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open Fairy Tail Roleplay


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@Arid_Blitz @dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus @reader8363

Lilina looked around in the crowds, and thought she noticed movement. She was scared, in all honesty. She hadn't heard who Mermaid Heel, Quattro Cerberus or Sabertooth had elected to compete. If Sting or Rogue were competing she was screwed. Lilina used her staff to scan the crowds, noticing a man moving. She recognized him as Lance of Polaris Flare, so she began tailing him through the crowds, doing her best to blend in. 


While Gray Fullbuster, Lyon Vastia and Juvia Lockser were talking, Nullpudding of Raven Tail suddenly emerged, striking down both Gray and Juvia. He glanced over at Shadow, but completely ignored him. It was apparent that he was only interested in Fairy Tail. 

Lilina noticed Shadow too, so she watched Lance, to see if he'd noticed. 


Brume watched on the Lacrima Screen, grinning maniacally. "I haven't seen Shadow in combat much, but this event truly is the best choice for him, good one, Merri.. Good one indeed..."  He looked over to Starry and Elis. 

"How do you think Shadow will do?" Brume tilted his head, not bothering to ask Leege.


Merri shivered a bit, being concerned about Lucius' sudden question, but quickly regained composure as she smelled Draco nearby. "They were a Dark Guild formed by Makarov of Fairy Tail's son. They have a lot of tension, and if I had to guess, even if they're here as an "official guild" they will be up to no good." Merri got worried just thinking about this but quickly went back to her previous stern face. 

"I have a proposition. We need to focus on Raven Tail above all else. I'd heard they attacked Wendy of Fairy Tail. Maybe we can form a ceasefire of sorts, at least in the events until Raven Tail is dealt with. Obviously there is nothing we can do if we get chosen to fight each other, but the events.. It would make it much easier for the both of us.. And I know your guild isn't one to follow rules typically.. so... " 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka @dragon4111

Vanderbilt gave Antonio a quick glance as if to say "You're right not to bad mouth him" The Inn keeper then came along and took the orders "Ok i'll get that taken care of now." The whole time however he kept shooting Antonio half sad, half angry looks before heading off to the kitchen to prepare the food. All Vanderbilt could do was laugh at what Antonio said "Vell i'm pretty sure he vas talking about you Antonio, I think Lady Cecelia looks more like you than me." Cecelia just hugged Antonio "Don't be silly Mister Vanderbilt! Mister Antonio's more like an uncle."


After a minute or so Lance could tell he was being followed, it was most likely from his years of training however he didn't choose to immediately strike as he was curious as to why he hadn't been attacked yet. Lance watched what occurred with the other guild members and quickly moved down an alleyway in a bid to avoid them. The alleyway had a dead end at which Lance waited for Lilina to turn the corner, at which point he stated, in his very eccentric and medieval way  "Well hello there my beautiful lady! To what may I owe the pleasure of being stalked by such radiant company without being stabbed in the back?"

Lucius went into deep thought over the information Merri had given him "Hmm well from what it seems, it's safe to say that they're here for personal problems... and I thought I had daddy issues. It will defiantly be dangerous for any guild involved." Lucius then cocked his head with a curious smile on his face at Merri's proposal "Rather interesting proposition indeed, and it is true that my guild isn't... conventional. Why the hell not, lets give it a try, I think in this tournament both our guilds are underdogs anyway so any help is good." Lucius then began to walk away, only stopping for a second to give Merri a polite bow and to toss her a rather hefty pouch "I appreciate the help Merri, so there's ten-thousand jewel for your trouble. Oh and if you could tell Brume i'd like to chat about this proposal more in person when he get's a second. And one last thing, be carful, if my information is correct you guys are staying at the same place to the Fairy Tail guild are you not? you could be possible targets. Cioa." As Lucius left he walked away in a fashion where it would seem like he hadn't seen Draco, but then stopped "You know Draco: I may not be able to use the magic, but I still have the body of a dragon slayer so I can smell your stench a mile off." Lucius then left and returned to his teams seating area.

