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private A Not So Famous Somepony...

Sir Xarthas VI

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Oh, it's a habit. I'm alway messing up my teleportations. It's been like that forever. But, it's ok as I don't get injured from such small falls. 


She looked at Exist.


Oh, you landed in a bush! Quite lucky of you. You said yourself you wanted to follow me. I was just getting us here a bit quicker than by walking.


She looked back. 


Oh, but you are an alicorn! Interesting. I never heard of you before.

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Exist waved with his paw and smiled sheepishly, "H-Hello.  I'm Exist."  He brushed off a bit of the dirt that still hung on his body by flapping his rather griffon like wings softly.  "What's your name?"  He hung behind, but to the left of Miss Klang.


Hopefully this alicorn isn't secretly evil like every other foreign powerful being that enters Equestria.  He thought to himself while looking over the alicorn.

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"Oh sorry! I am being rude..." she stood up more straight and smiled warmly. "Hello I am Argante, you wouldn't really know of me cause I was lost to time so to speak, its quite the long story hehehe," she giggled a bit and continued, "I used to live in the Everfree...sorta...agian quite complicated." she laughed nervous like and started to walk past them.


"And I am sorry and don't wish to be rude but I have to go do something, it was lovely to meet you~" she bowed at them a bit and continued to walk to the forest, her horn glowing lightly to find the hidden path.

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Oh, I used to live in the everfree too!


Missklang smiled and started to turn around, cleaning her coat from dead leaves and sticks that were stuck in it. Once done, she looked at the alicorn going towards the everfree. She then looked at Exist.


Come on. Let's follow her! It's possible we can find the blue unicorn that way. And having an alicorn nearby is interesting as well! And perhaps she know safe paths. That could be useful as well.

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Exist nodded quietly, following the both of them.  "I usually just...fly over it though, no problem..."  He mutters to himself as he flew softly next to the both of them.  The sun burst through the trees over them, still beaming warmly in this hot summer day.


Hmm... I guess I should watch Missklang whenever she uses her magic in order to get a feel for how it works.  Exist thought to himself, passively flying next to them.  Even if I don't learn much, it's better than nothing,right?


The trees passed him by quietly as the plants soaked up the summer sun.  The light was almost blinding, but strangely comforting in its purity.  It made him feel nice in the slight breeze, but also added an air of activity about his mind and body.  It might just have been him feeling fresh for doing something different, but maybe there was something more.  He would surely find out soon, however.

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Argante traveled quietly, her horns glow making small glow mushrooms react to her magic, the cutie mark on her flank started to glow the same color as well. She smiled as she followed the glow path, ignoring the sounds of other creatures in the woods. She knew she was safe, her magic protected these paths. She wound over and under trees, through bushes and brambles, going ever forward at a very steady pace. 


Her thoughts were elsewhere at the same time. She had not been home in some time. Not since the Shattering. She wasn't sure how she was going to feel being back near the old castle. She shuddered a bit and then shook her head, trying to shake the thoughts entering her mind.

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Missklang expected the walk to be a casual one, but it was still weird for the Everfree forest to be as safe as on this path. She followed Argante for some time now and it even started to get a little bit boring, without any encounters. At one point her hoof got stuck in a twig. She wiggled it and when it was as soft as a cooked macaroni, pulled it out. She looked at her leg getting back normal and continued gazing around. He turned to Exist.


Look! Her mane change colour according to the magic she use! Isn't it cool? 

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Exist's eyes widened as he saw Miss Klang's leg literally become noodle like, and slide through a twig.  After he heard the unicorn draw attention to the changing alicorn, however, he shook his head as if drunk and replied, "W-What?  Huh?"  Looking up... he could see exactly what they were talking about.

"Ooh!  Very pretty."  The colors quickly shifted from a purple to a blue...

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Argante shifted at what seemed to be a wall of trees. She smiled at the circle of mushrooms and her horn stopped glowing, her body following suit. She placed her hoof upon the wood, taking a deep breath she walked through, disappearing through it.


When she finished walking through she looked at the clearing. A small castle sat on the other side, the clearing held several houses that were still being used. Several ponies came out and saw the alicorn. They all shouted with glee and rushed to her.


"She is back!! Our Princess has returned home once more!!" Ponies yelled, she smiled and greeted them all, laughing at them as she was now stuck at the entrance of the clearing.   

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@@Missklang, @@CharChar, @@LonnaKitty,


Shining watched as the very comical looking group of three walked through the Everfree. He was about to teleport again, when suddenly the black alicorn disappeared. Shining moved his goggles over his eyes, and switched filters, looking for magic. Hmm. A hidden village? In the Everfree? This could be what I've been looking for... Dark Blood could be there... And I sense a magic barrier... Maybe that's why that creature from before couldn't detect his magic... That would explain a lot... he thinks to himself, sighing with exasperation. Deciding to take a closer look, Shining walks toward the wall of trees. He peers through to the other side, and sees the black alicorn again. As well as a bunch more ponies. Shining curses under his breath, and squeezes through the trees, and disables his invisibility spell. "You! Alicorn!"

