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private USS Luna

Mentis Soliloquy

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After arranging everything in her quarters just right, Lunar was left with little to do; after all, there wasn't much need for anyone on board to visit the counselor just yet. At least her quarters was perfectly organized now, though. It wasn't so tricky as one might think, for a blind thestral to place things in exactly the right place; echolocation went a long way when it came to giving her a sense for the location of things and helping her to arrange everything.
Once she had gotten through with that, she took a walk to better acquaint herself with the hallways and corridors. Echolocation or no, it would be useless if she went and got herself lost somehow. She took note of where the most important facilities were, including Sick Bay, then continued on.
Of course, this eventually led her to the bridge, where she then took her place by the captain's (@Mentis Soliloquy) side. It was nearly time for departure, and Lunar found her nerves tingling with anticipation. Doubly so when she heard official permission granted for said departure, ears flicking up straight.



Admittedly, Lunar was more than a little startled by the sudden noise as the clamps released, which was apparent in the way she stiffened and gripped at her seat. Even when expected, sometimes louder sounds were hard to bear... such was the drawback to having sensitive ears. But if anything, the jolt injected an extra dose of adrenaline into her system, and she felt all the more excited for the start of this journey.


"So the adventure begins," she mused aloud, a smile finding its way onto her face.

Edited by Miss Reaper
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Indicus sat in his seat on the bridge. It seemed they were combining his duties of Security officer with Chief Security Officer which naturally as on most ships included duties of Chief Tactical Officer. He did not mind, he had the training and experience to fill all those positions and he would do so happily. 


@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Captian, All weapons test out to be operating at full capacity. Shields check out at full charge and the refactor arrays are in perfect condition. I recommend we test fire on an asteroid at some point to make sure they fire as well as the computers predict they will." With his piece said he went back to overlooking the weapon systems.

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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The Luna made her way to space, it was lovely to watch. "Nice flying Ensign Flight (@Once In A Blue Moon) please set in a bearing of 30-mark-00, full impulse. Engage."


He gets up from his chair. "I shall be down in engineering I wish to talk to Crystal about our warp drive." He heads to the turbo lift, then down to the engineering deck. He makes his way into main engineering, from there he knocks on Clear's (@Raven Rawne) door. "May I come in? It's Mentis." 


(I've got the briefing/drinking do coming up soon everyone, just a few things before hand, otherwise post how you like everyone) 

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Crystal Clear blinked in surprise at the sudden end of her conversation. She made a mental note to steer clear of Sick Bay for as long as possible. Maybe the thestral counsellor will be willing to give her meds when she inevitably runs out of her stash of painkillers...


The mare reumed her fine-tuning, since the repair team haven't called in with results yet. She reckoned it would take another half an hour before the ship was in Warp and her team make sure the warp drive works as good as it can. Only then will she release the excess personnel on their breaks, herself included.


@@Mentis Soliloquy,

A knocking on the Main Engineering's reinforced door and a muffled voice from outside were as good as any distraction from simply killing time. The sudden noise turned some heads and Crystal said aloud: "As you were, I got this. Some new fish probably want to see the Core. Like I'd let them in..." She switched one of the screens on her console to see the images from security camera outside the door - since they themselves had no glass, it was the only, and completely legal way of peering outside. Every console in the room had access to that camera.


"Well well well... Look busy people, it's our captain." The atmosphere in the Engineering thickened somewhat, but Crystal wasn't especially moved by the sudden change of circumstances. She opened the door and waved from behind her console. "Come on in sir! I need to close the door, lest our awesomness will pour out on the rest of the ship." She winked with her mechanical eye. "So how do you like our little clubhouse?"

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He steps in allowing the door to close behind him. "No need to get all worried about me coming down to say hi Lieutenant (@Raven Rawne). All I am here to do is to ask about are the engines and my warp core, I'd like to go to warp as soon as we are safe and ready to do so. I've come down to here things in person and look around engineering... if you allow an old pegasus like me to have a gawk around." He smiles a bit waiting for her response. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


The crystal mare grinned and replied: "I'm not worried sir, it's just unusual for captains to come all the way down here just to say hi." She relaxed somewhat and continued. "Truth be told, this can is so fresh we're bored beyond measure. I'm used to ships that beg a general refit, and all we have is a dead aux thruster and... seven errors in ventillation. Air's not flowing out of the system as swiftly as it should." She shrugged. "I have a team working on the thruster, and once we enter warp and make sure the drive works as intended, I'll release the surplus personnel and take a look at it. I need to fix something every once in awhile so I won't get all rusty behind the console." The mare leaned somewhat on her console, and made a wide gesture with a free hand, pointing at the Warp Core. "Since you're already here sir, why don't you take a look at what we have here?"

