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open Legends - Hunt [Near Future]


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/150740-legends/#entry4488384


"....Isradel, is a land of many wonders, but it is old. Perhaps, even dying. But pay no mind, I am just a cat earning some creds." A cat said, he had a short beard, that was blue at the end. His fur was long, and his eyes were bright blue under thick eyebrows. He wore a blue wide brimmed hat, a trench coat and a pair of jeans. He sat in a most peculiar manner compared to a pony, but one could digress it was due to the fact that Mr. Segundo was a cat. Albeit, a very large, very skilled, and very sarcastic one.


He sat in a warm bar, beside the fireplace to warm himself from the cold outside. Surrounding him were kids who were allowed in due to the fact that it was cold this evening, and they had been listening to the story the cat was weaving. "But enough, Kids, go on home to your moms, the moons have begun to rise and the Sun is to set. And you know Lady Light is preparing to sleep, as should all of you. The cat deftly walked over to the door and opened it, allowing the smell of salt water wash over him. The children quickly left, running down the streets home as the neon signs of the city reflect off puddles in the streets of Canterlopolis The cat chuckled as he propped open the door and nodded to the inn keeper who tossed him a gold credit for keeping the kids quiet while his patrons drank.


"Need anything else Charlie?" The old wizard said.


"Nothing that requires your help Segundo," the inn keep said, smiling at the wizard, the two had been friends for twelve years, when Segundo had shown up at the bar all wet asking for a job. Somehow, a cat wizard still seemed funny to him.


"Alrighty, if you're laughing about my choice of profession then I'll electrocute ya with a bolt," Segundo warned the bartender with mock seriousness, with the bartender now laughing. Segundo laughed as well and then said "I shall be off then, if you need me, well you know my number,"


As the wizard left the inn, he heard the innkeeper, "As if anybody would want to call your ass!"


"I have high standards! Those girls however didn't know what had hit them! Segundo shouted, not caring whether the innkeeper heard or not, as Segundo was halfway down the street,


Segundo headed to his home, smiled as it was a beautiful evening. He had work to do. Chiefly, a wizard's work.

Edited by DarkHaert
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Outside, in the cold evening as it became increasingly lonesome, Dorian turned around a corner on a unicycle, a small amount of his white fur shining from under the hooded dark grey cloak that covered most of his body. As it would normally be a strange thing to see, he would come out only at night to do a routine ride, to allow him to think intensively about things that would normally be distracting. Also, in nearly complete darkness, it would give an unsettling floating appearence that he somewhat enjoyed.

"Transitive verbs... what am I supposed to do about transitive verbs... there must be a marker of some kind... Can I use a glottal stop to signify a place holder? ʔo, ko etuʔo, ko mɑɹʃuʔo... no, that would allow for ambiguity with the diphthong separation..."

His quiet, deep voice was completely inaudible as he worked out the difficultly technical parts of the grammar of language. Tired of too much thought, he unmounted his unicycle, hiding behind a tree, and pulled out a digital notepad out of one of his pockets to write down his thoughts.

I wrote this thing.

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"Activate the Chimera Core unit." Said a grey stallion, one of three in a dingy viewing chamber with an electronic console whom actually looked like professionals, the rest were poorly dressed for the occasion of the activation of their illegally modified stolen asset. The one way window led to the cleanest place in the abandoned building. Thirteen million bits, for one room needed to maintain the device. It was clean, it was sleek, and it took years to put together, but now, shiny sleek, black, with glowing bits. It was magnificent. One of the engineers pushed a lever, which opened a projection in the wall, rays of violet glow pulsating from within, and an Alicorn shaped silhouette extended from it, slowly, held up by a metal frame and an array of cables of varying thickness connected to it from its back and back of head. Once it stopped extending, he place his hoof in a hole it the console, twisting before the the streamlined machine whirred to life, violet veins arching all over its body, glowing from its eyes. Then on more, he removed his hoof and clapped down another lever, this one requiring much more before it snapped down.

The cables detached, the frame opening, and the unit fell to its hooves with a loud *clank*, taking the short fall and smoothly standing full height before turning its dead eyes towards the one way mirror, waiting for orders...

