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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka

Vanderbilt shook his head a bit and got to his feet stumbling a little "Vell, I have certainly been better." Cecelia meanwhile continued to cry, but slowly looked up at Antonio "When... when Mama and papa...died." Although not saying anything else, Cecelia slide over a bit and nuzzled into Antonio's shoulder, much like a cat would, and wrapped her arms around him.

Lucius looked on for a second speechless "Pumpkin... man... well that's honestly one of the strangest things I've ever seen." Meanwhile Jack and Lance have joined everyone, Jack looked up at the sky labyrinth and whistled "Wow, looks like it's made of nightmares and death... you didn't make this, did you Lucius?" Lucius just shook his head "Nope, but you coulda fooled me, something like this is totally up my street." Lucius then chuckled and patted Perpe on the head before playfully speaking to her "Oh it's cute you think you're not always mine to command." Jack however quickly interjected "Can you please stop being a vindictive prick for just one or two minutes." Lucius just scoffed at the command "You first." Alexander quickly stepped between the two before things could escalate however "Now don't get me wrong, I hate to interrupt such an important discussion sir's, but time is of the essence!" Lucius quickly came back to his senses "Oh god you're right. Alright guys lets get moving, remember to stick together!" Gale grabbed Perpe's hand and began running up to the path along with Lucius, Jack and Lance. Lucius quickly glanced back "Remember to keep an eye out for anything suspicious." Alexander nodded "Will do Sir!"   



​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@dragon4111 @reader8363 

Merri stopped dead in her tracks, very confused with Canteen suddenly in front of her. "Y-You're... wel...come...?" She turned to hear Rouen questioning the rules. "Oh! Oh! I know this one! We are allowed to use our magic, and we can fight other Guild Members, but our MAIN goal is to get to the end, so we shouldn't get in any big scuffles!" She began happily skipping towards the entrance before a member of the guild Twilight Ogre came flying out into a wall, thrown by a man with messy brown hair and a scar across his face. 

"Ahaha! It's you!" He pointed to Rouen, grinning. "Remember me? Well, I certainly hope you can find your way, now that all the other Guild's maps have been stolen. Haha! After our guild gets through then there is only like three more spaces, you guys are sure slow." He ran off, presumably to meet up with his Guild and take the third to last spot. 

Merri blinked and sniffed a little bit, before smiling cutely at her Guildmates. "I have a plan! I can use my nose to follow his scent, but I need you guys to protect me! How does that sound?" She smiled with a cute face and stuck a thumb up at her Guild Members.


@Skylord Nexus

Perpe released herself from Gale's grip after they were moving at a decent pace. "So we've just gotta get to the end of this dump? Seems about right! What's the plan, Lucius?!" She looked off to the side, a decent distance away to see Merri, Rouen, Draco and Shadow running up their path towards Canteen. Perpe grinded her teeth a bit and turned forward. "We've gotta get into this tournament!" 



Brume looked around outside, using the water dragon carving left in the room as a reference of scent. "Hello? I can smell ya!" Leege got into a very adorable unintimidating battle pose when Brume said this. 

"Are we gonna ambush em?! Hehe!" Brume put his finger over Leege's lips and looked around, scanning the dark surroundings with his eyes. "Come out, come out!"


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@@Arid_Blitz,@Dakcka, @reader8363,

Draco looked at his guild mates with a grin on his face. "Hmm how do you feel about chains?" he asked with a mischievous tone of voice as he caught up with Merri and Canteen. He chuckled as he stopped before the two. "Hmm we better get moving else we can't enter," Draco stated as he smirked. He bypassed the two playfully as he had patted Merri on her back friendly like. He saw the dark flare guild and just rolled his eyes as he got ahead of his guild mates. He started to wait for them letting them sense where he was. He began to whistle to himself as he was looking at a Whet stone as he then began to sharpen his sword waiting on his guild mates. He grinned slightly as he was looking over his handiwork. Sharp enough enough to cut through plate armor and enchantments.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @dragon4111 @reader8363


s reference 17620095_1354068291309244_65436339715649


Heels could be heard clicking on the ground behind Leege and Brume. A bright light flashed lighting up the alleyway as a small giggle came from Elis "My Draggie remembers his mistress..that is cute." standing there in a pair of purple and black knee high leather boots, above them were purple garter belts going up the rest of the way. Her outfit had changed from her usual skirt and blouse as now it was a ruffled dress black and purple in color almost reaching the ground. In the front it was not as long just coming below her thighs, on either side were black feathers. Her top was a royal purple corset that had black on either side of it, on the shoulders were feathers in black and purple coloring. Her hair was cut shorter along with being up in a bun having the color being a black color now with light purple tips. When they would see her fully her arm that was damaged by Brume in his escape was now gone "It's not been very long has it draggie? From my personal pet to being in the GMG?"


