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open A Steampunk Adventure (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Dynamo Pad


She nods and hugs him "I-I know love, I just..I.." when she hears about Rumble and Flitter being together, "aaw that is so sweet, he's got a good marefriend in Flitter too, I guess you won't have to pay her to foalsit him anymore" she giggles again and sits down, ordering a rather stiff drink.


Cloudchaser giggles "We never paid her in the first place, we offered, but she kept refusing, saying that the chance to foalsit him was reward enough"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods, but as he was about to respond, he listens in on Rumble and Flitter becoming a couple. "That's pretty awesome. I'm glad those two were able to find love in each other. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for those two." He smiles and chuckles at the thoughts for the future. He slowly loses his smile as he looks to his marefriend once more. "H-Hey, Clocky? You were saying something before, but you suddenly stopped. Is everything okay? C-Can you tell me what you wanted to s-say earlier?" He asks with care and concern in his voice. He gently placed a hand upon her shoulder to make her know that he was there for her.


Soarin chuckles and nods at Cloudchaser's remark. "That sounds just like how Flitter would act. That's really kind of her to willingly foalsit for you two." Thunderlane nods at Clouds and Soarin's statements. "That's very true. Hearing Flitter say those words were enough to have her as our full time foalsitter. It's gonna be a little difficult in getting used to not having her as a foalsitter, but more as my little brother's marefriend." He chuckles as he and Cloud sit down and order some dinner. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork smiles and nuzzles him "I was just going to say that, it wasn't your fault that we went our separate ways. I was offered a really good job and well, chose to follow my career, which meant going out of the city" she says and hugs him then smiles "It is going to take time to get used to for sure, but think about it, at least he's going to be with a young mare you both know you can trust, and same goes for Flitter being with a young colt you both know you can trust"


Cloudchaser nods "That is true Clocky, I couldn't be happier for my little sis to be with Rumble, also I heard about what happened at the other bar, are you okay Clocky?"


Clockwork nods "Yeah, Spitz made short work of that brute"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo smiles as he returns Clockwork's nuzzle. "It's okay, sweetheart. We both had our dreams to follow, so it couldn't be helped. We did make a promise that we would find each other again one day. I'm just glad that promise stayed true after today. I can only hope we can fulfill that other promise, to always stay together." He places his hands on her shoulders, as he slowly leans in and gently pecks her lips. He leans back and gently places a hand upon her cheek, as he stares lovingly at the love of his life. He chuckles as he nods in agreement. "It's going to take time getting used to it, but I think those two will be just fine. They are pretty cute together, Plus, what Clocky had said makes a very good point. They are both with someone you know and/or trust. At least you don't have to worry about them getting hurt, or hurting one another in the long run."


Thunderlane smiles and nods in appreciation towards the couple. "Thanks, you two. That truly means a lot towards Cloud and I. I'm truly happy for my brother and Flitter. We might need to talk to them, but I trust them wholeheartedly." His eyes widen a bit in realization, as he chuckles lightly. "That story has already been spread around town already. Hearing that Spitfire humiliated somepony, must've been a sight to see."


Soarin chuckles, as he nods and nuzzles Spitfire. He kisses her cheek, before replying, "It's all true. I think that brat was so scared, he wet himself in the end. He learned the number one most important rule: Never mess with Spitfire, or she'll make sure you'll regret crossing her or her friends. Even though she's my marefriend, I never try and invoke her wrath. It happened once and she banned me from eating pie for a week." He says, as he slightly shivers and shakes his head. "That was the worst week of my life. I promised her I would never make her upset ever again, after all that."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork nods as she goes to light up another smoke but then looks to Spitfire, "No, it can wait, I'm not going to subject your unborn twins to my second hand smoke" she says as she puts it away "I'll just rely on my drink" she says and orders a jim beam with cola to drink and shudders "Oh I remember, one time I thought it'd be a good to stand up to her as a rookie and well..that didn't end too well"


Spitfire sighs in relief and nods her thanks to Clockwork for not smoking around them "I remember that day, I made you run laps all night until you dropped from exhaustion" 


Cloudchaser giggles "That would have been hilarious"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Soarin chuckles, as he remembers that incident. "I guess you could call that a 'rookie' mistake." He laughs, but the laugh soon stops as he didn't hear any other pony laughing. He ate another piece of his pie, before continuing, "Anyway, I remember when that happened. I was there when that was going on. Spitfire even called me over to take her place in watching you run your laps. I even had to pick you up and take you home after you passed out. Spitfire was very impressed you lasted longer than she expected you to, when it comes to running laps."


