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[Ponyville] A Magical Mistake

Silver Note

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"Star, are you sure this is safe?" Silver asked her friend. 


"Of course. It's only a simple teleportation spell. I've been able to teleport myself and small objects no problem. I just need to practice on another pony. You'll only go a few feet at most," answered Star Twist, one of Silver Note's best friends. 


"Well, OK. Go ahead."


Star Twist's horn glowed, her face straining. In a flash of light, Silver dissapeared. Star waited for her to reapear, but she never did. 


Silver Note rubbed her head. "Star, did it-" She stopped, looking at her surroundings. Where was she? Star Twist had told her the spell should teleport her a few feet at most, not to... Ponyville?! How was she in Ponyville?!


Silver shook her head. You have to keep it together, Silver, she thought. Maybe I can find... yes! She had spotted just the stallion she was looking for. 


"Uncle Noteworthy!" Silver shouted across the market. 


"Oh, Silver. How are you here?" said Noteworthy, confused. 


"Oh, long story. Say, do you know how I can get back to Manehatten?"


"Uhh... no." Silver's face fell. "But you can look around the market. All kinds of ponies are here."


"Thanks, uncle!" Silver Note galloped off, looking for a way home. 

Edited by Silver Note


Amazing signature by LyraFries

--My OC---

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Patch is a small fluffy dragon-pup, being 4ft tall and 7ft in length, he wanders about in the center of ponyville, a small basket in tow on his long tail. He was looking about and around the kiosks that sold various grocery items, mainly looking at the ones that sold fruit and veggies.  Taking a quick peek at a few expensive fruits here and there, picked up some with his paws to feel the texture and weight behind it, only to place it back soon after. It was out of his budget range after all. None the less, he goes about the day, and finishes up his shopping by making a quick stop to the bakery.


The Panzerhund sat in the garden. The royal garden. Having some thought to itself. It thought. How though? A machine thinking on its own? Well, it's Equestria. It has to have some magic in it somehow. It could be a soul that's wrapped around in a crystalline structure in the core of the machine. An experimental encased with alloys and magic. From yours truly by the germaneigh folk on the other side of this magically inclined world.


It turns his head around to the door that leads back into the entrance of the castle, then stands as its body shifts to the door the same way as the head, and walks in. Formulating an idea...

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Chrysalis walked around the castle halls. Not in her true form, or course. She wandered the halls as a maid, pondering of the gift Princess Celestia had given her. The princess, being the kind, generous pony she was, had given her a second chance. She knew that Chrysalis could not survive without a love source. Thus she had been given a source of infinite love - Fluffle Puff. The two lived in a hidden wing of the castle, only accessible through a code. Chrysalis had no idea how or why it was there. She didn't question it. 


Whenever Chrysalis did go outside the wing's boundries, however, alicorn magic surrounding the wing forced her to change into somepony. Celestia didn't care much which she chose, as long as no chaos was caused. Today, she was in the form of a garden tender, heading towards her "job." It would be nice to have a break from the little furball of doom that followed her everywhere. 


She had almost made it to the garden when she saw the strangest thing, some sort of metallic beast. 

Edited by Silver Note


Amazing signature by LyraFries

--My OC---

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@Silver Note

The Hund has looking down at a slight angle, thinking about the possibilities of what the day can churn out for it. 

==outcome #1<<A-B>>==

==outcome #2<<C-D>>== 

==outcome #3<<E-F>>==

It thought of what would happen if it chose from this, that would happen, or if it chose that, this would happen. If the outcomes number is higher than the other, that shows less of a possibility that outcome were to come true. 



It holds in mid thought and stride, seeing a pony that just came into view range. It looks (how can it do that without eyes? Magic) the pony over... a garden  worker. It slowly shots to the side to show it possessed not emblem on its hull. It was Celestia's cutie mark, the sun. Hopefully this pony would see that it's on their sun idea and not just some...thing... scampering about the halls... or garden come to think of it. Come to think of again, this was the 4th outcome it processed a while ago. Since the 4 is shown to be true...

==outcome 4/A: Pony panics==

==outcome 4/B: Pony accepts, moves along==

And so on...

Edited by Celestial Panzerhund
  • Brohoof 1

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@Celestial Panzerhund



A plan formed in Chrysalis's head, but - oh, if only she could escape the castle's boundaries, but, again, alicorn magic prevented her from doing so. She stared up at the... thing, not sure of what to do. She opened her mouth to speak, but her thoughts were interrupted by a gasp. Her face fell. She had no idea how the hay she did it, but Fluffle Puff knew it was her, even in a disguise. Fluffle Puff ran up to the thing, which Chrysalis still had no idea as to what it was. Fluffle Puff hugged the creature by the front leg, rubbing her face against it. "Fluffle Puff..." Chrysalis warned. Why did this always happen to her?