Catching up to Merri and now Canteen who just appeared out of the air Rouen just shook his head a bit "No time to daddle ladies." he grabbed hold of Canteen by the face with his massive hand, tossing him fast towards the entrance of the maze "Get in there." looking at Merri when she said she could sniff Austin he nodded his head "Do it we will keep you covered." as Austin said something to him he grinned a bit "I'll look forward to seeing you in the tournament I'll let you see what a real fight is."

Feeling a hand on his face Canteen felt himself tossed like a dart into the maze landing next to Draco on his back. He was still suckling his ice pop looking at Draco "Oh just going to sit there? I mean you could do something besides polish your sword." he joked as he finished off his pop spitting the stick up at Draco "When do I get one of those? It's bad enough you have two weapons and I can get close enough through your attacks to render them useless."

Antonio felt Cecilia lean against him, talking of her parents dying. She didnt phase through him this time which was odd, as he nodded at Vanderbilt he brought a hand up to Cecilia petting her head gently "It's ok, let it all out." as he closed his eyes some not fearing any of the creatures would try to attack him now "Vanderbilt I'm going to stay here with her for a few catch your breathe and do what you need to."

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@Dakcka @dragon4111 @Arid_Blitz

Shadow passed Merri, pinched the air between his index and thumb, and made a black trail that wavered in the air. He felt two presences on strands of shadows. He walked up to them and said as he tapped his foot, "Really, get up. You two need to be ready for anything." He minimized the strands of shadows to minimize the magic he's using. If he has to fight, he'll need as much magic as he can spare.

V walked through the streets as he looked at the buildings. Since he wasn't hurt, he could admire the building instead of trying to find a quiet place. 

Dark got to the stadium and sat down in the announcers'/judges' seat. He kicked up his feet and watch what was going on.

Starry watched the other guild members run off the edge of the room, she shrugged and hoped off a different way so she didn't land on the path. She landed on the street, then she started walking through the streets

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka

Vanderbilt nodded "I vill step out for a bit, see if there this anything possibly hidden outside." Vanderbilt then left the building, only Cecelia, Antonio and the massive wood beast in the room. Cecelia continued to whimper as she began speaking "There were men... I don't now who... they were dressed in black and red cloaks. They came from everywhere and... and... and... killed everyone, even Mama and Papa... I remember Papa's last word was protect, I always assumed he talked about the fragment."


Lucius smiled and optimistic smile "Yes! A plan! A plan which is the best plan ever conceived in the history or planning!" This phrase alone elicited Gale, Lance and Jack to say three simple words in unison with the most dead pan expressions ever "Wait for it." Lucius ignored them and continued speaking "We are going to head in this direction *points in random direction* and while we start heading that way I will make a plan to get us out of here." This elicited the three to once again speak in unison with the exact same expression as before "There we go." They all then began walking in the random direction Lucius had picked out, beginning his 'master' plan.

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Brume blinked and held out his hand. "Oh hi! It's you! Nice to see you again!" Brume smiled happily, as Leege latched onto his hand with her teeth. 

"No! Don't do it, Brume! She's a meanie! Don't let her trick you! Just say the words and I'll eat you so she can't hurt you anymore!" Leege mumbled through her teeth which were latched onto Brume's hand at this point, drawing blood. He pulled his hand away and pushed Leege away. 

Brume sighed and looked to Elis. "Leege has a point.. Not the eating me thing, but about you torturing me. What did you even come here about?" Brume crossed his arms and pushed his hand through his hair. 

Leege leaped in front of him and pointed her finger at Elis. "Meanie! Tell me why you're here!" As Leege demanded, Taigor joined in on his Brume-guarding duty. "Yeah! You must be up to no good!" 


@Skylord Nexus 

Perpe watched the cuteness of her Guildmates knowing Lucius' plan, and grinned as he pointed in a random direction. "Well, we don't have a clue which way to go, anyways. But I'd suggest avoiding conflict as much as possible. Or maybe have one of us distract all the nearby guilds so the others can locate the way out?" She sighed and brought her hand up, knocking a random wizard onto his butt, before kicking him out of the Sky Labyrinth. She followed Lucius and the others as they went in the random direction.

She shrugged and took out a vial of extremely deadly poison. "And we have a trump card... Ehehehehehe..." She got the classic evil-cute anime face as she rubbed her hands together and turned, pointing at her allies. "Lucius! Please tell me you've got another plan!" 


@dragon4111 @reader8363

Merri blinked and looked to Shadow. "Hey! Your magic smells low, if you want you could let me take over the fighting! I can sniff around AND fight!" Merri blinked and looked around, seeing a pink-haired man in his teens. He was slim, but also toned and muscular. Merri immediately smelled a trace of dragon on him, as his guild mates turned the corner. 

