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Alright, I am going to be up front frank if have come into this thread named on the title. If your a role player, a plotter, a dreamer, and a story teller. You are more then welcome to stick around and chat and help out with one little thing..

Creating a Bleach Role Play
Level: Lit/Adv Lit

Personally, I am tired of looking and searching everyday for a good active Bleach role play that is more then just a one liner or dies out in the first week to two before it even gets a chance to really take off.

Also, the same old stories that pop up and are reused and redone so many times, they just blend into the other. Along with the same type of OC's that pop up after a while and and come in and save the day. With will be a role play with LIMITS! To give both Cannons and Oc's a chance to really evolve! To grow up! Have personal doubts with romance and the drama and some good solid blood and gore fighting! (If you have play that kind of Oc and Cannon).  Also:

ICHIGO WILL NOT BE THE MAIN CANNON nor will Aizen be all god-modding!

And to add on a bit, think AU! Lets make a whole new setting maybe or take the Bleach World in a whole new direction! Throw out the Rule Book to the fire! Let it burn! Let the mind and fly free!

So lets see what we can do!

  The role play will take place Ten Years after the Winter Wars and the timeline is all AU from that point.

 Aizen is capture but he still pulling some strings....

  We have limits on the powers of cannons and ocs.

Only 8 ocs are aloud,  all other cannons must be filled before I even let in more.  Sadly ocs tend to flood role plays.....

 Those cannons who dyed in the manga/anime are to stay dead.

 If you plan this,  be ready to take on the spot of a mod due to I'm looking for two others to help me in this!

  Be creative and have fun!

 I have a slight loose idea for a role play but plan to wait.....

 If you want to be part of this group,   you can call dibs on the cannon you wish to play!   Me, I claim one oc spot and Hana !
Also just post here and play nice!


Edited by Tao


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Yes yes yes yes yes. I've been waiting for this. May I be aN arrancar, if not then that is fine.

Sure why not, cannon if open given the manga and etc.  I dont see why we can't work them in as a "joint" allies or etc.



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This is certainly an interesting idea; the Bleach canon is rife with all sots of awesome characters and cool powers... it's a fine exapmle of anime's best from the past decade.


However, maybe a bit of clarification is in order before moving along any further?


Are we speaking of Bleach characters alone?  Perhaps ponified Bleach?  


Or... what if you reassign canon ponies to canon Bleach roles, like Fluttershy AS Orihime?


What's the plan?

=====  ( 0=====


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This is certainly an interesting idea; the Bleach canon is rife with all sots of awesome characters and cool powers... it's a fine exapmle of anime's best from the past decade.


However, maybe a bit of clarification is in order before moving along any further?


Are we speaking of Bleach characters alone?  Perhaps ponified Bleach?  


Or... what if you reassign canon ponies to canon Bleach roles, like Fluttershy AS Orihime?


What's the plan?

Well no ponies for one Rand and and I agree the anime/manga is :orly:   and none of the mane six as Death Gods!  My plan is not to have Ichigo if at anything at all unless some good story can be worked out and the story takes place after the Winter War in given he lost his power,  he starts at just a normal shinigami.    We fill in cannons first and keep ocs on number limit given how many freaking cannons Bleach has.  Most the story is in the afterlife and we can build from that center a bit.


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Well, I certainly wish you the best of luck in your adventure, and if you should need someone to bounce plot ideas off of, I shall be glad to assist.


Here's to hoping you get a full roster quickly!

=====  ( 0=====


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Well, I certainly wish you the best of luck in your adventure, and if you should need someone to bounce plot ideas off of, I shall be glad to assist.


Here's to hoping you get a full roster quickly!

Well its a "plan thread!"  so lets see what u got for plot ideas!    I just put a few of those rules in seeing so many bleach rps just die in other sites I use to rp on...


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How about this, then..?


Why create something new, when there's nightmare fuel enough for an entire season?


Imagine it:


A creature born of dark wishes,

and sad death

stalker of dreams,

it feeds on fear

and births your cold demise.


Soul Reapers begin having nightmares that leave them sleepy and somewhat listless; not everyone - simply certain ones...


