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private The Four Cats of Apocalypse. 1x1 with Unicorncob (RP)

Catpone Cerberus

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"Each to their own."

"Well, I just would like to know if you happen to know how certain cat is doing." Slumberfur then proceeded to describe his mother to Jinx, without telling it being his mother who he was describing. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Jinx tilted her head at Slumberfur's description of the cat. It was eerily similar how it resembled a cat she used to know.

"I've seen an older cat who looks like that, yeah," she mewed. "She seems to be doing fine... it's strange, I had a dream about that cat last night for some reason."

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Slumberfur tried to sound dismissive "Good, she didn't seem to like it when I left."
"Huh. That is weird indeed, because I happened to have dream about her too." "That's why I asked." Or well, this whole situation is unusual so I'm not sure if it's that weird."

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"I don't blame her," Jinx mewed, glancing aside. "You left a great life only to risk yours out here with... killer cats." She shuddered at the thought.

Though, his next point got her curiosity flaring up again. "Strange... coincidence perhaps?"

  • Brohoof 1


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"Considering that I saw a cat in my dreams just before the same cat started killing clan-cats, coincidences are unlikely." Slumberfur meowed "So...if I may ask, how well do you know her exactly" "Knowing that could explain why you saw her."

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"She was my mother," Jinx explained, sounding rather nonchalant about explaining the dream. "I remember she was rather nice. Very warm and caring."

She shook her head, realising she was getting personal. "N-not that I need it anymore. I have the perfect life already." She purred, trying to save face.

  • Brohoof 1


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Slumberfur was almost shocked by what Jinx said "Really?" he then seemed thoughtful "That would explain not only the dreams, but also why you are here in the first place." "Because she is my mother too."

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  • Brohoof 1


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Jinx raised a paw in reaction, fixing a surprised and sceptical look on Slumberfur. "But that can't be right! My mother wasn't a forest cat!"

She blinked slowly, and narrowed her eyes at the warrior. "Was she?"

  • Brohoof 1


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"No" "And if you remember what we were just talking about, nor were I originally" Slumberfur meowed, sounding surprisingly nonchalant "Now that I think about it, she was expecting kits around the time I left." "I'm just surprised that she never mentioned me if we really are siblings."

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Jinx tilted her head, looking rather quizzical at Slumberfur's comment about her mother... and supposedly his as well.

"Siblings? Us?" She asked, flicking her tail. "But we are so different, how could we be related?"

  • Brohoof 1


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"Either that or our mothers are identical twins, though in that case too we would be related." Slumberfur pointed out, as he looked at the abandoned twoleg-nest they were next to "Besides, even two cats from same litter can be total opposites of each other, so there's really nothing weird for us to be different from each other." He was as surprised as Jinx, and wasn't sure if he wanted to admit that he may be related to a cat like she, but not only did that seem to be the case, but it also would have explained things. 


  • Brohoof 1


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Jinx wasn't all ready to believe she might be related to Slumberfur, but she couldn't help but think that it was possible. He did say he was once a pet.

"I suppose it does make some sense," she agreed quietly, "but what are the chances?"

  • Brohoof 1


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"From every kittypet, you being the one related to me is very unexpected, and honestly little bit disappointing, but it does explain why Starclan wanted you here." Slumberfur meowed sounding thoughtful, he would have been more shocked by the revelation, if it wasn't for the fact that there was a cat going around killing his clanmates.  

  • Brohoof 1


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Jinx nodded slowly, the pieces starting to fit together in her head. "I suppose that does make sense, yes. It might explain that weird dream I had the other night."

And then something else he said registered to her, and she lashed her tail. "Hey, what do you mean 'disappointing'?"

  • Brohoof 1


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"It's simple really." Slumberfur meowed calmly "You are lazy, and you have been a bother for the clans for several times." he kept a small pause before he continued  "Although, that is to be expected from a kittypet, so I guess I would probably be disappointed no matter who it would have been"

  • Brohoof 1


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Jinx let out a small hiss and lashed her tail, taking some offence to Slumberfur's remark. "It's not my fault I have a much safer life than you."

She narrowed her eyes at him as she continued. "Besides, the rivers I get fish from belong to that other Clan, right? Why do you care what happens to them?"

  • Brohoof 1


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"Being safe doesn't mean you should be lazy." Slumberfur meowed, seemingly ignoring Jinx taking offence, "And I don't care what happens to Riverclan." "But if you don't respect their borders, why would I expect you to respect ours." "The problem isn't to who you do something to, but what do you do to them."

  • Brohoof 1


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"Why not?" Jinx snorted, flicking her tail and raising her chin. "I have a comfortable life, I can afford to enjoy it."

She looked right at Slumberfur, narrowing her eyes a bit. "Besides, I'm not going around killing cats or anything. What's the harm if a fish or two go missing? Plus, the rocks near the river are lovely for sunning."

  • Brohoof 1


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"You can enjoy your life even if you sometimes get out of bed." Slumberfur pointed out, "And like I said, I don't care about Riverclan or their fish." "But cat not respecting borders is something I don't like, no matter whose borders are disrespected." Slumberfur wasn't threatening Jinx, but he stood high, looking down on the younger kittypet, almost like he would have been looking at misbehaving kit.

  • Brohoof 1


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And much like a misbehaving kit, Jinx didn't show much regret for what she had been doing at RiverClan's territory.

"So what if I have a comfortable bed?" She mewed, flicking her tail while raising her chin. "Besides, it's not like I'm hurting anyone by taking a fish or two."

  • Brohoof 1


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"I didn't say you can't have a comfortable bed, but that you shouldn't use your whole life in the bed" Slumberfur meowed, still seeming perfectly calm "And you aren't listening, I still don't care about the fish, I just don't like trespassers." "Also why do you even bother trying to justify your laziness and trespassing?" "Do you really care about opinion of weird forest cat that much?"

Edited by The Cerberus
  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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"Since you clearly hadn't noticed," Jinx mewed haughtily, "I do not spend all my time in bed. Just an appropriate amount of time. I need to be well rested, after all."

She glanced up at him while licking her paw. "Besides, what does me taking a few fish matter when there are killers out here?"

  • Brohoof 1


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"Well rested for what, walking to the food bowl and then back to bed." Slumberfur murmured so quietly it was hard to hear, he then meowed "I already said twice I don't care about the fish, you are the one dragging it on." "And if you don't understand why I don't like trespassers, try to recall my example about me coming to your garden." "But you are right about the killer, it should be more important than me being disappointed about my sister from different litter."

  • Brohoof 1


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"I won't repeat myself again, I already answered that" Slumberfur meowed dismissively.

"True, we don't have total confirmation, but use your brain." "We do look similar, we both saw a dream about our mothers last night, and we remember them looking at least almost identical.." "And about 12 moons ago when I came here, my mother was expecting kits, and you definitely are younger than me." "So either it is almost impossible coincidence, or...." Slumberfur was quiet for a moment "Do you know your mother's name?" "If she shares the same name with mine, they most likely are the same cat." "I think my mother's name was....." He then told his mother's name.

Edited by The Cerberus
  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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