"Hey let's take these guy-" Merri let out a very loud gasp as she saw a woman with scarlet hair, who adorned the Fairy Tail emblem. She ran face first into Rouen, screaming. "Nonono! She's the Fairy Queen! Titania or Erza or something like that! I don't want to fight them!" She pointed to a random direction, trying to pick up Canteen. 

"Canteen! Get me out of here, the exit is that way! I can smell that jerk from a mile away!" She signaled to Draco and yelled to him. 

Flailing her arms, Merri shouted as loud as she could. "Draco! Those guys are bad news! They are wickedly strong! Nice, but strong! Fight them at your own peril, but as self-appointed team leader I suggest we run!" During Merri's screams, the Fairy Tail guild was attacked by two strange people who escaped soon after. She was too busy screaming at Draco to notice.


Natsu blinked as he saw a screaming blonde girl trying to attract her teammates, he stared for a moment put punched his fist into his hand. "Hey! Erza! Maybe this group has a map!" Before he could even react, a sudden blast of magic came from behind as a woman with silver hair and a man with grey hair attacked. 

The fight didn't take long, Erza was able to quickly injure the man, but his ally helped him to escape before they could search for a map. 


"Subsume! That was crazy! You could have broken all your bones fighting a team like that! Austin ordered us to follow him!" She used her healing magic and laid Subsume against a wall, she smiled and poured a potion into his mouth. 

Lilina helped Subsume up, slinking his arm around her shoulder as she walked through the exit with him.


  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@@Arid_Blitz,@Dakcka, @reader8363,

Draco looked at his guild mates with a grin on his face. "Merri calm yourself," Draco stated gently as he walked with Canteen "Each blood rager must forge their blades themselves but with you Canteen a dagger seems more your speed if you want a sword it could be a rapier. Some of the best known fighters in Draconia fight with Rapiers,"  "I need to get the right materials. For instance mine is Refined Moonstone. Yours will have to reflect you maybe Orichalcum, maybe Ebony ore. Hmm I need to see if I have enough in my pack," Draco said with a sigh. "Or hope this place has an ebony mine," he sighed to himself as he saw they were walking this strange pathway. "Hmm we need to get moving," I really don't like those looks that pink hair one is giving us," Draco stated as he pulled his guild mates along. He then pulled out a map of his old home. "You'll need to know where bloodragers are from. And our ranking system,"

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Dakcka @dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus


Elis looked at the offered hand and how Leege bit Brume's hand drawing blood. Speaking of eating him she rolled her eyes "Yes yes tortured you blah blah." she pointed to her missing arm "And you took my arm I say we are even, if not then I'll happily remove one of yours." she snapped at Brume before regaining her composure looking at how Leege and Taigor were not standing between her and Brume asking why she was there "If I were up to no good, sadly you would be dead." she grinned at them closing her eyes "I wouldn't of left a calling card in the hotel, or have let my draggie sniff me out." she then kicked a jug over to them "Seems you came out ahead in our last encounter, my poison awoke something in you draggie...I've brought you some more and to deliver a message."

Walking forward towards them she opened her eyes looking at the trio before her "In my time at the magic council I've been allowed access to some very interesting details. Soon Rouen will be taken for crimes in his past. I am sure Antonio didn't realize the prize he had before him, a dark guild assassin." she giggled a bit before stopping before Leege looking past her at Brume "Keep your guard up Draggie...the last info I had got before the..incident was a new dark guild is taking out guilds with extreme measures. The council thought it might be Zeref with Grimore Heart. Be careful your guild is small and will be an easy target." she slowly began to look up into the sky smiling brightly "As for me I thought it was info you wanted, I still need to hide for if the council catches wind of me...I'll be executed which is fine.If you need me I'll be at my new place the magic Library where the infinity clock piece was found. I'm going to be learning of a way to dispose of Dawn once and for all."

Hearing Cecilia Antonio shook his head a bit "You were the one they wanted to protect, a piece of a map is not more valuable then their daughter's life." he began to pet the top of her head "You need to know that you were the one they were protecting, it just shows that you were very loved by them. However I doubt they wanted you to be locked away for years inside this place alone. Come with us you may stay at the magic council and be free of your misguided burden."


Feeling Merri run into him getting scared he looked at Erza "Scarlet." he said gently before a grin came to his face, cracking his knuckles he was ready for a throw down before hearing the exit was close. Lowering his stance he turned following after Merri and the rest "We should go to the exit, we'll get our chance in the tournament to show our strength." Rouen caught up to Merri chuckling some "You know Merri, you sure you are ready for this tournament? You were sure fast to run." he teased some

As they headed off Canteen took out his last ice pop sucking on it, he seemed disinterested in what Draco was saying about a rapier "Short swords will do fine, that or a pair of axes." he chuckled as he followed everyone towards the exit "Now Draco why would I care about the ranking system of ragers from a place I will never visit? Besides if I did go there I would tear through the ranks if you happened to be the captain then it will be easy." finishing off his pop he took the stick and tossed it behind him " eyeing the map he pointed to a spot on it "There why is this place so special? You have it circled and there isnt a town near it."