Thunderlane shudders and shakes his head. "I wouldn't wish that punishment upon anypony. My wings still ache just thinking about flying laps back in the academy." He chukles and smiles, while pulling Cloudchaser close to him. "I'm still pretty grateful about the academy though. Even though I'm not a wonderbolt, I still met the pony who means so much to me. I've even flown better than I ever have before because of the flight training."


Dynamo smiles and kisses Clockwork's cheek. "I'm proud of you, sweetheart. That's a really nice and noble thing you are doing for Spitfire." He then chuckles nervously while rubbing a hand through his mane. "I remember getting a stern lecture on one of my flight simulations. I was still in training and Spitfire told me not to try anything funny. I was trying to do some aerial maneuvers and I almost ruined the plane. I never heard the end of that. To this day, Spitfire will never make me forget that." He says as he turns his attention to Spitfire. "So what's the job all about, boss? You were being pretty vague in the letter you sent me."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork sighs and nods "Trust me, that was one of the worst nights of my life" she says then smiles at Dynamo "Hey, I'm gonna be a general in the military, you honestly think I'd risk that by doing something stupid like subject our older brother and sister's unborn foals to my second hand smoke?" she asks and shakes her head "No way, but regardless of our career prospects, I wouldn't subject innocent little foals to it"


Spitfire nods "Well at least you were unlike most other recruits and had actually learnt your lesson" she says then looks to Dynamo "It's simple, you are to fly and escort your girlfriend here with her latest shipment of armor, weapons and enhancements to our headquarters on the other side of Equestria."


Cloudchaser giggles and nods "I wonder what Rumble and Flitter are up to right now"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo chuckles and shakes his head at her remark. "I know you would never do anything like that. It shows that you really care and respect our older brother and sister." He leans over and nuzzles Clockwork. "Plus, it's better to quit for when we have a foal one day." His eyes widen at what he had just said. He blushes while waving his arms around. "I-I didn't mean it like that. I still h-have to ask you to marry me. We still have to go on dates and stuff, b-but that doesn't mean I don't want to marry you. I-I just...I'll be quiet now." He twiddles his thumbs as he looks down at the table in defeat.


His ears perked as he heard Spitfire address him. He slowly looks up and nods at her explanation. "That doesn't sound too difficult, but nothing is ever easy. We should still stay on guard at the very least. Who do we report to when delivering the parts? Should we be on the lookout for anything, Spitfire?" He asks while trying to gather as much information as possible."


Thunderlane chuckles, as he places a hand under his chin to think. "Knowing those two, they're probably on a date. We might run into them later sometime soon. Maybe we can all tease them when we see them." He smiles while laughing at the thought.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire nods "You will report to Clarissa, she's the Sergeant Major in charge there, as for what to look out for, it's the usual, pirates, brigands and the sort" she says, sipping on her soda and smiling as she snuggles into Soarin and giggles at Thunder's idea "That's just cruel Thunder, maybe later on, but maybe we should let them enjoy their first date together" she says thoughtfully


Cloudchaser nods but giggles "I agree, but I also think you being pregnant is making you soft Spitfire" she teases Spitfire


Clockwork giggles and nods


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo's eyes widen a bit as he remembered that name. "I know who that is. Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger work under her command. I remember talking to them once when on a delivery mission. That's no problem and Clocky and I will be careful. Nothing will stop us when we are working together. Isn't that right, my love?" He asks as he turns his attention to Clockwork, as he grabs her non-metal hand in his own.


Thunder pouts, but smiles nonetheless. "That's no fun, Spitfire. I think it would be fun to see how the young couple is doing. However, I guess I'll let it slide for now. I still want to see Rumble and congratulate him. I'm proud of the little colt on having the courage to ask out Flitter."


