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open A Steampunk Adventure (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork shakes her head and giggles "I remember, the poor Cakes were ran rugged, I think you trolled them a little too much dear" she says as she hugged her little ones before telling them to go pack their things again, which they did obediently.


Luna shakes her head "I wish I was there to see it, it has also been quite a while since I've enjoyed some of the Cake's treats" she says and closes her eyes.


Eli chuckles and helps pack up the left overs of the breakfast feast.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Celestia giggles at the memory. "Nopony had to be nervous around me. I trolled them because it was a way of breaking the ice. I just went to visit to see how Twilight, her friends, and the others were doing. They don't need to be so formal, even though I'm a princess." She shakes her head as she assists the others in packing.


Dynamo laughs and nods as he helps in grabbing some furniture. He then moves all the easily moved furniture to one side of the room. "I think we might need to use some combined magic to help lift the heavy furniture like the couches. This way we don't have to break our backs." He then looks to Luna and smiles. "Maybe we can go visit the Cake's sometime. It would be good to get some cakes and cupcakes. That and you can enjoy messing with the ponies as well, Princess Luna." He chuckles at the thought of both princesses messing with the other ponies. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Eli smiles "It would be great to maybe have them do the catering for our house er...palace warming party," he says, making a mental note to ask them to do that when he next saw them as it had been a while. He then smiles as he sees his beloved wife curled up on the couch and kisses her cheek "You just relax darling, no need to over exert yourself" he says, stroking her hand gently.


Luna smiles "Sounds like a good idea Dynamo, and yes most definitely I can see the Cakes and miss Pie catering the party for the lot of you, it'll be one big gala!" she says with a giggle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles and nods. "Sounds to me like we're all in agreement then. After we get settled in we can visit the cakes. We can let them know the details of the party and give them time to prepare." He says while still moving some furniture to one side of the room. He looks to Luna and nods at her remark. "Thank you Princess, Luna. I'm glad you like the idea. We can also invite our friends and some other ponies to the party. It'll be good to have a nice party to have fun and relax, as well." He says, walking over to Clockwork to see if she was okay.


Celestia nods in approval. "It sounds to me like it's settled then. We shall have a party and have it planned out. This might be the greatest gala yet, but we might need to change some things. One, we don't really need any formal attire. It'll be a small get together and this is more for this family. Two, we need to tell the ponies to stay calm and not freak out. Like I said before, the ponies were too preoccupied that I was satisfied and everything. This is a time to have fun and not worry on things." She says before giggling. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Eli nods and smiles, resting his head on Luna's shoulder who was, by now, holding him close under her wing "i honestly didn't know if Clocky would be willing to share the two of you with me, but then she is sharing herself with the two of you, guess I'm a silly mare" she says with a giggle and pokes out her tongue as Elil boops her on the nose. "You are indeed a silly mare love, but you're our silly mare" he says with a chuckle, then feeling Lilith and Briar climb onto his lap and hugs them closely.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As Dynamo continued to finish movie the furniture, his eyes widen at the sudden remarks by both Eli and Luna. He suddenly dropped the kitchen chair in his grasp as he dropped it on his foot. He yelled as he jumped up and down, while holding his foot. He looks to both Eli and Luna with surprise written on his face. "Wait a minute. I don't think I signed up for this, right? I mean, don't get me wrong. Luna is a beautiful mare and all, but is it okay for me to be with her and Clocky?"


Celestia stifles a giggle, but it was to no avail. She shakes her head and smiles at Dynamo. "I can see why you would be concerned, young Dynamo. However, it's up to both Clockwork and my sister. They both seem to care very much for everypony here. That does bring up a good question. How do you and Clockwork wish to go about this?" Seeing the look of confusion on everyone's faces, she snaps her finger, as an idea came to mind. "If I may make a suggestion. What if we had Clockwork with Eli and Dynamo with Luna. The former have just reunited and should have time together. Also, if Luna and Dynamo have feelings, then spending time together should be the best answer. What do you all thing of this?" She asks, as she waited for everyone's responses. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Eli smiles "Oh worry not Dynamo,  I know for sure Clocky is willing to share but I do appreciate the idea Tia, it's been so long, and all that time that i spent in the prison was the thought of seeing my loving family again."


Luna smiles and nods "That is indeed a good idea dear sister" she then smiles and looks at Dynamo "Dynamo! I choose you!" she squees with a beautiful and cute little giggle


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Celestia smiles and nods. "It's no trouble at all, Eli. I know you wish to spend time with your family. I feel as though everypony wins in this situation." She smirks slightly and giggles, as she leans into Luna's ear. "I think you've found the one, my dear sister. Remember what we talked about earlier? Maybe he is the one you were looking for all this time. However, I would still talk to Clockwork when she awakens. While you all might be in a group relationship, I can tell you'll want Dynamo all to yourself. He bears the mark of a video game player. That has to be a plus in your book."