Edited by Arid_Blitz
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As Elis began to speak of where to find her, Brume grabbed her shoulder and pulled her close, examining the arm. "I... Did this?" He blinked and turned away, shaking his head. "I'm so sorry. If you do want to take my arm you can go ahead." He pulled up his sleeve, but his very heroic moment was stopped by a sudden pain in his neck, as he felt teeth latching onto him. 

"AAAAH! Vampire! Help!" He panicked and attempted to pull the red-haired leech off of his neck, and then he fell to the ground, unconscious. As he fell unconscious, Leege pulled him back and pointed at Elis. 

She pouted and crossed her arms, turning her head. "I still don't trust you! But if there is a guild out there tryin'a eat us or whatever I'll just eat them first!" She wiped the blood off her mouth and held up Gemmy to Elis, it giving off a faint black glow as it was moved near her. 

"Cute! He likes you! Just like when I showed him to Perpe and Lucius!" She skipped backwards and waved to Elis. "Maybe you could stay with us! Just until the games are over! If there really is people tryin'a kill you then I can always just eat you first. Of course, it'd hurt, and I'd probably get sick, but I'll do it!" Leege smiled a warm smile, not realizing that her offer for protection was phrased so stupidly. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Dakcka @Arid_Blitz @dragon4111

Shadow heard that it was close and withdrew all the shadows to one area and placed it in front of the fairy tail guild. He smiled and said as it closed into a wall, "Huh, heard about you, guess we'll meet later." Once the wall solidified. He grabbed the wall and took a few deep breaths. He opened a small portal and summoned a cane that rich gentlemen might use and followed the others while showing no sign of weakness. 


V walked around a corner and saw a bunch of guild members from random guilds. He smiled and said, "Hello." They turned to him and charged. He tried to dodge and got a broken nose. He clutched his nose and looked at his other hand. He smiled and lunged at them. 

Starry walked through the street until she heard screaming. She ran to it to so what it was. When she turn a corner. She noticed a monster with a messed up fairy tail guild symbol holding a random person. She grabbed the guy and made a small prison around the monster and started wheeling it to the hotel, while it banged against the crystal.

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@@Arid_Blitz,@Dakcka, @reader8363,

Says the guild mate to a captain," Draco stated with abit of sarcasm. "If it comes down to it I can and will unleash everything I have but for now," Draco said as he stopped talking as he saw the circle....HE said quietly to Canteen but also to himself. "My old home,": he muttered as his eyes held sadness. He got most of his fortune out of the place. "Betrayal cuts deep Canteen," Draco stated as he looked at his friend... Would he call Canteen a friend? Probably. "The one who I saved didn't stand up for me when the queen came up with those falsified charges," he said slightly as he shrugged. "Again I know you probably had worse than I," Draco stated with a forced chuckle. His ears perked up and he smirked "We're close to the exit my friend," Draco stated as he walked with his friend. "Now each branch of the military is intelligence, the main force, an finally the honor guard. standard military but each squad had a captain each with different titles. Mine was Fenrir intelligence division and captain of the guard to guard the people from crime. Which made it harder on me," he said as he chuckled. He looked at Canteen and said "A short sword huh well a Blood rager has to have two weapons or atleast that's how my dear adopted mother said," Draco stated with a shrug. "Hmm three weapons a pair of axes and a short swords. Very well then you shall have them,"

Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka

Cecelia held onto Antonio even harder as he spoke, tears still streaming down her face, but once Antonio had finished she looked up at him with a smile and nodded "I... i'd like that a lot... thank you." Cecelia then quickly let go of Antonio and ran down the stairs until she was in the middle of the room "You said you were after the fragment? Well I wanna give it to you as a thank you." A light green circle then appeared on the floor, as that entire section rose until it reached the ceiling. Inside the now risen pillar was a dark purple crystal, waiting to be claimed.

Lucius nodded at Perpe "I agree, I think it's best we avoid conflict if we can help it, the more damage we sustain here, the more damage we will carry over into the over rounds." As they continued walking Lucius grabbed Perpe's hand and forced her to put the vail back into her pocket "We want to avoid those at the moment, we'll need as many trumps as possible in order to succeed; for this very reason i'd go as far as suggesting we avoid using out magic in here if possible. And no I don't have a plan bu-" Lucius then stopped and quickly swiped  his cane in the air and smashing another random person off, only to levitate him so he was suspended god knows how high in the air "Good news! I have a plan! Now buddy, your going to tell me and my friends here everything you know about this place and if you have any idea as to where the exit is that would also be a big help, unless of course you want to have a lovely little... skydive."

