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How a cute bunny video influenced me more to start watching MLP

Akemi Homura

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I was digging through my Youtube browsing history out of boredom, and my Facebook page where I stumbled across this video:



All of a sudden, it all came back to me on how this little guy in the video sparked this "love of all things cute" inside me and how I started to view random cute images on the web, namely Funnyjunk. Of course, this all led me to several pony posts on Funnyjunk.com (cute or otherwise) and at that point, I was intrigued by it all that I just had to see what the big fuss was about in regards to these colorful ponies. You know how the rest goes: watch a few episodes that night, and then become a brony a few days later.


So thank you, Mr. Bunny. You helped me to discover MLP and managed to open my mind a bit about some of life's heartwarming things such as yourself and the ponies that I so dearly love today.




Back to the topic at hand; post some influential factors that helped you to start watching the show.

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Well, I cant really say I can relate, but the bunny was adorable and your story was a more interesting one. My story, like so many others, was based on finding out why other people liked it so much, fueled by an initial dislike and confusion :/

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A YouTube Pooper named cs188 is the man to thank for making me a brony :).


Thank you cs188. You somehow made me think Applejack was a boy when I first saw her :(


I used the pronoun "he" when referring to Rainbow Dash at first. Still kind of do, because of the way she acts... :blush:

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Well, I've always loved cute stuff, all things adorable really. But it was my good friend Paul who got it all started. Just said "Here, watch this" and I said "Okay Paul" and we watched the first episode together, he's still one of my best friends xD. The other factor that really hooked me was this...

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Your talking to a gamer, someone who lives for completing all the stuff! I couldn't let it go, I had to finish what I started... Thank you Paul and Thank you To be continued screen.

Edited by Lord Sprixx
  • Brohoof 1
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I feel a need to thank people too. Thanks little bro, you opened me up to a whole new world. Im sorry I ever doubted you. Keep on rockin

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Cool story Emperor. B) Anyways, the only thing that really influenced me to start watching the show was pure curiosity, and slight fascination that a fanbase for the show of people around my agegroup existed. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Before I watched the show, I was a regular Internet-goer, avidly always exploring Memebase, Know Your Meme, and the like. More than once a day would come when I'd run into a MLP:FiM macro or two mixed with other memes. It wasn't hard to tell that it was the fastest-growing meme subcultures on the web (well, at the time, it already was the most powerful subculture, but that's besides the point). I was constantly negatively seeing the show, for I knew nothing about it except that it was an obviously come-out-of-nowhere popularity figure. So, those days were dark, as I often tried to avoid any macros, or any YouTube videos of the show.


Later, I started to get mutually attached. There were some Bronies at my school, one time, there was a Trixie fan who was showing clips of Boast Busters at my school's video game club. I avoided that chance, only heard sound clips, but somewhere deep inside, I knew that the show it came from must have some great and immeasurable power and attraction (as in watching the show itself). I even later discovered the main reasons as to why the average brony watches the show, and is apart of it's large and growing fanbase. I enacted neutrally to it.


Then came the next stage. I was starting to go to the show's Know Your Meme page regularly, and looked through it. It was inevitable at that point, I saw and knew what was behind its popularity. I then didn't mind crossing over pony macros here and then, and eventually overhead and unintentionally learned some of the characters names. Over a period of time, I somehwat learned the personalities of the characters just by looking at them in their different portrayals in the show (goes to show you how powerful the character factor is). Soon, I chose my mutual favorite pony, Rainbow Dash.


Then came the absolute point of no return, my friend who was a brony tried to talk me into it, and sent me S1E1. I wanted to watch it, at this point, something deep inside was practically pulling my neck so hard from all the temptations, but I unfortunately rejected after not even going past the few first seconds....that was about early November 2011...




Enter Spring Break 2012. A few weeks with absolutely nothing to do, but play video games right? Well, one innocent day, April 5th, after building up certain temptations to watch the episode, I eventually gave up and said "Oh, what's the worst that could happen." Before I watched it, I checked KYM's video about the show, and then it was time for the big moment. In and out, I concluded my first episode amazed. Isntantly hooked, long story short, I rapidly watched the episodes and was caught up to MMMMystery on the Friendship Express (the latest episode at the time) within about 5 days, and instantly, the show and all of its elements, especially the characters, flooded my once-normal thoughts, and they crossed over everything that was in my mind.


In short, becoming a Brony has been one of the greatest experiences I've had in my life.

  • Brohoof 1
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A british guy convinced me to watch an epsiode, he reccomended season 2 episode 1, so i watched it an it said


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So i watched the next one, and the next one, and the next one...

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This is the reason I am a brony.



Thank you UC77.

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Thanks to Yaplap and his hilarious renditions of songs from the show; although I'd heard of the show from a friend and former brony before, Yaplap's the one who really piqued my curiosity, particularly with this gem of a vid:


Thanks again Yaplap! I owe you one man! :)

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I was sleepy so I hardly remember.

One minute I was watching ytp's and the next I was watching a reading of my little dashie by Azekahh.


Not sure how that worked out, but i'm glad it did.

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