Then one night, the night guard encounter something... nasty.  It evidences a number of 'powers', and seems to be unkillable - and it lays waste to a number of guards before simply leaving.


When the survivors give their reports, some of those afflicted with nightmares recognize some of the abilities as things that haunt their own dreams; this creature seems to be able to take their nightmares into itself, and turn them against REAL opponents!


Even though the heroes gather, they won't be able to kill it; it just keeps going.  Eventually, they discover that it's a creature that they have to kill in their own dreams, or it will NEVER be destroyed completely.


The twist?  This thing ISN'T actually evil - it's the mental creation of a massively powerful child in a coma at a hospital in Karakura Town.  A child who was abused so badly, they almost died.  Now, in their subconscious, the child is taking out it's anger on the world... but it only believes it's all a dream...


What will the heroes do?  Will they be able to convince the child to stop the creature from destroying both worlds... or will they have to do something unthinkable to save the lives of those they love?


... like it?

=====  ( 0=====


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(Peek the strategy)

Name- Ahkliaka Kae’Aizere Vehemence.

Sex- Male

Immortal Physical Age- 25

Zanpakuto- Nodachi.

Hole location- Hole in the back of his throat.

Appearance- Fair skin. Dark grey hair, straight, layered and lengthy. Hollow portions cover the right side of his face from his hair line to his upper lip, one antennae included, on his left forearm and the three middle fingers of said hand, and from the top of his chest to the bottom of his abs. He is slim, about 6’2” tall, 175 lbs. The eye on the left side of his face is violet, while the three on the other side are dimly lit embers of red.

Hollow- A serpent like hollow with prehensile claws along each side of the stomach, carapace armor, a multitude of eyes, and five bladed limbs coming from the right side of the back. From the left side extend a wing like bladed limb, which it could fold over and use like a shield, or extend to intimidate others. Two, long thick antennae extend past its head. Chains come from the ventral area closer to its head, ending in piercing tips, which are also prehensile. Its saliva, tears and all bodily fluids excluding blood, are all the same, a thin, clear and cold fluid that causes blood to thin and eats blood platelets, making it difficult to clot. The end of the tail has three bladed extensions.

Resurrection form- His resurrection form is more similar to that of a naga, but more twisted. The face mask he had on arrancar form takes over the entire top portion of his face. The chest and abs portion are more pronounced overlapping claw like appendages, plus the ones that run down the serpent like bottom half. His arms and claws are abnormally lengthy, and coming from the right side of his back are four more arms and hands. His bladed wing remains on the left side. The chains also remain.

Bio- Kae’Aizere retains most of his predatory and animalistic mannerisms. With that said, he also wasn’t all there when he was a hollow and that has also carried over. He can often be found in a trance like state, and will sometimes begin to sway. He thoroughly likes to gather information, and actively seeks more, but even more than that he desires to confuse and bring dread to the hearts of others.

Kae’Aizere is very well spoken, and may seem extremely intelligent and even graceful at times, but this comes from his instinctual methods of attracting others to come close to him, only so he may be closer to acting upon his impulses. In fact, when in the face of very few, he fidgets and often seems uncomfortable in his own skin. He will do what he thinks is right within the limits of his understanding of the world around him, but finds it quite difficult to understand things as most others do and will often wonder why others feel the way they do.

Even though he has the potential to be a more than capable fighter, he rather boasts a very large repertoire of special powers and traits that make up for his lack of concern for finer methods instead of just ruining others. Physically, however, his most powerful asset in direct combat is his focus on quick defensive reflexes. He is notorious in hueco mundo for his mastery over dodging, deflecting, parrying and otherwise neutralizing the attacks of others, and many have fallen against him simply because their blades never met him.

It is possible to make friends with him, however, his affections are not shown in a traditional manner, this often leaves him high and dry when it comes to friends, but by no means is he an inhospitable being. Nor emotionally invulnerable, he can be hurt by others easily, for while he once had an intense pride in his being, he is no longer that being, and is a shadow of his former self in his eyes. He sees no difference between any being, and therefore can behave more positively towards soul reapers than other natives of hueco mundo.

