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private A Not So Famous Somepony...

Sir Xarthas VI

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Argante only nodded, a small purple mist like substance escaped her being, her body calm, her eyes wandering everywhere as the mist traveled through the hidden little town. As it met with her citizens they looked back to their leader and then ushered inside. Slowly all the remaining ponies that were wondering around had now headed back inside their stone houses.The purple mist faded, the only one left was now the leader of the small town.


Argante just stared and calculated, her mind running a mile a minuet, curiosity kept her routed in place though then she turned to the stranger. "I will have to ask you just a couple questions after you are done with what you need done, for a bit of selfish reasons, however that can wait." she looked back up where the black sphere used to be, her feathers started to feel prickly something unsetled her to no end.

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@@Missklang, @@LonnaKitty,


Shining nods towards Argante, agreeing to her proposition. He then turned to Missklang "Do not think lightly of me. I am the most powerful Unicorn in Canterlot. I have created more spells than Starswirl the Bearded, and I've only ever had 2 of them backfire. Granted, those were major explosions and we had to rebuild quite a bit, but it was only twice. And that was years ago. I was not given my position just because of my goggles." He says as he shows her his goggles, which have over 100 filters. "And to comment on your thoughts, I had altered the spell for chaos magic before Discord had cast it. It still didn't work. The magic required to cast it can't be random and sporadic, otherwise the form in which the spell is used changes rapidly, and is very unstable." He said as he looks to his left, think he saw another shadow. Suddenly, a very tall figure appears just inside the tree wall. It slowly makes it's way towards Shining until it stops right in front of him. The figure is covered in a black fog, hiding all of it's features. "Would you turn off the mist? They're no threat to you. As long as you're peaceful, anyway." He says to the figure. The figure then disables his spell, allowing everypony to see his form. Standing almost 10 hooves (feet) high, the alicorn dwarves Shining. He is covered in black fur, with dark red swirling patterns all across his torso, legs, and head. "Yet again, you use that spell to get my attention. What is it this time? Find something fun to do?" The alicorn says with a sneer. Shining just chuckles lightly "Fun? You should know me by now." He says as he turns to face Argante and Missklang "Just to clarify, this is Dark Blood." He turns back to face Dark Blood "The alicorn is Argante. The unicorn is Missklang. And to answer the question you're going to ask, no we do not know each other intimately. You should know I'll never find anypony to fill that position." He says. Dark Blood walks around him to look at the other two ponies. "I can sense chaos magic from you, Missklang. Enough power to rival Discord. Though he is naturally born to it, being a chaos creature... And I see you have formidable magic power as well, Argante. Though you hide it. Must be those bracelets. I think I've seen those before... Anyways. Shining! What do you want of me this time?" Shining just pulls out the book and shows it to Dark "You've finally found it, eh? And you think I can alter it so only you and the princesses can cast it... Right? Luckily for you, I'm in a good mood. I think I'll help you out. But for a price." He chuckles, and points north "About 59,550 hooves that way, there's a... Let's just say she's a friend. I want you to go to her, and tell her I sent you. She'll give you something, and you must bring it back to me. I'll wait here. Oh, and those two must go with you." Dark points to Argante and Missklang. "Good luck!" And he disappears. Shining curses to himself "Should've known this would go this way... Guess I'm goin' over there." He says to himself as he starts walking north.

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For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Missklang yawned.


Yeah, ok. I get it. You are a great important wizard and stuff. Sorry sugarcube, but I think lightly about everpony, including the princesses. You can be god, I will still tease you. Equality and stuff. But it's ok, I admire the talent and all. Pretty neat. 


She watched the tall Alicorn appear.


Howdy. You're late, sorry. There is no more cake. It was a lie. Cool tattoos, though. Fancy name. Is your blood really dark? And don't turn off the mist! I'm a threat! Rawr! Fear me! For I am the chaos! I am the night! I am your doooooom.


She then listened to Shining comment on the relationship and gasped in fake surprise.


Oh, but you said we will get married next week! How could you? I even canceled my world domination plans for that! How could you! Think about our son! He needs a dad!


She puffed.


But seriously, like I would want to be with you. You are far too young, and ponies tend to die quickly. No, thank you, I would never willingly torture myself with "emotions". Why would you even think that? Why are you explaining that to him? Or are you doing it so I can hear it? 


She looked at the Alicorn.


Hey, I was... born with it too! I'm as much chaos creature as Discord! And it's easier to sneak through the population when you look like one of them. I did not yet ascend to a draconequus form yet. I look like a unicorn. Deal with it. It makes me more trustable and I can sneak in and explode more easily. 


She raised her hoof and poked a big sharp tooth similar to Discord's that somehow appeared in her mouth. She watched Dark Blood disappear.