Dynamo sighs in relief, as he made sure his foot wasn't broken. He smiles slightly and nods. "That's true Eli and that's a pretty good idea. Maybe I'll get to know Princess Luna more, as you spend time with Clocky." He blushes at Luna's claim, but looks at her with shock written on his face. He rushes up to her and grabs her shoulders. "That phrase you just said. That sounded an awful lot like the game, Pokemon. It was to be a part of a game console on release date, but all games were discontinued. Apparently it was something about the power source not made possible by the time period we live in. H-How do you know something like that, Princess Luna? I need to know, please!"

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@@Dynamo Pad


Luna grins "Oh, I've been experimenting with a few friends of mine and we're working on an alternate source. We've already got some form of energy called electricity, of which we were given the idea by a stallion named Nikola Tesla. We've managed to get a few home consoles working, In fact, my friends are due to come over this week" she says with a smile "As for Pokemon, I was the first beta tester for it, before the power source burnt out that is" she says with a giggle.


Eli rolls his eyes "Well that's great, looks like we've lost them to the wonderful world of gaming" he says with a chuckle as he finishes his breakfast and starts to pack up the left overs. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo grinned as he took Luna's hands in his. He jumped up and down in place, as the grin never left his face. "I never knew about such and idea could be used. This seriously could become revolutionary. I can finally play a video game. Now I get what my mark was telling me. I don't know how, but it suddenly appeared. I never knew what it meant and I thought I never would. I guess I should thank you, Princess Luna." He says with a bow. He gasps in realization of what he was doing. He let go of her hands, as he rubs the nape of his neck while blushing. He then looks up and gasps and chuckles. "I never knew you were a beta tester. Although, it does make sense since you're a princess and all. I hope I can meet these friends sometime. It would be nice to expand my friendship circle. Especially if they are all video game players."


Celestia giggles and shakes her head at Eli's remark. "Oh, just leave them be, Eli. If you ask me, I think it's pretty adorable. They finally found somepony to share their love of video games. I've never seen my sister that happy before. I think she found somepony special in young Dynamo. Only time will tell and I'm surprised at you. Don't tell me you didn't act that way long ago, did you?" She looks at him with a playful smirk, as she helped in gathering things together. "We can discuss that at a later time. For now, we can finish up while those two have some time along, okay?" She says with a wink to Eli.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Luna smiles "I'm sure they'd love to meet you love" she says and kisses his cheek and giggles "Come on, let's not make the others do all the work" she says as she swishes her tail underneath his nose for a moment before she starts packing up boxes. She sighs whenever she saw Dynamo and shakes her head "Focus Luna, you've got more important things to tend to" she whispers to herself.


Eli chuckles "Oh my dear Celestia, I was teasing, I did indeed act like that a long time ago, most especially when our Clocky accepted me asking her out on a date" he says with a chuckle again and gently rubs Clockwork's ears when he passed her sleeping form "the poor dear, but there's something else she isn't telling us"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo blushes slightly as she felt Luna kiss his cheek. He smiles and nods. "That sounds awesome and I look forward to it, Princess. You also make a good point. We can help make the moving of these boxes go much faster." He says while helping in picking up some boxes. Whenever he glanced at Luna, he would blush. He shook his head to focus and to make the blush go away. 'Stay focused at the task at hand, Dynamo. You can talk to Luna more a little later.' He thought to himself.


Celestia's smirk widens and nods. "I thought so, Eli. It feels as if things like that happen to all of us from time to time." She says, but raises and eyebrow in question towards Eli's remark. "What do you mean by that, Eli? Is something wrong with young Clockwork? Do you know of this dilemma? If so, then please tell us. We are all family and we wish to help her. Dynamo, Luna and I all deserve to know."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Luna smiles as she continues to help pack things up "Sadly however we only managed to get local co-op play working, long distance co op has proven to be..rather difficult to make happen, but maybe with your help?" she suggests, using her magic to teleport the boxes to the palace.


"I'm not sure Tia, but I think..she seems..more tired than usual, it could just be her depression, but...has she been eating a lot more than normal and throwing up a lot?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo looks to Luna and nods in understanding. "I guess that makes sense. Maybe the power Tesla found doesn't have enough power at the given moment." He says before giving Luna a reassuring smile. "I think if we work together, as well as the other gamer's you told me about, we can figure out a plan." His eyes widen in surprise, as Luna had used her magic to teleport all the boxes to the palace. He blinks a couple of times, before chuckling and shaking his head. "I guess that's one way of delivering boxes. Talk about convenience, huh?"


