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private USS Luna

Mentis Soliloquy

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(@Shadow Dancer) "Maybe a few plans where there are no phasers on anybody, you know since it's protocol, so when we're done with the weapons testing please recall every weapon back to the armories." He gets up. "But will have plenty of time to sort these things out." He moves past his security chief as they both head back to the bridge. 


He sits at his chair. "Helmsman (@Once In A Blue Moon) please take the ship to the nearest asteroid belt, we're going to be testing our weapons." 

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"It's easier said than done, of course... But try to have a little faith in yourself."


"Yes ma'am, I'll try," Misty affirmed, fiddling with the console anxiously. It promptly beeped at her and she jumped slightly, then read through the newly arrived message from engineering.




both head back to the bridge. 


"Engineering report the Luna ready for warp Captain." 




"Helmsman, please take the ship to the nearest asteroid belt, we're going to be testing our weapons." 


"Yes captain..." she brought up the local area map and toggled through the filters, "Luna on new course 030-mark-295. Time to phaser range, 18 minutes at current impulse," she glanced over at Indicus.


@@Shadow Dancer

"Unless we have anything with a longer range that we want to test first." 

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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@@Raven Rawne,


Blood Drops blinked at her, she really didn't have anything else to say. "Suppose its too much if a pretty thing like you gets yourself injured?" she said with a smirk. She let out a yawn before glancing at the time. "Suppose we need to go see the captain in a little bit" she remarked, she wondered what the meeting was about. "You know what this meeting is about?" she asked curiously.


She sat back in her chair, and snorted. She was too bored "You want to get wasted later on?" she asked Crystal. She needed some fun after this shift.






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@@Once In A Blue Moon, @@Mentis Soliloquy,



Indicus looked at the armament of the USS Luna, "Hmm, two phaser cannons, odd, and five magazines of photon torpedoes each mag containing ten torpedoes. Shields are at full strength good." Indicus turned to Misty, "I want to save our torpedoes so test the phaser cannons and monitor for overheating when using both at once. never seen two phaser cannons on a single ship so be careful."

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Crystal chuckled at the doctor's suggestion, and tapped her left temple. "I have enough sickbay hours on record already and don't get me wrong but I have this weird desire to stay in one piece with no more metal in me..."


She glanced at the time. "I have a hunch he'll tell us our first assignment, or at least what he expects us to prepare for it. Honestly? I expect months of design facto extended space trials when we don't see any real action. So better keep an eye on your liver out there." She winked knowingly.  It takes one to know one, after all.


Now Crystal was amused.  "With this? Come on it'll take ages!  Although if you have some hot flanks out there I just might show up..." A few snorts were heard from her staff and she looked up at them, annoyed. "Oh cone on, be adult for a moment! I can't date all of you, and I hate favoritism." She looked back at the doc and raised an eyebrow. "Soooo? I might bring something good for the party..."

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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Crystal chuckled at the doctor's suggestion, and tapped her left temple. "I have enough sickbay hours on record already and don't get me wrong but I have this weird desire to stay in one piece with no more metal in me..."


She glanced at the time. "I have a hunch he'll tell us our first assignment, or at least what he expects us to prepare for it. Honestly? I expect months of design facto extended space trials when we don't see any real action. So better keep an eye on your liver out there." She winked knowingly.  It takes one to know one, after all.


Now Crystal was amused.  "With this? Come on it'll take ages!  Although if you have some hot flanks out there I just might show up..." A few snorts were heard from her staff and she looked up at them, annoyed. "Oh cone on, be adult for a moment! I can't date all of you, and I hate favoritism." She looked back at the doc and raised an eyebrow. "Soooo? I might bring something good for the party..."


Blood Drops smirked, "Good one, I'll put you down for a few sickbay duty shifts then" she snorted amused. She then rolled her eyes at the months of extended space trials. "Hope not, I want to be busy actually doing something. Though my liver is fine, I can fix it myself now, technology is always useful for fixing the little problems" she remarked.


"Hehe, It will be quicker then you think" she giggled. "Also you better bring something good with you, otherwise I might have to re-arrange your medicals, or lose your vaccination sheet. That would be a problem" she giggled. "I might bring something as well, something really special" she added. 


She blinked waiting a time from Crystal.






