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private Forever Eclipse


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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/153796-forever-eclipse-ooc/?p=4578801


Introduction: A stallion stood by his fireplace, his cane by his side. "Darn shadows, thought they could best me did they...heh unfortunately for them I have a light source and this..." he lifted his cane with his magic, a green glow illuminated it, "the light magic in this thing can destroy them and the light source acts as the perfect shield," he held the cane high before slamming it to the ground with a loud SMACK. He turned around to stir the fire when he heard a deep hearty laugh. "Foolish pony...all you need is a little darkness to destroy the light," the pony turned with a gasp before a shadow covered the flame, putting it out, "what...how did a shadow put my fire out," he said trying to spark a flame. He almost had it until something grabbed hold of his horn, "GAH!" He cried out as he was lofted into the air, "I am no mere shadow, Greenlight," the voice said, "and for once the darkness will destroy the gaurdian's of the light starting with their fearless leader..." Greenlight felt a pressure near the base of his horn, "you," there was a loud crack as the stallion's horn snapped and he fell to the ground, unconsious. "Now for the finishing blow hmhmhmhm," he said gripping the pony's neck and lifting him into the air. A purple dagget formed in front of the now awake stallion who was struggling. The blade moved slowly towards the pony's chest before it was plunged into his heart. Greenlight gasped as the light left him and he faded into the dark. The Darkness laughed as he flew from the chimney and listened to the screams of mares and stallion's and watched as all the light drained out of the safe zone known as Coltsville.



2 years later



Silvermoon sprinted through the trees a lantern levitating in front him while a group of dark pony figures with glowing yellow eyes followed him. One jumped at him from the side forcing him to raisee his lantern towards the attacker which dissolved when it was enveloped in the light. Once the light was far enough away the creature reformed behind him. There was only one way to kill these things, put a blade or anything that could penatrate them with a light enchantment on it...or just a light blast could destroy them. As he drew his daggers from their sheathes he saw a house with what looked like sunlight covering it. He jumped into the lit area just as a blade cut his ankle. He grunted as he slid into the door, not noticing the cut. He pusher the door open just as another pony entered the room, her double sided spear glowing in her bright orange magic, "Silvermoon?" She said as she put the weapon against the wall to check her student for wounds. She saw the cut and covered it in her magic making it slowly heal. "Sunlight, I couldn't get what you asked for, there were too many of them," she sighed as she healed the other wounds on him, "don't worry about it we will get Greenlight's cane when we can, it's not a necessity," she said kindly. She pulled the hood down off of Silvermoon's head to reveal a cut on his cheek, she healed it quickly as she continued, "did you see anything else there anything leading to why Coltsville was covered in darkness so easily," Silvermoon shook his head, "no, but there has to be something there with all of the shadows and other creatures there," she nodded in agreement, "alright you go get some rest, I need to attend to my own needs," he opened his mouth to complain but decided against it as she glared at him. She was like a mother to him, her 50 years to his 25 added up to her almost being his mother. He left the room leaving the old mare to her needs which consisted of finding new spells. She knew that whatever had killed Greenlight had killed the other 5 guardians of light leaving her as the last one. How she knew was because she had seen the same damage in all of their bodies, broken horns, wings, or legs, and a stab to the chest, she also knew it would take more than her and Silvermoon to stop whatever it was. She sighed, the other 6 ponies would arrive when the time was right and create the new guardians of light, and each would appear in her home by accident or by Silvermoon befriending one of them. She let out one last sigh before sinking into her work.

Edited by silvermoon15000
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@@silvermoon15000, Cresent didn't often have his gauntlet on as often as he had sense the darkness started spreding around equestrian, but as more events unfolded and he found he was being attacked by, shadows. It was the best word he could think for them as they didn't have any recognizable form aside from yellow eyes and a claw or maybe more pending on the type of attack.  Hence why the gauntlet he found out it hate light which is a double sword...himself being nocturnal made it a rather trying battle every attack.


And with the attacks it was meaning for once pony's sought out the everfree forrest for safty rather then fear which was odd seeing for cresent being one that lived in the forrest.


He was flying towards his tree house with a lantern un his mouth after making a supply run from the small make shift market nothing would get to him on the way

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Unfortunately for Crescent the shadows could shape shift and soon he had a few flying head first towards him


Meanwhile Silvermoon laid in his bed feeling his wounds fully heal, while Sunlight kept trying to create a spell that could possibly get rid of the eclipse. She sighed as her magic threw her off balace and she collided into a wall, thus caused Silvermoon to come into the room to make sure she was alright. "Sunlight..." he helped her up, "you ok," she took his hoof and stood up with a nod, "I'm fine thank you, for checking on me," she said.

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Seeing the forms ahead of him made cresent bank to the side, the suddenness of it made him panic. almost colliding into a cloud. activating his gauntlets blade he looked back the blade pointing threatingin at the shadow. Its right blue blade almost blinding himself "back!" he calls out trying to focus on the flying.  

