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Hello everypony from Lambda Lumis

Lambda Lumis

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Hey everypony, I’m Lambda Lumis or just Lumis or just Lambda.
I’m a 17 years old guy who lives just outside Birmingham in England. Unfortunately im a bit late to the party as I have only became a brony 6 months ago.
I’m a gamer, PC specifically. I am obsessed with the Halflife series and all the games that go with it. I have steam and record with my friends and put them onto our gaming YT channel. I also play other games like Minecraft and starcraft. I do and enjoy a lot of video editing (as implied above) for YT and for my college. I’m really into computer/computer science/ICT. I have a monumental passion for science (physics mainly) and electronics.


I’m ok at drawing but never really went anywhere with it. I'm a furry so I do furry art every now and them but am trying to do some MLP art at some point.


I love music (especially fandom music), movies and TV series of all genera's and types.
I love all the ponies so much but my favorite is Fluttershy with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash coming close behind. I also like Vinyl Scratch and Luna (NLR FTW). I mainly joined this forum because I don't know any bronies in real life and so have no one to talk about ponies with. :(  
Thanks for letting me be part of this community, it seems really nice here :fluttershy:
PS - If anyone wants to game with me that would be awesome! Feel free to add me on Skype (PM me)  B)
Edited by Lambda Lumis
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Hey there Lambda, its nice to meet you. My name is Kenshiro. Welcome to forums. I am sure you'll love here and there are lots of ponies are waiting impatiently to meet with you in our community. If you wish to ask anything, you can always send PM . See you around   :)  '''

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Hi there, I am a pc gamer to, actually the half life series are some of my favorite games ever (except portal 2)


so welcome to the fourms, if you want anything just ask, if you need any help or anything just pm me.


Im sure you'll have a great time here and meet people with similar interests

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Hi Lambda! Welcome to our lovely herd of Bronies and Pegasisters! It's never too late to join the party and it's great to have you here! I just joined (even though I've been a Pegasister for a while now) and can't get enough of it. There are so many friendly folks here, so if you ever want to talk, ask a question or whatever, just PM.  :grin:

By the way, what was the one MLP episode you took a shot with? 

Edited by Dreambiscuit
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Hi Lambda! Welcome to our lovely herd of Bronies and Pegasisters! It's never too late to join the party and it's great to have you here! I just joined (even though I've been a Pegasister for a while now) and can't get enough of it. There are so many friendly folks here, so if you ever want to talk, ask a question or whatever, just PM.  :grin:

By the way, what was the one MLP episode you took a shot with? 


Thank you everypony for the warm welcome!


I decided to watch the first episode as I thought that would be the best introduction to the series. But as it had 2 parts I just had to watch the second part to see how they would defeat nightmare moon. Then after that I wanted to know how they would carry on the story so I watched another episode; and another and another. It was then I knew I was a brony.

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Lambda Welcome to the MLP Forums! This is a great community and I hope you'll enjoy your time here. If you need help or just want to chat, feel free to PM me.   :fluttershy: 

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