59 550 hooves? Did he counted or just trying to impress? Anyway, I follow you now. The big guy said so. I would done it anyway, though. Authorities are annoying, right? Obliging these pesky peasants to follow you and annoy you. Especially that Missklang. What a headache! She just won't stop talking! And I work alone! But, it's for universe's sake so I must do it. Ugh, why they must follow me? Only slowing me down!


She smiled.


Don't be grumpy! Didn't sunbutt and princess bookworm buzzed your ears off with lectures about the "magic of friendship"? Heh.  

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The entirety of this situation was hard to grasp. She put a hoof to her head and sighed softly. She turned around and trotted off somewhere quickly, returning back with a small pouch on her side. She stared at them all watching the curious band start to walk north. She slumped her shoulders and followed. This was not what she had in mind today, not at all. She was supposed to help around the town, making sure everything was still running smoothly. She had wanted to catch up with others to.


She scoffed at it, not that she wasnt curious or excited about the entire thing, its just that it came at a bad time.

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@@Missklang, @@LonnaKitty,


Shining hears Missklang and Argante start to follow him. He sighs, and continues walking. "No, actually. They haven't bothered my about the whole 'friendship is magic' thing. Mostly because they know I believe that Honour is Magic. They have their ideals, I have mine."

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For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Star decided to depart from the odd fanged pony and the dragon she had work to do nonetheless. After a short while she got to Rainbow's home where the rather startled pegasus claimed to of forgotten. After a quick conversation Rainbow Dash was off to HQ for her practice.


Star then set off for Canterlot she had some research papers she wanted a copy from the local university so she could read up on a recent discovery to do with shooting stars. She was flying rather absent mindedly, but she could not but help think about that unicorn...

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy
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With the giant ball in the sky gone, Exist began to feel normal again.  Listening to everything that was going on, it seemed that the big ball was some kind of spell to attract the attention of very powerful magic users.  It made him feel like his body was about to burst...

He shook his head, and approached Missklang again, "So what should we do now?"  The best course of action from here wasn't clear...

  • Brohoof 1

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"Honor is magic"? Huh... I'm not even sure how it's supposed to work. Anyway, at the end, they are all magic-boosting placebos anyway. I can understand that with their open-mindedness they won't bother you with the friendships too much, but it's still weird for them not to spread the ideology. 


Missklang turned to Exist.


For now, we follow. Nothing better to do anyway. Don't think I've forgot about your chaos-learning desire. Even if it doesn't seem so, I'm working on it in my head. You can understand, when you are old, it takes some time to recall of the needed information due to its excessive abundance. There might, after all be a way to help.


She turned back to Shining, smiling in a friendly way.


Hey, since we are following you now, what's your name?

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@@Missklang, @@LonnaKitty, @@CharChar,


Shining continued walking, almost at the edge of the forest "My name? It's Shining Midnight. Royal Watcher of Equestria, and General of the Royal Guard. The only higher ranking ponies than me are the princesses. Now please, if you don't mind, I'm trying to focus on how far we have to go exactly." He says as he stops walking. He closes his glowing blue eyes for a moment, and measures out where their destination is in his head. Moments later his horn starts glowing, and a circle of light forms on the ground, about 4 hooves diameter. "Everyone step in. We're taking the express way to Canterlot."

Edited by ~ Akatsuki ~
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For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Head of the royal guard? Hm. So I suppose you took the role after...heh.... Shining Armor couldn't stay du to his marriage. Is the name "Shining" an obligatory criteria for becoming a royal guard general?  


She stepped in.


Canterlot? That's annoying. The princess won't be happy to see me. Not after what happened last time I was there...

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@@Missklang, @,


After listening to Shining, and stepping into the circle, Exist felt a bit uneasy.  He looked at Missklang, however, who seemed to be completely fine save for the last comment about the princesses.

"I've never met the princesses before...  I'm going to assume they're very regal and graceful."  He said outloud, "Probably a lot more open then Shining over here, though."  Playfully, he stuck his tongue out as he waited to be moved by whatever spell was being cast.


I wonder what...  Discord is actually doing right now.  Probably having some tea, or maybe a bagel.  Well, actually, probably paper or hotsauce instead.   Even with everything happening right now, he still couldn't keep that draconequus out of his mind.