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"Oh dear oh dear oh dear I'm already late for my second shift, I should really put up more of a front for being a top doctor." Spirit ran around the house trying to collect all her belongings. She threw a white coat on her as she picked up her medical bag. Passing through the doorway into the kitchen she nearly tripped over the vials that were littering the floor. Trying to remember why they were all there nothing would come up so she shrugged it off. As she picked up some spices from the cabinet she fell asleep while standing but almost immediately woke up. "Ugh, I haven't gotten nearly enough sleep and they are calling me in again, too many people are hurting themselves that the machines can't keep up." She shook her head as she bolted out the front door and slipped on the puddles right outside. Standing up slowly she staggered off down the road at a near sprint trying to reach her destination as quickly as possible. When she was trotting down a road she turned her head and while surprised to see a cat she slipped and fell head first spilling her bag everywhere.



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Segundo eyed the doctor and smirked. Bingo. His work had begun. He quickly put on a smile and said warmly, "I'm sorry, I think I startled you." Quickly gathering her things off the ground and eying a hairbrush, Segundo called up one of his quickened spells and enchanted the hairbrush and several other items indiscreetly. Then he quickly put the items into her bag and smiled. And offered a paw to help her up. "I am sorry that I startled you, it's common, I normally don't go this route, but I think I was lucky this time." Segundo said.

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Spirit took the cats paw and stood up slowly while looking the cat up and down to get a better view of him. She reshuffled her coat back into place and ran her hoof through her coat to smooth out the fur. Taking the bag from the cat she bowed her head as a sign of respect before looking back up at him. "I'm sorry for inconveniencing you I just didn't get enough sleep before I was called out." She looked into her bag to make sure everything was still there and none of the vials were broken before turning back to the cat. "Thank you for your help, the person who has called on me is really particular to every little detail. Annoyingly they need everything to go deathly slow so even if I wanted to say brush their hair a little bit faster they would literally kill me." She once again bowed to the cat before slowly trotting off in the direction she was heading before.

Edited by child of the night



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"So what kind of superhero do you think you would be, Galena?"


The green unicorn smiled in response and thought a bit. "I'd like to think I could invent my powers through sweat and labour rather than just be lucky and get exposed to the right kind of magic fallout. Probably have like a gadget suit with concealed devices or something" she turned back to her two friends as they walked out of the cinema house. "What about you guys?"


She continued walking and conversing with her friends: a brown Earth stallion and a female Griffin. "I'd like super strength, maybe Saddle Rager style. Just seems cool" answered the stallion.


"My alter ego would probably be a stealth and sneaky type, rather than plain fighting" said the Griffin


"Yeah I could see that," said Galena. "Well, here is the station, so I guess I'll see you guys later. This was fun! We should do it again sometime"


Her compatriots said goodbye and she continued into the station and waited for the train to the other side of town.

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A Mare in formal business wear answered it's humming patience with an emotionless order, "You are to abduct the local arms manufacturer, Block Charge. We believe he is collaborating with, not only the city's police forces, but also the one known as," Then the mare realized she was speaking to a machine. Nomatter how advanced it was, it would do this the same way without anymore information. "Just go."

The engineer at the control panel flicked a switch and a panel opened in the wall, revealing a tub leading out the room connected to a device, and a wall covered with complex machinery.

Without hesitation it approached the machinery and let it take him up in its vices, pulling his pieces away and attaching solid armor plates to him, a magazine of ammunition into a slot on his head, and a augmented rifle system folded across his back.

He clank ed to the floor with all the extra equipment the irregular militants could afford for him, covered in sleek, sharp black armor and then placed two legs into the entry on the barrel, two clamps pulling him in as he folded up to a more compact form.

Once the entry closed, a light appeared on the console and one engineer counted down while another kept their hoof on a button, "Launching in three.... two.... one... Launch."

The button was pressed and a blast of air pressure drove the machine forward at intense speeds out a broken window from a barrel aimed from the inside of the building, the black form shooting off into the clouds for a few seconds, then fins of armor unfolding and both those and his hooves activating, firing out a violet burst of energy as it began to control it's flight.

