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open Elemental Alicorns


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As he was watching the fire inside the egg burn it finally died. He thought 'How many could I make at the same time? How many points can I cool down at once?' the idea of doing this flooded his head as he decided to melt the egg and then reconstruct it again, but this time. Half the size, but twice the eggs. At the same time, it was quite an unusual task for him at the start but he grew used to it, it was like touching two cold surfaces. It was strange for him since he never used such a spell before of course. He finished them, then melted them to create more and more. He stopped once he got to four, seemed good enough. He decided now, it is time to go outside. He has to go now anyways, ponies will gather soon in numbers. Why wouldn't they? So thinking about what to do he melted a part of the stone near the entrance to let him out leaving the eggs behind. He re-sealed the way in before starting to fly upwards to the mountain top, he thought about using the winds way up in the sky to boost his speed, it'd be hard to land was his first thought but he could just brake himself with his propulsion flames.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Light flitted around for a moment, trying to detect even a slight trail. The ground remained slightly hot to the touch, and Light pulled back her hooves, wincing at the slight pain. 


"So the alicorn is gone now?" Now how will they ever 'save equestria?' Such a ridiculous question. This will never work. "Petal, can you help a bit, please?"


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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@Fire Twii,

"Uh...yeah sure I could help with that!"

She used her horn with a sudden burst of energy to sense where exactly the fire was.

"I don't think this is the right place. We have to go a little farther up. "

There was silence as they flew past the warm ground.



                   Sig by Shadow The Hedgehog//

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"Are you sure you're headed the correct way?" Light called out. They were flying downwind, which means if there was fire, it would spread quickly. The wind flowed against the alicorns, and for the first time, Light felt slightly uncomfortable. 


Time to make some observations and not act so useless. I suck at this kind of work...


The white alicorn sensed that the ground was still heated, which meant maybe the fire alicorn hadn't been here much long ago. 


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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@Fire Twii,

"I'm sure this is the right way!" Petal called in the distance.

The heat was making it harder to fly and Petal could not stand it. She quickly found a place to rest and looked forward.

"I see a lot of fog over there!" Petal said, pointing at an opening.

She flew toward the opening and gasped.

"Look!" Her eyes opened wide and she started flying forward a bit more.



                   Sig by Shadow The Hedgehog//

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Copper was too busy trying to find the fire alicorn to notice the nature one that was with him. He was focused with trying to save Equestria from impending doom. But he looked back to see if Light was still following him, only to find another alicorn with them. He stopped on a dime, saying as he approached them, "My apologies, I was to focused on finding the fire alicorn to pay attention. Name's Copper Strikes. What's your name, miss?" He addressed the nature alicorn in question.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Light suddenly stopped, thinking that she'd left Copper and Petal behind. The white alicorn stopped in her tracks, swerved around and perched precariously on a nearly small ledge. Over the wind Light managed to hear a bit of what Petal was saying, and fluttered over to the mint alicorn. 


"What did you see?" she demanded.


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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"Uh...my name is Petal." Petal replied shyly.

"I'm helping you guys find the fire alicorn and...I hope you don't mind." Petal mumbled.

She then zipped off to catch her new friend, Light.

'The guy wasn't too bad.' Petal thought to herself.

'Maybe we can become friends...if the alicorn hunter doesn't find us...'



                   Sig by Shadow The Hedgehog//

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"What. Did. You. See?" Light demanded, getting slightly agitated. Her mane flared up and a blue violet aura lit up around her horn. Without much warning, electricity shot out of her horn and zoomed toward Petal, slightly missing but enough to singe the surrounding grass.


"So slow," the white alicorn muttered under her breath. "I thought you said you saw something important." Her temper was no longer under control, the emotionless Light replaced with a new, electrifying Light.

Edited by Fire Twii


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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@Fire Twii,

As Petal ducked the electricity she replied, "There are eggs here! And parts are melted! I bet the fire alicorn did that! He must be close!"

Petal zipped off as fast as she could.

"Come on!" She called to Light who was still shooting electricity. "If we don't hurry up we will miss the fire alicorn!"



                   Sig by Shadow The Hedgehog//

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"Yeah right," Light snorted. "I'm sick of being told what to do." The white alicorn glared at Petal and shot a large lightning bolt right at her face. Totally not feeling sorry, she turned around and opened her wings, flying away really fast. She glided through the air, and scanned the area below for alicorn hunters. Spotting what looked like one, she swooped down with a slightly devious grin.


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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@Fire Twii,

"No, really!" Petal shouted, feeling slightly agitated.

"It must've been the fire alicorn, I know it. I just know it! You're slowing us down and I'm tired of telling you! Hurry up! I'm serious!" Petal had never been so scared, worried, angry. She could almost sense the fire alicorn. He was somewhere close and Petal knew it. He could be on the mountain top or he could be past the valley. Petal was so angry at Light she could twist vines around Light.

