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@@DwhitetheGamer, @@P-Jay,


"Insolent fool. We should tear out his soul and take his power for our own. Does he not know he speaks with royalty?"


Mori remained silent, taking the cider and sipping it before putting it down and responding. "I am but a simple gravedigger, a complete outcast from society- barely more important than a slave... is it not tradition for the lowest social classes to refer to any above them as 'master?'" She paused and considered her mug. "The mainland is full of odd traditions indeed."


After hearing the bartender mention the train stopping, she quietly poured the rest of the cider out of the mug into one of her several canteens before screwing it shut and letting it fall back underneath her cloak. "Or, perhaps I am the one out of place here. Either way, there are tasks ahead of us that must be accomplished." Handing back the mug, she nodded. "It was nice talking to you..."


"Copper Strikes is his name, the insolent one. Know that we shall take our toll for your disrespect."


"Mind her not, for she is powerless without me. Thank you for this short conversation, Master Strikes. May your road be ever blessed before you..." She stood up and walked through the door, exiting from the train quietly.





What is next, then? More of your useless pontificating? Or perhaps we may start this journey towards thy doom?


"Momentarily," said Memento to herself. "We must find a griffon willing to part with suitable amounts of bread and water for the journey ahead."


Let us free... we will find what you are searching for...


"No- not you. But someone else will do..."

Mori looked around before taking her shovel out from her pack and quietly scooping out a globule of spirit energy from her tail. Quietly tossing it to the ground, she stood back and withdrew a coin pouch as it split into two barely visible forms. Find bread. Take bread. Give coins. Return... Find water. Return...


The spirits sounded a mental chime before taking off in opposite directions, gliding across the ground quietly.


The mindless ones will only fail you.


"Then so be it. The world is not prepared for you."


Mori paused as the whispers grew louder. Ancient ones... meet them...! Ensure their peace...


Ancient spirits...?


She quietly turned in the direction the second walked glided off towards. "Well then... let us find their spirits. Perhaps we can prepare for the journey ahead with their company."


More to be manipulated...? Good.

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Ice Blizzard was busy with his head in the Guto river, looking for fish to eat. It had been a long journey there, and according to what he had heard, it might've been even longer. However, something rang in his head: Why did the griffon-folk mostly eat rocks when they had a river nearby with fish to eat.


In any event it confused him, sure, but regardless, his fishing was going pretty well. By now, he had managed to catch a few salmon with only his mouth. They were set neatly on a pile next to him as he continued fishing.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Copper looked at Mori before she went away.  Now that the train had stopped, they were able to go out to the kingdom.  He took a last drink of tea, then placed bits for the bartender to put away for the train before heading off into town with his saddlebags.


He looked mad.


The being that called him insolent was the real insolent one, for he had no right to speak to him that way.  It was time for him to learn his lesson.


But first, he had to find his future companions.  He trotted off to find at least one of them...


...which happened to be Ice Blizzard.


He stopped for a moment, blinking several times at the Earth Pony's way of catching fish.  He shrugged, and thought that maybe it was his way to fish where he lived.  So he casually sat down, facing a different direction, then started humming a happy tune, like he normally does, as he waited for Ice to finish his fishing.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Ice was surprised. The river was somewhat barren and he couldn't find anything more than two fish. Now he understood why the griffons were so poorly rounded when it came to goods. It was hard to find anything. "Bummer, man..." He muttered under the water before coming up for air for the last time. After which, he grabbed up the two fish, placing them on his back.

At this point, he started walking away from the river, not paying any mind to whoever might have been nearby. On the one hoof, he was locked in thoughts on how to help this poor place, and on the other he was thinking about his journey. It's like his mind was two separate spinning roulette wheels.

Luckily he found a way to sate both spinning wheels in his head. A place where he could find information on both topics that'll help him along while he was there. "Here we go." His mind made up, Ice started making his way back towards town, putting away the fish he had in a literal icebox.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Copper looked on as Ice went back to town with the fish he got from the river, and he looked a little shameful.  He remembered the failed attempt to make friends with him, so he got up and trotted after him.


When they were both within earshot, he said, "Hey, Ice.  I wanna apologize for what happened in the train.  I was a little too excited about finally meeting an Earth Pony who could match me in terms of fighting and magic."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Ice raised an eyebrow. How exactly did this pony know anything about his abilities whatsoever? Not once did he say a word about himself to this guy so it seemed strange for him to even think so. But regardless, he just wanted this situation to be over with as fast as possible so he could get back to what he was doing. "It's no problem, just don't go around randomly spouting out things about what you can do to others unless they ask. If you don't, you'll look arrogant, but that's all I gotta say about it." He continued onward, minding his own business.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Seeing as though his second attempt to make friends would fail, Copper decided to just drop it.  He figured Ice would find the other companions by himself as well, so he levitated himself and flew casually back into town, hoping to find any other companions.