  • Brohoof 2

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Arid_Blitz,@Dakcka, @reader8363, @Skylord Nexus

Draco looked at the man with disgust. "Hmm body snatching magic perhaps?" Draco asked as he stepped out of the shadows with his black dagger still drawn. He was ready to strike if need be. "Of course you could have said something infront of the guild master," Draco stated but then said "Of course Raven tail is a suspicious guild. I've been keeping an eye on them since we've got here," he stated as he cracked his neck. "And I have a very bad feeling," he stated as he looked at Lucius and stated "while I loath your guts I think Merri's proposal has merit," he stated simply as he held out his hand that didn't have a dagger in it for Lucius to shake.His voice turned cold though as he said "If you think to betray Merri's trust I will make sure there's nothing left of you to scatter to the winds,"

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Dakcka @dragon4111 @reader8363 @Skylord Nexus


Watching the looks he was getting he just smiled at the bartender, the moment he was gone and hugged by Cecilia he blinked "Uncle Antonio? Well I suppose I could live with that." looking at the lacrima now he tilted his head some "Vanderbilt this...Lance person from Polarius got any details on him? Powers and such want to see who Polarius and Red Rock have at their beck and call." his eyes searched around some on the screen chuckling "Red Rock didnt put in Dawn, guess the leash I asked for them to put on her only goes so far...hopefully no incidents occur." as he looked at Cecilia he chuckled some "Watch the fun Cecilia, maybe you can learn some moves from this."


Elis watched the city being formed, the games were beginning. Looking over the city she looked at the active screens to see who was where heIn aaring Brume she didnt even take her eyes off the field "In all truth my opinion matters not, however I think this Shadow fella will fair not so well." she pointed to the screen her eyes looking over the contestants "Gray and Julvia are powerful in their own right. Nullpudding is focused on Fairy Tail it seems." she pointed around at the images of all the illusions "All of them are going towards a central area which is open on all sides. The illusions will go off if they are even touched, so any move that has a splash affect will be rather redundant." she then smirked looking at Brume now "Also who do you not see? Where is the guy from Sabretooth?"


As he heard Canteen who seemed to be asleep on the ground now Rouen just grumbled some. Looking at the screens he was trying to see something, Nullpudding was all over Gray like he was the only one around. Shadow better keep his guard up and just go for quick strikes, if anything other then the people are hit they lose a point? Big moves were pretty bad to have then glad he wasnt down there, he would be a big target but, alot of his attacks would probably hit a lot of the illusions as well.

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@Dakcka @Arid_Blitz @Skylord Nexus
Shadow smiled and aimed a bolt of shadow through Nullpudding, then bounced it at Lilliana and hoped that it would ricochet and hit someone else. He got up off the wall and walked through while affecting the copies of him. He was glad that his magic was feeding a little off the crystal in his mouth. He walked slipped into a different alley and made a small barrier around him, but kept a few strands to tell if someone coming towards him

Starry shrugged and said, "I don't know exactly since he never really showed what he could do, but he seemed a little self-centered."

Opus stopped playing his music and sat quietly with the rest of the guild as he watched the game.

Dark kept his dagger at hand as he quickly flicked through the screens to watch everyone down there

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@Arid_Blitz @dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus @reader8363

Lilina flinched as Lance spoke to her. "Heh... Um... well I guess I'm not one for fighting... I'm mostly acting on self defense..." She quickly noticed Nullpudding getting hit with a bolt of shadow, and backed up, yelling to Lance as she did.

"Look out!" She used her staff to shield the initial hit, but it launched her into the wall, and the bolt ricochet as planned towards Lance. 

Lilina noticed Lyon of Lamia Scale prancing through the crowds and muttered I'm sorry under her breath before using her staff to create a magic barrier around him, so as to not hit the copies around him, and the inside exploded, creating a large blast. She suddenly noticed Rufus of Sabertooth, probably headed towards a better vantage point, as she went to follow him, he quickly created a magic barrier similar to her own around her, as it was filled with bolts similar to Shadow's, causing Lilina to let out a loud yelp as she was teleported away. 

"I memorized your location.." Rufus said, continuing towards his vantage point, with the barrier still in place to cut Lance off from him. Lilina began to tear up as she made her way into a crowd again. Was she really going to let her guild down? Let Subsume down? She wished she was stronger. Lilina had already gained and lost a point, leaving them at 0. Nullpudding had Raven Tail in first place, with 1 point, but Lilina had brought him down, leaving a three way tie for first place, with Red Rock and Mermaid Heel, both with 1 point, and finally the rest hadn't scored any points. 