Soarin chuckles, as he nuzzles Spitfire. "I guess it's a good thing in a way, Cloudchaser. Knowing Spitz here, she would be a drill sergeant to our kids." He placed a hand under his chin in thought. "I don't think that would be a bad thing actually. If one of our kids misbehaves, we can train so they don't misbehave again. True, that it might seem a bit overboard in the beginning. It's still not a bad idea to throw away. What do you think, honey?" He asks while finishing the last of his pie. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork smiles and nods "Indeed, Clarissa is a bit of a tough one, but she's also a lot like Spitfire here, tough on the outside but soft on the inside" she says with a chuckle, then nods to what Spitfire said about giving Rumble and Flitter "Spitfire is right though thunder, at least for their first date, let them have their fun, you can always congratulate him when you get home" she says and hugs Dynamo "Pirates won't even dare attack us, if they know what is good for them. There's a reason why I trained with Spitfire personally" she chuckles


Spitfire nods "I was quite surprised when you asked me to personally train you, but when you told me why, I was quite pleased to,"


Cloudchaser simply nods as she sips on her soda


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods at Clockwork's remark. "I can't argue with you there, Clocky. She may seem tough, but she's actually pretty nice when you get to know her. It's gonna be fun seeing her again. I hope we can run into Sky and Vapor, as well. They seemed very shy around one another. I think they had a crush towards each other, so I'm hoping things went well. They seem like a cute couple to me, in my opinion." Dynamo returns the hug and chuckles. "You've got that right, sweetheart. With my flying skills and your fighting prowess, nobody will stand in our way. We are pretty strong on our own. I think everypony will fear us when they see us working together."


Thunderlane takes a drink of his soda, before nodding in agreement. "Okay, you guys win. I'll congratulate him when he gets home. I just think he's going to fall asleep as soon as he walks into the house. He's still young, you know? I'm his older brother, so I still can't help, but worry about him." He chuckles while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.


Soarin smiles and nods. "It's the same thing when it came to Dynamo. He may be a unicorn, but he's a pretty good flyer for his ship. You'd think he was born to be a Pegasus, or something. True he made some rookie mistakes in the beginning, but he's improved over the years. I pray to Celestia on anypony that dares to try and start a sky battle with him."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork nods "You're right sweetheart, but I felt that training would be a good idea." she says before looking to thunder "You're alright Thunder, it just shows that you care for him," she says, downing another cider before switching to the more sweet drinks. "So do you two have any names for your little bundles of joy?" she asks Spitfire and Soarin.


Spitfire chuckles and smiles "Well I only just told Soarin, but maybe he had his suspicions, so dear, do you have any ideas?"

Cloudchaser giggles as she looks at her phone, "Aaw such a cute couple" she says showing a picture of Vapor and Sky 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods with a smile. "I understand what you mean, Clocky. Getting extra training will help us in any combat situation. We don't ever know what's out in Equestria waiting for us. It's better to be prepared and expect the unexpected."


Thunder smiles in appreciation towards Clockwork. "Thank you Clock. That truly means a lot. I sometimes can be an overprotective big brother, but I guess I can't help that. Our parents are always out most of the time. That's why I took Rumble with me when I moved to Ponyville. I just want what's best for my little brother. I just hope he'll be okay when it comes to dating."


Soarin places a hand under his chin as he ponders at the thought. "It's not that I had my suspicions, dear. I just never imagined us as parents. Especially when it came to our ranks as the Wonderbolts. I was worried we wouldn't be able to watch over our children. I always imagined us with foals, but probably when we retired early." He places his elbows on the table, as he rests his head in the palms of his hands. "I'm not truly the best when it comes to names. I would say I name one of our foals and you name the other. I would probably name one of them Rising Starlight. A young flying Pegasus, who is a rising star. A star that will join the night sky where everypony will adore them."


Dynamo smiles at the photo of Sky and Vapor, as his eyes shrank in realization. "HA! Clarissa now owes me some bits when we see her. Last time I visited headquarters, I kept telling her that Sky and Vapor would become a couple. She doubted me and we made a bet. I'm won't let her live this down." He chuckles as he spun around in his spinning bar stool. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork nods and smiles as she closes her eyes and she rests her head on Dynamo's shoulder "Not just combat sweetheart, but also self discipline. Have you noticed that ever since graduation, Soarin has actually gotten a lot slimmer and way more toned? And that isn't just Spitfire's influences, but his military training" she says softly and kisses his cheek


Spitfire nods and smiles "For which I am very happy about, though the fact that so many mares are now falling for him, it does worry me, though..I do know he will always be loyal to me, his one and only" she kisses him "And that's actually a wonderful name sweetie, as for the other hmm.."


