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private The school for Criminals


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Doc got up and said as he sat down at the desk, 

"Please be joking about taking over Equestria or I have to tell Shadow or Nightmare to lock you in a cell for the rest of your life."

He laughed and said, 

"why were you passed out in the hallway in the first place?


Nightmare walked into her room, closed the door, and went to sleep.

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Of course, I'm joking. If I wasn't, Equestria would already be destroyed long ago.


He puffed.


Well, that's simple. The dizziness made me lost orientation in space and I got lost. I was searching for somepony. I did find Nightmare's room but I was too weak to call her for help. So I fainted... That's it... 


He looked at the doctor.


Also, doc, if I loose pulse, don't try to bury me or anything. I will wake up and I do dislike digging through dirt. It's just dragon pony nature to lower the heartbeat to enter in a short coma-like state to regenerate health and energy...

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One bar fell away from the walls around her. Mercury puffed up her chest a bit. Then she let out all the air in her lungs. Squishing herself as narrow as she could, she squeezed through the gap.


That was freedom. Only one question. Now what?


She could be anywhere. With a shrug, Mercury decided to take a chance. 


She picked a direction and started walking.


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Doc looked at him and said,

"I guess you and Shadow are almost the same, being hybrids and all, sorry if I got that wrong, and that wasn't a good answer why you passed out in the hall. What caused you to be dizzy in the first place?"

He got up and went to shut off the fire alarm

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We are both dragon pony hybrids, indeed. But each hybrid is unique. With its own strengths  and weaknesses...


He wiggled in the bed.


It appears I absorbed a large quantity of a deadly or strong poison. Otherwise, I won't have such behaviour. It used all my strength not to die and stuff. Thus, I didn't have the force to get anywhere when the effects hit. And what's with the alarm? It wasn't on when I fainted. Did something happen? Did I miss something important?

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Doc shrugged his shoulders and said, 

"I don't know you woke me up and you talked to me, probably something happened. I'm sure it's fine right now. Why don't you get some rest so your body could feel better." 

He shut off the alarm and sat down at his desk and started working

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@@crispy fries, @@SugarfootWillie


"I'll take it from here Red," said Hooligan as he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Hooligan walked closer to Kurren$y with a big grin on his face, "look at you," he taunted, "blind folded and about to get the S#!¥ beaten out of you. I know from experience how much pain this room brings." Hooligan smiled, "that's not to say there haven't been good times. But you already knew about that didn't you? You even tried to tell Shadow, get us in trouble. Well guess what he knows and he doesn't give a crap." He kicked him in the face, "how does it feel knowing we're on top while you're stuck on the bottom?"

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@SugarfootWillie @,


Spellvamp valked trough the hallway and walked in the a random door and seen Hooligan beating Kk "Come on guys must I get you off of eatchodhed all the time" Spellvamp said and got Hooligan off Kk "and Hooligan can you plase tell guards that I need magic becouse if I do not get magic today I will go feral"

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@@Spellvamp, @@crispy fries, @@SugarfootWillie


Hooligan frowned at Specs, upset that he had been interrupted from giving well deserved punishment to Kurren$y. "I'm sorry Specs but I can't," he said leading Specs out of the room, "now if you'll excuse me I have a prisoner to punish." Hooligan then Locke's Specs out of the room. He turned to Kurren$y, "now where were we?"

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@@Dapper Charmer


"Haaaa! boi I'm so high I can't even see yo a**, you throwing shade at my shadow! I'm so faded I can't even catch yours!"


"Talk yo s***, you ain't hard. You let this institution bend you over when you should be repping revolution. B**** I hop out firing shots, you on some CW bulls***."


"Don't even get me started boi I do this til my time served."




Kurrne$y heard Spell interrupt Hooligan and said


"Sup Spell, what to talk some s*** with me?"


(To Hooligan) "Hunnids of ponies is waiting for yo mof***** phone call, and they ALL talking s*** about you, RIGHT NAW."

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@@Dapper Charmer, @@SugarfootWillie @@Spellvamp,


"Ah think ah'll leave y'all two boys at it," said Redwood before giving Hooligan a quick kiss. "Kurren$y, have fun gettin' beat by a free stallion."


She then left the beating room, leading Spellvamp out with her and closing the door. Redwood was sure Hooligan was going to have fun.

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Hooligan smiled at Kurren$y as he quickly gave a sharp jab to his ribs. "That's for stabbing Red." He stomped hard on Kurren$y's arm and smiled at the sound of a sharp snap, "that's for cooking up bombs." He kicked Kurren$y in the face, "and that's for being a Goddam prison movie stereotype."

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"Why Red why do you let your coltfriend beat up my friend he may be bad but I doubt he will survive this one so please I will take care of him he will be unconscious for a week or so but please do not kill my fried" Spellvamp was sad he did not want Kk to die he was realy close to beaing friends

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Mercury groaned.


Where the hell was she?