"So... um... hello," Chrysalis started. The creature didn't move. It seemed to be waiting for her to decide something of some sort. Chrysalis glanced at Fluffle Puff. Usually she had the answers. Fluffle Puff gasped again, running in circles around her 'friend.' 


"Fluffle Puff, what are you doing?" Chrysalis rolled her eyes. This was everyday life for her. 

Edited by Silver Note


Amazing signature by LyraFries

--My OC---

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@Silver Note

The metal beast could understand ponies worry. When UT of what seemed of be nowhere, a pink and absurdly fluffy pony scampers up and hugs it's leg. Slightly taken aback from the sudden hug and... nuzzling... it watches by bringing it's 300lb head down to meet the pink fluff ball. Only for her to run around in circles. What a spunky little thing. 


"Fuffle Puff..." The gardener spoke of this pink ones name moments ago. Her voice pattern was heavy with caution. Fluffle Puff... fits the pink one almost too perfectly. It wonders if this "Fuffle Puff" could speak. If she could, it would most likely say something other than gasping... unless she was so excited you meeting this hunk of metal.. but why? It's an aegis to a Celestial being! It needs be looked up to in awe! A machine of-... The gardner spoke again, hesitantly, "Hello..." She said. 


//:<Hello: həˈlōheˈlō

used as a greeting or to begin a conversation
-An utterance of “hello”; a greeting.
-Used to acknowledge the other.:>//

It couldn't reply volcally, but if there was one thing it could do... it gave a slow nod. 

Edited by Celestial Panzerhund

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@Celestial Panzerhund




"Excuse me, do you know how I can get back to Manehatten?" Silver Note asked a light yellow earth pony next to somepony sitting in the most peculiar way. 


"Manehatten?" she asked with supprise. "I don't, sorry."


"Oh, I do!" the mint unicorn piped. "The train, Bon Bon! The train goes to Manehatten, right?"


"Oh yeah, it does!," answered who the other called Bon Bon. "Lyra, you still have that train ticket to the city from that one time, right?"


"Yup! You can have it, I don't need it." The unicorn handed Silver a train ticket with her magic. 


"Thank you so much!" exclaimed Silver Note, her horn glowing to take the magic. As soon as magic touched her horn, a blinding spark shot out. As soon as the light cleared, all that was left was a ticket on the ground. 

Edited by Silver Note


Amazing signature by LyraFries

--My OC---

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@Celestial Panzerhund




SIlver Note appeared in a flash of light. "Where am I now? What just happe-" She stopped. In front of her was a giant metal robot. "AHHHH! What the hay?!" She shouted. 


"Shhhh," a gardener told her. "Don't alert the whole capital!"


"What... where... why in Equestria..." Silver Note was bewildered. 


The pink fluffy pony, aparently noticing Silver's discomfort, stopped circling the robot, turning towards the unicorn. She dissapeared to Celestia knows where, reappearing next to Silver Note from Celestia knows where. Then Silver got a fluffy hug. 


"Aww, so cute!" she said, calming down quite a bit. "What's your name?"






"Oh, she can't talk. At least I don't think she can... She's Fluffle Puff," said the gardener. 


"Adorable!" Silver Note exclaimed. "I'm Silver Note. Who are you?"


"Oh, I'm... uh... I'm" She paused. "I'm Flower... Leaf. Yes, Flower Leaf." She laughed akwardly. 


"OK... uh... do you have a name?" Silver asked the robot. 


Amazing signature by LyraFries

--My OC---

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@Silver Note

The machine noted an energy wave coming into proximity at a rapid pace and nano-seconds after noticing it, a new pony appears. Teleportation. An intruder?... nope... not  with that first sentence and the scream. The gardener spoke up about keeping quiet. The newcomer looks discombobulated. Then the pink one... fluffle Puff rushes over to comfort her and brings her into a hug. The new one is now at a calmer state than before. Asking the fluff ball her name and getting a... response. Just not the she must've been looking for. 


The gardener spoke up for Fluffle Puff, and the two (or three if you still count fluffle "speaking") exchanged names. Silver Note... Flower Leaf... Flower.. Leaf? odd name... odd laugh... and uncomfortable one at that.. especially when stating a name? Why laugh at your own name?


If it wasn't for the name and the laughter soon after, it wouldn't be as curious. The gardner has its attention now. Facing her and angling its head down, it notices somethinge it didn't notice before... it could be false... the odds- even if slightly evident at the stuttering and laughter of the name, couldn't be true.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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