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Skylord Nexus @dragon4111 @reader8363 @Arid_Blitz

Perpe sighed as Lucius grabbed a poor soul who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. "Might as well just speak. He'll drop you, I know he would." She put her hands in her pockets and leaned back as the poor girl who quite coincidentally (for the better or the worse is for you to decide) happened to be Merri Callieo of the Red Rock guild. 

As Merri felt herself being levitated she let out a small yelp. "I-I don't know! We were heading North!" She looked at Perpe and tilted her head, before looking to Rouen and company. "U-Uh... I can't really move all that well... H-Help?" She wiggled around in the air a bit before spitting a bit of sand at Lucius' face and using her Sand Dragon's Roar as a sort of jet to land safely. 

"Hurry! We've gotta beat them there!" Merri began to run almost on all fours to the exit, signalling her fellow members to follow. Perpe let out a slight grunt and looked to Lucius. "Uh? Lucius? Maybe we should try to beat them there?! For all we know, only one guild can get through!" She began to chase after Merri at her inhuman Perpe rage speed, making Merri let out a pathetic scream and attempt to pick up the pace. 

Perpe slid to a screeching halt before turning to Lucius. "Hurry up, you big fat slowpoke! We're going to lose this race!" She then pointed to Canteen and let out a small gulp. "That nutjob will tear me in half if you don't hurry up!" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Skylord Nexus @Dakcka @dragon4111


Looking at the floor rising up Antonio bowed his head, getting up he jumped over to where the gem was snagging it landing next to Cecilia he smiled a bit "Let us get going so we may get you set up at the council before we return to look for more of the map. Do you need to get anything before we head off?" he said looking around the place as he held the gem in his hand, rolling it between his fingers a bit "I'll let Vanderbilt have the gem then I'll help you take anything you need out." heading to the door he pushed it open whistling at Vanderbilt to get his attention "Catch." he flung the gem towards Vanderbilt chuckling a bit "I figured you would like to see it for yourself."


Looking at how Merri was snagged by Lucis and held out he growled out "Let her go!" he heard her asking for help before getting free, rushing past him to the exit "Lucis." he pointed at him "I cant wait to get my hands on you if you even make it." he headed off towards where Merri was running passing by Canteen and Draco on his way yelling back at them "Listen to Merri, Lucis and the others are hot on our heels."

Canteen seemed to be disinterested in what Draco was saying to him, having his hands up behind his head in a relaxed manner. "Uh huh..." he was looking around the place as he chuckled a bit "I want this as my home, then I can play all day and no one could find me." he hummed some as he was told of the two weapon thing, nodding some "I can live with that." the moment Merri and Rouen ran past them he turned his head to look at Perpe yelling about him being a nutjob and tearing into her. Getting a smile on his lips he turned to look at her "Come now, I wanna tear into you however I want to do it in the games. That way you know." he pointed at her and then Lucis "You are both nothing more then trash in my eyes." before he could do anything else he felt the scruff of his neck grabbed by Rouen and flung like a rocket towards the exit as Rouen Yelled out "I SAID LISTEN TO MERRI NO STANDING AROUND!" as Canteen was flung he smashed into the wall at the exit and dropped down onto the stairs, twitching a bit he laid there "I'm here I'm here."


Elis tilted her head at Burme offering his arm up to be taken, rolling her eyes "If I wanted revenge I would of killed both of you by now." she moved her hand dismissively at the offer before looking at how they offered her a place till the end of the games "I may take you up on that offer, I can set up a lacrima in there to watch the games. I have plenty of spell books to read as well." when the gem was shown to her and it started to glow she looked it over a bit before shaking her head "I am sure it does...it looks like it is draining magic off people." she poked it a few times as she was told she could be eaten she giggled a bit "Oh my so forward arent we Leege? I am sure Draggie here would feel left out if you just ate me in front of him." she was meaning something dirty before backing out of the alley "I'll see you later, I need to collect my stuff." 

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@@Arid_Blitz,@Dakcka, @reader8363,

Draco winced slightly as he saw Canteen get acquainted with the exit. He looked at Lucius and said simply "Your really starting to tick me off. You'll start a battle, but I'll bring you a war," he stated simply as he walked after his team . He was trying to reign in his rage. If only he could ride his Fell-beast once more. He chuckled to himself as he reached the exit before the the Polaris flare guild.  He hummed to himself as he walked. He had set up chain traps to slow the Polarisflare guild. As he promised he would bring war to them if he had to but for now this was a friendly competition or at least that's what Draco thought. Maybe that was just him hoping for it. No dark tricks, back stabbing. Or brutality from the other guilds. He smirked slightly as he picked up his friend by the collar of his shirt and put's him over his back.

Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus

Shadow saw the others running towards the ending. He sighed and casually walked towards the end. He saw that Lucius was there. He nodded to him and said as he walked by, "Hello, it's nice to see you again." He knew if he gets into a fight, it wouldn't go well with him. He barely had any magic left from sending throughout the maze, but he kept the weariness hidden.