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Crystal looked at the green mare with a blank expression.  "Do you always threaten other ponies with messing up their meds or losing their documentation?  It's like I would suggest that the shower you want me to make may or may not engulf the sickbay in flames.  Cause you know, fire kills germs. In plain Equestrian, it would be nice if I didn't have to second guess everything you do or say, it kills the fun for me. By the way you invited anypony else? The councillor seemed like somepony who wouldn't mind a glass in good company..."

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne



Blood Drops nodded "At least you know where you stand with me. Rather then have some pony mess with you behind your back, I'll just screw with you openly" she smirked. Though the fire option did seem rather extreme. "You can give the fire option a go, Though you need the captain to approve it. Though it is a interesting way of getting your mane cut I suppose" she remarked.


She thought about the Councillor "Sure, I've not talked to her much yet. Don't really see it as a Science or Medicine position, though you got to please the pen pushers" she added, she clearly didn't like Councillors, "i don't generally like them, they like telling you how screwed up you are. Also like to charge you lots of money too" she added. She glanced at her board. "You want me to contact her and get back to you?" she asked Crystal.






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(@Shadow Dancer)  "When we get into range I want all of the phaser banks brought to bear at the same time, maybe not at first, but there may come a time when the systems will have to cope with it, also when we get to testing the weapons I want shields at full as well, we may as well test this ship if it were in combat."


He looks to the Ensign (@Once In A Blue Moon). "Thank you for the report flight, when we get to the field try out a few evasive maneuvers get some practice in."


He taps his comm badge. "Captain to engineering (@Raven Rawne), how are our shields?" 


As he awaited a response from engineering he tapped one of the buttons on his chair to bring on ship wide comms. Ship's whistle...


"This is the captain, all hands to yellow alert, prepare for red alert in roughly 18 minutes." 

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@@BloodDrops,@@Mentis Soliloquy,



The red mare grimaced slightly: "If that's how you roll... But I wouldn't hold my breath abut the fire option - as cool as it is, just imagine all the fire alarms going off." She rubbed her chin in thought. "Although if I were childish and irresponsible, I could make a prank like that..."


Crystal nodded - "Give her a chance, believe it or not, if not for the counsellors, i wouldn't recover after my accident. So I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. Besides, even counsellors can be cool ponies in private." A buzz in her ear made the mare lose her train of thought for a moment, then she said uickly: "Call the thestral, I have the captain on the line so gotta go. Crystal Clear out." She closed the commlink and heard the announcement over the intercom. "now that will be interesting..." She flickered her ear to reply via combadge to the captain. She used the practiced, professional tone: "Shields are green across the board captain, all sytems nominal. I'll inform you if I see any problems though."


The are crossed her fingers hoping there will be none.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Blood Drops nodded at her "See ya later" she remarked ending the communications.


@@Miss Reaper,


Blood Drops started to buzz the Councilor, once, twice and then a third in quick succession. She loved being irritating. She continued to buzz the Councilor, then she probably would mis diagnose her as a pesky impatient doctor rather then competent alcoholic. 








That was a funny sound after all.






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Lunar's ears flicked up to attention when she heard the whistle signaling a ship-wide communication. Hearing the captain's message, the thestral nodded to herself. At least she was already on the bridge, where she was to be anyway during this duty shift. A Red Alert situation didn't usually come with a warning, so she knew it was nothing to really be concerned about. It would do her well to keep alert, regardless.




The counselor let out a quiet groan of annoyance. That sound was grating as it was, at least to her sensitive ears, and increasingly so when it repeated itself. It took some self-restraint to not hiss at the good doctor (@BloodDrops) when she answered.


"I have very good hearing, you know. I heard the first time you buzzed me. What do you need?"

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@@Miss Reaper


Blood Drops glanced at the Councilor and smiled "just checking in" she remarked.  "Seems that my communication is working perfectly" she added.


"You get my medical report all right?" she asked. She couldn't help herself and pressed the buzzing button again.




"Earth To Lunar" she giggled.






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  • 2 weeks later...


This is the captain, all hands to yellow alert
Alerts and notifications began popping up on Misty's console as more crew went on station and more systems came online; knowing that most of them weren't even relevant to the helm she set the filter to priority and helm only, which cut out most of the clutter. Despite the sudden action there wasn't much for the her to do at the moment, so she busied herself plotting a course through the asteroid field.
... at the critical juncture, the aft starboard thruster bank failed. Misty desperately tried to turn the Luna off her doomed course, but her destruction was already written in the cold inevitability of mathematics as they hurtled towards an asteroid the size of a small city...
Wishing she could put the image out of her mind's eye, she toned down the stress turns at a few points to ensured that if a bank overheated then they would simply keep going into empty space. 
"Commander, I have a course for the Luna through the asteroid field. There should be plenty of targets to choose from."