Change- His story of becoming an arrancar was one of neither self-conflict, searching for power, or by the methods of others, in fact he was quite unaware and content as a hollow, seeing as he was very powerful as a hollow and never seemed to go hungry. He was majestic, or so he thought. He was gaining power the traditional way, by eating souls. However, he had seen arrancar before, and one moment after killing and eating a soul reaper, whom was lost in Hueco Mundo, he finally noticed his mask. It didn’t seem like a real part of him, and it took mere seconds before it annoyed him, and then became unbearably uncomfortable. At that moment he panicked, because it became a parasite in his eyes, in response, he tore most of it off.

Cero- is emitted from fingertips in a swiping or clawing motion as a thin grey wave. It cuts across the target, and while lacks the power of a traditional cero, is impossible to see it travels so fast, and therefore is nearly impossible to detect or dodge. Cut deepness a maximum of two inches. His gran rey is truly remarkable, and heavily destructive, however due to his lack of conventional understanding of life and death, he often finds himself damaged by it as well. He opens his mouth, a rift opening both far in front of him, and behind him. The cero starts at the hole in the back of his throat, where his madness coalesces into a familiar grey energy. It shots forward into the rift, weak yet quick, then passes through and appears behind him, to pass through the hole in his throat again. Each time it grows more dense with energy and travels with more velocity. Once it is unable to grow any more powerful, he closes his jaws, and the energy gather in his mouth, forming an extremely dense solid sphere of spiritual energy, which he usually drops from his maw onto the ground in front of him, erupting in a magnificent explosion.

Sonido- He completely lacks any sonido technique to speak of.


(I request your approval on any of these powers. I gave you an extensive list of powers, so that you could feel free to get rid of some while still being able to retain his classification as a special ability fighter)

Special abilities- These are Kae'Aizere's bread and butter, and why it is so difficult to not be caught off guard when fighting him.

Echo Path- This power assists Kae'Aizere with the fact that he has no sonido. Instead his body sends out a multitude of shadow copies in a straight path in any direction around him. These shadow copies are pieces of his derangement, but are all to real. They are highly unstable, and tear apart violently when touched. The pieces of his madness pull him into them one by one, until he completely belongs to his madness again. It happens quickly, far faster than one can regularly move, but about half the speed of a sonido or flash step. The path and his movement along it is saturated with violent energy, pressing regret and terrible pain to any in that path. It does no real damage, and cannot extend past a certain range if an obstacle is present, it also can only form a straight path.

Fear overdrive- If Kae’Aizere makes eye contact with his foe he can see any variation of the feeling of fear in them and can exponentially escalate the level of fear they feel in seconds by maintaining steady eye contact.

Death Charge- Upon skin to skin contact with him, he can begin forcing his eternal emptiness of being into another. Every second under his intent to hurt one this way while making contact with him, slowly consumes the reiatsu of whomever is unlucky enough to be the intended. It eventually drains all vitality, death follows.

Anxiety- This technique forces the unsteady mind of Kae'Aizere onto the bodies of others. Their movements and bodies become shakier, more panic driven and less sure.

Resurrected form- Real Hatred- Kae’Aizere fires a black beam similar to a insignificant cero from his middle eye. Whatever it hits becomes the target of a value link with Kae’Aizere, meaning that whatever they love and value most in life will suffer any damage or effects inflicted upon Kae’Aizere, but does not work the other way. Even values and dreams may die in the eyes of one. He can only do this once until he can witness the moon again through the lens of his middle eye after awakening once again.

Threads of Fate- His cero can become solid, becoming long grey threads that are extremely fine and sharp. This is used more defensively and for traps, but can also be used any number of ways.

Sacred Enlightenment- With his eye madness becomes truth. He takes on this truth by taking on his truest form, but other's derangements come to life as well. Despair, paranoia, worry, if all subjects of these derangements come under his sight, they become true. They can be counteracted by resolving these issues of mind, and he cannot directly control the minds of the subjects, only the target's derangements do, but time is of the essence for some.