Elsewhere, Rufus creates more barriers like Lilina's to box Lance and Shadow in the same area as one another. It's obvious that the only way out is through either defeating their opponent or being defeated. 


Brume cheered loudly as Shadow took out Nullpudding, Raven Tail was brought down a notch, but Brume was a bit nervous, as Rufus Lore had managed to take out Lilina of Tectonic Crash. Brume noticed the crowd cheering as Rufus trapped Lance and Shadow in the barrier, which made Brume growl a bit. It's obvious they weren't the fan favorites. Shadow is certainly good at blending in, but as soon as he revealed himself, Rufus was able to capitalize and make them waste their time. 

Noticing a silence from Leege, he glanced over, immediately letting out a surprised scream as Leege was gone, leaving nothing but shattered crystal and a bit of blood in it's wake. Brume looked around, but was relieved to see Leege had just used her magic to break out, and was headed to get food most likely. 

"Hey, Elis, would you ever think about joining our guild? We'd sure love to have you! I mean some more than others, but overall we would."


Merri sat down, watching in awe at the events that were happening in the arena. She kinda wished she'd been in there, as her smell could come in handy, but she tilted her head. Maybe the clones would smell like the originals. She looked over to Rouen and smiled. 

"Do you think Shadow can pull through? I'm hopeful, but it looks like Rufus of Sabertooth has the upper-hand right now." She frowned some, realizing how powerful these mages are. "Were we in over our heads coming here?"


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Arid_Blitz @dragon4111 @reader8363 @Dakcka

Vanderbilt looked and Antonio and shifted his spectacles a little further up his noes "Lance Steelstorm: A primarily melee fighter who can 'requip' different veapons and armour vhich boost different attributes. He's been a member of Polaris Flare for around three years now, making him one of the newest members. He has no officially known past affiliations, however it is believed he used to be part of a secretive order of Templars. As you can tell from his behaviour as vell is the fact that he is very... medieval prince like vith his actions. Unfortunately due to the recent establishment of Red Rock I don't know anything about them off the top of my head. Who else would you like information on?"


Lance jumped back a bit and quickly yelled "Requip!" as he changed into a larger suit of armour with a massive shield which he used to deflect the bolt in the opposite direction. Once he had realised that 1. he was trapped, and 2. the fake hims' didn't change appearance with him Lance went back to his normal self and sighed as he realised that there was probably someone who he needed to take out before he could continue "I hate having to use such dirty tactics, however the situation calls for it. Spiritual blade." A turquoise magic circle the appeared in front of him and out of it came a large ghostly sword which hovered there in place "Ok sword, strike any living person in the boxed in area and do your best not to hit and illusions." The sword the went up into the air and darted around the area before launching itself at Shadow.

Despite being a man who never really took Draco seriously and always had a cocky aura about him, Lucius gained a rather serious and slightly sad look on his face "Draco I would appreciate it if you didn't insult my lineage like that, whether you believe it or not I do have a strong sense of family, and to say something like that to me, is to insult them so just do yourself a favour and just stop whilst your ahead." After taking a minute to regain his composure Lucius smirked and firmly shook Draco's hand "Fair enough, and if you guys betray my trust then i'll cast you into a darkness so terrifying that within second you will beg for the warm embrace of Hell."

  • Brohoof 2

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@reader8363 @Dakcka @dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus


Antonio tilted his head as he heard the words requip nodding his head "Oh, yes that technique...Ersa from Fairy Tail uses that as well. It's a pretty unique magic from what I've seen of it. That will give him an edge in any fight he ends up in the tournament." looking at the lacrima seeing the area Polaris Flame was he just tilted his head looking them over "Well whoever you wish to speak on. I'm keeping my eyes on Red Rock and Polarius Flame. Any info would be very useful." he looked at Cecilia and smirked a bit "What you think of the games so far?"

