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Sony's 2017 E3 Press Conference

K.Rool Addict

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In this thread discuss Sony's 2017 E3 Press Conference. Try to keep things civil and conduct your posts in a mature manner... (oh God I will try to contain myself)

(Edit: It starts one hour in, btw. Before that is just a bunch of Pre-E3 nonsense)


^There it is, go watch it if you haven't already... 

(deep breaths, fucking deep breaths...)


This conference was a fucking insult. I don't really see why I have to elaborate if you indeed watched it yourselves; you should be able to see precisely what I am talking about. Too long didn't watch? Well, this presentation was basically "Quick Time events + Shallow gameplay THE MOVIE". I'll leave it at that. It's pretty much an all encompassing statement for nearly every big game shown off here.

If it wasn't for 2 games featured in this conference, this would've been a 3/10 for me. The 2 games that did manage to impress me, bumped it up to around a 5/10.

Those two games being:

#1 Shadow of the FREAKING Colossus HD! HOLY FUCKING SHIT WTF HAX!?!?!? (Ofc, this is a remake, so it's not exactly a "new game", but still man, I have never been as hyped for something shown in a E3 conference since I started watching E3 as a 15 yr old )

#2 Monster Hunter World (I can't stand Monster Hunter, and admittedly the trailer started off pretty freaking weak, but man, did it ramp up toward the second half. The open world looks wonderful, the combat looks perfect <3 The graphics look surprisingly CURRENT GEN, which I wouldn't expect from a Monster Hunter game (just look at the Wii U one for reference).

^Those two games... that was it. I wish I had just watched those two trailers instead of investing 2 hours in this "experience" (the first hour being waiting while simultaneously trying to scour the web to see if the conference had been delayed). Btw, I just LOVE seeing Sony wasting their money on entirely pointless shit. Like that whole water show and the insanely cringeworthy people dangling from the ceiling.... it's just a good old slap in the face for those of us who have been supporting their company for the past 2 decades -.-


Man, I am fucking depressed after watching this.... something tells me Nintendo's show in the morning won't help 


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Personally, Spiderman and God of War looked great, but that was a really weak conference. I don't want to say Arrogant Sony is back, but between this show and them being the only company to reject Minecraft crossplay, they're starting to get pretty fucking cocky

Also Monster Hunter World, what a way to kill hype. Consoles finally gets a Monster Hunter game, but it's not really the Monster Hunter everyone loves, just a neutered, westernized version. Even more telling considering it's not even announced for Japan yet

14 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Man, I am fucking depressed after watching this.... something tells me Nintendo's show in the morning won't help

Lets hope that 4chan rumor isn't true, because it makes it sound pretty freaking underwhelming(though it also says a new Sin And Punishment is coming, so I kinda want it to be true)

  • Brohoof 1
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7 minutes ago, The Undefeated of the East said:

Also Monster Hunter World, what a way to kill hype. Consoles finally gets a Monster Hunter game, but it's not really the Monster Hunter everyone loves, just a neutered, westernized version. Even more telling considering it's not even announced for Japan yet

^Wow, I can't disagree more. That was the first and practically only game to actually get me hyped at all.

And by "neutered, westernized version" you mean more immersive action based combat and actually halfway decent graphics? Ok lol. This game reminded me of Capcom's incredible Dragon's Dogma (which is, btw getting a Ps4 HD remaster... YAY! \(^o^)/ ).

But yeah, that game gave me hope, if it wasn't for that game trailer airing immediately before the SotC one, I probably would have died from the emotional whiplash xD

7 minutes ago, The Undefeated of the East said:

though it also says a new Sin And Punishment is coming, so I kinda want it to be true

Sin and Punishment would be pretty cool. Nothing mind shattering or anything, but nice to have, nonetheless...

sigh... man I feel really emotionally compromised right now XDDD Sorry if I sound "off" compared to my normal cheerful self /)^3^(\

2 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

I'm a little pissed about Spiderman, and what they did.

^Seeing even one other person besides me who isn't blind fills me with hope!


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I watched it because I have a PS4 and even though I knew there wasn't much of a shot of anything being interesting for me I still tried. I have no clue why. I thought there were a lot of game announcements, but nothing that excited me. I see around that a lot of these game announcements weren't new... But god, at least they don't spend precious moments talking about stupid stuff like Amiibos that Nintendo always does. It was just "Trailer for the game" then the next one. Nintendo really needs to learn from that. Their measly 25 minute conference tomorrow better not spend much of any time on Amiibos.

Anyway back on-topic: I still have no clue why I watched through the end. I even had to go to the bathroom so bad by the end but I would not leave my desk like "Will there be anything exciting?" I even watched the whole Spider-Man trailer for some reason even though I don't care about superhero stuff. What is wrong with me? >.<

Everything needs more woodwind!