Edited by cwhip9
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Fire was his savior. It always had been, and even the Eclipse that fact never changed, only becoming reinforced by the event. The torch provided him sanctuary, and protected him more than his damned armor. He had thought it would had helped more than it really had. So far it had only helped against the regular natives of equestria, and due to the traces of iron found in the alloy it was made of, it was quite effective against the rogue unicorns who seemed to have had the easiest times these days. Their damned magic. His torch was beginning to dim, and he hoped to find some solace, or at least some supplies. The skitterings were getting closer, and he thought he could see a dim light from afar, but there were too much trees in his way. He began a heavy hoofed trot towards the glow in hope it wasn't another damned unicorn.

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Astral looked out her window once again, hoping the shadow creatures outside had left, the hadn't. "I can't just wait this out can I?" She asked herself walking to her door, the shadow creatures on the other side of it closing in one they saw that the pony inside was about to open the door. she opened the door facing the shadow creatures ."If you won't walk away, I'll make you." She swirled her hooves around sending a blast of magic at them, which didn't harm them. "Rats." Out of curiosity she sent a blast of light at them which caused them to disperse. "Well, I waited five hours and they could've been defeated by light." She paused for a moment. "LIGHT?!"

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Lethenir was travelling through the now dense forested lands with torches carried by magic "Kind of envy people who can magically conjure flames or balls of light now..." he sadly spoke to himself as he wandered through the dense forests with no goal whatsoever in mind. He did at one point hear strange noises near him at which point he found the best place for a fireplace, he had gathered up materials on the way there. Thats why the place was good, he got enough materials for a fireplace. He started one up... But just his luck, the flames on his torches burnt out just now so he had to resort to using his laser, luckily he hadn't used the second charge today so he could safely light the fireplace, lighting it flooded the whole place around him with bright brilliant light.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Dust Devil swung her hammer with fluid grace. She could feel the spindly legs of a shadow-creature tear from the ground as her strike knocked it aside. Without missing a beat, she spun aside and slammed another of the creatures with her hind hooves, knocking its stabbing strike aside. Its long, curved beak plunged into the ground a few hooves to her side as Dust swung her hammer across a third creature's head. The blow knocked the shadowy monstrosity aside just as the first one recovered. Instead of swiping or tearing, the creature plunged its needle claws into the ground with a shink like a knife being unsheathed.


The sound didn't escape Dust's ears. Cursing, the sound muffled by her hammer's handle, she spread her wings and flapped them, leaping from the ground. She watched as the claws of the shadow-creature emerged where her hooves had been mere seconds before, plunging back into the ground. They would have pinned her hooves down, a doubtless unpleasant fate as she would have been at the creatures' mercy.


Another beat of her translucent, glowing yellow wings sent Dust hurtling towards the first creature, which pulled its laws from the ground as she approached. It moved to stab, but she was too fast for it, dropping her weight on the shadow's back. Its spindly legs gave and the creature collapsed as Dust struck the back of its head with her hammer.


The blow drove its head into the ground like a tent stake. As it struggled to escape, Dust swiped at the second shadow-creature with her hammer. Once it was knocked aside, her wing lashed out and she touched the glowing feathers to its thin neck. Her other wing intercepted the third creature as her glowing feathers burned through the beast's neck. Jumping and dropping her hammer, she grabbed the third shadow-creature's thin, blade-shaped head in her jaws and twisted viciously, snapping its neck. Her wing burned through the neck of the downed shadow-creature as her hooves pinned the last standing one to the ground. She burned its head from its body as well before allowing herself to relax.


"See?" she said. "I'm not afraid of the dark!"


She retrieved her dropped hammer and slipped it back in the harness at her side. "Welp," she said, "time to bring these buggers home." As she moved, her wings pulled back into the brass plates on her shoulders until they vanished. Carefully, she pulled a black, knife-shaped head from the ground, dragging it into the dark air. It was longer than her leg and looked extremely sharp. Carefully, Dust Devil collected the other two heads and laid them in a row. She put her muzzle under the skeletal black corpse of one of the creatures and allowed it to fall over her back, its spindly limbs hanging over hers and dragging along the ground. Pulling its forelegs, Dust tucked the claws into the straps along her barrel, letting it hand over her like some twisted cape. Two of the heads were tucked under the sheathes that held her hammers, while she carried the third in her mouth like a sword.


Spreading her glowing golden wings once again, Dust Devil flew into the deep, dark, eternal light.