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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With a two-tone beep, Misty's console noted that the Luna had left STC space and that 238 had ceased sending them flightpath data. The wide, cold void beckoned.




bearing of 30-mark-00, full impulse. Engage.


"Luna on new heading 30-mark-00, captain, impulse at... errrm..." Misty realised as soon as she said it that 'errrm' isn't a good noise to make when speaking about starship propulsion, even at sub-relativistic speeds, but the impulse was sticking stubbornly at 91% of maximum safe thrust. Pausing a moment longer, and seeing no change, she continued, "Impulse at 91%, captain..." she flicked through a report on her console, "Engineering has a thruster down for maintenance."


With one thruster offline, the computer had lowered the other two banks' output to compensate. During most maneuvers this would have gone unnoticed, but with the captain ordering maximum impulse every aft thruster was oriented rearwards and at full burn, so even one would be missed. Misty frowned as another thought crossed her mind; namely thruster burnout. Thrusters didn't like going at full burn for too long, even if they hadn't been pushed beyond their normal operating ranges. To counteract this, a ship would usually cruise at around 60% to allow thrusters to individually rotate through a rest-low-high-low-rest output whilst also rolling on its axes to keep all four banks in use.


Organising that wasn't the issue - Misty would roll the ship from the helm whilst engineering would take care of individual thrusters. What was worrying her now was the captain keeping the ship at full impulse, which could cause burnout - should she warn the captain, or should she ask engineering to? Or should she just keep quiet? The captain might seem laid back, but he was still extremely senior, and keeping the ship running was technically engineering's job. Asking engineering could be seen as going behind the captain's back, or telling the chief engineer what to do; neither would go down well. But...


Shaking her head, Misty reminded herself that the captain and the chief engineer were both experienced officers; they both understood the basic principles of running a starship. She should be focusing on her own tasks. 




I recommend we test fire on an asteroid at some point to make sure they fire as well as the computers predict they will.



"I shall be down in engineering I wish to talk to Crystal about our warp drive."


Looking through the local space charts, Misty had an idea.


"Captain, if we were to divert to asteroid 2204XJ84 then we could run some weapons and propulsion tests before we engage the warp drive." 

  • Brohoof 2

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


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(@Raven Rawne) "I'd not mind having a look at the core, but I am curious when we can go to warp?" He said as he walked into the main room housing the core it's self. "Oh and if you and your men are a little bored with a lack of things to do... well I was approached by the doc (@BloodDrops) about wishing to improve her medical bay with some sort of way to totally sterilize it. I'm sure she'd like to talk about you about." He walked up to the core and just had a good look at it.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


The mare checked her console and replied: "Since we're in the clear from the station, we can start funnelling warp plasma to the nacelles and see how the whole assembly reacts. Twenty minutes for tests, give or take, and if I get greens all across the board, we can warp out of here." She looked at the captain with the corner of her artificial eye. "Just one thing sir... May I ask for a reasonable warp speed for the first hour? Somewhere aroung Warp 4. I'd like to see how the vessel reacts to it. If nothing's overheating and such. Once I'm sure the nacelles won't blow up, we can go as fast as necessary."


She was about to adress the second issue brought by the captain when a faint buzz was heard from her earpiece. Crystal brought her hand up and said quietly: "Apologies captain, it's my repair crew." She flickered her ear and replied to the unseen engineers: "I hear you, what's the status of our busted thruster?" A buzz, this time longer. "Fried circuitry? Nasty business. But you're sure it will work now, right? Another buzz. "Hmm, okay, get out of there and give me a heads up once you're in the corridor, then stay put. I'll power it up and see if it works. Crystal Clear out."


Crystal Clear allowed herself a small smile as she turned to face the captain. "Sir, I am pleased to report that my team has fixed the thruster. Once they're out of the red zone, I'll power it up and make sure it works as intended, then we'll have 100% impulse power." Her smile faded into a deadpan mask once she changed the topic. "As for the doctor... She contacted me earlier over the comms. Asked about the vents and whether we have any medical issues to attend. I said we don't have any and asked if she doesn't have anything for us to do but..." The mare shrugged. "She terminated the link. Although we could cobble up something for her, yeah. Unless she doesn't change her mind, I could send a team once we're done with the esentials."