Revenous Fury- Like Szayelaparro, he gains a benefit from eating others. It increases his primal blood lust, therefore bolstering his physical strength and his instinctual predatory mind, but also makes him far less concerned with survival.

Silent Stasis- Instead of his arrancar form eyes driving one to fear, this on instills a deadly sense of inner peace into the target, while at the same time slowly dropping their bodily temperature. Some die from the chill, others from giving up the fight for peacefully accepting their fate.

Unstable growth- In the presence of Kae'Aizere, wounds, poisons, other negative affects of body or mind, slowly worsen.

Edited by Colenso Rivers
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(Peek the strategy)
Name- Ahkliaka Kae’Aizere Vehemence.
Sex- Male
Immortal Physical Age- 25
Zanpakuto- Nodachi.
Hole location- Hole in the back of his throat.
Appearance- Fair skin. Dark grey hair, straight, layered and lengthy. Hollow portions cover the right side of his face from his hair line to his upper lip, one antennae included, on his left forearm and the three middle fingers of said hand, and from the top of his chest to the bottom of his abs. He is slim, about 6’2” tall, 175 lbs. The eye on the left side of his face is violet, while the three on the other side are dimly lit embers of red.
Hollow- A serpent like hollow with prehensile claws along each side of the stomach, carapace armor, a multitude of eyes, and five bladed limbs coming from the right side of the back. From the left side extend a wing like bladed limb, which it could fold over and use like a shield, or extend to intimidate others. Two, long thick antennae extend past its head. Chains come from the ventral area closer to its head, ending in piercing tips, which are also prehensile. Its saliva, tears and all bodily fluids excluding blood, are all the same, a thin, clear and cold fluid that causes blood to thin and eats blood platelets, making it difficult to clot. The end of the tail has three bladed extensions.
Resurrection form- His resurrection form is more similar to that of a naga, but more twisted. The face mask he had on arrancar form takes over the entire top portion of his face. The chest and abs portion are more pronounced overlapping claw like appendages, plus the ones that run down the serpent like bottom half. His arms and claws are abnormally lengthy, and coming from the right side of his back are four more arms and hands. His bladed wing remains on the left side. The chains also remain.
Bio- Kae’Aizere retains most of his predatory and animalistic mannerisms. With that said, he also wasn’t all there when he was a hollow and that has also carried over. He can often be found in a trance like state, and will sometimes begin to sway. He thoroughly likes to gather information, and actively seeks more, but even more than that he desires to confuse and bring dread to the hearts of others.
Kae’Aizere is very well spoken, and may seem extremely intelligent and even graceful at times, but this comes from his instinctual methods of attracting others to come close to him, only so he may be closer to acting upon his impulses. In fact, when in the face of very few, he fidgets and often seems uncomfortable in his own skin. He will do what he thinks is right within the limits of his understanding of the world around him, but finds it quite difficult to understand things as most others do and will often wonder why others feel the way they do.
Even though he has the potential to be a more than capable fighter, he rather boasts a very large repertoire of special powers and traits that make up for his lack of concern for finer methods instead of just ruining others. Physically, however, his most powerful asset in direct combat is his focus on quick defensive reflexes. He is notorious in hueco mundo for his mastery over dodging, deflecting, parrying and otherwise neutralizing the attacks of others, and many have fallen against him simply because their blades never met him.
It is possible to make friends with him, however, his affections are not shown in a traditional manner, this often leaves him high and dry when it comes to friends, but by no means is he an inhospitable being. Nor emotionally invulnerable, he can be hurt by others easily, for while he once had an intense pride in his being, he is no longer that being, and is a shadow of his former self in his eyes. He sees no difference between any being, and therefore can behave more positively towards soul reapers than other natives of hueco mundo.
Change- His story of becoming an arrancar was one of neither self-conflict, searching for power, or by the methods of others, in fact he was quite unaware and content as a hollow, seeing as he was very powerful as a hollow and never seemed to go hungry. He was majestic, or so he thought. He was gaining power the traditional way, by eating souls. However, he had seen arrancar before, and one moment after killing and eating a soul reaper, whom was lost in Hueco Mundo, he finally noticed his mask. It didn’t seem like a real part of him, and it took mere seconds before it annoyed him, and then became unbearably uncomfortable. At that moment he panicked, because it became a parasite in his eyes, in response, he tore most of it off.