  • Brohoof 1

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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@@CharChar, @@Missklang, @@LonnaKitty,


As the curious group of ponies steps into the circle of light, they suddenly disappear. Instantly re-appearing at Canterlot Square. "This isn't where I wanted to go. Close enough, I guess." He says to himself, as he walks towards one of the guards. "The infection is getting worst.." He mumbles to himself. He then looks to a guard "Those three are with me." He says as he walks past the guards, who look over the three ponies. As Shining continues walking, he notices something in his tower that shouldn't be there. "What is she doing?" He asks himself, louder than he expected. He puts on his goggles, and zooms in on the pony in his tower, who happens to be Luna. She has a confused look on her face, and walks into the tower. "Dark didn't drag her into this... Did he?" He asks himself as he approaches the gates to the castle. One of the guards looks at Shining "ID, sir!" he demands. Shining shifts his right saddle-bag to show the guard his marking, and then quickly covers it back up. The guard just steps out of his way, and Shining rushes inside.

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For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Shining. After what happened, they probably have chaos sensors. they know that either me or Discord or another chaos source is coming. They know I'm here and I won't be surprised if they are waiting for me. Perhaps that's why Luna is here. Don't assume the worst. After all, she wanted to be personally involved in the case of me returning...


Missklang sighed and looked at Exist.


It's nice you have faith in the princess, but I don't. I don't believe in their perfect perfectnesses. I believe that absolute power corrupts absolutely and any politician is under that rule. That's why I stay down. That's why I don't use my magic for good or bad. I don't want to get involved. Call me selfish, but I'd rather stay away from it, then become corrupt or face choices where both answers are morally questionable. That's why, even if I could let's say, defeat all changellings in one spell without lifting an eyebrow while they attack Canterlot, I won't do it. I don't ask to understand me. Just telling that I don't like the princesses, and I don't think they like me. The politic power always dislikes anarchists and fear those with power. Either they send me to the moon or something, or try to brainwash me. "Reform" as they say, to make me yet another puppet destined to protect Equestria.

Edited by Missklang
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@@CharChar,@, @@Missklang,  


Argante only stood and listened, she didn't have much to say on the matter at hand, she herself only met the princess maybe twice since her kingdom broke free of the spell. She liked Luna, but still wasn't sure on Celestia. She had some pretty mixed feelings around everything in general. She only followed Shining, her curiosity driving her forward. She wanted to know and understand what was going on, she just had a feeling in her feathers that it might not be good.

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@, @@Missklang,



"Like..... Discord?"  Fearing the worst, he asked Missklang directly about him.  "I mean, I'm going to go into this neutral, and hope for the best, but... I do hope they have the best intentions in mind."  He grimaced for a split second, his true emotions showing through as he quickly followed behind Shining and the others.  He was tempted to fly to keep up, but didn't know if that was rude.


I know Twilight and her friends always try to do the right thing.  I've met most of them, and they're very good hearted ponies: albeit... a bit hard to swallow sometimes.


The beautiful castle passed him by as the stained windows and various armories and decorations passed by his view.  He didn't have much of an eye for such things, however, always looking at what's in front of him and only really interested in the ponies and whathaveyou that inhabited these places.

Edited by CharChar
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My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Oh, no. I like Discord. It's because of him I'm like that. He was my idol. I'm a bit sad he is reformed, though. It's not like him to pick sides. The Discord I know only does things to amuse himself, so I'm really hoping it's all just a big prank he planned while he was in the statue. After all, a thousand years is far enough to plan something so complex. Asking me, he is not really on anyone's side. I don't mind him. He don't mind me. As long as we don't interrupt each other's plans of course. But, I mean we never really teamed up or anything. He was in stone, and me not. Back at the Discord's reign of chaos however, we were almost best friends! He gave me a territory to rule over.

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@@Missklang, @@LonnaKitty, @,

They kept going through the castle as Exist listened to Missklang.  "He....gave you a territory?  That seems a bit farfetched.  I mean... you said yourself, he does stuff that only amuses him."  The hippogriff shook his head, and looked over at Missklang, "No... I know he's in this for real.  I've seen him and Fluttershy hang out countless times.  Th-there's no way he could be making this all up."  He seemed very uneasy.

Edited by CharChar
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My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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@@LonnaKitty, @@CharChar, @@Missklang,


Shining and the group continued through the castle. Up the main stairs, down a hallway, up some more stairs, and down another hallway. Before Shining could open the door to his tower, Luna had opened it and come through, closing it behind her. She looks the group over before settling her eyes on Shining "I wont question with whom you socialize, but please keep them under control. I can sense chaos magic in them..." Shining just looks at her neutrally "They can control themselves well enough. Now, what is it Dark Blood has given you?" He asks, seeing the envelope behind her. She casually hooves it over to Shining, who opens the letter and reads it. Seconds later, the letter bursts into blue flames and is burnt to nothing. "Seems you're coming with us the rest of the way." He says to Luna, and then makes his way back out of the castle. Luna follows him, a little closer than what he's accustomed to, but he doesn't mind. She looks at the other ponies "I don't believe you ponies realize what you're being involved with... If Dark Blood and Shining Midnight are involved in something, then there's not much good to come out of it..." She says with a stiff sigh "But as long as you stick close to Shining, you'll be safe. If he's willing to keep you safe, that is..." She gleams at Shining, who just continues walking.