Another buzz from the earpiece. "Ah, time to test that thruster." Crystal turned to her console and cycled through the screens until she found the Starboard Impulse Bank controls. One dot was red. She typed the commands, unconciously sticking her tongue out while working. The dot flashed yellow, then solid green. Crystal announced triumphantly: "Aaaand done! Everything's working just as intended." She cycled to the overview for all impulse thrusters and signalled her team: "Good job, it's working like brand new! Get back and have something cool to drink. Thruster banks are hot like ovens..." A yellow light lit up on the port bank, making the mare groan. "Aww what now?! Stupid bank is overheating now that it's on 100%. I advise cutting impulse thrust to 50% until we warp, and once it cools down I'll have it checked. It's too hot to work there right now." She turned to the captain with a raised eyebrow, awaiting his reaction.

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(@Raven Rawne) He gives her a look of a little annoyance, "Very well... I can't rush the ship despite my desire to get to our destination, and yes I'll not go past warp 4 until your happy to go to 8." He tapped his comm badge. "Captain to the helm, (@Once In A Blue Moon) please slow to half impulse."  He looks to her, I'll leave you to look after my ship, please the sooner this is done the better."


He makes his way from engineering and back towards the bridge. Again tapping his badge to the command channel on board. "Mentis to all senior officers please report to the to the meeting room at 23.00. (about 2 hours from now) Oh and Lunar (@Miss Reaper) or Indicus (@Shadow Dancer) please inform Ensign Flight her presence is requested as well." He makes his way back to the bridge, looking to Indicus. "Can you please come with me Lieutenant." Then made his way to the captain's room, sitting at his chair waiting for his security chief.

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Crystal sensed tha captain's displeasure, and nodded as he paraphrased her advice. After Helm's been notified, she tried to save her face: "I'm sorry sir but the vessel has been towed in here all the way from the shipyard... There was no way to test the thrusters or warp drive before." Her shoulders sagged a bit as Mentis left the Engineering. The mare rested her hands on the console, leaning on it. After a moment, she let out a low growl and kicked the base of her console, adding a spiteful announcement for the ship: "Mean bitch of a ship! You had to start breaking apart right now?!" She saw concerned engineers looking at her and snapped at them. "What?! You wan't to volounteer to fix that impulse bank? Start pumping plasma to the nacelles, test run, 5% capacity." She balled her hand into a fist and tapped the main screen on her console. The crystal mare said quietly: "Break down and I'll blow your warp core into confetti, hear me?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Mentis Soliloquy@@Raven Rawne



Blood Drops snorted as her comm badge relayed a message from the captain, she only caught the location and time since she was busy. She continued to clean out the gunk that had developed within her centrifuge. She continued to sterilize it with her handhold triquater. She shut the centrifuge, she had finished sterilizing the whole of sick bay. She trotted over to her console. She would have to find a easier way to sterilize the sick bay, it took too long otherwise, and that was when there  wasn't any emergency's. She sat down in her chair and began thinking.


"Either a sonic shower for the whole of sickbay or have a routine decontamination at a set time. And purge the room with either high spread radiation or something along that line" she thought. She had a glass of wine as she contemplated. Alcohol helped her think after all. She glanced over at the group of junior doctors playing cards, she had allowed it since it didn't hurt to have some fun once in a while. They had done everything she could think of doing as well. she went over to join them, she had a hour or so after all. She won several games and lost only a couple. She was rather happy and slightly tipsy, a bottle of red suddenly began getting passed around the table. She blinked confused after her third glass, how it that get there.


"Right i need to contact Engineering quickly. She said finally, she needed to put that request in after all. Or had she already done it? She couldn't remember. She pressed a nearby console while a new game was being dealt out. 


she glanced at the ensign on the console. "SO, I've been thinking of getting a sonic shower for the whole of sickbay or having high spread radiation purges to sterilize my bay. You can either look at me blankly ensign or you can get that mare in charge, you know Crystal that sparkling pony." she tutted. "How unorganized" She tapped her hoof 


 "Crystal, just the mare I wanted to see" she giggled "make a sonic shower to cover the whole of sickbay? Ta" she requested. She giggled again "Then come on down to the sickbay, I'm sure you would love to have a game of cards with us as well. Come on you've been working hard for the past several hours on that engine that got blown out." she continued to giggle like a little filly.