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Argante turned to face the voice that called out to her. The other ponies opened up like a parting of the sea, giving their princess full view of the stranger in question.


"Yes? How can I help you?" she asked carefully, her body was pulled entirely upright as she looked at the stranger, unsure if he was friend or foe.

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Missklang quickly recognized the voice and jumped through the space between her and the unicorn in a quick teleport.


It's you again mister "I'm here to save the universe or something of equal importance"! Do you greet Luna and Celestia by "You, Alicorn" as well? That's not nice! It's not nice to be not nice. Last time I heard someone being this rude to them, it was from Discord. And he was turned to stone.


Missklang frowned lightly, but then smiled, unable to keep the serious face.


But who am I to talk about such things as conduct and order. I'm glad I wasn't wrong when I thought you went into the forest. I was looking for you actually.


She stopped talking, and instead started looking at the unicorn.

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@@LonnaKitty, @@Missklang,


"Normally I don't greet anypony with such a harsh tone, nor am I usually so withdrawn towards others. I just happen to be in a foul mood, and have something important to do." He says to Missklang, with a somewhat irritated tone. "And it doesn't help when random creatures, like yourself, are somehow finding me and irritating me further. He says sighing. He then turns to the alicorn "And I would be more polite with you, but I only greet my current princesses with kindness. Everyone else I greet neutrally. Anyway, I'm looking for someone. An alicorn. Goes by the name of Dark Blood. About two hooves taller than you, with black fur, and blood-red markings. Usually wears scale-mail boots." He says, while looking at his surroundings, trying to spot any clues as to whether or not he was here or not...

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Argante sighed softly at the commotion, lifting her wing to signal to her guards that all was fine. She stepped forward and stared at the strangers.


"Well welcome to our home, unfortunately stranger, you and the other one are the only strangers who have stepped into our home in a very long time, we have met no pony matching the description that you describe. However I am not so rude as to deny you help. We have lived in this forest a very long time so we know it fairly well, I will help you in your quest if you so desire. As long as you do not harm any of my ponies, you will have full cooperation. I have met your princess, they are very nice and lovely alicorns, so if you are under them then I have no quarrel with you." she then turned to the other one who was lovely enough to jump to her defense. 


"You are also welcome to stay as well, we don't mind visitors just don't cause any trouble...we have enough as it is." she waited for their replies, looking to and fro from the two strangers.

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@@LonnaKitty, @, @@Missklang

Exist was astounded at the small village in the middle of the everfree.  He could see the rather older looking buildings have been kept up well, despite being in such a dangerous place.  It had been fairly obvious how this village was hidden: a magic barrier.  He's seen it before when he has patients visit their homes.  A lot of the time, there's magic barriers that hide towns and villages across equestria from danger, but he's never seen one on this kind of scale.  It would take a strong amount of magic, or some kind of spell to keep something like this up for so long.  At least, that's what his coworkers tell him when he goes out.


...!  Exist paused from his oggling of the village, looking at the sudden appearance of that mysterious pony.  He listened to the pony, and thought about what he said.  It sounded familiar, what he was describing...  Where have I heard this before?  His eyes closed as he thought, listening to the other ponies talk.

Edited by CharChar
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"I don't intend on doing anypony harm. But I don't intend on using your help, either. I do, however, intend on searching the town for Dark Blood. You may not have seen him, but he could still be here... somewhere." Shining states, walking past the alicorn and looking throughout the village. After a while, he seems more irritated, cursing under his breath, and his tattoo's starting to glow a faint blue. He walks back up to the alicorn. "Maybe I will ask you to do one thing. Well, it depends. How powerful are you?" He asks with a grin, though nopony can see it.

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She smiled a very playful smile and lifted her forleg showing off a bracelet. "These bracelets are not just for show, they keep my magic in check. So to answer your question, quite powerful." she watched him carefully, she was treading on thin icy and she knew it in her heart. She wanted to help though, he was searching for somepony, and with that notion, she could entirely sympathize.  

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Shining mistakenly let out a chuckle, but soon corrected himself. "Good. I'd like you to cast a spell." He says, and then starts to rummage through one of his saddlebags. He eventually takes out a large leather-bound journal, and starts flipping through the pages. Almost halfway through the book, he stops, but then keeps going, trying to find a powerful enough spell... Eventually he settles on one that he himself couldn't cast... yet. He tosses the journal on the ground in front of the alicorn, showing the spell page to her. The spell, named 'Enforced Darkness' was very accurately described, as Shining himself had discovered it, and is the only one that knows of it. Well, used to, anyway. The page also has a hoof-drawn image of a large black sphere, with a dark mist emanating from it. "I would cast it, but I'd have to use the rest of my power, and I'll need it for later. All you have to do is cast the spell into the sky, probably about 30 meters up. And hold it there for a minute or two. After that, we wait. Hopefully he see's it.." He grins again, yet nopony can see it.

