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Doc heard the commotion, then walked over to the door. When he saw that a unicorn was outside the door, He quickly levitated her to a the bed next to Missklang and started looking for injuries and bandage every injury he found. Then he started to wake her up

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Not for long Night...


He looked at the ceiling.


It took me by surprise, that's all. I'd say again an hour or in the worst case, two or three. 


He got distracted by the stomping sound and looked at Mercury as the doctor put her on a nearby bed.


Heh. What a day. Ponies fainting in front of the doors all around the place. I hope she is ok. It's quite odd to be injured at this early hour when all cells are closed and prisoners can't harm each other... I say somepony was wandering out oh her cell. And if I know Shadow, he surely had caught her. Heck, he found me on the roof when I was doing the same thing... 


He looked at Nightmare.


Oh... Now I remember. I saw her earlier winning over a guard. Was trying to garrot him... Shadow must have surely caught her. I don't think guards would be able to catch her... She must be in serious trouble now...

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Mercury opened one eye and winced. Colliding with a door had certainly not done her headache any favors. She looked up at the doctor with one gray eye. "Hello?" she said quietly. "My leylines are imploding and my horn is rotting. I suggest you do something. All of my magic is gone."

Edited by Amorphous


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Nightmare said as she yawned again,

"Why can't I stop yawning, anyways, that is good to hear. 



Doc was confused on how that happened. He walked up and said, 
"It's okay, how did you lose your magic?"


Nightmare looked over and said, 

"Why aren't you here? you are supposed to be somewhere else."

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Missklang looked at Nightmare and laughed.


I don't know. I was yawning a lot lately too. But that was from poison and stuff.


He looked at Mercury and then, back to Nightmare.


Well, I think the infirmary is the only place for an injured mare. Unless you are talking about Shadow's cell where he teleports ponies. But if that's the case, you have to give her credit for being able to escape no? Don't be too hard on her. 

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Mercury shrugged in Nightmare's direction as she looked at the doctor. "Changeling attack," she said simply.


She rolled her blanket over her smirk as she waited for the reactions. She needed something to cheer her up and distract her from her headache, and she was an opportunist. 


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Missklang bursted into laughs.


Changelling attack? My, my. That must be fun.


He looked at Mercury.


So, either Chryssie decided to attack us, or that a certain red changelling unicorn is involved. Spellvamp was his name, right? He was looking for magic if I remember correctly.


He looked at the ceiling.


Attacking fellow comrades like this is not very nice. Unless you did something bad to him so he defended himself...

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Mercury raised her head again. "Hey, if I get knocked out randomly and then wake up in a green cocoon, what the hell do you expect me to think?"

"Spellvamp, though..." she said quietly, running one hoof over her chin. "Is he a red unicorn, no mane, wearing the dorkiest glasses since Celestia was in diapers? If so, then yes, he attacked me. With no provocation. He drained all of my magic, put me in a cocoon, and tried to rape me. Last time I checked, that isn't self-defense."


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Exactly, that i Spellvamp. Wow. That is some serious misbehaving. Not only he did spy on Redwood, but now this. Well, I won't stop you if you hit him in the future. 


He sighed and looked at Nightmare.


Should do something about it. After all, he got relatively ok with the whole video story. Better protection is needed. And don't forget, he was planning on  attacking you too, princess.


He sighed again.


I should have give him one of my spare magic crystals with emergency chaos magic when he left us... 

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Nightmare looked at Missklang and said, 
"I don't think that would be wise, but I can probably give him some of my magic to get him back to normal.

Her horn lit up and a small ball of magic appeared in the air.



Doc teleported a bottle onto the nightstand and said,

"That will help with your headache and you're a prisoner, you aren't supposed to use magic for anything when you use it to pick locks 

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Mercury took the bottle and raised her muzzle in the air. In the obviously fake  voice of a Canterlot noble, she spoke.


"Why, I'm offended by the very idea that you think I might actually need my magic to pick locks! I'll make sure to only pick locks without my magic from now on."


With a pointed look, she removed the suppression ring and collar from around her neck and deliberately put them on. They tightened around her horn and neck. With a small snort, Mercury laid her head on the pillow and pretended to fall asleep.

Edited by Amorphous


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Missklang looked at the magic ball that Nightmare had created.


Oh... so shiny and beautiful! Magic! Yay!


He looked back at Mercury.


Who need magic when you have skills. If you want, I can later tell you how I picked the lock in my room using my own mane when it was frosen to icicle form by the guard who tried to cool me down. Once you're awake of course...

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Mercury sighed into her pillow. "Dang it," she said, voice muffled. Lifting her eyes to meet Missklang's, she continued. "Well, I could tell you about how I bypassed a security guard with only a banana, but I'm not sure you'd want to hear that one."