"Oh, you have that meeting with the other senior officers don't you? You want me to get you out of it due to medical reasons? You look rather fed up, maybe a good card game will help. Or perhaps" she got off her chair and grabbed the bottle of wine, "Maybe this will persuade you?" she added, showing her the expensive bottle of wine.

Edited by BloodDrops






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Indicus nodded and followed the captain to the room and sat down in one of the available seats. Indicus had a few ideas of why he was here, arming the officers of each department being one and information about the mission being an unlikely second. "So captain what can I do for you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Naturally, things seemed a little quieter on the bridge once the captain (@Mentis Soliloquy) had departed to check on the Engineering section. Lunar listened to the quiet beeping of sensors sweeping clear space instead, for the most part, and whatever conversation some ensigns were having in the background. Not that she made a habit of listening in on others talking, but when she had such keen hearing, she couldn't help it sometimes.


She perked at the chirp of her com badge, followed by Captain Soliloquy's message that there was to be a meeting for senior officers at 2300 hours - and that Ensign Flight's presence was requested as well. She tapped her badge to acknowledge with a brief "Aye-aye, sir" and then she turned her head towards the helm and the pony currently attending it (@Once In A Blue Moon). "Misty Flight? Senior officers are to report to the meeting room at 2300 hours. The captain has requested that you be present, too."

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"Captain to the helm, please slow to half impulse." 


"Luna at 50% impulse and holding current course, captain," Misty confirmed, sitting back in her chair. With the Luna in clear space and on course, her job became much simpler; at least until warp. For all the teething troubles they were having the Luna was responding well, and her sensors were phenomenal - Misty only had the toned down navigation-related data but the clarity was incredible. 




"Misty Flight? Senior officers are to report to the meeting room at 2300 hours. The captain has requested that you be present, too."


"Yes ma'am, I'll be there."


Now that made her feel nervous again. With another report from engineering that a whole thruster bank's heat sink had been pushed beyond safe thresholds, was she going to be reprimanded for over-taxing the ship's systems? If she had started rolling the ship earlier then the thruster bank could have been kept at a reasonable temperature - that was definitely her responsibility, and...


After taking a couple of deep breaths, common sense finally triumphed over paranoia and reassured her that this just was another meeting which she would be attending in her role as navigator. Just like on 238.



@@Miss Reaper

She glanced back at Lunar, wondering if she had noticed her discomfort. Medical staff had a disconcerting knack of spotting anxiety along with the equally frightening power to relieve crew of their duties if they saw fit. Neither looked good on their victim's record. 

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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He looks across the table to his security chief, his face was quite stoic. "I have a feeling you know why you know your here Lieutenant. I have two issues I'm going to raze with you, one is negative one your gonna like." He brings up his computer and gets up Indicus's (@Shadow Dancer) file. "It says here you've seen more than your fair share of action aboard various ships, notably the Enterprise... I don't think I've seen a ship see so much action and death since I don't know when... but."


He looks up from his screen at the man. "Why is everyone on my ship armed?"


He'd let the question sink in for a little before moving on points and he could answer them all at once. "Besides answering that question when I was talking to Crystal in Engineering she suggested that we also test the ships arsenal. So when we're done here, instruct Ensign Flight to find the nearest meteor field and we'll blow some rocks up." 

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The "Red Menance", commonly known as Crystal Clear, was drumming her fingers on her console as the other Engineers completed the tests of "Luna's" warp drive. She kept her sights on the console before her, carefully observing as increasingly large portions of plasma were funnelled through the system. She was still mad at the ship for pulling that stunt with thruster temperature - it made her look bad before the captain.


"Alright, the warp drive passed and we didn't blow up into space dust. So that's something..." She was about to signal bridge when one of the ensigns informed her that the Chef Medical wanted to speak with her.


The mare rolled her eyes and said to her second: "Call the bridge, tell them the Warp Drive is ready. Theoretically at least. I'll entertain the butcher..." Crystal called to the ensign - "I'll take her to my console, you keep working. And prepare a repair order on those vents! Alpha team will have the honor of poking them with screwdrivers." A couple taps on the console and she saw the doc on the auxilliary screen - she wouldn't risk putting her on holo display, not with her personnel around.