Celestia nods while running a hand through her flowing mane. "That does sound most unusual. Eating more and throwing up could mean something, but it's too early to tell. Dynamo have you noticed these changes in Clockwork." She asks as the blue unicorn shakes his head negatively. "No, I haven't, Princess Celestia. To be honest, she seemed pretty normal when we went out to dinner last night." Celestia hummed and nods at the information given. "Then we'll just have to have her examined at the palace. Just in case there isn't anything wrong with her, so there'll be nothing to worry about." She says as she leans down and pets both Briar and Lilith on the head. "Everything will be okay, little ones. You're mommy will be okay and then we'll all have family fun. Does that sound good to you two?" She asks, while giving them both a reassuring smile. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Lilith and Briar both nod and then go off to play with their toys. Eli sighs "I'm not so sure, she's sleeping a lot more than usual, the Clockwork I knew wouldn't ever lie down on the job, nor would she pass up the time to play with our kids." he says worriedly.


Luna nods and thinks "I think I remember getting a letter from Spitfire about Clockwork's odd behavior but I cannot remember what it said"


"I told you that she passed up the opportunity to give a brawler a taste of his own medicine last night" Spitfire says as she steps through the door "she was far more reserved than usual. Dynamo you of all ponies should know, you were there, as were you Soarin baby" she says, kissing her fiance. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Celestia looks to Clockwork worriedly, before looking back to Eli. "That doesn't sound like the Clockwork I know. She seemed like she was full of life. Always enjoying the creating of inventions, participation in the wonderbolts being with her friends. We really need to figure out what's going on around here. This is starting to worry me a lot more than it should." She says while turning her attention to Luna. "I remember that exact letter, but I don't seem recall what it said either. All I know is that it was of important urgency."


Dynamo's ears perked as he heard someone else join them. He turns around and smiles sightly at the sight of Spitfire. He then gives her a neutral expression and nods. "That's exactly right, boss. She was about to start to give the brawler a piece of her mind, but just stopped and let you handle it. She even played a song last night and openly cried. Clockwork looked the same, but at the same time seemed different."


Soarin returns the kiss and nods. "It's exactly as Dynamo says, Princesses. I was more surprised at the fact that Spitfire took care of things. It's usually Clockwork who takes care of trouble. I don't know the full details, but seeing how things are now, I'm getting a little worried for my little sister."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork moans and groans in her sleep "N-no please d-don't..d-don't do it" she moans in her sleep, tossing and turning around, "N-not..that..why!?" Eli looks to her and presses a paw against her forehead "GET ME A WET CLOTH NOW! SHE'S BURNING UP!" he yells and demands of anypony who could help.


Luna nods and gets one with her magic, immediately pressing it against Clockwork's forehead. 


Spitfire rushes over and hugs her as she wakes up and begins to cry "Shh, shh, it's okay baby sister, you're safe with us now" she says softly as she rubs her back.


Clockwork cries "I-it's not..okay..I..I'm..." she sobs into her shoulder "Pregnant.."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo runs over to Clockwork at the sound of her shouting. He grasps her hand and rubs her arm. "Please wake up, sweetheart. Everything will be okay. I promise. Everypony is here for you." He says as he watches Luna place a wet cloth on her forehead.


Soarin clenches his fists and closes his eyes, feeling worried for her little sister. He decided to remain strong, before walking over and placing a hand on Dynamo's shoulder. "She'll be okay, little brother. She's a strong mare and will get through this." Dynamo nods, but smiles at the sight of her waking up.


Celestia smiles, but soon frowns at Clockwork's sudden announcement. "You're pregnant, Clockwork? Isn't that wonderful news? Why are you sad, little one?" She asks as she nuzzles the crying unicorn. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork looks to everyone, "B-because I was raped!" she exclaims and continues to cry, "T-the brawler from last night..he..he's the..the father.. He found me one night after I had a little to much and forced me against my will t-to..." she sobs "To.. he removed my leg and arm and eye and forced me against a wall and..and.."


Spitfire growls and hugs her "Now I wish I did kill him, if there's one thing I despise the most, it's rape, and when it happens to my little sister..." 


Luna looks away as does Eli, Eli then looks to Soarin "Soarin, you were there, as your Scout Captain, I have rank, go find the one responsible for this, then have him locked up in the catacombs for..interrogation." 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's eyes shrink from the news. He narrowed his eyes, but tries to remain calm. He walks over and punches the wall. "I'm sorry about that, you guys. I'm just upset and angry. I know I'm not the only one, but I feel awful about this. That brawler was close to me and was messing with Clockwork and I. If only I had done something, then we could done something sooner." He says while shaking his head. He then walks over and takes Clockworks hand into his own. He pulls her into a hug and nuzzles her.