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Segundo smiled as he arrived at the Train Station, he was going to head to the park, just as soon as he had finished up here. No need to be sloppy. Segundo bought a ticket looking over at the green mare. He went up, offered a paw and muttered a spell. He smiled warmly, and said, "Hello, my name is Segundo, what's yours?"


~~~~~In another part of the city~~~~~


"Mr. Clock, I say that we attend to some matters at hoof, particularly your commissioning of a forge." A pony with a clean and tidy suit said. He was a butler, and a older gentlecolt at that. But then he grinned as his master spoke.


"As long as time doesn't betray us, I think we shall move in a couple of days," Mr. Clock said, "As for the forge... I will make use of it soon."

Edited by DarkHaert
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He sent a signal to command, "Entering mission zone" Intel, easily gained, stated that Block Charge was staying in his cabin eleven miles outside the city. The information on the security was spotty, so he chose to discard it and do his own recon.

Five miles out, he disengaged his thrusters and unfolded, landing in the midst of a forest, branches snapping under the weight and momentum of Encious.

Right before he touched down, he positioned his hooves in front of him, activating a Burts from his thrusters to slow himself before steadily landing, and making his transition into a quick gallop. After about three minutes of thruster augmented running, he was a little more than a mile out, where he skidded to a stop. His augmented rifle system moved up to the back of his head, folded over his face and interconnected with his eyes and horn rifle.

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Galena smiled back and shook his paw with her hoof. "Nice to meet ya, Segundo. I'm Galena. Engineer and Coffee Enthusiast. I have to say, I like the hat a lot. I take it you are a wizard or something?" Galena was still carrying a saddle bag with some of her tools in because she only just got off work before the movie.

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As Spirit trotted into the the hospital while pulling out things from her bag. Shaking her head she began to disenchant every item, "To think that a cat could enchant something without a top unicorn noticing." She spent her time at the hospital dealing with all of the people she was called in to talk with. When she eventually was finished with the jobs she was called in for she headed back out onto the streets to head home. After nearly passing out she decided to head into a nearby inn and get a room.



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Nice to meet you, and yes, I'm a wizard. I'm currently about to head to the park—" A loud engine was heard. Segundo then said, "Well sorry, but that is my train, nice to meet you," Segundo boarded the train and smiled as the items he had enchanted were disenchanted. "Well that worked out well. It's coming together. Segundo memorized the signature dismantling his spell work."




Segundo got off to the park, and sensed a pony behind a tree. Rounding about it Segundo just looked at the unicycle. "Huh."

Edited by DarkHaert
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Dorian looks up sharply from his work as he hears the presence of another. He replies almost reflexively, in a very soft voice, "Oh, hello... uh..." He trails off. "La sorĉisto estas kato," he whispers to himself. He tries to audibly say something, but fails. "I... uh..." He uses his magic to pull the hood further over his face.

I wrote this thing.

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"Huh, well nice to meet ya. My name is Segundo. How are you this fine evening Mr......" Segundo extended his paw, and very quietly muttered to himself, which casted a quickened spell invisible to the eye. He smiled warmly has he extended his paw to the... Segundo guessed shy(?) pony.

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Dorian looks at the extended paw for a moment, then hesitantly shakes it with almost no force. Realizing that he was indirectly asked to give his name, he begins to frantically think of possible responses. Following a frequent tactic of his, he releases a very low and quiet series of sounds, which could be recognized as speech, but are completely void of meaning.

I wrote this thing.

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First, he started with a investigative multi scan. A pulse of dense, ultraviolet light pulsed over the cabin. On the four corners of the cabin were concealed auto-fire drone emplacements. Then he strafed around the cabin, tagging targets in his sights as he circled it. One.. Two.. Three, four, five... Six, seven..... Eight. Eight guards on the exterior of the cabin. four using gun emplacements, lmg's, two with long range AKR-3 sniper rifles, and the other two with MIR 5 assault rifles. All sights were infrared, which was practical in most scenarios. Not in this one.

There was one problem... He only had ten rounds. He was sure he had to take out the stationary drones first. That's four rounds gone. Four on the ones on the gun emplacements, and if he was accurate, he could take out the emplacements too. The last two would be for the ones with the assault rifles.