@Arid_Blitz @dragon4111
Dark watched as guild made it to the ending, he got up and headed there. He winced slightly as Canteen slammed into the wall. He leaned against the opening as he watched it.

Opus got done with the lessons and decided to head there. He walked to the guild to see that the car was gone. He sighed and headed for the station. He sat down on the bench, closed his eyes, and listened to the sound of the world around him 

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka @dragon4111 @reader8363

After Antonio had got the gem Cecelia proceeded to grab onto him again with a vice like grip "No, I wanna stay with you!" At the same time though she shook her head "And no there is nothing I want to take apart from Myou. Come on girl!" The giant beast which still sat in the room then began to crumble until it became the size of a normal cat, however it was still obviously made of wood, and from it's insides a magical green glow could be seen. When Antonio chucked the crystal to Vanderbilt, the old made struggled to catch it, almost juggling it for a few minutes before grabbing and inspecting it "Vell that vas not vhat I expected, it vill be harder to repair ,though not impossible, as ve get more I should be able to understand how to better repair it."

Lucius nodded "Thank you that's all I need to know... unfortunately I don't need more competitors so I'm afraid I have no choice but to dro-" Lucius then quickly recoiled ,dropping his spell, as sand was spat into his face and more importantly his eyes "AHH! AHH CRAP!" After getting some of the sand out of his eyes, a very eyed Lucius turned to Rouen "Hey, all's fair here." Lucius then smirked a bit at Canteen "If I cared, which I don't, that insult would mean a lot coming from a psychotic peasant like you." The dark mage was also slightly confused as one of then was actually talking to him decently, prompting a rather awkward response from him "Um.. yes hello... I'd love to chat and all, but given the circumstances I don't think this is the best time."

Lucius then rolled his eyes at Perpe and before she even finished her sentence Lucius had already turned into a dark mist and had reformed in front of her, all the sand that had been on him left where he was last stood "Fast enough for you Princess? Now you lot hurry it up!" Lance nodded stepping in front of Gale and Jack and began proclaiming "Fear not by noble friends, for I shall deliver us from this excruciating dilemma! Spectral Summon!" A turquoise magic circle then appeared in front of the 'noble knight' and out from it emerged  a beautiful steel made of a turquoise light; Lance proceeded to climb aboard his steed, before grabbing Gale and Jack and chucking then on-board, the horse then began galloping towards the exit. Meanwhile Lucius looked at Draco with a smirk "You may call it war 'friend' and from your perspective it may be, but from my perspective... this is pest control, for you see-" What was sure to be an inspirational and possibly evil speech however was cut short by the sound of chains, a ghostly neigh, and three screams, as a cartoonish ball consisting of Lance, Gale, Jack the horse came rolling towards Lucius and hit him, making him part of the ball. Now the ball rolled with renewed speed towards the exit, and Perpe.


(And let us all never forget this post, as it represents the day when I used a genuine Japanese word for a name... shame it was just for a cat XD )


Edited by Skylord Nexus
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sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Leege dragged Brume away, mumbling. "Brume wouldn't be left out... I mean I'd probably get a tummy ache but I'd eat him too.." Leege said, obviously not understanding the lewd remark from Elis. 

She reached the hotel room and threw Brume onto the bed. She jumped down, landing her elbow in his groin. "I wanna play! Wake up!" Leege stuck her finger up his nose and wiggled it around, causing Brume to sneeze. 

"Huhh? Where... Oh... Elis is gone?" Brume rubbed the back of his head and sat back. 

Leege crossed her arms and pouted. "You like her more than me! And here I was even offering you a hiding spot in my belly!" She sighed and Brume patted her on the head, making her smile with her adorable pointed tooth. 

"No... Of course, I'm sure getting digested is... More fun than it sounds? I don't know. But trust me, Elis is just an acquaintance. You're my ally, Leege."  Leege blinked and smiled, before leaping out of bed. "I'm going to get some sleep! You should too, especially if the guild makes it through the preliminary round!" She hopped into a sleeping bag on the floor, snuggling Taigor close. 


@dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus @reader8363

Merri blinked and let out a yelp as she saw the giant ball approaching, and let out a loud "Woo!" as she got through the exit, yelling to her Guild Mates. "Hurry up, guys!" She looked to see Perpe beginning to attempt to sabotage her guild members.