Watching the fight intently with her eyes she leaned back in her chair, she was interested in Rufus' magic as he did moves other people performed. She was hardly paying attention to Leege as she seemed to have left. The moment she was asked about joining the guild her eyes looked over at Brume Elis chucklling some "Well that is a very nice offer. After you joined forces with that...bitch...you made me lose my arm then my job." she began to chuckle some looking back at the screens "If I were to be not a hunted criminal to the magic council I wouldnt mind. Talk to me when I'm no longer a fugitive."


His eyes darted along the lacrima's fast as Rouen was wanting to figure out each person's plan and magic. Rufus caught his eye with reusing people's magic as if his own. Not even an illusion just full out their magic. When he heard Merri speaking to him he bowed his head to her and smiled softly "Shadow will do as well as he can..we can only hope for the best when we are against powerful guilds. We are probably in over our heads however that is a good way to become strong. You learn to swim and endure." he began to look back at the screens his eyes closing some "If we were meant to be a guild it will be tested here against other guilds who have been together for years...we have barely been together for a few days...it's a trail and error right now so do not worry about it the future will decide our fate."

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Arid_Blitz

Draco was currently watching from the shadows after dealing with Lucius. He was watching shadow doing his thing. "He's an assassin a bit over his head. If he could get to a safer place," Draco muttered to himself as he walked out of the shadows from behind Rouen and Merri. "Then he can 'assassinate' his opponents," he said slightly analyzing the field. He looked at Raven tail with a steely glare. But he looked to Fairy Tail and sense something in the air something off about them. He shook his head as he looked back at the field. "Bad move just focusing on one opponent," Draco stated but he had a feeling this went deeper. He sighed to himself as he was hoping it wasn't a grudge against Fairy tail. He loooked over to Brume and said "Brume keep an eye on Raven tail will you?" he asked simply. After all it was his job to advise.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Skylord Nexus @Dakcka
Shadow pulled down the barrier he made to see a blade coming at him. He panicked a bit and brought up a roughly made mirror portal, sending the blade into an illusion instead of the person that sent it. Then he decided that it was enough with the dirty tactics. He took the crystal out of his mouth and dropped it into the shadow in his hand, then he closed his hand to make a pole of shadows and headed through the crowd as he drew his shadow around him to make a small layer of armor.

Starry watched and noticed that he pulled something out of his mouth. She noticed that it was a crystal that helps with healing and magic, but she didn't say anything since she figured that he would have used it if he really needed it.

Dark leaned back as the magic went away, then he hopped down to find Dawn or Canteen

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Skylord Nexus @Arid_Blitz @reader8363 @dragon4111

Perpe gasped as she looked closer at the lacrima camera, noticing Rufus preparing an attack. He states that he has memorized the location of every one of his competitors. Suddenly, many of the contestants are struck with beams of lightning, immediately bringing Sabertooth up to first place. Perpe grabbed Lucius by the collar as he returned, shaking him violently in a comedic way. "He's not going to get any points! This game is about to end, you dunce!"

"Lance is going to get his butt kicked! Why did you let him do this one?!" Perpe began to bite her nails, before sighing. "If we can at least win one event, we'll get enough points, and I'm sure we'll be ahead of Brume's guild." Perpe stands up, beginning to walk out. "I need some air." 



Merri let out a half scream as Rufus struck almost everyone except for Shadow and a few others. She figured that he wouldn't attempt to attack Shadow, as he'd be hard to hit, but it's apparent that with the current time limit that they are not going to win this round. 


Brume looked to Elis, completely serious. "Elis, I have no affection for Dawn as a person... However... Opus doesn't think she's a terrible person, and I think we can trust him. Same with Draco. I'm sure there is a method to her madness, no matter how much respect I lose for her. I'll try to get the Magic Council off your heels when we're done the games." Brume smiled. 

"After all, we're friends now, aren't we?" He turned his attention back to the games. 


Suddenly, the announcer-pumpkin-man comes back on. 

"That's it for the hide and seek round, folks! Lets check the scores!" 

1st Place: Sabertooth

2nd Place: Mermaid Heel

3rd Place: Lamia Scale

"Anyone who is not in the top 3 get no points for this event!" Suddenly, the scores changed, with the aforementioned guilds now in those places. The Pumpkin Man walked out as the town disappeared. 

"Now, to announce the battles of Day 1!" 

He points his hand up, where a list appears. The most notable ones for Red Rock and Polaris Flare, however, are. 