"What's up doc? Checking if we're on schedule?" - Crystal asked with just a hint of annoyance. She narrowed her eyes at the sudden request. "Hmm... once I make sure we won't blow up into spacedust, I'll send somepony to make the measurments and we'll see what can be done." There was something... off with the doctor. She couldn't put her finger on it quite yet though.The offer made her sigh and lean on the console. Serving 3 years on a hospital ship makes you lose all respect for medical personnel... "Thanks for the offer, but I'm still needed here. We need to slap this ship into shape before the big meeting with the captain. Maybe when I'm off duty though." The tactful approach seemed to bounce off the other mare like slingshot from armoured hull. Was she really so dense? Crystal gasped in shock as a bottle of wine appeared on screen - that hypocritical mare! Now everything made sense. Her throat felt dry, even though she wasn't really into wines. She bit her lower lip unconciously, then replied in a slow, even tone - Crystal didn't want to show she wouldn't mind a glass to wash off the stress. "I uhh... thank you for the offer, but really, I have to stay here and keep working. If you'll still have some when I'll end my shift, then why not, but not now, okay?"


She sure hoped it would be enough to convince the mare.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Blood Drops blinked "You're not on scheduled as far as I've heard from some command ponies in the mess earlier today. Apparently they said you burned out one thruster and nearly blew up the engine array" she remarked with a snort. "Now i was half hoping on someone to get a burned hoof, though that didn't happen" she remarked sadly, "half hoping i had something to do, though Mrs Red here persuaded me to have a drink or several. Though i'm going to be sober for when we meet with the captain, he wouldn't appreciate me stumbling around" she remarked.


Blood glanced at the bottle of wine, "Well I've nearly drank all this, though I've got another I can send to you." she nodded seriously. She pulled a bottle out under her desk and showed Crystal "Nice vintage here. Mon Fractose, one of the original hundred as well. Well it's been duplicated but its exactly the same" she remarked. She tapped several buttons on her console and the bottle of wine disappeared, it then appeared under Crystals console. "Just teleported it to you now, you can either have it yourself, or share it if you wish" she yawned, "Well, don't drink it now though, rather not have the warp core get ejected into space by accident." she added.


"Now there is something serious i need to talk to you about. Why we all armed? I got a phaser but I got no clue on how to use it. It was a long time ago when I was actually in a combat situation. Actually I think I've never been in one" she added she glanced at her belt and realized she didn't have it on her, she had probably left it somewhere. "Oh never-mind, I've misplaced it again" she sighed. She blinked, she had run out of things to say, now there was a awkward silence, during this she sent security a message.



@@Shadow Dancer


Message Incoming from Sick bay-> Chief Medical Officer-> Blood Drops


+=Start of Message=+


Security I've misplaced my phaser thing again, I've lost it before though this time I can't find it. Though it will turn up somewhere at some point, so if anyone spots a unattended phaser can they come drop it off to either security or sick bay, also how are you meant to use it? Since it didn't come with instructions, unless it did, then that's been lost as well. So you might need to go searching for the instructions as well for it. So yeah I've lost the phaser and instructions for it. maybe you can see if you can put a light or a tracker on it, so I can track it down when I lost it next time.


+=End of Message=+

Edited by BloodDrops
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@@Once In A Blue Moon,


Misty was right about one thing: medical officers, and especially counselors like Lunar that knew the ins and outs of general psychology, were keen to notice such things. Despite the fact that Lunar could not read the changes in one's facial expressions, she was extremely adept at determining the tone of voice and sometimes changes in body language. Even when one was attempting to keep emotion from slipping into their voice, she could tell. There was always a certain tautness, a strain to try and keep a level tone.


Ensign Flight was nervous. That was understandable, though, and certainly nothing to warrant being relieved of duty. It was the first day on a new ship, with some kinks to iron out, so Lunar had gathered. Not to mention, Misty was an ensign surrounded by senior officers, and with the responsibility of having the helm at her hands.


So the thestral only offered a smile and said, "Relax, Ensign. First-day nerves on a new ship get the best of even senior officers sometimes."

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He looks up from his screen at the man. "Why is everyone on my ship armed?"




Security I've misplaced my phaser thing again, I've lost it before though this time I can't find it. Though it will turn up somewhere at some point, so if anyone spots a unattended phaser can they come drop it off to either security or sick bay, also how are you meant to use it? Since it didn't come with instructions, unless it did, then that's been lost as well. So you might need to go searching for the instructions as well for it. So yeah I've lost the phaser and instructions for it. maybe you can see if you can put a light or a tracker on it, so I can track it down when I lost it next time.  


Indicus was about to answer when his data pad alerted him of a message. "Well apparently some chose to skip basic weapons training." Indicus pinged the weapon finding it in her room under a table, he sent a message to security to pick it up and place it back into the armory.


