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ayy lmao


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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

How did you find MLP Forums?: I found this site by doing a google search of "MLP Forums".

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Watched the first episode. Got hooked.

Well. I'm a long time MLP fan, been watching since season 2 and thought that I'd get to know others who shared an interest in this show. 


I guess I'll give a super quick description about myself. 


I like video games, movies, music, etc. Basically any form of entertainment media. I hate reading though. Books bore me. 


I also enjoy Magic the Gathering from time to time, and of course, My Little Pony. 


Yeah. I think that'll do. Cya around the forums. ayy lmao

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Hi there RosaTookMySeat! ^.^ Interesting name there. Happy to have you aboard!  :) 




I hope you have a wonderful time here! We are an amazing community and I think you will absolutely love it here!


Thank you so much for joining us! Hope to see you around more!  :lol: If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  ;)

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RosaTookMySeat Welcome to the MLP Forums! This is a great community and I hope you'll enjoy your time here. If you need help or just want to chat, feel free to PM me.   :fluttershy: 

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey RosaTookMySeat!

Hope you enjoy everything this site has to offer!

And I hope you make lots and lots of friends here! :)

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Hi RosaTookMySeat! Nice to have you come and join us in this brave new world called My Little Pony! You'll have no trouble finding MLP fans here to talk with! Hope to run into you on the boards!  :twi:

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Hey there Rosa, its nice to meet you. My name is Kenshiro. Welcome to forums. I am sure you'll love here and there are lots of ponies are waiting impatiently to meet with you in our community. If you wish to ask anything, you can always send PM . See you around   :)  '''

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Hi there! What video games and music do you like? 

I've never met anyone who actively (Or actually said that aloud) didn't like to read--That's kind of odd. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Hi, and welcome to the amazing MLP Forums! :) It's awesome to have you with us, welcome aboard and thanks ever so much for joining this lovely community! :yay: I hope you love it here and meet plenty of sweet new friends. :yay: I'm sure you will! And if ever you have any inquiries or would just like someone to chat to, then feel free to send me a quick PM or a profile comment! :squee:

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