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Argante eyed it and then him carefully. She turned to a guard and whispered to him. The guard silently nodded and ushered everypony in the vicinity away, making them go into their homes. She looked again at the spell reading over it once, twice, three times, before nodding. The spell was complicated and very powerful, she removed one bracelet from her forarm. A small spark of light illuminated her body and she winced in pain. It had been long since she had removed these bracelets. 


She looked over the spell once more, a double check, and breathed deeply. She looked to the sky her mane started to swirl with purple colors, her tail and cutie mark doing the same. The black light shot from her horn. She made the black mass form at 35 meters high, the use of magic made her body more stable, confident even. She held it and watched what the others would do.

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Shining chuckles again, and stops himself. He looks up at the black orb, floating above the everfree "Impressive... If you were a unicorn. Now I'd recommend to stop casting the spell. This ones particularly nasty. Although it doesn't always happen, it sometimes drains power from the caster. But it forces all powerful creatures to look at it, no matter species. Except for the ones within 50 meters. Most of them will ignore it once it passes, but if it catches the eye of Dark Blood, he'd know it's me, and will probably come running over. Or more accurately, flying over. I just hope he's not in a fowl mood..." He says as he looks guiltily at the ponies around him. "Chance of him being in a foul mood is about 32% though. Wait.. what day is it?" He asks, somewhat stupidly, and checks his goggles. "Make that a 27% chance..." He says with a sigh of relief...

Edited by ~ Akatsuki ~
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She sighed and let it be, placing the bracelet back on as quick as possible, the sparking died down immediately and she took a breath. Removing her bracelets was always hard, it made her feel a bit dizzy. She looked upon the stranger with curiosity and tilted her head a bit to the side. 


"If I may be so bold, but why are you looking for this pony?"

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Exist watched the two do their magic, thinking to himself.  Of course, he kept a safe distance away from the large sphere in the sky.  It was so strange, the way it looked.  Such a dark force that seemed to absorb all light near it...  What would anypony need for such a thing?


He happened to look down at the blue stallion, and made an astute observation: his goggles!  There was something strikingly familiar about them.  Were they connected to that Dark Blood pony that was described?  Maybe I saw this pony one time whenever I flew over the Everfree forest...?  In any case, he supposed he would find out soon enough.


He couldn't shake this strange feeling though.  The entire time, his body felt strange...

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Looking up at the black sphere, he tells the alicorn about his findings. "About 2 years ago, a hooded figure came to Canterlot to speak to me. He told me of a spell that could alter anything, and which spell-book I could find it in. I searched for about a year and a half before finding it, only to realize that I couldn't touch it myself, otherwise the book would turn to ash. The only one who could take the book and release the disintegration spell was Luna, so I asked her to retrieve it for me. Which she did, of course. Afterwards, I studied through the book, trying to find the spell I had been told of, but the language was something I'd never seen before, so I had to research it in order to read through the book in order to find the spell. After a while, I finally found it. But realized how powerful the spell actually is, and I need Dark Blood's help to make sure it's never used for evil. The reason I need his help is because, well... It's protected by extremely powerful magic. Not even the power of Celestia and Luna combined could break it. So I figured Dark Blood would be my best chance at breaking the spell. Well, not so much breaking it as altering it. So only me and the princesses are allowed to read it. And since he seems to be the most powerful being on this planet, I figured he would have the best shot at helping me." He explains this as he takes out a book from his bag and shows it to the alicorn. After letting her see it for a moment, he stuffs it back in his bag. Shining suddenly looks over to his left, where nopony seems to be. "Was that..." His voice trails off.

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I'm not a random creature! I'm here for the action and my amusement. It just so happens you are the fastest way to get to it. However, it's a nice spell there. Mind if I try something?


Missklang was curious about the words of the unicorn, so she teleported away from the sphere on a rooftop that according to him was far away to be affected by the sphere. Suddenly, she started staring at the black sphere in the sky. It was so strange, but yet something familiar. It was as black as the blackest thing. As black as the void itself. She stared at it and felt the uneasiness gain her What if the void stares back. And yet somehow she found it so perfectly round, so perfectly black that she couldn't bring herself to stare back. Still looking at the sphere, she plunged her hooves in her saddle bag and grabbed a bucket that was strangely almost the size of the bag itself. Without waiting any longer, she put the bucket on her head, forcing to break line of sight with the sphere and teleported back to Argante and the unicorn. With the bucket still over her head, she continued.


Huh... I wonder if it's the same effect if you are looking at its reflection or its photo... I like it. It looks like a black hole.

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It felt almost like his body was about to blast off into space.  He began to sweat a bit, and slowly walked over to Missklang who seemed to be wearing a bucket over their head.  Exist ignored this fact, however, and spoke to them anyway,  "Don't you feel like... a pressure on your body?"  It felt like something was squeezing his body...

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