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(Amphorus mere hooves can not kill these creatures they are literally shadows that are 3D and the only way to fully get rid if them is to kill them with a weapon that has a light enchantment on it so I must ask you to rephrase or make it where you stunned the creature)



Shadows can only be killed by light spells or weapons with a light enchantment on them but they can be stunned by a light source which acts as a forcefield in cretain cases please understand that this brings in survival methods and makes enemies harder to destroy

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(OOC: Well, she didn't really kill them with her hooves, she used her wings, which are close enough to light magic that they do burn through the shadow creatures. It does take a little while, but beheading them works fairly well, and these particular shadow creatures have very thin necks.)


Dust let out a sigh as she landed on the small porch of her cloud house. She pushed the door open cautiously. There was no telling what might make a residence there in her absence, after all. The house was small, little more than a single room, as it was simpler to keep clean and monster-free. Satisfied that no sinister creatures had moved in, Dust stepped into the space, shutting the door.. Her hooves noiseless on the cloud floor, she walked over to the back corner of the room, where a square pool the size of a bed had been cut into the floor. She dropped the head in her mouth into the pool, watching the ripples across the inky liquid that filled it. She gently lowered the rest of her spoils into the pool as well, making sure nothing broke the surface of the black liquid.


With a small smile, she fluttered up to the ceiling and turned on the lights.


Eerie green luminance filled the small space as Dust dropped back to the floor. A small platform had been raised across from the pool, and a comforter was draped over it to make a sort of bed. A workbench was pressed against one wall, but Dust ignored it. Instead, she walked over to the bed and whipped the comforter off, tossing it to the floor. Satisfied, she pulled her hammers from their straps, laid them by the bed, and pulled the covers over herself.


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Silvermoon sat up from his bed gripping the covers as sweat covered him. He felt a tear slide down his face as the nightmare of his parents' death stayed in his memory. Not being able to sleep he got up and went to see what Sunlight was up to. He turned the corner to find her swinging her double sided spear into a dummy. She was focused her form perfect. She was fast, agile, she could take down a pony 3 times her size. Silvermoon cleared his throat to catch her attention. She put the weapon down, "what is it," she said hanging her weapon on a rack, "I'm going to get some more firewood, do you want to come along," she turned and nodded, taking her weapon off the rack and putting it into a sheathe before placing it on her back, "sure, but I am going to stay hidden, I fear a pony has stumbled close to here," he nodded and they went out.



Meanwhile in Coltsville


"Hmmm where are you?" The darkness said now in his physical form. He looked like an average pony minus the purple eyes made of fire. "Master?" A voice said behind him, he turned to see a shadow standing there, weakened. "What is it," he said only turning his head, "we found her...and her apprentice," the darkness smirked, "it seems her apprentice was foolish enough to lead you to her, prepare for an assault, we leave in a week," the creature nodded before limping away.



Silvermoon gathered sticks and logs, keeping alert.

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Glow, at this point it was only a soft ember, and his trot had become a heavy gallop at full speed. He needed more speed, and the glow in the distance was growing too slowly, at this rate, his torch was useless at this point, hearing the darkness closing in on him. In mid gallop he tossed his torch in front of him and crushed it under hoof. It exploded in a glowing shower of sparks, which quickly faded behind him.

It immediately closed in on him, a black mist flowing into his visor, his nostrils and mouth. It was slowly suffocating him, but he pressed on. Don't give in. It was getting closer, the light, but eventually began to shrink away as the shadows began to cloud his vision. He could no longer weave through the trees and the shadows in his lungs sent waves of needles through his nerves. Tears streamed along his face as a cold sweat shook his body.

But when all seemed lost, he ran into a tree, tearing it from its roots with a loud crack and crack and sliding to a stop. collapsed on the ground in front of the glowing home, coughing, he closed his eyes as the mist left his mouth and slid out his visor. He was exhausted.

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As Silvermoon got closer to home he saw a pony on the ground he called for sunlight who appeared behind him, "get him inside quickly," she said turning away with her weapon drawn. Silvermoon dragged the pony into the house and started producing healing spells as the sound of Sunlight fighting filled his ears.

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He heard voices, unable to distinguish what they said, and felt himself being dragged. Anything strong enough to drag him in this armor was to be commended, but was also dangerous. The adrenaline he could now feel was shifting his position to attacking whatever it was, until a light filtered through his visor and filled him with such vitality, ridding him of the debilitating breathing condition that had just been forced upon him. He reached out his hoof hesitantly and could feel the soft cushion of organic material being pressed though his armor.

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Silvermoon during his healing spells felt the hoof grab him, he quickly used a spell to fully paralyse the pony so he could continue. Sunlight stepped inside and helped Silvermoon with the spell her magic prying the pony's hoof off of him as she used a sleep spell.

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The feeling of another being of flesh comforted him as did the warmth of the magic flowing into him, until it became a bit more inhospitable and racked his nerves again, paralyzing him. Not good, nooooooo good. He was certain what was happening was as much bad as good, and then the comfort of the hold he had was pried away from his as he suddenly became extremely tired, and immediately fell asleep as his panicked mind cried out.