"With your permission, Captain, I'd like to match the field's angular and radial velocity before we commence maneuvers. It shouldn't delay us by more than a few minutes if I start now."
  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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At this point, Lunar well knew that the doctor was only trying to annoy her at this point. She was also aware that showing signs of irritation would, more likely than not, only spur her on. Blood Drops was obviously looking for a reaction, and giving her the satisfaction of one would encourage her.


Thus, the counselor gave her best effort to keep a straight face; though she couldn't help but cringe again at the additional buzz, ears pressing back against the sides of her head. She drew in a breath to steady her nerves, then mustered a polite tone in answer.


"Yes, it would appear there's not any trouble with communications. And yes, I did get the report, thank you. Did you need anything else?"

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@@Miss Reaper,


 Blood smiled "Good, good. Then I won't to have to waste a day with a counseling session, since my medical report is surely sufficient." she remarked. She then picked up the pile of documents, "Just need you to stamp this for me then, and then everything is in order" she added. She didn't want to have to go see this mare every few months just to get  her checkout stamp. "So can I ask you a favor?" she asked.


"Can I just forge that stamp thing i'm meant to get after every session? They are rather dull and I can't seriously be bothered to go to them. Among other things" she finished. She let out a yawn "Yeah thats everything I think" she giggled.


She pressed the buzz button again.








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Indicus looked at his screen then at the asteroid field. "Thanks Misty," Indicus looked at the targeting computer and targeted several small asteroids with the phaser cannons. "Targets locked firing low power rapid succession." Indicus fired the phasers and they did not disappoint the twelve small asteroids targeted were all destroyed and the phasers heat level was still manageable and the engines did not seem to be freaking out from the rapid power usage. "Test for low powered rapid shots successful, going to test med power then high power before mixing it up. I assume engineering is keeping an eye on the power strain and making sure the heat is properly dispersed." 

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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(@Once In A Blue Moon) "Yes Helmsman please adjust our course, (@Shadow Dancer) good to hear that our phasers at least work, lets see what they can really do though." He taps his comm badge. "Bridge to Engineering (@Raven Rawne) we're going to be putting the ship through her paces, make sure shields are at full, engines can maintain full impulse and phasers can fired at full power."


He then taps one of the buttons on his chair to bring on ship wide comms. Ship's whistle...


"This is the captain, all hands to battle stations, this is a drill, all hands to battle stations." 

  • Brohoof 1

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The crystal mare was busy fine tuning the power output as the whole ship started munching on the juice. Every minute brought more stations and systems online and she needed to increase the amount of matter in the warp core a few times,  even if the increase was measured in single percents.


She saw when all phaser banks came online and couldn't help but bite her lip and shift anxiously as they fired on low power. Thankfully,  nothing malfunctioned and the heat dissipation was stellar -"this vessel was designed with long firefights in mind, and excess heat sinks and cooling redundancies made it possible without care for overheating.


Crystal touched the wine bottle under her console with her boot,  and frowned. It shouldn't be here at the best of times, and especially during code red which would be in effect in a few minutes... She picked it up and handed to her assistant. "Stash it in our tool shed, in the locker with the power cells. Just close it afterwards. I'll register it with Security later and we'll have something for celebrations." The Assistant Chief Engineer seemed less than thrilled with this task, but took the bottle and hurried out of the Main Engineering.


@@Mentis Soliloquy


A buzz in her ear. Crystal listened to the captains request and replied on her favourite professional tone: "Copy that Bridge, shields and phaser banks are operating at full capacity. Impulse engines stable, the starboard bank has cooled down to acceptable level and the other two are working as intended. I'll inform if the starboard bank starts overheating again. Allocating power reserve to battle systems.  Engineering out."


She smiled when her assistant showed up on camera just as the captain announced red alert.  The mare opened the heavy armoured door and let him in. "Just in time! I trust the booze is secured, aye? Good, now we can concentrate on keeping this ship from falling apart." Crystal opened the commlink to Alpha Team. "Hey there hammerheads, how are you doing with those vents? Sensor malfunctions and posters covering the air vents? Boooring! Wrap up this job and get back to the Clubhouse, we're at red alert and I need you on standby in case somepony fries something... Alright alright, I'll give you a beer cap medal if you hurry up in ten, is that enough gratification? Then you're out of luck pal, should've picked an office job! Crystal out."