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For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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@,@@CharChar, @@Missklang,


Argante sighs and goes to walk beside Luna, looking over at her. "Luna, I know we barely know each other, and forgive me for stepping over lines I shouldn't cross, but do you have ANY idea on what is going on? If need be I can protect myself and those else who need the protection, and my curiosity be cursed but, I would like to know SOMETHING." she grumbled a bit, her feathers were itchy and her bracelets hurt. Those two signs together normally meant bad news.

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You don't know Discord Exist. He is a master of illusions and actor play. It's impossble to know if he is acting or no. Besides, he can be friends with Fluttershy. That doesn't neceserely interfere his theoretical plans. I'm sure if he has one, it would take decades to realise it. Perhaps becoming friends with the bearers was part of it. And to creatures like that, time is nothing. Fluttershy is merely another way to entertain him, even if they are friends. He knows he will outlive her. It's a thing you learn fast when you are long living or immortal. He won't be too attached to her. If he does, it would hurt him more to loose her.


She looked at the princess.


He, keeping me safe? I don't think I need that. I can take care of myself. I'm here for the fun. How is it going, princess? Tia received the cakes I sent her? I asked Discord to ship them, so, a thousand cakes had to appear somewhere in her room last month. I hope she shared?


She smiled. Perhaps Luna didn't recognize her. She liked Luna. It was Celestia she didn't trusted.

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@@Missklang, @@LonnaKitty, @,


He could almost hear his heart break.  Like a shattering sound in the distance, he could hear it break into a million pieces.  He shook his head slowly, unwilling to believe it was true but... somehow he knew, deep down this was the truth.  A lump appeared in his throat and thus he couldn't speak anymore.  Solemnly, he followed close by, his eyes looked away almost as though the life had drained from them.


I should have figured.  He'd outlive me, so why should I even bother?  It'd mean nothing to him, and...


He didn't even feel like crying.  It was as though there was nothing.  Nothing to feel, nothing in front of him except for those he'd just met.

  • Brohoof 1

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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@@CharChar@~ Akatsuki ~,


Don't be sad Exist. Friendship is a wonderful thing. But one of the important lessons to be learned by everypony, is that nothing lasts forever. You have to make friends, but don't make them the center of your universe as it would become a deep scar in your heart. Eventually, you will go on your separate ways. Still, you should have the most fun of a friendship possible, have a good time, make memories worth remembering. Friends come and go, so have fun while it lasts. Nothing is eternal. I'm sure Discord is enjoying the friendship as much as Fluttershy does. He just knows that it won't last. After all, nothing lasts eternally no matter what you do. Nor bad, nor good things. Am I right princess? 


She silently smiled and whispered to herself


That's why we never fall in love. 

Edited by Missklang
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@@CharChar, @@Missklang, @@LonnaKitty,


Shining continued walking until he was out of the castle, closing his eyes and creating another glowing circle on the ground. "Same as before: Everyone in." He says aloud, his mind somewhere else. Luna is the first one to step in the circle, though she does so hesitantly "I've never trusted you teleportation spells... I saw what you did to those poor ponies when you were testing them... I don't want that happening to me!" She says to him, not really angry, nor sad, just slightly concerned. After all, she did trust him to keep watch over an entire kingdom 24/7. Even if his magic is sometimes questionable. Shining just looks at her plainly "That was years ago. You of all ponies should know I've perfected my magic." He states, purposefully making the circle flicker. Luna jumps slightly at the flicker "Don't do that!" She yells at him. "Have you forgotten I can see what you dream about? I could tell HER you still think about that." She says, with a rather seductive tone. Shining perks his ears up, and looks down towards the square. "Everyone in. Now." He says before quickly stepping into the circle.

  • Brohoof 1

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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@, @@Missklang, @@LonnaKitty,


Exist didn't listen to Missklang, only blinding following the group now.  I didn't just want to be friends...  Darkly, he closed his eyes as he waited to be teleported to wherever they were going next.  There was emotion stopped in his mind.

It... doesn't matter.  I'm going to find a way.  Even if it kills me.  His paw clutched the dirt fiercely.  A new resolve was on his face.

  • Brohoof 1

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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@@CharChar,@, @@Missklang,


Argante shifted and sighed, stepping into the circle once more. She was getting pretty tried of all this, and the amount of magic was making her bracelets hurt. She would need to switch them soon. Her ears flattened at the thought of doing it herself. She was not looking forward to that at all. She stood and waited patiently for the next teleportation.  

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