He landed to a part of town where a tavern was, and he was about to go in until he saw a pony and a minotaur.  He raised an eyebrow, but shrugged, seeing that they were friends.  If they noticed him, he would have a happier look than in the train earlier, as Tyra saw.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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By now, Ice had made his way over to the library--or what was left of it, anyway. Seeing as it was mostly in discordant shambles, Ice only grew more interested in wondering what exactly he could find. The rubble didn't sway his opinion either as he walked inside, looking through what was left of the books of historical value.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Mori stalked along the streets towards the spirits, following them to the river before running into the second spirit that disappeared when she approached, instantly growing back a large segment of her tail. She knelt down and carefully filled three or four canteens full of the cold, crisp ice water before standing and wandering back towards the town, following the faint trail that had come before.


Carefully stalking across the roads, she came across another stallion, carrying a box made out of ice behind. He was rooting through the rubble and picking out books from the rubble. Mori vaguely wondered what they are. If they were obituaries, it would be interesting to see a history of those that had died in the town recently. It might give her an idea of where to go next. As she walked by, however, a small scrap of her misty mane wisped across his ankles before the whispers intensified. There... there! The ancient ones are there...!


Glancing at the pony again, she was quite surprised to see that he was encompassed by what appeared to be a layer of spiritual energy. Was this stallion half-spirit, or was it something else? Either way, the blended response she received reminded her of her father, and it was all she could do to not give him a hug, or even merely a brush of acknowledgement of some sort. Shaking her head at the silliness of it, she decided to attempt to start a conversation again to learn more about this pony potentially, or at least find out what he was doing. She took out her shovel, stuck it into the ground and leaned on it to rest her hooves as she considered what to say. At least the Widow wasn't antagonizing her potential conversation partner this time.


"Greetings," Mori said in her formal manner. "What are you looking for in the rubble, sir...? Is it important?"

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Jack didn't have much of a preference. Alone, he could enjoy the peace and silence. In a group, He could enjoy the jolly companionship.


As the train skidded to a stop, the Pegasus exited the train, taking a good look at the town of griffonstone. He was certain that he was missing something. For a town of such reputation, it can't look THAT much like a dump...


Can It?


As he walked about the town, he became wary of the many stares he had received. He was fine with a little attention, but it was starting to creep him out.




His stomach grumbled. He had t had much to eat on the ride here. Looking around, he notice a stall selling what seemed to be rocks. Were those the 'Griffin scones' he had heard so much about?


Jack set up a couple of bits on the counter and requested for a Griffin scone, eager to try one. Obviously, some legendary technique had went into making these seemingly rock-looking things edible.

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As Ice sifted through the rubble, he looked over to see an unnaturally built mare just a few steps away. It was a surprise to say the least--not her bodily mass, but the fact that she approached him. Hopefully this one will go well. "Eh? I'm just lookin' through for some history books. That way I can figure out what Griffonstone is about and know some things in preparation for my journey." His head turned around to look at her, holding out his hoof in greeting. "Ice."

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Rhetoric finished his stout and placed the mug down, deep in thought with the old griffon's words. "A legend you say?  Hmmmm, I suppose most who treck up the moutain are warriors, fighters of skill yes?" he mused bit more and poked his head into his worn saddle bag 


"Tell me, wise story teller, where I could buy rations and a warm coat for this journey, I believe it's time for the moutain to meet a new type of visitor" he stood up from the bar, looking rather determined about the ordeal, was it spur of the moment? Certainly. Did he care? Certainly not.  


"So, you're another who desires to meet the dragon. But you dont strike me as the generic warrior...You've got a different plan. Heheh...I like that."


The old griffon chuckled again. "You can buy a coat, from the innkeeper--and rations are sold in this bar, by the same one who supplied your drink. I wish you luck."

  • Brohoof 1


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"So, you're another who desires to meet the dragon. But you dont strike me as the generic warrior...You've got a different plan. Heheh...I like that."


The old griffon chuckled again. "You can buy a coat, from the innkeeper--and rations are sold in this bar, by the same one who supplied your drink. I wish you luck."

Rhetoric smiled at the older griffon "Thank you ever so kindly sir, if I manage to make it back down alive I promise to share my story with you." he gave a slightly bow and turned to the bartender and out turned his saddle bag dumping a measly 30 bits onto the table "...I hope you take bits here Miss, its all I got, unless of course your willing to barter"  


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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His stomach grumbled. He had t had much to eat on the ride here. Looking around, he notice a stall selling what seemed to be rocks. Were those the 'Griffin scones' he had heard so much about?