The mare smirked and said to herself. "What a colorful bunch of loonies..."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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One ear flicked up at the sound of papers. Well, Lunar did have the authority to give the stamp of approval, so to speak, but she wasn't so sure if to give it so readily to this doctor. Particularly with the favor asked of her, it was more than apparent that Blood just didn't want to see the counselor. The thestral was not the uptight sort, far from it, but she wasn't about to condone an outright violation of procedure.
She quirked an eyebrow as she replied, "Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I'm gathering that you'd just rather not see me. Doctor, it's your responsibility to keep the crew physically well, but it's my job to help make sure everyone is psychologically fit for duty. I'm not going to let you break protocol just because. If you want that stamp, you'll have to come see me."
Another buzz, another flinch. "Though if you keep that up, I'll be seeing you in Sick Bay, anyway, with a headache..."

Ship's whistle...
"This is the captain, all hands to battle stations, this is a drill, all hands to battle stations."

"Ah. If you'll excuse me, then, Doctor, I have other matters to attend to."

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@@Miss Reaper,


 Blood rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah, procedures" she remarked. She knew what this mare was playing at. "Well you need MY approval if you want to dispense any medication to any crew members that you want to treat" she remarked to the counselor. "So if you don't want my approval for anything, then well that will cause lots of issues with your department, maybe your department might actually get removed entirely" she added hopefully.


"Also you don't need anything for that headache, you just need some therapy or manners" she snorted. She then cut the communication with the counselor and put her own stamp on her documents instead.




"This is the captain, all hands to battle stations, this is a drill, all hands to battle stations." 


"Sick Bay reporting in, we're ready captain, for any casualties, mainly going to be plasma induced wounds. I feel sorry for those defenseless space rocks" she commented. 


She then began to spin on her chair, no one was going to get injured in blowing up space rocks, not unless the ship was full of accident prone ponies.






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@@Mentis Soliloquy


Indicus put the phasers on full power and chose several large asteroids and then fired. To his surprise it took several shots to force the phasers on cool down and if his console was anything to go by the engines were handling the strain quite well. "Well test complete and everything checks out here."

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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This is the captain, all hands to battle stations


The Luna reached the entry to the flight path Misty had set. The guidance tracks flashed green, and she pushed the ship to 70% impulse. 




Indicus fired the phasers and they did not disappoint



As the asteroids were blown apart around them, Misty pushed the microfusion thrusters to 100%, the debris scattering around them as the weapon systems did their job.

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon
  • Brohoof 2

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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(I'm using Moon's (@Once In A Blue Moon) GIF for what happens, I like that)



Episode progressing post

The Luna thankfully for everyone preformed to and above her recommended usage levels and the ship annihilated some rather menacing looking rocks and passed through the belt with little to no major issues. There was a good vibe on the bridge from the success of the tests and so on. "Well done everyone, I think we're good for any combat we may see in the future." 


He then taps one of the buttons on his chair to bring on ship wide comms. Ship's whistle...


"This is the captain, stand down to normal operations crew, well done everyone. @(Everyone) All senior officers please report to the briefing room." 


With that the captain stood from his chair and made his way to the briefing room to get it ready for everyone and how the mission was going to proceed.



  • Brohoof 1

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Crystal Clear looked intently at her console for any signs of problems during the tests. She noticed the impulse power increase to 70% and it got her worried a bit, but the starboard thruster bank didn't overheat. That was a relief.


The whistle startled her for a moment and she blonked several times while looking around. The mare recalled the captain's words and said aloud: "Hmm, seems like we didn't blow up just yet. Good job team." She opened the coms channel to Alpha Team. "Hey guys, since you did such terrific job with those vents, I have a little something for you - starboard thruster bank is overheating and I want it to stop, so grab some suits and stay put till we enter warp. Then we'll slap it back in shape. Crystal out"


The mare turned towards her assistant - "Take over from here, I need to hurry for that meeting. I bet I'll be the last through the door..." Since the Engineering was located in the aft, and on low deck too, she had to get through the whole ship en route to the Bridge.


Crystal hurried out of the main Engineering and towards the meeting room.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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