Every time she thought she'd gotten someplace familiar, something weird happened. A turn that wasn't going in that direction in her memory. A fork. A block of eerily empty cells.


I swear on Celestia's right shoe, she thought. This place just goes on forever. Am I even in the prison anymore?


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"As much as ah hate Kurren$y, ah ain't gonna let Hooligan kill him. Ah'll watch from th' security cameras and step in if things go too far," assured Redwood. "Plus, we can't let th' fact that he was makin' bombs, which killed two guards, go by. Kurren$y ain't walkin' away scot free."

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"If you let him do this he will be realy fu**ed up but ok I understand I will take care of him so do you want to talk about family or something I want to tell you about Magic Songs and Electric" Spellvamp said he was said but he must get it out of the system "And I realy Realy REALY need magic if you don't want me to go feral" he added

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"Listen, ah don't know how that magic stuff works, so take it up with Nightmare Moon. Now, ah got some business ah gotta attend to," said Redwood before walking off.


She then headed over to the security room to watch Hooligan work Kurren$y over. It was a shower that Redwood didn't want to miss.

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Mercury groaned.


Was there no end to this place?


One of her ears flopped down as she sighed.


Then, she twitched the other. Was it a voice? Mercury raised her ear, tilting it back and forth. There. A vent above one of the dusty cells, the faintest thread of an equine voice drifting through it. 


Mercury tested whether it was full of burning fumes before she entered. Satisfied, she undid three of the screws holding on the grill in the front. After crawling into the narrow shaft, she replaced the screws and tightened them as much as she could.


Tracks covered, Mercury started following the voice. It was a good deal clearer once she was in the shaft, though it was still far away. The place she'd left and the normal prison, she decided, must be hooked to the same ventilation system.


After what seemed like an eternity of sweat and burning muscles, her eyes snagged a hint of red coat.


She pushed her ears against the grate, moved so she could see, and waited.




"Pssst," she hissed. "You, the unicorn-ish guy!"

Edited by Amorphous


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"What is it do you want? Do you want me to help you escape, kill the princess with poison that I may or may not have, then conqer the Equestria and rule togheder as a queen and king" Spellvamp said when the unicorn mare was looking at him wierd he added "it was a joke gee"

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A yawn came from the ventilation grate. "I'll give you some magic," she said. "And maybe we can talk about future arrangements. But for now, all I need is a place to sleep where the guards and Darky can't find me."


With a rattling and clicking, the screws holding the grate on fell off. Gray telekinesis lowered the grate and screws to the floor as a mare slipped from the vent shaft.


Mercury slipped to the ground and nodded at Spellvamp to lead the way.


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"Well in the prison there is no way Shadow coud not find you but there is one place where nobody looks and there is a good reasen for it and that is the place with no magic it is a hole and you can't use any magic in it but well lets just say that with proper tools you can dig your way out and there there we can build our selfes a base that woud nobody expext on that spot with no magic only hoof power" Spellvamp said

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Mercury rolled her shoulders as she walked. "Sounds good," she said, voice blurred by a lack of sleep. "But really, I think I'm just gonna stay there until I don't feel like my head is stuffed with cotton."


She sped up just a bit, trying to keep up with Spellvamp. Her eyelids felt heavy and her hooves felt even heavier.


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"Well there is a problem it is hard to get out, no magic and all of that and in your state I am sorry but your in a bad condtion and this is gonna hurt" Spellvamp said he did not give her time to react he drained her to unoncios state and placed her on his back then he walked in his cell and placed her in a cocon that was in ok at best state and she woud wake up when her body was ready "well that puts me on some magic I have an hour or so of magic but they will close the cell's any minute so there is only one option I will go feral in my cell with mare in it well this will be bad reproduction and all well s**t if that mare is still a virgin there is a medium chance of loosing it well goodby control" Spellvamp said waited for the doors to close and then he let him go feral

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Nightmare bolted  upright drenched in sweat, She sighed and headed to the medical for something to help her not have nightmares. When she got there, she started looking through the cabinets for something to help, saying to herself,

"Why did Shadow have to tell me that, I could have been perfectly fine without the story of what happened there."

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One of Mercury's eyes cracked open, just a bit.


Why did it feel like her eyes had been glued shut? Her head was pounding. Mercury tried to gather her struggling thoughts under a dull haze and a throbbing headache. She tried to take a deep breath.


She tried.


Mercury was suddenly much more awake when she realized that she wasn't breathing.


She tried to move, to flail, but she couldn't. It took only a few seconds to regain control. Mercury tried to look at the situation logically. She wasn't breathing, but she didn't feel like she needed to. The world, through her half-opened eyes, looked blurry and green.


Wait... green? And that was a dark, brownish smear on the world. So there are changelings in this prison, Mercury thought. I can hardly tell why I'm even surprised.


She blinked, trying to remember what had happened. Suddenly, it dawned on her. That son of a- She ran through her entire vocabulary of curses, much improved by her stay in the prison.


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