@@Mentis Soliloquy

Indicus showed no sign of remotely regretting his decision. "Sorry just had to take care of something real quick, as for why you have many non sec armed. Well I have had bad experiences of being caught in a gun fight without said gun so I armed any officer that has had basic weapons training with a basic phaser. Something your medical officer skipped and somehow still registered under her training profile, won't make that mistake again. If you wan't me to collect the weapons I can do it." 
  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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"Relax, Ensign. First-day nerves on a new ship get the best of even senior officers sometimes."


"Ah, yes, ma'am," Misty answered, taking a couple of deep breaths. There was something about the thestral counselor that made her uncomfortable; the way she seemed to be staring right through her, eyes a glint of red from behind her white mane, gave Misty a feeling of disquiet. The sharp teeth didn't help either. She did seem to be listening, though - Misty felt as though she was expected to say a bit more


"I sort of... I feel... this is far more responsibility than I've ever had before, Ma'am" she confided, "And after being rejected for the role so many times before..." she stopped, surprised at what she had revealed. She looked at Lunar again, who was still smiling. Well, if she'd said this much, "It... I struggle to believe that I can actually do... all this," she gestured to the controls arrayed in front of her. 

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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@@Once In A Blue Moon,


Lunar was well aware she didn't have the most trustworthy visage, particularly when one wasn't used to the sight of a thestral. Sharp teeth, cloudy red eyes... But she always had a gentle smile to offer, as well as her listening skills. It was what she was there to do as counselor, after all: listen to one's troubles and then help to the best of her ability. Her ears flicked, as though to make that obvious.


"I understand... It can seem pretty daunting when you're just starting out," said she. "But, you've made it this far, Misty. You wouldn't be here right now if you didn't have the ability."


The counselor rose from her seat, wings tucked neatly against her back, and after a brief pause stepped closer. "I know this all feels different, but you have the know-how in here." She tapped a finger to her own head to punctuate the point. "It's easier said than done, of course... But try to have a little faith in yourself."

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"Indicus (@Shadow Dancer), I know that feeling, I was ambushed by Romulans 2 years ago and we lost a few people to a boarding party we had no answer to. Well for the start anyway until we killed them all. Look you very well know the regulations about this, you need my permission to arm even the security officers. I see why you want to be prepared for these things, I really understand but it's going to put everyone on edge seeing phasers everywhere, I am going to be having a briefing as you know, you'll see why it's rather important no one is armed soon enough.


But..." He paused. 


"I am not unreasonable, once this meeting is over come up with some proposals for me to look at in regards to having the crew armed we can go over them and work a few things out. If that's ok with you? Now want to blow up some rocks?" 

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Crystal rolled her eyes unceremoniously. "If they spread rumors they better be accurate for Heart's sake! The thruster was offline from the start and starboard bank was overheating once Helm put the pedal to the metal and put thrust on 100%. So I'm not sending anypony to get fixed anytime soon. Maybe security will have something, they never really got the part about aiming weapons away from face..."


She wasn't sure where Blood Drops even get the replicator blueprint for this wine, and was both surprised and a bit alarmed by the sudden present. Crystal looked under the console and sure, the bottle was there... "Thanks, I guess? Maybe I'll find a good use to it once I'm off duty." She didn't comment on the joke about ejecting the warp core - nearly everyone said it to engineers, and the novelty simply wasn't there.


The crystal mare gave the doctor on her console a curious look once she asked about the phasers. "So you took it even though you have no clue how to use it?" She was about to give her a quick instruction when Blood said she misplaced the thing. Crystal seriously considered whether in case of an accident it wouldn't be safer to fix somepony with her tools than send to sickbay...


The doctor seemed to lose her train if thought and Crystal thought she'd cut the link, but it didn't happen.  The red mare took the opportunity to look up and authorise the repair order on the vents and passed it to the repair crew that was on standby. It'll take hours before they'll have a look at the thruster bank anyway...


She looked at the small screen and the doctor was still there. She asked: "Anything I can do for you? Aside from injuring my staff to send them to you that is?" She smiled a bit at the dark humor.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Indicus nodded, "Okay I understand where you're coming from there, not everyone here is to a point they sleep armed to get any shut eye. But I will write up a couple of suggestions so at the very least everyone on board is semi competent with a phaser. As for blowing up some rocks, lets get to it." Indicus got up and politely waited for the Captain to formally dismiss him before exiting to the bridge.

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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