Celestia's flowing mane flared with fury. "I've heard stories of some brawler going around and causing havoc. He will not get away with this. If we find him, then we are interrogating him, but only when we finish this. Banishing this excuse of a pony isn't even worth it." She looks away while a stray tear fell from her eyes. "I'm sorry everypony. I shouldn't act like that when I should be calm and rational. I just don't understand how some ponies could ever act that way."


Soarin narrows his eyes and salutes to Eli. "I just need the number of Shade, sir. Spitfire and I talked to her when we were all together last night. I'll make sure if she kept a tab on him, so she can bring him to us. He'll be locked up and never see the light of day again, sir."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Luna puts a hand on Dynamo's shoulder "Sweetie, now isn't the time to get angry, think of how it will effect Clockwork love" she says with a soft sigh, as Clockwork was still sobbing into Spitfire's shoulder. Luna walks over, "Darling, I know this may not be the opportune time, but what are you planning to do with the foal or foals?" she asks "We can perform a dna spell..it's difficult and dangers but.."


Clockwork looks up "Y-you can?" she then looks to her belly "I d-don't want to have to..to be reminded of him, b-but who's dna?"


Eli smiles "well that's obvious, Dynamo's of course, given that is what he would want" he says before turning to Soarin "Here it is, if you can't reach her, she's probably in her study at the palace"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo winced slightly, as he felt Luna's hand on his shoulder. He looks up to her and nods. "You're right, Princess. I'm really sorry. I just feel like I'll never be there for her. Even though I moved away and it couldn't be helped. I just feel like I keep failing Clockwork. I love her and I want to always be with her." He says as he looks to his crying marefriend, who was being hugged by Luna. His eyes widen at the sudden announcement, but nods after giving it some thought. "I wouldn't mind that. If she doesn't mind, of course. I would be happy to be the father of her child, or children." He walks over and takes Clockwork's hands into his own. "What do you say, Clocky? What do you want to do?"


Celestia looks to Luna in shock. She narrows her eyes at her sister. "You know that spell is dangerous, Luna. It's a risk, but we would need more power. We could call upon the other princesses, but that's if they are able to." She smiles at Dynamo and Orange before nodding. "If they are truly happy with this, then I'll consider sending word to the others. I don't want them to be disappointed or sad."


Soarin smiles slightly and nods in appreciation. "Thank you, Eli. I'll see what I can do. Hopefully she'll be able to help us." He says, as he dials Shade's number and waits for a response. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork sniffles and then kisses Dynamo "I-I'd be honored to-to have you be the dna donor for the spell darling" she says then looks to Luna and Celestia "I'm willing, and it seems Dynamo is as well. I understand it is dangerous, but i-if it's the only way to keep my foal or foals without being reminded of him, then so be it. I won't ever have an abortion and adoption is totally out of the question"


Eli nods "That's my girl, staying strong and not giving up on yourself or the foal or foals just because of their..biological father..for now" he says and nods "I'm sure Twilight and Cadence wold be willing to help, it's for Clocky after all" he says with a soft smile.


Luna also nods "Then we do it, I'll write to them now" she says as she writes to the other two princesses.


shade yawns and picks her phone up "Hey Soar, what's up? Everythin' alright with Clock?" she asks with a sleepy drawl.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo wipes Clockwork's tears away, as he returns the kiss. He nods and turns his attention to Celestia and Luna. "It seems we both are in agreement. I know this might be dangerous, but we are willing to take that risk. I don't ever want to see Clockwork sad again. I love her and she means so much to me. I also agree that I would go with abortion. Adoption is an idea, but the foal, or foals should experience a happy life." He says as he gives the princesses a serious look.


Celestia nods as she looks to Luna. "You get in contact with Cadence. I'll contact Twilight and inform her of the news. I'm sure she'll be over her in no time at all. I'll also see if she can bring her friends as well. We might need the elements for this one. Just to be on the safe side, of course." She says as she begins to write the letter to Twilight. 


Soarin sighs as he hopes Shade didn't try anything drastic. "Now I need you to stay calm, Shade. I know how you can get when you don't hear good news. Remember that brawler that Spitfire and I told you about. Well...it turns out that he took advantage of Clockwork. She's pregnant with his foal, or foals." He says while placing his face into the palm of his hand.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork hangs her head sadly but then looks up at Dynamo and smiles softly as she kisses his cheek "T-that's my Dye-Dye, always t-thinking of others before yourself" she says with a smile and hugs him, she then looks to Cadence and Luna, who was already getting in touch with Cadence and Twilight.


Luna nods as does Eli, Luna had just heard back from Cadence "She said she will be here as soon as possible, Shining too"


Shade blinks and it took her a minute to grasp what was said.. "You mean...Oh fuck, so that's why she's been acting strangely lately? Well great" she sighs and huffs "I'm guessing my mother is there? I'll be right over" she hangs up


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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