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9 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

but I'm a little pissed about Spiderman, and what they did

What did they do, exactly? I was extremely thrilled!

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5 minutes ago, Envy said:

Their measly 25 minute conference tomorrow better not spend much of any time on Amiibos.

25 minutes!?!?!? WTF >.>

Are you serious? I thought Gamexplain confirmed it was going to be 40 min- 1 hour  o.0

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Mr. Negative. Yuri Watanabe. That is One More Day/Brand New Day Spider-Man garbage. Not interested ... hard pass. 





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7 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

25 minutes!?!?!? WTF >.>

Are you serious? I thought Gamexplain confirmed it was going to be 40 min- 1 hour  o.0

It is officially going to be 25 minutes, as said by Reggie himself. Source. I guess there will be some announcements at TreeHouse as well. But who wants to watch that? =/

Everything needs more woodwind!

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1 minute ago, Jeric said:



Mr. Negative. Yuri Watanabe. That is One More Day Spider-Man garbage. Not interested ... hard pass. 



But it's being made by Insomniac!

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5 minutes ago, Celli said:

But it's being made by Insomniac!

I dropped the floppy titles from my pull-list because of the story that this influenced this. I don't care who developed it. I don't support what they did with the character. I can't in good conscience support this. Better games out there that I will actually enjoy.  I suppose they will have great classic Spidey characters like ... Jackpot and .... Massacre. 

Like I said pass. 


But hey I saw some Ni No Kuni game play today so it wasn't a complete loss!



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14 minutes ago, Celli said:

But it's being made by Insomniac!

^The few parts of that Spiderman that looked decent reminded me of world traversal in Sunset Overdrive. The way you run off the side of buildings and grab the wall with webbing after turning a corner. Also got a slight Hulk Ultimate Destruction(PS2) vibe from it. The overall graphical presentation and animation work looked good too; wish I could say the same for the rest of the game >.< And why for the love of God was there such a focus on quick time events (my dreaded lifelong enemy! Q.Q)


16 minutes ago, Envy said:

It is officially going to be 25 minutes, as said by Reggie himself. Source. I guess there will be some announcements at TreeHouse as well. But who wants to watch that? =/

Pfft, Jesus. Just disappointment after disappointment e.e

Welp, at least we'll be able to see more of Super Mario Odyssey (here's hoping they confirm there will be more than 4 worlds).

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Just now, Jeric said:

I dropped the floppy titles from my pull-list because of the story that this influenced this. I don't care who developed it. I don't support what they did with the character. I can't in good conscience support this. Better games out there that I will actually enjoy.  I suppose they will have great classic Spidey characters like ... Jackpot and .... Massacre. 

Like I said pass. 


But hey I saw some Ni No Kuni game play today so it wasn't a complete loss!

Even if you know you'd enjoy the gameplay, you'd pass it up?

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12 minutes ago, Celli said:

Even if you know you'd enjoy the gameplay, you'd pass it up?

Yes. I live for steak. Imagine the most glorious filet mignon. Buttery and succulent. They serve it to me on a garbage can lid. I won't eat it. If I can't get past the story ... I can't get past the story. I don't read comics for just the art. I don't play games like this just for the gameplay. Some I do, just not one based strongly around a theme or narrative component. 



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Just now, Jeric said:

Yes. I live for steak. Imagine the most glorious filet mignon. Buttery and succulent. They serve it to me on a garbage can lid. I won't eat it. If I can't get past the story ... I can't get past the story. I don't read comics for just the art. I don't play games like this just for the gameplay. Some I do, not one based strongly around a theme or narrative component. 

I see. I can't say I share the same thoughts, I mostly care about having fun. Hence why I tend to gravitate towards games like Doom. I imagine you aren't a fan of games like those.

Will you wait to see how it is after release at the very least?

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Can somebody explain to me why Sony keeps trying to make all their AAA games play/ look like The Last of Us? I mean, I'm sure many "new age" Sony fans are happy about this, considering how they generally tend to prioritize story, characters, cutscenes, emotional moments, and graphics to you know GAMEPLAY, but I cannot help but feeling extremely bitter about the progressively shallow offerings Sony has been churning out. Here's hoping it doesn't get as bad as Nintendo in the future o,o

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1 hour ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Can somebody explain to me why Sony keeps trying to make all their AAA games play/ look like The Last of Us? I mean, I'm sure many "new age" Sony fans are happy about this, considering how they generally tend to prioritize story, characters, cutscenes, emotional moments, and graphics to you know GAMEPLAY, but I cannot help but feeling extremely bitter about the progressively shallow offerings Sony has been churning out. Here's hoping it doesn't get as bad as Nintendo in the future o,o

Not everyone that appreciates depth in game narratives is a new age fan. My first game system was a VCS. I also don't recall many people complaining about the gameplay in Naughty Dog developed games. Last I checked Last of Us and the Uncharted series was well received. I could be wrong. I'm old and senility sets in and all. ;)

Seriously though, it happens to be the genre that appeals to their installed base, so it makes sense from a business perspective. People speak up with their wallets. Now, eventually fatigue will set in and developers will innovate. It happens with any oversaturated genre, and I've seen if many many times. In gaming, in movies, in literature, in music, in television, in comics, in sports, in technology, in business ... ok I'll stop. Basically success creates inertia. 