Cloud nuzzles Thunder "He'll be fine sweetheart, I'm sure it'd just be like any other playdate Flitter's taking him on, only a bit more lovey dovey" she giggles


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods as he rests his head against Clockwork's head. "Now I see why big brother trained me in that. I guess just in case I had friends or a loved one with me on the mission. This way, I wouldn't have my feelings jeopardize a mission." He nods and chuckles at her last remark. "I have noticed that. He must have had self discipline training, when it came to pies."


Soarin's jaw dropped at the claim, as he pouted at the couple. "Hey! I'm not that bad with my obsession with pies. I...okay, you got me there, but it could have been worse. I could have been that pony who likes jelly. I remember Spitfire and I met him when we went to Cranky and Matilda's wedding." He says as he returns Spitfire's kiss. "I'm glad you like the name, sweetie and I know what you mean. I remember Clarissa and even Fleetfoot were falling for me, but I turned them down. You were the only mare for me back in high school. You still are the only mare for me now and I will always love you, Spitfire." He wraps an arm around her, as he pulls her closely towards him and nuzzles her lovingly.


Thunderlane smiles softly as he returns the nuzzle. "Thanks, Cloudy. I understand and I still can't get over them being more lovey dovey in their playdates, but I'll get used to it." He chuckles as he takes another sip of his soda.  

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork nods and looks at the time "Geeze, is that the time?" she mutters "Well you four enjoy your dates, but I've got some work to finish before setting off" she then kisses Dynamo "I'll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early" she says and then gets up to leave the bar "Behave yourselves Cloud and Spitfire, especially around my Dynamo" she giggles.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods and returns the kiss. After breaking the kiss, he pulls his marefriend into a hug. "Okay and understood. I might head home myself to be up bright and early for the mission. Do you want me to walk you home, sweethear? Also, don't worry on paying. I got it covered." He places the amount of bits on the table before standing up and walking over towards Clockwork.

Soarin smiles and nods at Clock's remark. "That sounds like a plan and thanks. Don't you worry about Spitfire, little sister. I'll make sure nothing happens to your coltfriend." He chuckles, while Thunderlane nods in agreement. "You've got nothing to worry about as well. I'll make sure everything is okay with myself and Cloud. You just go and get some rest, Clocky." He wraps an arm around Cloudchaser and kisses her on the cheek.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork smiles and nuzzles him "Sure, a nice walk home sounds perfect" she says and kisses his cheek "Thanks for paying, though I could have done so myself" she remarks before leaving the bar with Dynamo "so love, tonight was rather..eventful, though I think I might have seen Shade Walker at the first bar, which means Luna probably suspects something is up or wrong" she says softly, nuzzling into his neck as her mechanical eye keeps watch of their surroundings.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo smiles and chuckles, as he nuzzles her back and returns the kiss. After saying their farewell to their friends, the couple exited the bar en route to Clockwork's home. "Your welcome and don't worry about it, Clocky. We were on a date and a gentlecolt usually pays on the date. Besides, I love you and I wanted to." He says and nods at her remark. "It sure was eventful. Saw some old friends, got to know our job for tomorrow, and so many relationships. I'm sorry, but who is Shade Walker? Also, what's her connection to Luna?" He returns the nuzzle as they continue to Clockwork's house.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork looks to Dynamo and nuzzles him "It's okay that you don't know much about Shade Walker. She's Luna's most trusted adviser, and her sole magician and assassin" she remarks "As for other links, she is like a daughter to the Princess, being that she was basically adopted by her a few years before the Lunar Republic uprising." she states and sighs softly, her mechanical eye still scanning their surroundings, she then felt a shudder "I know you're there Shaded, what business do you have with us?" she asks