Cero- is emitted from fingertips in a swiping or clawing motion as a thin grey wave. It cuts across the target, and while lacks the power of a traditional cero, is impossible to see it travels so fast, and therefore is nearly impossible to detect or dodge. Cut deepness a maximum of two inches. His gran rey is truly remarkable, and heavily destructive, however due to his lack of conventional understanding of life and death, he often finds himself damaged by it as well. He opens his mouth, a rift opening both far in front of him, and behind him. The cero starts at the hole in the back of his throat, where his madness coalesces into a familiar grey energy. It shots forward into the rift, weak yet quick, then passes through and appears behind him, to pass through the hole in his throat again. Each time it grows more dense with energy and travels with more velocity. Once it is unable to grow any more powerful, he closes his jaws, and the energy gather in his mouth, forming an extremely dense solid sphere of spiritual energy, which he usually drops from his maw onto the ground in front of him, erupting in a magnificent explosion.
Sonido- He completely lacks any sonido technique to speak of.
(I request your approval on any of these powers. I gave you an extensive list of powers, so that you could feel free to get rid of some while still being able to retain his classification as a special ability fighter)
Special abilities- These are Kae'Aizere's bread and butter, and why it is so difficult to not be caught off guard when fighting him.
Echo Path- This power assists Kae'Aizere with the fact that he has no sonido. Instead his body sends out a multitude of shadow copies in a straight path in any direction around him. These shadow copies are pieces of his derangement, but are all to real. They are highly unstable, and tear apart violently when touched. The pieces of his madness pull him into them one by one, until he completely belongs to his madness again. It happens quickly, far faster than one can regularly move, but about half the speed of a sonido or flash step. The path and his movement along it is saturated with violent energy, pressing regret and terrible pain to any in that path. It does no real damage, and cannot extend past a certain range if an obstacle is present, it also can only form a straight path.
Fear overdrive- If Kae’Aizere makes eye contact with his foe he can see any variation of the feeling of fear in them and can exponentially escalate the level of fear they feel in seconds by maintaining steady eye contact.
Death Charge- Upon skin to skin contact with him, he can begin forcing his eternal emptiness of being into another. Every second under his intent to hurt one this way while making contact with him, slowly consumes the reiatsu of whomever is unlucky enough to be the intended. It eventually drains all vitality, death follows.
Anxiety- This technique forces the unsteady mind of Kae'Aizere onto the bodies of others. Their movements and bodies become shakier, more panic driven and less sure.
Resurrected form- Real Hatred- Kae’Aizere fires a black beam similar to a insignificant cero from his middle eye. Whatever it hits becomes the target of a value link with Kae’Aizere, meaning that whatever they love and value most in life will suffer any damage or effects inflicted upon Kae’Aizere, but does not work the other way. Even values and dreams may die in the eyes of one. He can only do this once until he can witness the moon again through the lens of his middle eye after awakening once again.
Threads of Fate- His cero can become solid, becoming long grey threads that are extremely fine and sharp. This is used more defensively and for traps, but can also be used any number of ways.
Sacred Enlightenment- With his eye madness becomes truth. He takes on this truth by taking on his truest form, but other's derangements come to life as well. Despair, paranoia, worry, if all subjects of these derangements come under his sight, they become true. They can be counteracted by resolving these issues of mind, and he cannot directly control the minds of the subjects, only the target's derangements do, but time is of the essence for some.
Revenous Fury- Like Szayelaparro, he gains a benefit from eating others. It increases his primal blood lust, therefore bolstering his physical strength and his instinctual predatory mind, but also makes him far less concerned with survival.
Silent Stasis- Instead of his arrancar form eyes driving one to fear, this on instills a deadly sense of inner peace into the target, while at the same time slowly dropping their bodily temperature. Some die from the chill, others from giving up the fight for peacefully accepting their fate.
Unstable growth- In the presence of Kae'Aizere, wounds, poisons, other negative affects of body or mind, slowly worsen.