Jack set up a couple of bits on the counter and requested for a Griffin scone, eager to try one. Obviously, some legendary technique had went into making these seemingly rock-looking things edible.


The griffon at the stand looked at him lazily, which almost immediately turned into interest when he dumped the bits onto the counter. She scooped them up, and gave him a Griffon scone in return. "Now with added hay. Tell your friends." She said, obviously trying to go for an energetic voice--but still deadpanning most of it. 

Rhetoric smiled at the older griffon "Thank you ever so kindly sir, if I manage to make it back down alive I promise to share my story with you." he gave a slightly bow and turned to the bartender and out turned his saddle bag dumping a measly 30 bits onto the table "...I hope you take bits here Miss, its all I got, unless of course your willing to barter"  


"I'll be waiting, young'un. It's one of the things I can do best, these days." Still chuckling, the older griffon got up, starting to shuffle back to his original seat. 


She cleaned a mug. "Course we take bits. We also take Leovian coins, if you have any. And with what you've got here...Well, I'll give you a discount. How's a wheel of cheese, and a loaf of bread sound? Hell, I'll throw in a little pot of honey."


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Mori was slightly surprised to be treated as polite company to this pony. It was definitely a new experience for her. She ruminated on this for a few seconds before timidly raising her hoof and meeting his, shaking it slightly before pulling it away awkwardly. "I am known as Memento Mori... I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Master Ice."


As she turned to walk away, a clawed hand of mist emerged from her mane, gently stroking Ice's face (though he would feel only a chill). I like this one, the Widow crooned aloud. We should take him for our own purposes...


Mori quickly stepped away, combing away her hair into a neat blob before tucking it into her cloak, which she quickly put the hood up on before giving her an apologetic glance. "Forgive me... I have little control over her actions." She carefully walked a safe distance away from the pony and took her shovel out of the ground, carefully clearing out rubble by herself in a separate area and remaining silent for a while as she cleared, looking around for the books on the ground. She found one with a ruined cover that appeared interesting, so she picked it up and offered it to Ice. "Is this one that you're looking for? I am not well acquainted with this script."

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"I'll be waiting, young'un. It's one of the things I can do best, these days." Still chuckling, the older griffon got up, starting to shuffle back to his original seat.    She cleaned a mug. "Course we take bits. We also take Leovian coins, if you have any. And with what you've got here...Well, I'll give you a discount. How's a wheel of cheese, and a loaf of bread sound? Hell, I'll throw in a little pot of honey."


Rhetoric laughed "you need the money way more then I do, so sounds like a deal to me." he would wait for the transaction to occur and with a thankful bow and one last goodbye to the kind folks trotted outside and searched for the Inn.


The small settlement was easy enough to navigate so finding the cozy looking inn was simple. Plodding in he trotted up to main desk "Excuse me I was told I could acquire a jacket here? I don't have any money to pay you, but perhaps I could split some wood, or do some work for you in exchange?" he smiled warmly, hoping to convoy the idea that he indeed worked for most of the things he had in life anyway 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Master? That was somewhat odd, but considering many people have their own little colloquialisms, it wasn't that big of a deal to him. He took it normally. Then he heard the voice and felt the chill--that was what started up his curiosity with this mare. "Uhhh..."


He was about to say something, but she pulled back, and apologized to which Ice responded, "Hm? Hey, don't worry. No harm done." When she offered up the book, he gladly took it in his hooves, "Ah, thanks a lot. So what's up, huh? What brings you into Griffonstone?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Mori was relieved that the pony did not take offense to being treated out of turn, but it did surprise her. He was not like the other one at all. Was everyone so different here, too? A rainbow of personalities... this journey would be interesting indeed.


"I am here to begin my own journey up the legendary mountain to the northeast," she said carefully in response to Ice's. "If the mountain is as difficult to scale as they say it is in the stories told, then there will be many that have been denied a proper burial along its paths, and that many still roam the slopes as ghosts and ghouls of varying descriptions. I will do my duty to them and ensure that they are properly put to rest, even if it means conquering the mountain itself to do so..."


She paused carefully as she examined the book in her hooves. "You are an... interesting pony, Master Ice. A earth pony, like myself, that radiates a chill like a winter glacier, and who also appears to be a scholar of some description. What are you doing here in a town like Griffonstone?"

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"Yeah, I'm headed up there too. I know I'm ready to take on the challenges that have to do with the place. It's about time I pushed myself and took it at full force." He started flipping through the book, "This thing is gonna provide me some info about some general details about stuff in and around the town. Hopefully it'll make the journey somewhat easier. Plus, it's always fun to learn new stuff, right?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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A scholar and a warrior? Fuhuhuhu... He is out of your grasp by miles, Mori, but allow me to have him for my own.


