishing you?"



Luna made the drink disappear and said, 

"Also, it sounded like having the dead would be good soldiers. The reason i ask is that he can kinda be crazy, I think that's because he spends a lot of time around prisoners 



Nightmare was walking around when she saw a prisoner with the restraints around her neck. She walked up and said,

"What are you doing without your ring and collar on. I'll have to report it to Shadow."

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The guards elected not to respond. Instead, they blindfolded Kurren$y and dragged him off to Redwood's beating room. When they arrived, they handcuffed his arms and legs to one of the chairs and left, leaving him blindfolded. One of the guards reported what they had done with Kurren$y to Redwood.

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That is true, princess.


He sighed and pulled off a chaise lounge on which he dropped.


A powerful magician just needs a cemetery to raise a powerful army of soldiers that don't sleep, don't eat and feel no pain. Just perhaps some funds to provide armour and weapons and gems to keep each body from falling apart. No even need to build a body, just extra magic to give a physical illusion. Of course, they won't live as long as if the body is material and not magic, but it's enough to win a war or overthrow a ruler. That's why all the Necroponycons were destroyed. Such information is too dangerous if it gets in the wrong hooves.


He smiled.


Well, if Shadow is considered crazy, then I must be utterly mad... I wonder what Nightmare is doing. It's quite impossible to watch what happens in the real world from here... Well, since we are both here, that means at least we are both alive. So it's unlikely that the world is destroyed. Hehe...


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Kurren$y smiled with feigned innocence.


"Can't get angry, emotions inhibit thinking, inhibiting action. How's about we tango, or maybe salsa? You look more like a ragtime gal to me."


@@crispy fries,


As soon as Kurren$y got secured to the chair he said


"Hey, I've already been in this situation. Lost my tail over it. How's about a different option? I hear electricity is cheap these days."

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Mercury's lips trembled for a fraction of a second before she burst out laughing. "Oooh," she said. "Look who's such a good little mare! She's gonna tell Shadow! Oh, no!" She cackled to herself, barely sparing Nightmare a glance. "Get outta my way, you pathetic excuse for an alicorn. I've got places to be and things to do, and I ain't gonna tolerate any bungling."

Edited by Amorphous


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Nightmare levitated the unicorn in front of her and said as she headed to find Shadow,

"Well, when I tell Shadow about ya, he's going to be piss even more."



Luna said as she got up to stretch her legs,

"I'm just saying that Shadow can go crazy sometimes, I think you have seen or heard something that seems odd for him. This might be a little weird, off-topic, and useless information, but Shadow keeps relics and books, and Nightmare took the book before heading there to read it."

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Mercury chuckled to herself. Celestia, these ponies have all made me crazy, she thought. But still.


"Aww," Mercury said. "Poor lil' Nightmare Moon can't do shit without Shadow." She moved her hooves as though she was swimming, restraints dangling from her neck. She tickled Nightmare's muzzle with the tip of her tail. "Yeah, I'm not scared of Shadow. Bring it, Moonie!"


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I keep relics and books too you know. The more unique or priceless, the more dangerous or interesting, the better. I have amassed a lot of curiosities over the centuries...


He stood up.


I might wake up soon. Don't like when things happen without me. Don't want to live Nightmare without surveillance neither. Making me nervous. Perhaps you could help me to wake up? It's quite easy.


He grinned.


Only have to kill me...

Edited by Missklang
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Shadow saw Nightmare levitating the prisoner, then he sighed, opened a portal and said, 
"This is not the time, I'll deal with her later. Just through her in the portal."

He walked to the front door, gathered his stuff and headed off to gather stuff."


Nightmare said as she saw Shadow walking away, 

"Well, enjoy while it lasts."

She dropped her into the portal and headed to her room to get some sleep.



Luna smiled and said,

"Nope, a good drop would wake you up."

A hole opened up under Missklang and she waved goodbye

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Mercury dropped through the portal without a sound. She landed neatly on her hooves. She shook her coat to get the slimy feel of Nightmare's magic off of it, and tried to suppress the part of her that longed to taunt Shadow till he snapped.


It felt rather like stuffing a pillow in a small box. She could feel that bit of craziness pushing at her control, and she wasn't even sure she didn't want to just embrace the insanity. She shrugged and turned to get a look at her surroundings.


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Missklang started to fall. Then, suddenly woke up. Immediately starting to koff.


 Wh...where am I?


He looked around. He was in some sort of infirmary. In a corner, there was a unicorn in a white coat. That must have been the doctor.


H...hey, doc? Can you explain how I got here? And what's with the partially broken drawer?

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Redwood walked back into her quarters a bit more frustrated than she would have liked to be.


"Seems like every time ah see y'all ah got news," she complained.


Now she had found out that she was having twins, plus there was the incident with Kurren$y that she had to deal with. Although, Hooligan would likely be willing to deal with him.

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the room was surrounded by bars with no door and a single light in the room



Doc woke up, sat up, and said, 

"Oh, I found you on the ground, so I brought you here so I can make sure that you don't get worse in your health, and the broken draw, I don't know why it's broken. 

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@@crispy fries


Hooligan sat up on the bed and looked up at Redwood. Suddenly he rembered that he had to tell Red something important to. That writing on his cell that said Congrats. "I just remembered I've got news to," said Hooligan, "but it seems yours might be a bit more urgent."

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Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I have still a blurry double vision... That's why.


He tried to get up but failed.


Well, I'm going to stay here for a while. What a shame. And I was planning to destroy Equestria. I would be unable to do that in this current state...


He tried to laugh but just caught again.


It's quite unusual for me to get to a doctor you know. Usually, I'm able to heal by myself. Including broken bones and even missing limbs...

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Ah'll tell y'all th' good news first. Missklang pulled some kinda magic on me, and he's sayin' that ah got twins. Now, ah'm sorry that ah ain't givin' y'all a chance to take in th' news, but Kurren$y was cookin' up some kinda bomb that ended up killin' a couple guards when ah ran a contraband check. He's in th' beatin' room right now as a matter of fact. It'd actually be an opportune time to get a little revenge."

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Mercury rolled her eyes. "Well, color me impressed with a fine-point marker. The great Shadow, portal summoner, has to toss me in a cell. A moldy, damp, Celestia-forsaken cell. Great."


She walked around the room once. "Well, it has no doors.  I give Darky credit for that. Hmm..." She hummed for a bit before lighting her horn. Her magic shimmered dull gray, intent on sawing through the bars.

Edited by Amorphous


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@@crispy fries


Hooligan was filled with joy at the news that they were having twins. That was two new ponies that he and Red were going to bring into the world. He smiled and hugged her, "I can't believe we're having twins." He let go of the hug and his smile turned wicked as he thought of Kurren$y. "Take me to Kurren$y please. Its time he and I 'worked out our differences'"

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@@Dapper Charmer, @@SugarfootWillie,


"It,would be mah pleasure," said Redwood as she led him out of their quarters and to the beating room.


She opened the door to a blindfolded Kurren$y, hoofcuffed to chair, as if he were being served on a silver platter.


"Kurren$y," said Redwood with a grin to match Hooligan's. "Ah got somepony here who's got a couple grievances to work out with y'all."

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