Perpe of Polaris Flare VS. Draco of Red Rock

"Before these battles, everyone will have an hour to break and discuss with your guilds! We'll see you then!" 


Perpe growled faintly, looking over to the Red Rock guild, clenching her teeth and turning back to head to Lucius once more.


  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka @reader8363

Vanderbilt nodded his head at Antonio "Ok then, vell next is Alexis Farstone: I rather timid girl who enjoys fantasizing about ships, I alvays found it rather strange she never struck me as the sea fairing type. She isn't inherently dangerous as almost all her magic involves buffing her allies abilities, she does however have split personality. The personality is almost the exact opposite of Alexis, stoic and angry, It does however have an interesting effect of Alexis' magic, causing it to instead debuff people." Cecelia meanwhile nodded and cutely smiled at Antonio "Yeah there really cool so far, but some of the people there seem... mean."


After sensing his sword missed and seeing that he lost a point Lance walked out of the ally to confront Shadow, he proceeded to dismiss his spectral sword and requiped to a pole much the same as Shadows "Well I do prefer a far fight, I apologise for using such a dirty tactic as a homing sword on you." Lance then swung the pole and ran at Shadow, however that was when the time ran out. Lance plainly smiled and laughed a bit "Oh well, I hope Lucius got what he needed." He ten turned to Shadow "It's a shame the time ran out, I would have liked to see where this was going."

As Perpe shook him Lucius stood there stoic but then grabbed her by the shoulders when she asked him why he chose Lance "Because I trust in his skills, perhaps you need to stop caring so much about winning after the first round and try focusing on more important problems than your pride." As Perpe walked out Alexander followed her and eventually stopping her "You know lady Perpe, The Darkflare family have had many great military leaders in their long history, as such most Darkflares are tactically inclined, Lord Lucius especially so I'd imaging that losing this first event is all part of his master plan, so you shouldn't worry so much." Alexander gave Perpe a warm motherly smile and patted her on the head "Now come on, you have a match up next I believe."

  • Brohoof 2

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Dakcka @dragon4111 @reader8363 @Skylord Nexus


Watching the screen as it seemed to be over now, an hour break before the fights. Antonio figured they could get to their room and freshen up a bit before then. Hearing about the next member he chuckled some "Split personality affecting magic." cracking his neck some he looked at Vanderbilt smirking some "I'm sure she would be fun to watch later in the battles. Wonder who will will see in action." looking at Cecilia he tilted his head a bit "Yeah I would say that, it is a tournament so a lot of them are wanting to win more then be friendly."


Elis looked at Brume as he spoke of trying to get rid of the heat on her, when he asked if they were friends she gave him a soft smile "Indeed." as the game was over and now there was an hour break time she began to get up from her seat "I'll see you in an hour then. I'm sure your guild is on their way here now." walking to the stairs she waved softly to Brume and Leege "When I return maybe I'll have a bit of info on the other teams."


Seeing the end of the game he smiled some, Rouen stood up walking down from the balcony "Alright we have an hour, till then I am going to train a bit. Merri if you wish to accompany me you may. Draco I suggest you prepare for your fight however you see fit, Perpe will not be an easy person to beat." he noticed how Canteen was still out on the floor "We'll just leave him here, if he is asleep there is less chance for him to cause an issue."

Edited by Arid_Blitz
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@Skylord Nexus
Shadow nodded and said as he placed a gem in his mouth and dropped all the shadows, "I agree, and it will be an interesting fight if we meet in the arena again." He opened a portal and entered it to head back to the hotel, so he could get some sleep to help with the headache.

Starry created a crystal mask and walked away from the others so she could clear her head before she needed to talk with her brother, that's something she's not looking forward to. 

Opus watched the game until it ended, then he started playing an upbeat tone that had a little bit to dance to if you listened carefully to it. He smiled a bit, ever since he mixed the instrument, His music changed a lot.

Dark walked by and noticed Canteen unconscious. He shrugged, walked over to him, and picked him up to take him back to jail and interrogate him

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Arid_Blitz

Draco looked stoic as he used Requip magic to change his clothes into his old uniform from his days in Draconia. It stowed his guild's uniform transforming it into his old one. He grinned as he looked at his guild master "Be prepared for a new arrival into our ranks my friend," he said as the area around him felt hotter than before. He looked ready to fight. His blade was also transformed into an elegant blade engraved with the words of strength comes from protecting the innocent in draconian.