Perpe turned to see the ball of death approaching and let out a loud "Oh come on!" She turned to see Brume's guild running, but she felt like they would outspeed her. She decided to use Poison God's Acidic Rain to slow them down, but she flinched as sand got in her eyes. "AHHH! Sand in my eyes! Sand in my eyes!" Perpe turned around, firing her attack directly at the ball of death and she was run over by it, as the ball rolled through the exit. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@dragon4111 @Dakcka @Skylord Nexus


Feeling Cecila on him again and only needing her cat Antonio nodded "Very well, we shall be off then. Seeing you do not wish to stay at the council you are joining us on the road. Maybe you can give Vanderbilt some info. However for now let us go, we have a lot ground to cover." he began to walk out of the building looking back at the cat "You are coming too Myou." as he got over to the car he opened up the door moving a few things around in the back seat for Cecila to be able to sit in it with Myou


Canteen was twitching still on Draco's shoulder as they went to the exit, he was holding up a finger just randomly proclaiming stuff "We are the best, no one can out eat us." he said before seeing the ball off metal, magic, and people coming at him. He wiggled himself sliding from his shirt and off Draco's shoulder, as he was going down his back he leaned back pushing off Draco's back with his legs he pushed Draco towards the ball of flesh, metal, and magic. "Oh come on Draco why dont you show me why you are a captain. Surely you wont let a little ball slow you down." dropping to the floor after his kick he rolled a bit before getting up to watch Draco "Either way it looks like we all got in here."


As the ball was coming at them and how Lucis and the others were apart of it he walked into the exit, he turned to face it as he planted his feet on the ground "I'm going to stop it, I may even toss it off the side." he said before noticing that Draco was now being kicked ahead of him. Tilting his head he awaited to see the end result of the encounter "Canteen remind me to Kick your teeth down your throat for doing that to our guild mate/team mate."

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@@Arid_Blitz,@Dakcka, @reader8363, @Skylord Nexus

Draco sighed to himself as his friend pushed him forward. "Hmm who knew that could happen with chain traps," Draco said as he casually held out his hand as the ball can towards him. He had a catchy tune in his head that he couldn't get rid of.  "Hmm I didn't lay that many chains down. Either Canteen did that or...Blasted morons," Draco muttered to himself as it was now closer to him. He braced himself as  the ball caught him. But in his hand was a feeling of soft squishy flesh. He looked up at the poor woman he unfortunately groped.  "Umm heh," Draco said with an embarrassed tone. Well at least her knew there was no implant for the woman he groped.He looked at Lucius and said "You look like your with you ball and chain," he stated jokingly with a sarcastic tone and he squeezed abit.The chain ball was now stopped. They were through the exit unfortunately. He shruggged as he quickly ran after his guild mates. And he went for a flying double kick at Canteen.

(Dacka, Skylord I'll let one of you to decide who that unfortunate girl is)

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Dakcka @Arid_Blitz @dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus
Dark sighed as he watched the ball of contestants roll to the finish. He stepped out of the way as it went through the exit and said with a sigh, "Could you not make any more trouble with the games."

Shadow watched the ball of contestants roll to the end and sighed. He moved a little quicker to the exit, but while using the cane. When he got there. He nodded to Dark and sat down. He looked at the cane. it had an elegant finish to it, the wood was a white with black detail all the way to the bottom, and an animal skull the size of his hand.

Opus got on the train and sat down. He watched as the hills rolled by. Then he picked up his trumpets and started playing an upbeat tune. The passengers were surprised that they got up and started dancing. He didn't care, he was making the ride more fun.

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka @dragon4111 @reader8363

Cecelia's face beamed with happiness at Antonio's words as she hugged him "Yep! Ok come on Myou." As Cecelia walked away from Antonio Myou turned as hissed at him as if to say "You touch her your going to die!" well that word it was a little salty about Antonio shattering it's paw earlier, either way Myou was not Antonio's biggest fan. Cecelia then jumped into the cart, closely followed by her devil cat and looked at Vanderbilt "So mister where are we going?" Vanderbilt put a hand to his chin in thought and got out the map and scanned over it "Vell there are three locations for us to go in, there is one to the North of us, by the looked of it, it is on a mountain. The second one is South-Vest from here, it seems to be in the middle of a desert, oh that's one of the hottest deserts in Fiore, if ve go there ve vill need more specialist supplies. And this last one is... in the middle of quite a large town according to this. I vill leave the choice up to you Antonio."


An orchestral yell of pain came from the ball as the acid hit everyone inside. As Draco stopped the ball, he was faced with a very red Gale who was too stunned from words and just kept flinching and trying to tug her arms out from under the, now, pile of people. Failing this however sparks began bouncing across Gale's body "L-l-lightning salvo!" She said with a scream This prompted Jack of all people to respond "Wait Gale! That spell comes out from you h-" Before Jack could finish however the entire ball was covered in lightning, electrocuting all five people in it and causing the horse to shimmer out of existence. Lucius then crawled from the pile, his skin scorched and slightly off coloured like he was going to be sick and clothing burnt through in places. He then stumbled to his feet and tried to point at Draco, but due to his current state managed to point everywhere but towards the blood rager "Ha... you may say that but... but... ah shit! I got nothing, next time chump!" Lucius then began stumbling further into the exit "I am gonna need a. Very. Very. Strong. Drink!"