"Hush..." Mori whispered as she continued to clear out rubble, pondering the question more than, admittedly, seemed usual- even to her. "... of course," she settled on as a safe answer after about a minute and a half. "Learning is a key part of one's life, is it not? It would seem odd to not enjoy it... at least, on topics that one enjoys learning about." She shrugged slightly, unearthing another partially ruined book and setting it on one of the mostly intact shelves.


As she was about to return to her task, however, the second walker returned to her carrying a pair half-frozen loaves and the empty gold bag. She looked at it, smiled, and scratched it beneath the chin before taking the loaves and adding them to her pack. "Thank you, friends..." Even if they do mold over, she thought to herself, at least I can toast it out with some fire. It might not taste the best, but it won't make me sick.


As the spirit returned to her misty tail, she turned back towards the rubble and quietly kept digging, keeping to her own thoughts for the moment.

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Ice gave a quick nod before turning back to his own excavation work as well for a little bit. After a moment or two, he had found a decent amount of books to give him a good read for the time being until he was prepared to leave. All that was left was maybe looking around to talk to a few natives, maybe for inside information.


However, this mare was pretty interesting herself. He could tell there was something more than different about her. "So, Mori. Mind if I ask--what exactly is your shtick? What can you do?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"My schtick...?" she said questioningly. "I am not a performer... I am merely an undertaker and a gravedigger, Master Ice. I heal those close to death, or, if they do not survive, I ensure that they are at peace for their journey beyond. My family has been performing this necessary task for thousands of years, for no one else will willingly sully their hooves with the dead..." She tilted her head sideways, causing some of the pale blue mist of her mane to spill out. "But then my home had no more need for our family's service, so I left the Southern Isles to ply my craft for the unfortunate of the world... to keep the ancient places at peace."


"Fool this stallion not with omission, peasant. You could see our kind, as could your father. And your mother gave you the most brilliant secrets of healing... And the shovel, used for both your rites and for defending us from ruffians and robbers that you are quite skilled in using. Not to mention that we cling to you night and day as a result of that wretched transformation..."


"Those are unrelated to my tasks," she responded. "And, while helpful, are irrelevant."


"Oh, really...? How intriguing that you think so. False humility does not complement you, Mori."


"And neither does false pride. I am nothing in life by myself. Without spirits to calm, ponies to heal, and rites to carry out, I am worthless."


"I am certain this stallion thinks otherwise. The mainlanders always think they're right over everything- their equality and their hunt for some shred of companionship to help them along in their petty lives. Unfortunately for him, you are correct. How droll that I must be stuck with mere trash, barely worth being called a pony, for all eternity! What do you think, oh sweet, naive scholar, doubtlessly raised in the traditions of his home?"


Mori shook her head slightly before turning back to Ice. "As I said, I am merely questing to give those who have gone before and failed their proper ceremonies... inevitably, this means I shall scale to the top to ensure that the possibility of those that have died, even after completing the final trial and collapsing on the final step- that even they, too, receive what they deserve..."

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Ice was taken aback by the voice judging him in such a way. How the grave assumption could be made that he was a scholar just from being interested in a few books was astounding. They really seemed to be out of touch with the commonplace areas of society. Either that or it was a game.


"Um...ok, first I'm not a scholar. I just read to learn more about the world around me. I'm more of a fighter, personally. And an artist I guess." He shrugged, "On that note I kinda don't uh...throw out assumptions of people. Like, personally I don't even know either of you that well, so whether you're, ahem, 'trash' or not isn't really something I can say. However, you both seem like pretty interesting ponies. And I mean--I have respect for spirits. What your doing sounds like a worthwhile practice, so I don't see how you could be trash--at least not to me."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"I tire of humility. Why do we not have one that brags about his power, then has the power to match his confidence? Much more interesting than ponies who do nothing but acknowledge their proper place in the world. Still, this one is still quite the darling. We shall pardon thy immaturity for now."


Mori herself, however, quietly looked down at her feet. "How strange... where we come from, those of my profession are treated as lower beings. I guess the mainlands are quite different, as everyone said."




And I mean--I have respect for spirits.


"Oh!" Mori exclaimed, suddenly looking up. "That reminds me... we heard whispers of several of the ancient ones around here, and they came back to you. In fact, from what I see, you appear to be covered in a thin layer of spiritual energy... do you know why that is? And, perhaps, if you do, would you be willing to share?" She paused carefully. "... I understand if it must remain a secret."

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Ice shrugged, "I mean, I got the confidence and the abilities to back it up--I just don't showboat them around like I'm some attention horse trying to compensate for something." He tilted his head when she spoke of his spirit energy. "Eh? It's not much of a secret--it's more so just unknown. I'm a member of the Ice Clan. We've been inactive for a long time due to...a very extreme shortage in our numbers. I'm one of the few left."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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