Draco looked at his guild mates and stated "Do not fear me after this match," he was whispering slightly as he hardened his gaze once more. He looked towards the arena. This was going to be fun. But of course he had a plan which required some trickery but if it pulled off with out a hitch they would be getting a new recruit of course Brume would have to be put on a leash and muzzle.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Arid_Blitz

Brume growled as he watched Perpe walk onto the arena, receiving a mix of cheers and boo's. Most of the cheers were from creepy old perverted men, and the boo's from... well.. literally everyone else. Brume sighed and mumbled. "I feel this won't go as Draco is planning... But I certainly hope it does." 

"Yeah, for sure." Brume turned his head, where suddenly his nose touched Leege's. "Hi, how ya doing?" Leege smiled happily, and Brume replied with a simply unamused frown. 

"Don't you have other kids your age to play with?" He then remembered that she is actually older than him by a month or two. "Nevermind." 


Perpe stepped into the arena, growling as she heard boo's, but looking at some of the creepy guys in the audience drooling. She knew that wearing this little clothes was not a good idea, but she was fine with it, cause it will help her mobility by a ton. She stretched, grinning as Draco neared the arena, yelling to him. 

"Welcome. If you want to surrender, you can always save the embarrassment." 


Subsume watched Perpe heading onto the arena, but immediately put his hood up and followed Lilina out as he noticed Merri glancing over. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Arid_Blitz

Draco just chuckled as he walked into the arena. He looked at Perpe with a raised eyebrow. "If your so confidant you can beat me how about a deal?" Draco asked as he looked at her with a grin on his face."If I win you have to transfer over to Red Rock Guild with no chance of transferring back to Polaris Flare," Draco stated simply as he drew out his blade. "And the transfer would be immediately after the match," he stated with a chuckle. "But if I lose well the same goes for me transferring over to Polaris Flare," Draco stated with a chuckle. "But since your so confidant in your win humor me with the bet," he stated as he seemingly disappeared and reappeared behind Perpe. With a hot wind following him. His blade at her neck. "Your answer?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Arid_Blitz @dragon4111 @Dakcka @reader8363

Vanderbilt nodded to Antonio "Yes it  is indeed a peculiar effect, though she is a nice enough girl. Next vould be Gale, she either doesn't have a last name or doesn't let anyone know it. She is an expert in lightning magic and martial arts, often infusing parts of her body with lightning in order to hit much harder. Her main skill however comes from her being able to use ranged and attacks giving her a very flexible fighting style."


Lucius looked down at the battle slightly shaken by Draco's proposed deal and the prospect of losing Perpe. He never liked changed and had always tried to keep things the same for as long as possible. Lucius eventually stood up and began making his way out of the stand stating to his guild he'd be back in a while. What the non-competing members of Red Rock would find is a never mad looking Lucius at the entrance to there stand "Hey Brume, I think we need to have a little chat, don't you?! You know about Draco trying to steal Perpe from my guild and forcing her to join you guys." from the sound of Lucius' voice he had become incredibly mad since leaving his stand and to everyone in the stand he would also likely seem slightly unstable.

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Dakcka @dragon4111


Looking at Vanderbilt Antonio nodded his head some "Seems they keep their names and pasts close to their chests, it sorta makes sense. Enemies from the past, crimes etc etc would all become known and cause issues for the guild. Her flexibility will be a tough one." he began to lean a bit in his chair looking Gale over "To be a close combat expert is one thing it takes dedication. However to use your magic in that in perfect harmony is another. She doesnt just use it up close so her control over her magic is superior to most. The control and fast thinking when switching from close quarters to long range is intense. I had trouble learning it for a bit."


Elis had decided to stop by a diner to grab something to eat, keeping up her disguise. As she approached the balcony again she could hear someone very vocal up there. Walking up the stairs she looked at Lucius as she tilted her head some to the side smiling "It appears you are lost. Would you like me to show you where you belong? Or would you like me to hit your throat hard enough to stop your yelling? Now I suggest you relax some...we can all be civilized here." she looked at Leege then back at Lucius "Well...most of us."