With a shrug, she opened the bottle on her nightstand, took out two pills, and ate them.


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"Back to that are we?" Hooligan said with a sigh. Hooligan thought about beating him some more. But he still felt pity on Kurren$y. "Come on," he said as he began dragging Kurren$y to the infirmary, "time to get you patched up."




Hooligan brought Kurren$y into the infirmary and hoofcuffed him to a table. He turned to Doc. "Got a prisoner for you Doc. Sorry about the damage." Hooligan leaned in closer, "any luck with getting that thing I asked for?"

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Mercury leaned towards Hooligan, ears tilted towards him. Her ears had been sharpened by years of listening for hoofsteps and the clicks of locking mechanisms. What could he be getting? It's probably related to that thing he's not telling anypony about for some reason. Meh.


Looking around, Mercury grabbed a novel from a stack in the nightstand. Her ears, however, were still sharply trained on Hooligan.


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@@Amorphous@@Dapper Charmer

Only a banana? Oh, my. I have too much imagination. I will just not think about it.


He started to laugh, then saw Hooligan coming in and chaining Kurren$y to the table.


Hooligan? Is it guard outfit on you? How come? When did that happen? Wasn't you suppose to be one of the most dangerous prisoners here?

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@@Dapper Charmer

Doc whispered, 

"Shadow's getting it right now since I can't leave.




Nightmare said as the ball shrank, 

"That's enough you two. you need to rest and mercury, Shadow will deal with you when he get's back, but in the mean time, here."

She levitated a small ball of magic to Mercury.

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Mercury poked the ball of magic with her horn, popping it like a bubble. She could feel the magic flowing through her, alien yet welcome. She almost felt as though she'd stepped into somepony else's skin for a moment. Ah, well, she thought. It's better than horn rot.


With a nod, she returned to her book. Hooligan was being infuriatingly vague about what he actually wanted. If it was bits in any amount, Mercury would find them anyway. And, if not, she didn't really care. 


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Hooligan smiled, "thanks Doc. You have no idea how much this means to me." Hooligan leaned out from Doc and looked at @Missklang, "I did use to be the most dangerous guard around," said Hooligan with a chuckle, "but as you know I have new 'responsiblities' so now I'm the most dangerous guard in here."

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@@Dapper Charmer

Missklang looked at Hooligan.


No, I sincerely didn't know that you became a guard.


He scratched his ear.


Well, it seems logical it would happen. Assuming what happened to you and... well, I'm sure you know what I saw and what I said. Double congrats to you. I am afraid destroying Equestria is out of question now... 

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"Thanks Missklang," Hooligan said with a smile, "I'm glad Redwood and I can count on your support." Hooligan walked out of the infirmary and headed back to his quarters.


@@crispy fries


On the way he spotted Redwood and walked over to her, "hey baby," he said greeting her with a kiss, "how are you?"

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Hey, honey," greeted Redwood. "Ah've actually been thinkin' a little. A prison obviously ain't no place fer a pregnant mare, but ah ain't got nowhere else to go, and ah can't give up this job if we got two kids on th' way. Ah'm not sure what to do right now."


While it may not have been much of a problem now, being pregnant would have physical effects on Redwood that couldn't be ignored.

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@@Dapper Charmer, @@reader8363@@Amorphous@@Missklang,


Kurren$y wasn't happy about being dragged to the infirmary. He felt like it was insult added to injury. Dislocating a few joints in his cuffed hoof he said:


Naawww you ain't gonna be the one to drag my happy a** in here. I'ma do it myself."


Kurren$y removed himself from his cuff and as he walked by Hooligan drew out a long


"F************************k yoooooooouuuu."


Kurren$y then walked out of the infirmary only to turn around just outside the doorway and walk back inside. Instead of going back to the table he went and grabbed the bottle of mouthwash he never got to finish drinking.


"Hey doc, got anything stronger? I just got tortured. . . for two days in row. . . Help me forget them?"

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Mercury rolled her eyes. "Hey, Doc," she said, lifting the bottle on her hoof. "Can I give him some of this crap? And you," she continued, glancing at Kurren$y. She picked up the book she'd been reading and tossed it at him. It landed at his hooves. "Read this sh*t. It'll make you suffer more so that you can look on this with fondness."


She laid her head on the pillow sideways, so she could continue to watch Kurren$y. "By the way," she said finally, "can I get breakfast?"


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@@crispy fries


Hooligan thought about it. Redwood was right the longer she was in here the more she and the babies were. "Well maybe Shadow will give you some payed vaction time while you have the babies," Hooligan said supportivly, "and maybe you can stay with your family until we can afford a place of our own. Wait have you told your family yet?"

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