Well first let us make a role play!  I would love to have some feed on a rp story/plot but over all I like him!


How about this, then..?


Why create something new, when there's nightmare fuel enough for an entire season?


Imagine it:


A creature born of dark wishes,

and sad death

stalker of dreams,

it feeds on fear

and births your cold demise.


Soul Reapers begin having nightmares that leave them sleepy and somewhat listless; not everyone - simply certain ones...


Then one night, the night guard encounter something... nasty.  It evidences a number of 'powers', and seems to be unkillable - and it lays waste to a number of guards before simply leaving.


When the survivors give their reports, some of those afflicted with nightmares recognize some of the abilities as things that haunt their own dreams; this creature seems to be able to take their nightmares into itself, and turn them against REAL opponents!


Even though the heroes gather, they won't be able to kill it; it just keeps going.  Eventually, they discover that it's a creature that they have to kill in their own dreams, or it will NEVER be destroyed completely.


The twist?  This thing ISN'T actually evil - it's the mental creation of a massively powerful child in a coma at a hospital in Karakura Town.  A child who was abused so badly, they almost died.  Now, in their subconscious, the child is taking out it's anger on the world... but it only believes it's all a dream...


What will the heroes do?  Will they be able to convince the child to stop the creature from destroying both worlds... or will they have to do something unthinkable to save the lives of those they love?


... like it?

I like it,   it feels like a good meat on the bone!   Maybe we could have a bigger force using the child even if the child is not evil......


  • Brohoof 1


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I would make suggestions, but I embarrassingly enough haven't seen past ichigo taking on the espada.

so lets hear em any whoo!


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Well, I'm too terribly informed on the bleach series past the first encounters with the espada

Hon just post a idea,  who knows how it can grow!


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Soul reapers across all of the soul society have been vanishing. Lured away by a drive, a drive that overwhelms them. The drive to feed off of fellow souls. The same hunger that brings hollows down the path of destruction is being experienced by some soul reapers. At first, they vanish, then more souls vanish soon after, and then they return, minds twisted, and even their zanpakutos twisted by the darkness of their hunger. It wouldn’t be as bad, if they didn’t gain power from feeding, even the lowliest soul reapers able to achieve a twisted form of their shikai after becoming monsters.

They are the Okotte. They are all murderous fiends. Many theorize hueco mundo is merging with the Soul society and the emptiness there is corrupting the souls of their gaurdians.

However, even the hollows are under siege. Hueco mundo’s residents thoughts on these monsters are just as filled with disgust. They are even crossing over to consume the souls of hollows, their zanpakutos unable to purify the souls of hollows any longer.

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Soul reapers across all of the soul society have been vanishing. Lured away by a drive, a drive that overwhelms them. The drive to feed off of fellow souls. The same hunger that brings hollows down the path of destruction is being experienced by some soul reapers. At first, they vanish, then more souls vanish soon after, and then they return, minds twisted, and even their zanpakutos twisted by the darkness of their hunger. It wouldn’t be as bad, if they didn’t gain power from feeding, even the lowliest soul reapers able to achieve a twisted form of their shikai after becoming monsters.

They are the Okotte. They are all murderous fiends. Many theorize hueco mundo is merging with the Soul society and the emptiness there is corrupting the souls of their gaurdians.

However, even the hollows are under siege. Hueco mundo’s residents thoughts on these monsters are just as filled with disgust. They are even crossing over to consume the souls of hollows, their zanpakutos unable to purify the souls of hollows any longer.

I kinda like that!  :o


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I have a short idea, not fully developed or even really fleshed out.


  • Long ago, a Captain in the thirteen court guard squads took some men to investigate an anomaly at the fringes of the soul society. They all vanished without a trace and the anomaly vanished. That was over four hundred years ago. Now, the captain has returned, seemingly maddened and paranoid, rambling on about some nightmarish force and how '4 beings will come to release the beast.' Naturally, The guard squads are skeptical at first, but when four beings on horseback with incredible power arrive, they begin to take the matter a bit more seriously...
Edited by Skijarama

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