"Light, if you're not gonna listen to me we are never gonna catch the fire alicorn!"

"Please," she added.



                   Sig by Shadow The Hedgehog//

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"I'm slowing you down? Then what about you, and your stupid friendliness. This is the real life, idiot." Light kicked the nearest plant and shocked it with electricity. "You think you can be friends? Well, YOU'RE WRONG. YOU CAN GO DIE FOR ALL I CARE." Light was really angry, and can no longer hold it back. To prove it, Light gathered all the energy she could get and prepared to destroy the entire forest with a huge burst of electricity, to set the forest on fire. 


"Forget saving Equestria. Its not going to happen, not while I'm here." As if overnight, Light switched sides. She was fed up with that stupid nature alicorn wanting to be friends with everypony, its not the real life.

Edited by Fire Twii


'Make me your Queen'

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@Fire Twii,

Petal whimpered, she cried. She usually didn't cry or get agitated. She was: alone. She didn't know what to do. She was left and all she did was cry. She cried till sundown and Light was just standing there, glaring.

Petal didn't care about anything or anyone. She didn't care if she was herself anymore or anything.

"You're being a jerk, Light and I know you know that. If you're not gonna save Equestria then FINE! Let everypony die and you'll be happy, right? Oh, but I forgot, YOU ARE GONNA BE DEAD TOO! I HATE YOU LIGHT!" Petal flew up in the sky and sat on a tree. She cried. Cried and didn't stop.



                   Sig by Shadow The Hedgehog//

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Copper saw the two alicorns looking like they were gonna fight, and quickly sprung into action, using his royal voice, a voice he picked up during his time with Twilight. "THAT'S ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!" The voice would shake a 3-story building like there was a 6-magnitude earthquake. "IF WE KEEP FIGHTING LIKE THIS, THERE WILL BE NO HOPE FOR EQUESTRIA! NOW STOP FIGHTING, OR I'LL MAKE YOU BOTH STOP!"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Amarok awoke, completely rejuvenated after becoming one with the ice for a bit. The lake became of water once again, and peered into the darkness of the depths peacefully until he slowly strode forward, up the slope and out of the water, that left on his fur was soaked into his body the moment he stepped out. He immediately noticed shouting, and could hear the crack of lightening, but noticed to change in the air, nor was a storm cloud in sight. Strange. He had to leave. If ponies were so set on destroying this forest, who was he to stop them. Ice condensed on his fur and wings to allow him to take on the form of the Halcyon, and he lifted of into the sky, leaving the forest behind with a cry.

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"Hope?" Light replied smoothly. "We would have hope if this green idiot never decided to tag along. " Truth said, the only reason Light got upset if because Petal tried to tell  her what to do, she didn't like that. But she still wouldn't admit it. "Hope was lost a long time ago, there isn't any left."


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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Copper glared at Light. He couldn't believe she said what she said. "You think there's no hope? No hope for friendship and peace? The only way that there is no hope is that Equestria becomes a wasteland. Do you really want that? Do you want our beloved nation to turn into an anarchy and become a wasteland?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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After flying over a crackling, glowing conflict, he passed above into a tall grassland, and landed near an tall, crooked and twisted tree, stepping under and grooming his feathers in peace, he knew in this form he glowed somewhat, but no halfwit would dare attack a true halcyon. It was getting a tad dark. This was far nicer than that loud and angry forest. Mystical dew began to form on the long blades of grass irradiating the field with a magical luster. Not often did Amarok serve himself such sights of beauty, but his nerves were frayed, and he needed a reason to forget the eventual destruction of the forest.

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Light thought this over a moment. "Well, no. But either way, Equestria is doomed. So why bother. " The white alicorn silently gazed ahead with a vacant expression. Equestria is already doomed, with more than half of the nation allied against them. Why go ahead if you think you'll fail. 


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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Copper closed his eyes, anger evident in him. He absolutely couldn't believe that Light would think this way, especially when there was needing to band together. "Is that what you truly think? Do you truly think that Equestria is doomed?"


He stopped for a moment, remembering what Light had said. "Light, if you hate being told what to do, then why don't you try to lead us to saving Equestria, and see how tough it is giving orders?" He didn't give her a chance to respond. "You need somepony with experience and knowledge to lead, and I have the most of those two things, coming from the time I've been with Twilight Sparkle. Trust me, we'll get through this if you just listen to me."

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@Fire Twii @Dwhitethegamer,

"Wow. You're so pathetic, Light." Petal rolled her eyes.

"You think you're the boss of everything and won't even listen to one of us? Fine. I agree. We're doomed because Light just lost us our only chance of finding the fire alicorn you happy?"

Petal flew further out and landed on the spot next to Copper Strikes.



                   Sig by Shadow The Hedgehog//

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