Rouen was still around Merri as he was done with his training "I think the fight is beginning we should grab some snacks and head back." he said bowing his head to Merri "Shall we?" he had sweat dripping from his chin from his training as he was sure he didnt ruin his guild clothes for the GMG. "I'll front the bill of course, To see Draco fight against Perpe will be very amusing I think"


As he was being carried, Canteen began to groan some "Ugh...I dont feel so good." he said before he began to vomit on Dark. Quickly realizing he was being carried he chuckled after he stopped finally "Much better." as he wiggled around some he brought his right hand up snaking his link along the wall, it went around the corner and found a guard with a little magic. Wrapping around his ankle he spoke softly "I would love to go with whoever I just puked on but, I've got some games to win. LINK." he said as his link attached and began to be dragged hopefully out of Dark's grip and towards his found target

Edited by Arid_Blitz
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@Dakcka @Arid_Blitz
Dark felt Canteen move a bit, then he dropped him, threw his coat on the bars, and said as he looked at the puke, "Stay there, and when I get back, why don't we go talk to your Guild Master about your crimes and he can set the punishment. I have to go get a new coat, the last thing I need is to meet my twin sister only a shirt and pants" He smiled at the idea of the punishment, then he hurried off to get a different coat.

Starry decided to get some food to calm her down. She's been a bit worried and scattered when her brother saw her. She wasn't going to see the match between Draco and Perpe. 

Shadow came out in a room but didn't care that it was or wasn't his. He fell on the bed and started snoring softly as he curled up on top of the blankets. 

V broke out of the crystal and hurried off, the last thing he needed to was attack or get attacked until he can control his magic better.

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@dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus @Arid_Blitz @reader8363

Perpe growled slightly as Draco purposed the bet, and proceeded to not flinch as his sword neared her neck. "I accept your challenge, Draco. However, if I win, you leave Red Rock and don't join Polaris Flare. I don't need you, or want you as a comrade." She leaped back holding her hands at him.

"Now let's get this over with!" Perpe created a ball of her black-ish purple-ish poison and threw it at him, using that as a distraction while she placed her hand to the ground. "Poison God's Acidic Rain!" Perpe stood still as suddenly the ground began to rumble, and slowly making it's way towards Draco was Poisonous Rain coming OUT of the ground. 


Brume looked at Lucius, sharing a similar angered expression. "Believe me, Lucius, I don't want Perpe in my guild, but her request is just as unreasonable, with Draco leaving our guild for good if he loses." Brume suddenly had a realization. Was he rooting for Perpe? It's obvious with that statement that he doesn't have 100% faith in either of them winning, but surely, he wasn't cleared of all fondness for Perpe. 

Sighing, Brume looked at Elis as she entered. As she finished her statement his eyes widened and he put his finger to her lips. "SHHH.... I don't want Lucius to kill me, I actually kinda like the guy. Don't start anything, ple-" Before Brume could finish his sentence, the idiot opened her mouth. 

"Hey! Lucius! Do you love Perpe, is that why you don't want her to leave?" Leege said, poking Lucius in the chest as she did so. "Why do I bother." Brume rolled his eyes, and Leege stood up so she was closer to Lucius' height. 

She smiled. "We're all friends now, so should it really matter who is in what guild? Not that I want that bully in my guild... y'know?" She took a sip of some blood out of a glass, which has been secured through unknown means. 

Brume pushed Leege's face backwards so she fell over a chair, and he looked back to Lucius. "I don't have any say over what Draco does. But I guess we'd better hope some miracle washes this bet off of Fiore, eh?" 


Elsewhere, a person approaches an inn, smiling faintly as they pull their hood up above their head, and enter. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka

Vanderbilt nodded at his companion "Indeed, she is defiantly one of the main danger's vhen facing Polaris Flare. The only normal guild member more dangerous than her vould be... Jack Felfire. In some vay's I guess he's your opposite, your an ice devil slayer, no? Vell he uses hell fire and he hits hard vith it, he specialises in hitting hard and dealing heavy amounts of damage to his opponent in a single hit, and this power is immense, out of all of them he is the only one who can go up against Lucius and stand a chance of vinning, though to my knowledge he never has." The Inn keeper then came out with there food and placed in on their table, Cecelia sat happily eating, as did Myou ,which was peculiar seeing as he was made of wood and shouldn't need to eat. when the new person entered the Inn the Inn Keeper chuckled "Another traveller? Today must be my lucky day, what can I do for ye lass?"