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​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Skylord Nexus

Perpe sighed, her condition not being much better than Lucius himself. She pointed to Draco with a woozy and dizzy smirk, before pulling her hand back to her face. "You'll... Feel my wrath... Or something! In the tournament!" She stumbled off, passing her guild mates with a quiet "I'm surrounded by idiots." And she walked all the way back to the hotel room. 

She was cat-called by many men because of her burnt and ripped clothing, but she was quick in maiming or scaring off the lot of them. Perpe laid down in her bed, not bothering to put on some decent clothes and immediately fell into a snore-filled sleep. 


@Arid_Blitz @reader8363 @dragon4111

Merri blushed as Draco grabbed a woman's breast and turned away to her guild mates. "I didn't have to see that! But we did it! Hahah!" She fell into a quieter laugh when she heard someone say that they were the second last guild to emerge through the gates. "What?! No way! Those other guilds all beat us too?!" She bit her nails and let out a nervous chuckle. 

"Maybe we'd be better off if Draco and Rouen took over being in charge for now... Teehee..." She blushed and winked at Rouen, before beginning to walk away. "I'm gonna go and get some sleep, the tournament does start tomorrow after all." She walked to the hotel room which they were all forced to share, and laid on the floor. She blushed as she felt a hand on her chest, to see Dawn sitting on top of her. 

Dawn giggled and let go, shrugging. "Couldn't help myself, you looked so upset at Draco's perversion that I had to see what your reaction would be. You don't really have much there to begin with. Heh." Dawn leaned back against the wall and looked out the window, seeing the dark night, it immediately reminded her of her goal. 

"Ugh... I'll see you tomorrow while you're all competing. I've got places to be, people to slaughter." Dawn vanished in a beam of light, like she always did. 

Leege blinked and sat up from one of the few beds in the room, her hair was down, and her pigtails were no longer up. Her bangs were also thrown about across her face, and she yawned, before smiling. "Hiya, Merri! Don't wake Brume up! He had a big night!" She leaped up, with no regard she sat on Brume's stomach and shifted into a cross-legged position. 

"Hey, Leege. We made it in! But I'm kinda nervous, maybe you'd even be a better choice than me. I'm not all that powerful. Yeah I'm a Dragon Slayer, but the other guilds have got em' too! Fairy Tail, Sabertooth and now I'm hearing that another Guild has them too." She sighed and looked up, but was cut off by Leege bursting into a fit of laughter. 

Almost in tears from laughing, Leege quickly sat up, not showing any regard for her human seat cushion. "You'll do great! Rouen is all big and tough, so if anyone gets in your way he can just beat them up! Sometimes he even lets you eat the people he beats up, but that's only if you didn't have a big lunch." She licked her lips, thinking about the meals, and Merri sighed. 

"In a guild with a psychopath, an ex guard, a nut-job, a gentle giant, a musician, a lurker, a mysterious woman and a cannibal. What has my life become, seriously?" She facepalmed, standing up, but giving a thumbs up to Leege. "Thanks!" She sat down and pulled a blanket over her before beginning to read a book and drifting off to sleep. 


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Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Dakcka @dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus


Antonio thought a bit before chuckling as he attached the band to his arm "I say we go to the city, there after we are done can get supplies and head to either the desert or the mountain." he looked back at Cecilia and her cat. "Alright if you need anything let one of us know, food, water, clothes. Cat toys, cat nip etc etc." he said as they began to head off "When we get to the town though first stop may be a diner to get a bite to eat, as well see if anyone knows anything about the building. Dont wish to be caught off guard again."


Chuckling some Rouen shook his head a bit "If Draco wishes he can be in charge. Now that we are in this thing, I will be on my way to get a bit of rest, it's a nice night I may sleep outside." as he began to walk off he headed to where the hotel was located, heading inside he tossed his coat onto one of the beds hearing Leege and Merri talking "I'll do my best with things Merri and you are a lot stronger then you realize. Dont hold back on anyone." with that he began to head out of the room to the roof of the hotel laying on his back he watched the night sky "I have a feeling when everything is said and done we are going to become a close guild...I should find Bob tomorrow before the games and speak with him about Leege and myself leaving the guild."


Hiding on top of one of the wardrobes Aiden had been out collecting a lot of food, by collecting it meaning he snuck into rooms and stole from other people while they were out. Having a horde with him he could see Taigor in the room after Leege had gotten up his fur began to go up, taking hold of a chair leg he broke off earlier. A loud chitter could be heard before launching like a rocket down at Taigor swinging the chair leg at him


Seeing the ball get stopped as well Draco getting a little...hands on with one of the women he began to head off "I'll see you all at the games." heading through the town he ended up at one of the taverns, the fairy tail guild was in there as well having a fun time "Ooo..seems this is a lively place..not like my guild..bunch of sticks in the mud if you ask me." he began to drink and party with the guild there. He was still in there as the sun was coming up not sleeping at all and drinking most of the night



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