The hooded and cloaked mare steps out from the shadows "Just making sure that you get home safely dear Clockwork, not that I doubt Dynamo's ability to protect you or your own to protect yourself, but there's been rumors of enemy assassins lurking in the shadows" she says with a slight bow "Besides, mother would never forgive me if I let her Admiral's daughter get hurt under my watch, I am also to accompany you on your voyage, direct orders by mother"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods and returns the nuzzle. "She sounds very powerful and skilled. Being an assassin, magician and an adviser is no laughing matter." His eyes widen in surprise from the sudden information He sighs softly, as he knew little on the Lunar Republic uprising. "I never knew the Princess of the night had taken somepony as their child. Miss Luna truly has a kind and caring soul. Even after her banishment, she truly cares for all fillies and colts. I think Spitfire told me some things about the Solar and Lunar Republic. I'm sorry that I don't know much, sweetheart." He shivers slightly from the sudden drop in temperature.


Dynamo's jaw drops slightly, as he saw a pony appear from out of the shadows. He regains his composure while shaking his hands with Shade. "It's nice to meet you, Shade. As you said, my name is Dynamo." He says with a bow to show his respect. "Thank you for the warning, Shade. It's just sad there are ponies that are assassins in Equestria. Nopony can have a peaceful stroll anymore. I truly miss those days." He sighs before he nods in appreciation. "Thanks for letting us know on that. I'm glad to know we'll have more help on this trip. I welcome you on board to our team, Shade." 

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods and returns the nuzzle. "She sounds very powerful and skilled. Being an assassin, magician and an adviser is no laughing matter." His eyes widen in surprise from the sudden information He sighs softly, as he knew little on the Lunar Republic uprising. "I never knew the Princess of the night had taken somepony as their child. Miss Luna truly has a kind and caring soul. Even after her banishment, she truly cares for all fillies and colts. I think Spitfire told me some things about the Solar and Lunar Republic. I'm sorry that I don't know much, sweetheart." He shivers slightly from the sudden drop in temperature.


Dynamo's jaw drops slightly, as he saw a pony appear from out of the shadows. He regains his composure while shaking his hands with Shade. "It's nice to meet you, Shade. As you said, my name is Dynamo." He says with a bow to show his respect. "Thank you for the warning, Shade. It's just sad there are ponies that are assassins in Equestria. Nopony can have a peaceful stroll anymore. I truly miss those days." He sighs before he nods in appreciation. "Thanks for letting us know on that. I'm glad to know we'll have more help on this trip. I welcome you on board to our team, Shade."

The mare nods "Always some noble vying for more power and wealth, hoping I'd take the job. I'm not that type of assassin, I only do the jobs that mother or the military gives me" she says solemnly as she she walks with them "mother is quite fond of Clockwork here, I have my suspicions as to why"


Clockwork looks to her "S..she is? B..but I'm nothing special really and ever since mother passed on..ooh I think I know why too but...let us let them tell us if it is true"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo gave an apologetic look towards Shade as they walked. "I'm sorry about that, Shade. I didn't mean to say it like that. I can understand that you're different from the other assassins. I just mean those who are assassins for the wrong reasons. It just bothers me how some ponies out there want to either steal or hurt others for personal gain."


He raises and eyebrow at Shade's earlier remark. He smiles while wrapping an arm around Clockwork. "I think you're special, Clocky. You're special to me because I love you." He nuzzles Clockwork lovingly before looking turning to look at Shade. "Clockwork said something about her mother. Does Princess Luna know Clocky's mother personally, or something like that?" 

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@@Dynamo Pad


shade chuckles and nods "Oh don't worry, I understood what you meant and I fully agree with you" she says as she follows them still "Trust me, I've been so tempted to just assassinate those bastards and make sure they never do any work anymore" she says somberly before they reach Clockwork's house, "I will be out here, but if you should need me, simply call my name and I will be there with naught but a blink of an eye"


Clockwork nods and smiles "thank you Shade, for both the escort and the extra company" she says as she takes out a cigarette but finds that Shade used her magic to incinerate it


"No more of that filthy habbit dear, oh and before you two go in, I think it is time to tell you. Yes, Clockwork's mother passed away a few years back, as for my mother..well it would seem she had been courting her father, makes sense, with how often they are together on missions"


Clockwork nods "Curses, not you too Shade? Very well and so my suspicions are correct? would that make us step sisters?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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