There is a line from Battlestar Galactica that I could invoke that sums it up nicely. And at the risk of going crazy with metaphors (too late I think but what the hell), this is why I diversity with a smattering of offerings of indy devs. Remember the sugary cereal commercials? They push Frosted Flakes and always end with that line about being part of a balanced breakfast while showing fruit, a glass of milk, and OJ. One genre, one style, one developer, one system ... it's like only eating Fruit Loops! I get my variety. I'll take some God of War & COD WW2, but I sure as hell ain't skipping on my Cuphead and Ni No Kuni 2 either. 

It's all part of a well balanced gaming diet. I'm a pretentious little cuss like that. :D


  • Brohoof 1



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7 hours ago, Jeric said:

Not everyone that appreciates depth in game narratives is a new age fan. My first game system was a VCS. I also don't recall many people complaining about the gameplay in Naughty Dog developed games. Last I checked Last of Us and the Uncharted series was well received. I could be wrong. I'm old and senility sets in and all. ;)

Yeah, "well received" by people more concerned with "cinematic experiences" than actual deep satisfying gameplay -.- It's sad how gaming as a medium is progressing. We got Nintendo making nearly all of their games super shallow with a focus on simplification to draw in non/ casual gamers while simultaneously recycling their triumphs of old ad nauseum. Oh and lets not forget staying behind the technological curve, like 10 freaking years! Then we got Playstation trying to turn all their games into damn movies >.< And Microsoft canceling the few actually decent looking "exclusives" they had -.- There's absolutely no reason to buy an Xbox console unless you're poor af btw, just saying. 

^With all of this you'd assume I was a pc gamer.... yet the only computers I have used for the past 4 years have been extremely underpowered Macbook's (12'' and 2010 Air, respectively). I have been a console gamer all my life, and it's sad seeing how regressive things are getting. Sony was the last bastion of competency in the console space, but with this latest E3 they had me so utterly disappointed I actually felt depressed af after watching.

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1 hour ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Yeah, "well received" by people more concerned with "cinematic experiences" than actual deep satisfying gameplay -.- It's sad how gaming as a medium is progressing. We got Nintendo making nearly all of their games super shallow with a focus on simplification to draw in non/ casual gamers while simultaneously recycling their triumphs of old ad nauseum. Oh and lets not forget staying behind the technological curve, like 10 freaking years! Then we got Playstation trying to turn all their games into damn movies >.< And Microsoft canceling the few actually decent looking "exclusives" they had -.- There's absolutely no reason to buy an Xbox console unless you're poor af btw, just saying. 

^With all of this you'd assume I was a pc gamer.... yet the only computers I have used for the past 4 years have been extremely underpowered Macbook's (12'' and 2010 Air, respectively). I have been a console gamer all my life, and it's sad seeing how regressive things are getting. Sony was the last bastion of competency in the console space, but with this latest E3 they had me so utterly disappointed I actually felt depressed af after watching.

Last of Us was a fun experience if you ask me. You don't have to agree, but I think most people liked the gameplay as well.

Nothing tops the PC for a real gaming experience though. Mods, customizable hardware, making your games look how you want them, free online.

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1 hour ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Yeah, "well received" by people more concerned with "cinematic experiences" than actual deep satisfying gameplay -.-

It's all on perspective, and there's a reason why I consider the Uncharted series my favorite video games of all time. Is experience part of it? Yes, but I personally find the gameplay entertaining and fun. Of course it's not the most original nor most engrossing gameplay out there, but it's still helluva fun. It's still a video game at it's core; regardless of the extra shine. That said the new Uncharted is easily my most hyped game coming this year, and also looking forward to Shadow of the Colossus and the new content for Horizon: Zero Dawn.

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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3 hours ago, PathfinderCS said:

It's all on perspective, and there's a reason why I consider the Uncharted series my favorite video games of all time. Is experience part of it? Yes, but I personally find the gameplay entertaining and fun. Of course it's not the most original nor most engrossing gameplay out there, but it's still helluva fun. It's still a video game at it's core; regardless of the extra shine. That said the new Uncharted is easily my most hyped game coming this year, and also looking forward to Shadow of the Colossus and the new content for Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Any game that properly makes me feel like I'm playing as both Indiana Jones and Han Solo rolled into one character is going find some level of endearment with me. Uncharted is one of those series that speaks to the adventurer in me, and I appreciate the set pieces it has. 

  • Brohoof 1



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