Lucius scoffed at Brume "It's funny though how when we first met yo guy's seemed to be the best of friends, but you seem to have chucked that to the side pretty quickly haven't you?" The dark mage then looked at Elis his expression not changing "You know I do prefer not to maim people who don't deserve it, but I would advice you be quiet... unless you want to lose your other arm." As Leege asked him if he liked Perpe Lucius quickly lost his composure a small blush appearing on his face "I most certainly do not! and even if I did I assure you that it would be entirely platonic!" This however did seem to be enough to also calm Lucius down, after a deep breath Lucius spoke, his voice sounding less angered and more logical "I... apologies for my little out burst." Lucius then proceeded to slump down into a seat in there stand and poured two glasses of wine giving one to Brume "Trust me it helps... also don't ask where I got this stuff from, honestly even I don't know at this point." Lucius then held his glass up giving a toast "To a miracle then."

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Arid_Blitz

Draco sighed as he then smirked. "Bloodragers Art: crystal barrier," as soon as he said that a large blood red crystals raised from the ground with him on it. Draco breathed in then said "Blood rager secret Art : Fenrir's howl," he said as he slashed the air towards Perpe as 10 beams of pure heat in the shape of wolf heads came barreling at Perpe very quickly. A few of them missed her but they exploded when they hit the ground sending rocks towards Perpe. But that angered Draco with what she said.  "Hmm you've just ticked me off enough to consider using my final spell," he stated loudly enough for the whole arena to hear him. Draco looked at Perpe "Well anything else Perpe? Or are you just a one trick pony? Bring out your sword," he stated taunting and mocking her.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Perpe attempted to knock all the rocks out of the air, but inevitably got one right in the face. "OW! Okay, that's it. You talk a lot, but no matter what you say, I could, and will, destroy you." 

Holding her hand to her chest before holding her other out to Draco, she said "A poisonous hell, strong enough to corrode that of a God! Poison God's Toxic Hurricane!" With that, Perpe clasped her hands together, before an attack flew to Draco, quickly, she realized that if he was truly going to use his final spell, then she has to at least try the defense. 

Perpe pulled her hands back and created a shell around herself made of the Poison God's magic. "Let's see how you'll do to break this shield."


@Skylord Nexus

Liz glanced over to the inn-keeper, before mumbling to themself. "Lass... hm... heheh... I like it." With that, Liz sat down, pulling hood more over head, so as to hide their appearance, minus their face and some of their blonde locks. 

"Could you start me with some sort of fries? I don't care what kind as long as I can eat them." Liz glanced over at Antonio from the corner of their eye, remembering his face from somewhere, not that they'd remember where. Liz's eye focused in on Cecilia, and Liz grinned slightly, before just closing their eyes and listening to the conversation. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Arid_Blitz

Draco chuckled as he felt the hurricane around him. purple splotches started to form on his arms as he felt the poison enter him. But this lady needed a beat down. "Very well then if that's what you desire," Draco stated with a maniacal grin on his face. "You want a god hmm? Try a world ender god," he stated as he closed his eyes as golden chains began to form and glow. As the heat around him began to spread so did his magical aura. as it spread, it began to cancel out the poisonous hurricane.  He jumped onto the ground walking calmly towards Perpe. I will give you a chance to walk away before I unleash this spell," he stated but sighed when she looked like she would refuse. "Very well then!" Draco yelled out as he raised both his arms. He Yelled out "BLOOD RAGER FINAL SECRET ART: RAGNAROK!" and like that a large explosion surrounded Draco blowing away the poisonous hurricane. every one in the coliseum felt like doom was upon their head as there Draco stood Intense amount of rage was to be felt from him. there he was with broken glowing chains around him after the explosion.

Draco's eyes were wolf like, wolf like ears were on his head, a wolf tail near the base of his spine as the heat burnt away his coat and shirt revealing his chest. He spoke with the power of Fenrir "I am Fenrir and I will end you," he stated simply with a growl.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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