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Silvermoon turned to Sunlight, "thank you, now lets tie him to the bed and wake him up so he doesn't attack us and we can explain. Sunlight nodded in agreement, she couldn't risk losing her student and didn't want to harm the armored pony so this was the best option. She tied him to silvermoon's bed and strengthened the rope so he wouldn't escape, she then cast a spell to wake up the sleeping pony.

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He awoke after a quick, dreamless sleep and he quickly scanned the setting, taking note of the two ponies there, but  then trying to get up, he found he was unable to move his limbs, tied to whatever he was laying on. He knew what to do, not knowing that the ropes were reinforced with magic. He initiated quick, shallow breathing, and started banging his helm against the backboard to start an adrenaline flow. Give his size and the armor he wore, it was obvious that while he couldn't break the ropes, the bed frame was more at risk if and when he initiated his struggle.

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Astral wandered through the everfree holding a lamp with her hoof, that is until the lamp stopped working as a shadow creature moved towards her. "Rats, Uh..." And now found herself staring a shadow creature in the face her fear making her temporarily forget she could cast light spells. "BYE!" She yelled running frantically from it dropping her unlit lamp in the process. "WHOA!" What she should of considered is that now the lamp has gone out she has no way of seeing things which lead to her tripping allowing the shadow creature to corner her against a tree. "HELP!" She yelled at the top of her lungs hoping somepony could hear her.

Edited by Frannis
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You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Dust Devil's ears pricked up. Was that a voice? She grabbed the knifelike head she had been working on, tossed it back into the inkwell in the corner, slung her hammers in their straps, and bolted outside, ears raised.


It was definitely a pony's voice. And not a happy one.


Dust kicked the door shut behind her and launched, her glowing wings flaring. They beat faster than should have been possible, propelling Dust rapidly over the trees as she searched for the voice. Guided by her downturned ears, Dust plunged through the canopy to whatever was below.


Astral saw a glowing, golden blur plow into the shadow-creature, knocking it aside with a sound like twigs snapping. A pegasus, with impossibly large wings that glowed gold, smashed the creature's head with a hammer, drove its sharp beak into the ground, and pounded the back of its head, pinning it down. Her glowing wings folded into her back as she walked towards Astral.


"There'll be more where that came from," the pegasus said in a low voice. "My home would be the safest place you could be right now. Can you cast a cloudwalking spell?"


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@@Amorphous, Astral stood up. "I'm an earth pony, do I look like I can cast that?" Sure she could, but she still didn't look like she was able to cast spells anyways. "I don't have a horn or wings, so if I was to hide in your house you would have to hold onto me for my dear life." She looked at the pegasus' wings. "How did you get those?" She asked pointing at Dust's wings, noticing that they were glowing. "'Because those don't seem natural."

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"Eh, I don't carry a lantern, sorry," the strange pony said. "It gets hard to tell. And these?" The mare literally pulled her wings back into her shoulders until all Astral could see were two faintly glowing circles hanging in the darkness. Then she extended them, casting a small circle of yellow light around her. "They're projections of my natural magic through these." She tapped a brass plate that was strapped to her shoulder. Her wing seemed to grow out of it. "I was born wingless."


"Anyway," the pony said, "I don't need new holes in my floor. Which way is your base?"


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@@silvermoon15000, that aperently didn't stop the shadow as it lept after the bat pony "oh bite me sideways" he swung with all his might into the shadow bisecting it clean through, somewhat. The blade had become logged  into the shadow itself. Cresent kicked hard as he could against it meeting only air but stuck his blade was


He head butted the creature finally getting the blade out of it. Yet as he flew on looking back he didn't notice @@Amorphous, @, two other ponys near by as he flew over them into the near by tree making him drop the food supplys onto the ground. He saw them and what looked like a smashed shadow of some sort


"greetings" he held up a wing the blue blade sheathing back into the gauntlet

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@@Amorphous, @@cwhip9, Astral squeaked a bit at the new pony's entrance. "Hi, you." She said having no idea what the pony's name was. and turned to the other "I guess my house might work, unless..." It took only five seconds to realize the new pony had no horn. "Yup! we're going to stay in my house since I have no wings." She said walked to her house before pausing and turning around to face them. "Follow me!" She said gesturing to the direction her house.

Edited by Frannis
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You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@cwhip9,  @,



Dust jumped at the batpony's arrival, her head darting to her side and whipping out her hammer in a fraction of a second. She lowered into a crouch on pure reflex before relaxing. Mumbling something around the handle of her hammer, she put it back into its straps, brow furrowed.


Then, she raised her head and cast the batpony a suspicious glare. "Who the warm, firelit Tartarus are you?" she asked, voice sharp and commanding. Dust's light green eyes gleamed in the dark as she glowered at the new arrival.

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