The snipers stood no chance.

Once he was sure of his plan, he gained a steady stance and armor plates on his legs slid down from his legs and pressed into the ground. Taking aim at his first target, and queuing up his second, a round entering the chamber from which a cold mist poured out of, "Engaging defenses in three.. Two... One.. Firing." With a loud clap that shook the leaves in the trees around him, the frosty round shook out of the barrel and hurdled to the drone hidden in the corner, its electrical signals vanishing with a splash of metal. One, a shell fell to the ground and he immediately fired as the infantry had yet to even react, and the drones began to unfold. Second down. Drones primed, infantry looking and readying their weapons, third target eliminated. The drone began to fire in his direction, heated 80 cal rounds, but meant for close to medium range, so nothing came close enough to stop him from ending the last drone. However, under the shouts of the men, and the lock down  sequence initiated on the cabin, he knew they knew his current position.

His armor folded back onto his legs, until a round from an AKR flew dangerously close to him. His enhanced weapons system deactivated, and he entered a more mobile form.

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Segundo thought it was probably wise to leave this pony alone. Segundo said "Good Day, Sorry for disturbing you." Segundo set off.




@@Colenso Rivers,


A while later he was on the outskirts of town, and he heard gunfire. Segundo crouched and lept onto a building, trusting he could make the jump. It was a bit taller that he expected, but he managed to catch a ladder and climbed up the railing. He looked over and saw a pony with a sniper rifle about to fire... And some armored pony had just transformed. "By the stars... That's the last one. Though... could it be truly a machine, and that means he would heavily armored to where Segundo couldn't touch something vital. Then he spotted a sniper. With a new model sniper rifle! Oh, yes... that was going to be his.


It wasn't long before Segundo ran and had tackled the sniper, and used a sleep spell to knock sniper out.


Quickly knocking him out, and claiming the sniper rifle. Segundo ran his paws down the weapon and smiled at it. He wasn't going to be parting with this thing. It has been forever since he had a real rifle in his paws. It's been several years since he last had a rifle. Segundo snapped back to reality. He decided that he would need attire... more appropriate for his needs. More mobility and combat readiness. Then over Segundo's left paw was a glowing screen and a list of spells on it.


Segundo removed his hat and pulled out a black and blue robe with an attached hood. He pulled it on, and claimed the sniper's clothes: a pair of camouflaged pants and his shiny watch. Segundo dumped his clothes into his hat, and put the hat on his back, along with his new sniper rifle, and took of running on top of the building.

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His active radar picked up a new signature, but he was too far into the thicket to merely stand back and take another look at the area. He would have to just be a tad more careful. He began to strafe, taking into account the things that could make his shot go amiss. Firing another shot, it fell into the stationary gun, splitting apart as it punched through the armor of the gun and throwing a splash of shrapnel on the pony whom manned it, who's vitals faded from almost immediately. One gun down. A hailstorm of bullets began to head his direction, ripping past the foliage and two bullets striking him, one in the leg which dented in his armor and pushed his leg out from underneath him, and a round from the stationary gun which tore off a large patch from his torso and threw him back.

He immediately recovered after the flip produced by bullets and fired at the other stationary gun twice, once to get his targeting system back in check, and once again to see blood spatter on the sights of the now unusable  weapon.

He had to remember, even though he was almost completely invisible to the thermal scopes, these were professional gunmen and they could tell where he generally was, and other than the snipers, their full auto weaponry didn't require their shots to be right on point.

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Dorian does not respond as he watches the large feline leave. "That was unusual. No one has ever apologized for distirbing me before." He gives a panning glance at the space around himself. "Nun, kio horo estas?" He looks at his watch. "Oh, I should leave." He puts his device in his pocket, mounts his unicycle, and rides away.


Several minutes into riding back, Dorian suddenly stops, pulls the hood off of his face, and perks his ears. After a few seconds of motionless listening, he illuminates his horn, forming a pale grey dome of light around it, directing air movement to amplify far sounds. "Is that... gunfire?..."

I wrote this thing.

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